
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

1.1 What is LoRaWAN 4 Channels Current Sensor Converter

The Dragino CS01-LB is a LoRaWAN 4 Channels Current Sensor Converter. It can convert the reading from current sensors and upload to IoT server via LoRaWAN Network.

CS01-LB can be used to monitor the machine running status and analyze power consumption trends.

The CS01-LB supports maximum 4 current sensors. The current sensors are detachable and can be replaced with different scales.

CS01-LB supports BLE configure and wireless OTA update which make user easy to use.

CS01-LB is powered by 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery, it is designed for long-term use up to several years.

Each CS01-LB is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto-connect after power on.

1.2 ​Features

  • LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
  • Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • Supports maximum 4 current sensors
  • Support various current sensor Ratio: 50A, 100A etc.
  • Monitor the machine running status
  • Analyze power consumption trends
  • Current Alarm
  • Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
  • Support wireless OTA update firmware
  • Uplink on periodically
  • Downlink to change configure
  • 8500mAh Li/SOCl2 Battery

1.3 Current Sensor Spec

The current sensor list below is not ship with CS01-LB, user need to order seperately:



* Split core current transformer
* Spec: 100A/50mA
* φ16mm Aperture




* Split core current transformer
* Spec: 300A/50mA
* φ24mm Aperture




* Split core current transformer
* Spec: 600A/50mA
* φ36mm Aperture


1.4 Specification

Common DC Characteristics:

  • Supply Voltage: Built-in Battery , 2.5v ~ 3.6v
  • Operating Temperature: -40 ~ 85°C

LoRa Spec:

  • Frequency Range,  Band 1 (HF): 862 ~ 1020 Mhz
  • Max +22 dBm constant RF output vs.
  • RX sensitivity: down to -139 dBm.
  • Excellent blocking immunity


  • Li/SOCI2 un-chargeable battery
  • Capacity: 8500mAh
  • Self-Discharge: <1% / Year @ 25°C
  • Max continuously current: 130mA
  • Max boost current: 2A, 1 second

Power Consumption

  • Sleep Mode: 5uA @ 3.3v
  • LoRa Transmit Mode: 125mA @ 20dBm, 82mA @ 14dBm

1.5 Sleep mode and working mode

Deep Sleep Mode: Sensor doesn't have any LoRaWAN activate. This mode is used for storage and shipping to save battery life.

Working Mode: In this mode, Sensor will work as LoRaWAN Sensor to Join LoRaWAN network and send out sensor data to server. Between each sampling/tx/rx periodically, sensor will be in IDLE mode, in IDLE mode, sensor has the same power consumption as Deep Sleep mode.

1.6 Button & LEDs


Behavior on ACTFunctionAction
Pressing ACT between 1s < time < 3sSend an uplink

If sensor is already Joined to LoRaWAN network, sensor will send an uplink packet, blue led will blink once.
Meanwhile, BLE module will be active and user can connect via BLE to configure device.

Pressing ACT for more than 3sActive Device

Green led will fast blink 5 times, device will enter OTA mode for 3 seconds. And then start to JOIN LoRaWAN network.
Green led will solidly turn on for 5 seconds after joined in network.
Once sensor is active, BLE module will be active and user can connect via BLE to configure device, no matter if device join or not join LoRaWAN network.

Fast press ACT 5 times.Deactivate DeviceRed led will solid on for 5 seconds. Means device is in Deep Sleep Mode.

1.7 BLE connection

CS01-LB supports BLE remote configure.

BLE can be used to configure the parameter of sensor or see the console output from sensor. BLE will be only activate on below case:

  • Press button to send an uplink
  • Press button to active device.
  • Device Power on or reset.

If there is no activity connection on BLE in 60 seconds, sensor will shut down BLE module to enter low power mode.

1.8 Mechanical










2. Configure CS01-LB to connect to LoRaWAN network

2.1 How it works

The CS01-LB is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join LoRaWAN network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, you need to input the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN IoT server and press the button to activate the CS01-LB. It will automatically join the network via OTAA and start to send the sensor value. The default uplink interval is 20 minutes.

Notice: CS01-LB doesn't include current sensor. User needs to get the current sensor separately and attach to CS01-LB for measuring. 

2.2 ​Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA)

Following is an example for how to join the TTN v3 LoRaWAN Network. Below is the network structure; we use the LPS8v2  as a LoRaWAN gateway in this example. 

The LPS8V2 is already set to connected to TTN network , so what we need to now is configure the TTN server.


Step 1: Create a device in TTN with the OTAA keys from CS01-LB.

Each CS01-LB is shipped with a sticker with the default device EUI as below:


You can enter this key in the LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN screen shot:

Register the device


Add DevEUI and AppKey


Step 2: Activate on CS01-LB

Press the button for 5 seconds to activate the CS01-LB.

Green led will fast blink 5 times, device will enter OTA mode for 3 seconds. And then start to JOIN LoRaWAN network. Green led will solidly turn on for 5 seconds after joined in network.

After join success, it will start to upload messages to TTN and you can see the messages in the panel.

2.3 Device Status, FPORT=5

Users can use the downlink command(0x26 01) to ask CS01-LB to send device configure detail, include device configure status. CS01-LB will uplink a payload via FPort=5 to server.

The Payload format is as below.

Device Status (FPORT=5)
Size (bytes)12112
ValueSensor ModelFirmware VersionFrequency BandSub-bandBAT

Example parse in TTNv3.


Sensor Model: For CS01-LB, this value is 0x33

Firmware Version: 0x0100, Means: v1.0.0 version

Frequency Band:

  • 0x01: EU868
  • 0x02: US915
  • 0x03: IN865
  • 0x04: AU915
  • 0x05: KZ865
  • 0x06: RU864
  • 0x07: AS923
  • 0x08: AS923-1
  • 0x09: AS923-2
  • 0x0a: AS923-3
  • 0x0b: CN470
  • 0x0c: EU433
  • 0x0d: KR920
  • 0x0e: MA869


AU915 and US915:value 0x00 ~ 0x08

CN470: value 0x0B ~ 0x0C

Other Bands: Always 0x00

Battery Info:

Check the battery voltage.

Ex1: 0x0B45 = 2885mV

Ex2: 0x0B49 = 2889mV

2.4 ​Working Mode & Uplink Payload

2.4.1 MOD=1(General acquisition mode), FPORT=2

Note: The AT+CCAL=0,0,0,0 command needs to be set when the v1.0 version firmware is used for the first time, otherwise there will be inaccurate current issue. 

MOD=1 is the default mode. End Node will uplink the real-time current sensor value in two case:

  • Each TDC Interval.
  • Trigger Alarm according to AT+CALARM configure.

Uplink packets use FPORT=2.



Battery Info&Interrupt flag & Interrupt Level

Current channel 1

Current channel 2

Current channel 3

Current channel 4


Alarm_status is a combination for Cur1L_status, Cur1H_status, Cur2L_status, Cur2H_status, Cur3L_status, Cur3H_status, Cur4L_status and Cur4H_status.

Totally 1bytes as below:











Example parse in TTNv3.


Battery Info

Check the battery voltage for CS01-LB/LS.

Ex1: 0x0B45&0x3FFF = 2885mV

Ex2: 0x0B49&0x3FFF = 2889mV

Interrupt Flag & Interrupt Level

This data field shows if this packet is generated by interrupt or not. Click here for the hardware and software set up.

Note: The Interrupt Pin refers to the GPIO_EXTI pin in the screw terminal. See pin mapping.


If byte[0]&0x80>>15=0x00 : Normal uplink packet.

If byte[0]&0x80>>15=0x01 : Interrupt Uplink Packet.

If byte[0]&0x40>>14=0x00 : Interrupt pin low level.

If byte[0]&0x40>>14=0x01 : Interrupt pin high level.

Current channel 1:

Channel 1 for measuring AC current. Resolution 0.01A.

Ext: 0x03e8 =1000/100=10.00A

Current channel 2:

Channel 2 for measuring AC current. Resolution 0.01A.

Ext: 0x041A =1050/100=10.50A

Current channel 3:

Channel 3 for measuring AC current. Resolution 0.01A.

Ext: 0x044C =1100/100=11.00A

Current channel 4:

Channel 4 for measuring AC current. Resolution 0.01A.

Ext: 0x04B0 =1200/100=12.00A


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 1, this flag is True when it is lower than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 1, this flag is True when it is higher than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 2, this flag is True when it is lower than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 2, this flag is True when it is higher than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 3, this flag is True when it is lower than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 3, this flag is True when it is higher than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 4, this flag is True when it is lower than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.


When setting the current threshold alarm of channel 4, this flag is True when it is higher than the set threshold, otherwise it is False.

2.4.2 MOD=2(Continuous Sampling Mode), FPORT=7

In Continuous Sampling Mode(AT+MOD=2,aa,bb), CS01 will record the current sensor data at a fix interval, and report multiply group of data together to IoT server later.

Notice: This mode has high power consumption. External power supply might be needed. More detail please check power consumption section.

AT+MOD=2,aa,bb format:

  • First Parameter set to 2: Set CS01-LB to work in Continuous Sampling Mode.
  • aa : Set Sampling Interval, Unit: Second.
  • bb : Define how many group of data will be uplink together. 

When CS01-LB is in Continuous Sampling Mode, the TDC time setting is disabled, and CS01-LB will send uplink once it finished the number of sampling define in "bb".

Example Command:AT+MOD=2,60,5
CS01-LB will read 4 channels data every 1 minutes. When it reads 5 groups, CS01-LB will send an uplink. So the uplink interval is 5 minutes. Each uplink will include 5 groups of sensor value. Each Group include 4 channels data. so the payload for each uplink will include:

  • Battery (2 bytes)
  • + Group1 Sensor Value (8 Bytes): the last 4th reading for Channel 1 + Channel 2 + Channel 3 + Channel 4
  • + Group2 Sensor Value (8 Bytes): the last 3rd reading for Channel 1 + Channel 2 + Channel 3 + Channel 4
  • + Group3 Sensor Value (8 Bytes): the last 2nd reading for Channel 1 + Channel 2 + Channel 3 + Channel 4
  • + Group4 Sensor Value (8 Bytes): the last reading for Channel 1 + Channel 2 + Channel 3 + Channel 4
  • + Group5 Sensor Value (8 Bytes): current reading for Channel 1 + Channel 2 + Channel 3 + Channel 4

So totally 42 bytes payload in this example.

Notice: Continuous Sampling Mode might generate a long payload, CS01-LB will choose the suitable DR to uplink the data. This might decrease the transmit distance.

Uplink packets use FPORT=7.


2Dynamic Lenght , Depend on how many groups



Sensor value, each 8 bytes is a set of sensor values(The maximum is 30 groups).

Example parse in TTNv3.


2.5 Payload Decoder file

In TTN, use can add a custom payload so it shows friendly reading

In the page Applications --> Payload Formats --> Custom --> decoder to add the decoder from:

2.6 Datalog Feature

Datalog Feature is to ensure IoT Server can get all sampling data from Sensor even if the LoRaWAN network is down. For each sampling, CS01-LB will store the reading for future retrieving purposes.

2.6.1 Ways to get datalog via LoRaWAN

Set PNACKMD=1, CS01-LB will wait for ACK for every uplink, when there is no LoRaWAN network, CS01-LB will mark these records with non-ack messages and store the sensor data, and it will send all messages (10s interval) after the network recovery.

  • a) CS01-LB will do an ACK check for data records sending to make sure every data arrive server.

  • b) CS01-LB will send data in CONFIRMED Mode when PNACKMD=1, but CS01-LB won't re-transmit the packet if it doesn't get ACK, it will just mark it as a NONE-ACK message. In a future uplink if CS01-LB gets a ACK, CS01-LB will consider there is a network connection and resend all NONE-ACK messages. 

2.6.2 Unix TimeStamp

CS01-LB uses Unix TimeStamp format based on


User can get this time from link: :

Below is the converter example


So, we can use AT+TIMESTAMP=1611889405 or downlink 3060137afd00 to set the current time 2021 – Jan -- 29 Friday 03:03:25

2.6.3 Set Device Time

User need to set SYNCMOD=1 to enable sync time via MAC command.

Once CS01-LB Joined LoRaWAN network, it will send the MAC command (DeviceTimeReq) and the server will reply with (DeviceTimeAns) to send the current time to CS01-LB. If CS01-LB fails to get the time from the server, CS01-LB will use the internal time and wait for next time request (AT+SYNCTDC to set the time request period, default is 10 days).

Note: LoRaWAN Server need to support LoRaWAN v1.0.3(MAC v1.0.3) or higher to support this MAC command feature, Chirpstack,TTN V3 v3 and loriot support but TTN V3 v2 doesn't support. If server doesn't support this command, it will through away uplink packet with this command, so user will lose the packet with time request for TTN V3 v2 if SYNCMOD=1.

2.6.4 Datalog Uplink payload (FPORT=3)

The Datalog uplinks will use below payload format.

Retrieval data payload:



Interrupt flag & Interrupt_level





Unix TimeStamp

Interrupt flag & Interrupt level :



NO ACK message


Poll Message FlagReserveinterrupt levelinterrupt flag

No ACK Message:  1: This message means this payload is fromn Uplink Message which doesn't get ACK from the server before ( for PNACKMD=1 feature)

Poll Message Flag: 1: This message is a poll message reply.

  • Poll Message Flag is set to 1.
  • Each data entry is 11 bytes, to save airtime and battery, devices will send max bytes according to the current DR and Frequency bands.

For example, in US915 band, the max payload for different DR is:

a) DR0: max is 11 bytes so one entry of data

b) DR1: max is 53 bytes so devices will upload 4 entries of data (total 44 bytes)

c) DR2: total payload includes 11 entries of data

d) DR3: total payload includes 22 entries of data.

If devise doesn't have any data in the polling time. Device will uplink 11 bytes of 0    


If CS01-LB has below data inside Flash:


If user sends below downlink command:  3165BD971865BDA5283C

Where : Start time: 65BD9718 = time 23/5/24 03:30:41

             Stop time: 65BDA528= time 23/5/24 03:33:00

CS01-LB will uplink this payload.



Where the first 11 bytes is for the first entry:

40 05 65 05 62 05 6A 65 BD 97 44




Interrupt flag & Interrupt_level=0x40, means reply data, sampling uplink message, interrupt level is low and interrupt flag is false.

Unix time is 0x65BD9744=1706923844s=24/2/3 01:30:44

数据 URI 图片数据 URI 图片数据 URI 图片数据 URI 图片

2.7 Frequency Plans

The CS01-LB uses OTAA mode and below frequency plans by default. Each frequency band use different firmware, user update the firmware to the corresponding band for their country.

2.8 ​Firmware Change Log

Firmware download link:

3. Configure CS01-LB

3.1 Configure Methods

CS01-LB supports below configure method:

3.2 General Commands

These commands are to configure:

  • General system settings like: uplink interval.
  • LoRaWAN protocol & radio related command.

They are same for all Dragino Devices which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki:

3.3 Commands special design for CS01-LB

These commands only valid for CS01-LB, as below:

3.3.1 Set Transmit Interval Time

Feature: Change LoRaWAN End Node Transmit Interval.

AT Command: AT+TDC

Command ExampleFunctionResponse
AT+TDC=?Show current transmit Interval

the interval is 30000ms = 30s

AT+TDC=60000Set Transmit Interval

Set transmit interval to 60000ms = 60 seconds

Downlink Command: 0x01

Format: Command Code (0x01) followed by 3 bytes time value.

If the downlink payload=0100003C, it means set the END Node's Transmit Interval to 0x00003C=60(S), while type code is 01.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0100001E       //  Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 30 seconds
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0100003C       //  Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 60 seconds

3.3.2 Get Device Status

Send a LoRaWAN downlink to ask device send Alarm settings.

Downlink Payload:  0x26 01

Sensor will upload Device Status via FPORT=5. See payload section for detail.

3.3.3 Get data

Feature: Get the current sensor data.

AT Command:

  • AT+GETSENSORVALUE=0      //  The serial port gets the reading of the current sensor
  • AT+GETSENSORVALUE=1      //  The serial port gets the current sensor reading and uploads it.

3.3.4 Set Interrupt Mode

Feature, Set Interrupt mode for GPIO_EXTI of pin.

When AT+INTMOD=0 is set, GPIO_EXTI is used as a digital input port.


Command ExampleFunctionResponse
AT+INTMOD=?Show current interrupt mode

the mode is 0 =Disable Interrupt


Set Transmit Interval
0. (Disable Interrupt),
1. (Trigger by rising and falling edge)
2. (Trigger by falling edge)
3. (Trigger by rising edge)


Downlink Command: 0x06

Format: Command Code (0x06) followed by 3 bytes.

This means that the interrupt mode of the end node is set to 0x000003=3 (rising edge trigger), and the type code is 06.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 06000000       //  Turn off interrupt mode
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 06000003      //   Set the interrupt mode to rising edge trigger

3.3.5 Set Power Output Duration

Control the output duration 3.3V. Before each sampling, device will

1. first enable the power output to external sensor,

2. keep it on as per duration, read sensor value and construct uplink payload

3. final, close the power output.

AT Command: AT+3V3T

Command ExampleFunctionResponse
AT+3V3T=?Show 3.3V open time.0 (default)
AT+3V3T=1000Close after a delay of 1000 milliseconds.OK

Downlink Command: 0x07

Format: Command Code (0x07) followed by 3 bytes.

The first byte is which power, the second and third bytes are the time to turn on.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 07 01 01 F4  --->   AT+3V3T=500
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 07 01 FF FF   --->  AT+3V3T=65535

3.3.6 Set working mode

Feature, Get or Set working mode.

AT Command: AT+MOD

Command ExampleFunctionResponse
AT+MOD=?Shows the current working mode1 (default)
AT+MOD=2,60,5,0Set working mode 2OK

Description of AT instruction for setting working mode 2:

Command ExampleFunctionParameter 
AT+MOD=1Set General acquisition mode.1:General acquisition mode.
AT+MOD=2,60,5The first parameter sets the continuous detection mode 2.2: Continuous acquisition mode.
The second parameter sets the detection sampling interval.60: Data were collected every 60 seconds.
The third bit parameter sets the number of groups to record data.After 5 groups of data are collected, the uplink is performed.



The first parameter sets the continuous detection mode 2.2: Continuous acquisition mode.
The second parameter sets the detection sampling interval.60: Data were collected every 60 seconds.
The third bit parameter sets the number of groups to record data.After 5 groups of data are collected, the uplink is performed.

The fourth parameter(This parameter is valid only for CS01-LS.) setting 5V normally open.

Keep 5V on, standby current 16mA.

0: Not set 5V normally open

1: Setting 5V normally open

Downlink Command: 0x0A

Format: Command Code (0x0A) followed by 1 byte or 4bytes,5 bytes.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0A 01              --->   AT+MOD=1
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0A 02 00 3C 05  --->   AT+MOD=2,60,5
  • Example 3: Downlink Payload: 0A 02 00 3C 05 00   --->   AT+MOD=2,60,5,0

3.3.7 Set the alarm threshold

Feature, Get or set current alarm threshold. (Takes effect only when AT+MOD=1)

Note:The third, fifth, seventh and ninth parameter units of the v1.0 version are A, and the units of the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth parameters of versions after v1.1 are mA.


Command ExampleFunctionResponse


Get current alarm threshold.


(v1.0 version)

When the current of channel 1 and channel 2 exceeds 20A, it will alarm and send a data packet.OK
Command ExampleFunctionParameter 

(Versions after v1.1)

The first parameter enables or disables the threshold alarm. 0: Not Alarm
1: Alarm
The second and third parameters set "current 1" below threshold alarm or above threshold alarm. 

0,xx: Means if value <xx, Then Alarm
1,xx: Means if value >xx, Then Alarm

eg:1,10000: if value >10000mA(10A), Then Alarm

The fourth and fifth parameters set "current 2" below the threshold alarm or above the threshold alarm. 

0,xx: Means if value <xx, Then Alarm
1,xx: Means if value >xx, Then Alarm

eg:0,20000: if value <20000mA(20A), Then Alarm

The sixth and seventh parameters set "current 3" below the threshold alarm or above the threshold alarm.

0,0: Means if value <xx, Then Alarm
0,0: Means if value >xx, Then Alarm

eg:0,0: Disable this channel alarm

The eighth and ninth parameters set "current 4" below the threshold alarm or above the threshold alarm.

0,0: Means if value <xx, Then Alarm
0,0: Means if value >xx, Then Alarm

eg:0,0: Disable this channel alarm

Downlink Command: 0x0B

Format: Command Code (0x0B) followed by 17 bytes.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0B 01 01 00 27 10 00 00 4E 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 --->   AT+CALARM=1,1,10000,0,20000,0,0,0,0   =>1(01),1(01),10000(00 27 10),0(00),20000(00 4E 20),0(00),0(00 00 00),0(00),0(00 00 00)
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0B 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 E8 01 00 07 D0 --->   AT+CALARM=1,0,0,0,0,0,1000,1,2000       =>1(01),0(00),0(00 00 00),0(00),0(00 00 00),0(00),1000(00 03 E8),1(01),2000(00 07 D0)
  • Example 3: Downlink Payload: 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 --->   AT+CALARM=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0                   =>0(00),0(00),0(00 00 00),0(00),0(00 00 00),0(00),0(00 00 00),0(00),0(00 00 00)

Format: The first byte(Command Code ) is 0x0B, the last byte is 0x01 or 0x02, and the middle 9 bytes.

     When the last byte is 0x01, you can set the first, second, third, fourth and fifth parameters of the AT command.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0B 01 01 00 27 10 00 00 4E 20  01--->   AT+CALARM=1,1,10000,0,20000,0,0,0,0   =>1(01),1(01),10000(00 27 10),0(00),20000(00 4E 20)

     When the last byte is 0x02, you can set the first, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth parameters of the AT command.

  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0B 01 00 00 03 E8 01 00 07 D0 02--->   AT+CALARM=1,0,0,0,0,0,1000,1,2000       =>1(01),0(00),1000(00 03 E8),1(01),2000(00 07 D0)

Format: Command Code (0x0B) followed by 9 bytes.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0B 01 01 14 01 14 00 00 00 00  --->   AT+CALARM=1,1,20,1,20,0,0,0,0 (v1.0 version)                           =>1(01),1(01),20(14),1(01),20(14),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00)
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0B 01 01 14 01 14 00 00 00 00  --->   AT+CALARM=1,1,20000,1,20000,0,0,0,0 (Versions after v1.1)     =>1(01),1(01),20(14),1(01),20(14),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00)
  • Example 3: Downlink Payload: 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   --->  AT+CALARM=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0                                                           =>0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00),0(00)

3.3.8 Set Alarm Interval

The shortest time of two Alarm packet(unit: min). The default is 20 minutes.

  • AT Command:

AT+ATDC=30       // The shortest interval of two Alarm packets is 30 minutes, Means is there is an alarm packet uplink, there won't be another one in the next 30 minutes.

  • Downlink Payload:

0x(0C 1E)     --->  Set AT+ATDC=0x 1E = 30 minutes

3.3.9 Set enable or disable of the measurement channel

This command can be used when user connects less than four current sensors. This command can turn off unused measurement channels to save battery life.


Command ExampleFunctionResponse
AT+ENCHANNEL=?Get enabled channels.1,1,1,1 (Default)
AT+ENCHANNEL=1,1,1,0Channel 4 disabled.OK
AT+ENCHANNEL=1,1,0,0Channel 3 and 4 disabled.OK

Downlink Command: 0x08

Format: Command Code (0x08) followed by 4 bytes.

The first byte means the first channel, the second byte means the second channel, the third byte means the third channel, and the fourth byte means the fourth channel.And 1 means enable channel, 0 means disable channel.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 08 01 01 01 01     --->   AT+ENCHANNEL=1,1,1,1   // All channels are enabled
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 08 01 01 01 00      --->  AT+ENCHANNEL=1,1,1,0  // Channel 4 disabled
  • Example 3: Downlink Payload: 08 01 01 00 00      --->  AT+ENCHANNEL=1,1,0,0  // Channel 3 and 4 disabled

3.3.10 Set the current proportion parameter (Since V1.2)

This command sets the processing multiplier of the actual value to get the displayed value.

The default current proportion parameter is 100, which means that the displayed value is equal to the actual value multiplied by 1. The value ranges from 0 to 65535 (cannot be set to 0),if the value is 1000, the displayed value is 10 times the actual value.


Command ExampleFunctionResponse


Get the current proportion parameter

100 (Default)

AT+PROPORTION=1Set the displayed value to 1/100 of the actual valueOK
AT+PROPORTION=200Setting the display value to 2 times the actual valueOK

Downlink Command: 0x0D

Format: Command Code (0x0D) followed by 2 bytes.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0D 00 64      --->   AT+PROPORTION=100   // Set the displayed value to the actual value multiplied by 1.
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0D 01 F4      --->   AT+PROPORTION=500   // Set the displayed value to the actual value multiplied by 5.

3.3.11 Set current resolution (Since V1.2)


Command ExampleFunctionResponse


Get the  current resolution

0 (Default)



Set the resolution to 0.01A, two decimal placesOK


Set the resolution to 0.001A, three decimal placesOK

Downlink Command: 0x0E

Format: Command Code (0x0E) followed by 1 byte.

  • Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0E 00       --->   AT+RESOLUTION=0
  • Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0E 01       --->   AT+RESOLUTION=1

4. Use Case

4.1 Monitor the power status of office


This is a case study for CS01-LB current sensor. It shows how to use CS01 to monitor office power use status. 

Click here for more: Case 1: Monitor the power status of office

4.2 Function setting power consumption calculation case

Set alarm for, when current = 0.1 send data
Set alarm interval for 5 mins
Set regular data interval for 6 hours or so Power outage alarm is the priority.
Then switch OFF the connected load.
Look for alarm message, as the current will drop to very minimum.
Repeat LOAD OFF after 8 mins ( we have set alarm interval as 5 mins) and check for alarm message.
When a scenario like 4 outages per day, then we should get 4 Alarm + 4 regular current messages (data frequency set to 6 hours), then how much will be the battery life. 

The third, fifth, seventh and ninth parameter units of the v1.0 version are A, and the units of the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth parameters of versions after v1.1 are mA.

Below I set


According to the settings, three aspects need to be calculated, as follows
(1) The alarm interval is once every five minutes, 12 times per hour, a total of 288 times a day, one alarm is equivalent to one detection, and the consumption per detection is ≈0.0172mAh, so the daily consumption is calculated as follows
(2) The sleep current consumption per day is ≈0.0053268*24=0.1278432mAh
(3) 4 alarms + 4 regular current messages, equivalent to sending 8 uplink messages a day, each upload will consume
Single sensor: 0.076761064mAh
Four sensors: 0.109365489mAh
Single sensor consumption per day: 0.076761064*8=0.614088512mAh
Four sensors consumption per day: 0.109365489*8=0.874923912mAh
The CS01-LB battery capacity is 8500mAh. Calculated by the above data
Single sensor: 8500/(4.9536+0.1278432+0.614088512)=1492 days
Four sensors: 8500/(4.9536+0.1278432+0.874923912)=1427 days
The above calculation is the approximate battery life.
The battery life is also related to the frequency band and DR you use. See the figure below for details.


5. Battery & Power Consumption

CS01-LB use ER26500 + SPC1520 battery pack. See below link for detail information about the battery info and how to replace.

Battery Info & Power Consumption Analyze .

Notice: Continuous Sampling Mode will increase the power consumption a lot.

For example, if use all four channels to sampling data:

-- Sample every minute and uplink data every 5 minutes. The battery life is about 10 monthes.
-- Sample every minute and uplink data every 20 minutes. The battery life is about 12 monthes.

If user want to use external DC Adapter, to power the CS01-LB in this case, please refer Power Device use 3.3v Power Adapter.

6. OTA Firmware update

User can change firmware CS01-LB to:

  • Change Frequency band/ region.
  • Update with new features.
  • Fix bugs. 

Firmware and changelog can be downloaded from : Firmware download link

Methods to Update Firmware:

7. FAQ

8. Troubleshooting

8.1 Why are the collected current values inaccurate?

When the current value collected by the node is inaccurate, please check whether the calibration value is set by the AT+CCAL command in the node. If so, please change the calibration value to 0, that is: AT+CCAL=0,0,0,0.

Configure Methods:

9. Order Info

Part Number: CS01-LB-XX

XX: The default frequency band

  • AS923: LoRaWAN AS923 band
  • AU915: LoRaWAN AU915 band
  • EU433: LoRaWAN EU433 band
  • EU868: LoRaWAN EU868 band
  • KR920: LoRaWAN KR920 band
  • US915: LoRaWAN US915 band
  • IN865: LoRaWAN IN865 band
  • CN470: LoRaWAN CN470 band

Notice: CS01-LB doesn't include current sensor. User need to purchase seperately.

Reference Model for current sensor:

  • SCT013G-D-100: 100A/50mA
  • SCT024-300: 300A/50mA
  • SCT036-600: 600A/50mA

10. ​Packing Info

Package Includes:

  • CS01-LB LoRaWAN 4 Channels Current Sensor Converter

Dimension and weight:

  • Device Size: cm
  • Device Weight: g
  • Package Size / pcs : cm
  • Weight / pcs : g

11. Support

  • Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.
  • Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to
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