Changes for page RS485-LN – RS485 to LoRaWAN Converter User Manual
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... ... @@ -14,70 +14,11 @@ 14 14 15 15 **Table of Contents:** 16 16 17 -(% aria-label="macro:toc widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %) 18 -((( 19 -(% class="macro" data-macro="startmacro:toc|-|" data-widget="xwiki-macro" %) 20 -((( 21 -(% class="macro-placeholder hidden" %) 22 -((( 23 -macro:toc 24 -))) 17 +{{toc/}} 25 25 26 -* [[1.Introduction>>doc:null||anchor="H1.Introduction"]] 27 -** [[1.1 What is RS485-LN RS485 to LoRaWAN Converter>>doc:null||anchor="H1.1A0WhatisRS485-LNRS485toLoRaWANConverter"]] 28 -** [[1.2 Specifications>>doc:null||anchor="H1.2A0Specifications"]] 29 -** [[1.3 Features>>doc:null||anchor="H1.3Features"]] 30 -** [[1.4 Applications>>doc:null||anchor="H1.4A0Applications"]] 31 -** [[1.5 Firmware Change log>>doc:null||anchor="H1.5A0FirmwareChangelog"]] 32 -** [[1.6 Hardware Change log>>doc:null||anchor="H1.6HardwareChangelog"]] 33 -* [[2. Power ON Device>>doc:null||anchor="H2.PowerONDevice"]] 34 -* [[3. Operation Mode>>doc:null||anchor="H3.A0OperationMode"]] 35 -** [[3.1 How it works?>>doc:null||anchor="H3.1Howitworks3F"]] 36 -** [[3.2 Example to join LoRaWAN network>>doc:null||anchor="H3.2ExampletojoinLoRaWANnetwork"]] 37 -** [[3.3 Configure Commands to read data>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3ConfigureCommandstoreaddata"]] 38 -*** [[3.3.1 onfigure UART settings for RS485 or TTL communication>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3.1onfigureUARTsettingsforRS485orTTLcommunication"]] 39 -*** [[3.3.2 Configure sensors>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3.2Configuresensors"]] 40 -*** [[3.3.3 Configure read commands for each sampling>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3.3Configurereadcommandsforeachsampling"]] 41 -*** [[3.3.4 Compose the uplink payload>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3.4Composetheuplinkpayload"]] 42 -*** [[3.3.5 Uplink on demand>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3.5Uplinkondemand"]] 43 -*** [[3.3.6 Uplink on Interrupt>>doc:null||anchor="H3.3.6UplinkonInterrupt"]] 44 -** [[3.4 Uplink Payload>>doc:null||anchor="H3.4UplinkPayload"]] 45 -** [[3.5 Configure RS485-BL via AT or Downlink>>doc:null||anchor="H3.5ConfigureRS485-BLviaATorDownlink"]] 46 -*** [[3.5.1 Common Commands>>doc:null||anchor="H3.5.1CommonCommands"]] 47 -*** [[3.5.2 Sensor related commands>>doc:null||anchor="H3.5.2Sensorrelatedcommands"]] 48 -*** [[3.5.3 Sensor related commands>>doc:null||anchor="H3.5.3A0Sensorrelatedcommands"]] 49 -**** [[RS485 Debug Command>>doc:null||anchor="HRS485DebugCommand"]] 50 -**** [[Set Payload version>>doc:null||anchor="HSetPayloadversion"]] 51 -**** [[Set RS485 Sampling Commands>>doc:null||anchor="HSetRS485SamplingCommands"]] 52 -**** [[Fast command to handle MODBUS device>>doc:null||anchor="HFastcommandtohandleMODBUSdevice"]] 53 -**** [[RS485 command timeout>>doc:null||anchor="HRS485commandtimeout"]] 54 -**** [[Uplink payload mode>>doc:null||anchor="HUplinkpayloadmode"]] 55 -**** [[Manually trigger an Uplink>>doc:null||anchor="HManuallytriggeranUplink"]] 56 -**** [[Clear RS485 Command>>doc:null||anchor="HClearRS485Command"]] 57 -**** [[Set Serial Communication Parameters>>doc:null||anchor="HSetSerialCommunicationParameters"]] 58 -** [[3.6 Listening mode for RS485 network>>doc:null||anchor="H3.6A0ListeningmodeforRS485network"]] 59 -** [[3.7 Buttons>>doc:null||anchor="H3.7Buttons"]] 60 -** [[3.8 LEDs>>doc:null||anchor="H3.8LEDs"]] 61 -* [[4. Case Study>>doc:null||anchor="H4.CaseStudy"]] 62 -* [[5. Use AT Command>>doc:null||anchor="H5.UseATCommand"]] 63 -** [[5.1 Access AT Command>>doc:null||anchor="H5.1AccessATCommand"]] 64 -** [[5.2 Common AT Command Sequence>>doc:null||anchor="H5.2CommonATCommandSequence"]] 65 -*** [[5.2.1 Multi-channel ABP mode (Use with SX1301/LG308)>>doc:null||anchor="H5.2.1Multi-channelABPmode28UsewithSX13012FLG30829"]] 66 -*** [[5.5.2 Single-channel ABP mode (Use with LG01/LG02)>>doc:null||anchor="H5.5.2Single-channelABPmode28UsewithLG012FLG0229"]] 67 -* [[6. FAQ>>doc:null||anchor="H6.FAQ"]] 68 -** [[6.1 How to upgrade the image?>>doc:null||anchor="H6.1Howtoupgradetheimage3F"]] 69 -** [[6.2 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region?>>doc:null||anchor="H6.2HowtochangetheLoRaFrequencyBands2FRegion3F"]] 70 -** [[6.3 How many RS485-Slave can RS485-BL connects?>>doc:null||anchor="H6.3HowmanyRS485-SlavecanRS485-BLconnects3F"]] 71 -** [[6.4 Compatible question to ChirpStack and TTI LoRaWAN server ?>>doc:null||anchor="H6.4CompatiblequestiontoChirpStackandTTILoRaWANserver3F"]] 72 -* [[7. Trouble Shooting>>doc:null||anchor="H7.TroubleShooting"]] 73 -** [[7.1 Downlink doesn’t work, how to solve it?>>doc:null||anchor="H7.1Downlinkdoesn2019twork2Chowtosolveit3F"]] 74 -** [[7.2 Why I can’t join TTN V3 in US915 /AU915 bands?>>doc:null||anchor="H7.2WhyIcan2019tjoinTTNV3inUS9152FAU915bands3F"]] 75 -* [[8. Order Info>>doc:null||anchor="H8.OrderInfo"]] 76 -* [[9.Packing Info>>doc:null||anchor="H9.PackingInfo"]] 77 -* [[10. FCC Caution for RS485LN-US915>>doc:null||anchor="H10.FCCCautionforRS485LN-US915"]] 78 -* [[11. Support>>doc:null||anchor="H11.Support"]] 79 -))) 80 80 20 +(% aria-label="macro:toc widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %) 21 +((( 81 81 (% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]] 82 82 ))) 83 83 ... ... @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ 169 169 170 170 171 171 113 + 172 172 == 1.3 Features == 173 173 174 174 * LoRaWAN Class A & Class C protocol (default Class C) ... ... @@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ 182 182 183 183 184 184 127 + 185 185 == 1.4 Applications == 186 186 187 187 * Smart Buildings & Home Automation ... ... @@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ 193 193 194 194 195 195 139 + 196 196 == 1.5 Firmware Change log == 197 197 198 198 [[RS485-LN Image files – Download link and Change log>>url:]] ... ... @@ -288,23 +288,23 @@ 288 288 ))) 289 289 ))) 290 290 291 -(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-1.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-1.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)235 +(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-1.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-1.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 292 292 293 -(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-2.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-2.png||data-widget="image" height="323" width="720"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)237 +(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-2.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-2.png||data-widget="image" height="323" width="720"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 294 294 295 -(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-3.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-3.png||data-widget="image" height="556" width="724"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)239 +(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-3.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-3.png||data-widget="image" height="556" width="724"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 296 296 297 -(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-4.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-4.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)241 +(% aria-label="image-20220519174512-4.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220519174512-4.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 298 298 299 299 You can also choose to create the device manually. 300 300 301 -(% aria-label="1652953542269-423.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1652953542269-423.png||data-widget="image" height="710" width="723"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)245 +(% aria-label="1652953542269-423.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1652953542269-423.png||data-widget="image" height="710" width="723"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 302 302 303 303 304 304 305 305 **Add APP KEY and DEV EUI** 306 306 307 -(% aria-label="1652953553383-907.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1652953553383-907.png||data-widget="image" height="514" width="724"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)251 +(% aria-label="1652953553383-907.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1652953553383-907.png||data-widget="image" height="514" width="724"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 308 308 309 309 310 310 ((( ... ... @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ 311 311 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 2**(%%): Power on RS485-LN and it will auto join to the TTN V3 network. After join success, it will start to upload message to TTN V3 and user can see in the panel. 312 312 ))) 313 313 314 -(% aria-label="1652953568895-172.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1652953568895-172.png||data-widget="image" height="232" width="724"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)258 +(% aria-label="1652953568895-172.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1652953568895-172.png||data-widget="image" height="232" width="724"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 315 315 316 316 317 317 == 3.3 Configure Commands to read data == ... ... @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ 319 319 ((( 320 320 ((( 321 321 ((( 322 -There are plenty of RS485 devices in the market and each device has different command to read the valid data. To support these devices in flexible, RS485-LN supports flexible command set. User can use [[AT Commands>>||anchor="H3.5ConfigureRS485- BLviaATorDownlink"]] or LoRaWAN Downlink Command to configure what commands RS485-LN should send for each sampling and how to handle the return from RS485 devices.266 +There are plenty of RS485 devices in the market and each device has different command to read the valid data. To support these devices in flexible, RS485-LN supports flexible command set. User can use [[AT Commands>>||anchor="H3.5ConfigureRS485-LNviaATorDownlink"]] or LoRaWAN Downlink Command to configure what commands RS485-LN should send for each sampling and how to handle the return from RS485 devices. 323 323 ))) 324 324 ))) 325 325 ... ... @@ -395,8 +395,6 @@ 395 395 ))) 396 396 397 397 398 - 399 - 400 400 === 3.3.2 Configure sensors === 401 401 402 402 ((( ... ... @@ -422,8 +422,6 @@ 422 422 )))|(% style="width:190px" %)AT+CFGDEV=xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx,m 423 423 424 424 425 - 426 - 427 427 === 3.3.3 Configure read commands for each sampling === 428 428 429 429 ((( ... ... @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ 436 436 During each sampling, the RS485-LN can support 15 commands to read sensors. And combine the return to one or several uplink payloads. 437 437 438 438 439 -**Each RS485 commands include two parts:** 379 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**Each RS485 commands include two parts:** 440 440 441 441 ~1. What commands RS485-LN will send to the RS485 sensors. There are total 15 commands from **AT+COMMAD1**, **ATCOMMAND2**,…, to **AT+COMMANDF**. All commands are of same grammar. 442 442 ... ... @@ -447,15 +447,14 @@ 447 447 448 448 After we got the valid value from each RS485 commands, we need to combine them together with the command **AT+DATAUP**. 449 449 450 - 451 451 Below are examples for the how above AT Commands works. 452 452 453 453 454 -**AT+COMMANDx : **This command will be sent to RS485 devices during each sampling, Max command length is 14 bytes. The grammar is: 393 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+COMMANDx **(%%)**: **This command will be sent to RS485 devices during each sampling, Max command length is 14 bytes. The grammar is: 455 455 456 456 (% border="1" style="background-color:#4bacc6; color:white; width:499px" %) 457 457 |(% style="width:496px" %)((( 458 -**AT+COMMANDx=xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx,m** 397 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+COMMANDx=xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx,m** 459 459 460 460 **xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx: The RS485 command to be sent** 461 461 ... ... @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ 467 467 In the RS485-LN, we should use this command AT+COMMAND1=01 03 0B B8 00 02,1 for the same. 468 468 469 469 470 -**AT+DATACUTx : **This command defines how to handle the return from AT+COMMANDx, max return length is 45 bytes. 409 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+DATACUTx **(%%)**: **This command defines how to handle the return from AT+COMMANDx, max return length is 45 bytes. 471 471 472 472 (% border="1" style="background-color:#4bacc6; color:white; width:510px" %) 473 473 |(% style="width:510px" %)((( ... ... @@ -480,17 +480,17 @@ 480 480 481 481 **Examples:** 482 482 483 -* Grab bytes :422 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Grab bytes** 484 484 485 -(% aria-label="image-20220602153621-1.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602153621-1.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)424 +(% aria-label="image-20220602153621-1.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602153621-1.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 486 486 487 487 488 -* Grab a section .427 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Grab a section** 489 489 490 -(% aria-label="image-20220602153621-2.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602153621-2.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)429 +(% aria-label="image-20220602153621-2.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602153621-2.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 491 491 492 492 493 -* Grab different sections .432 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Grab different sections** 494 494 495 495 (% aria-label="image-20220602153621-3.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602153621-3.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 496 496 ... ... @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ 528 528 Where PAYVER is defined by AT+PAYVER, below is an example screen shot. 529 529 ))) 530 530 531 -(% aria-label="1653269759169-150.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1653269759169-150.png||data-widget="image" height="513" width="716"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)470 +(% aria-label="1653269759169-150.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1653269759169-150.png||data-widget="image" height="513" width="716"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 532 532 533 533 534 534 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Examples: AT+DATAUP=1** ... ... @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ 546 546 1. PAYLOAD#: Number of this uplink. (from 0,1,2,3…,to PAYLOAD COUNT) 547 547 1. DATA: Valid value: max 8 bytes for each uplink so each uplink <= 11 bytes. For the last uplink, DATA will might less than 8 bytes 548 548 549 -(% aria-label="image-20220602155039-4.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602155039-4.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)488 +(% aria-label="image-20220602155039-4.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602155039-4.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 550 550 551 551 552 552 So totally there will be 3 uplinks for this sampling, each uplink include 8 bytes DATA ... ... @@ -571,9 +571,10 @@ 571 571 572 572 Below are the uplink payloads: 573 573 574 -(% aria-label="1654157178836-407.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654157178836-407.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)513 +(% aria-label="1654157178836-407.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654157178836-407.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 575 575 576 576 516 + 577 577 === 3.3.5 Uplink on demand === 578 578 579 579 Except uplink periodically, RS485-LN is able to uplink on demand. The server send downlink command to RS485-LN and RS485 will uplink data base on the command. ... ... @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ 590 590 591 591 RS485-LN support external Interrupt uplink since hardware v1.2 release. 592 592 593 -(% aria-label="1654157342174-798.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654157342174-798.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)533 +(% aria-label="1654157342174-798.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654157342174-798.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 594 594 595 595 Connect the Interrupt pin to RS485-LN INT port and connect the GND pin to V- port. When there is a high voltage (Max 24v) on INT pin. Device will send an uplink packet. 596 596 ... ... @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ 598 598 == 3.4 Uplink Payload == 599 599 600 600 601 -(% aria-label="image-20220606110929-1.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220606110929-1.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url( ~"") rgba(220,eft:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)541 +(% aria-label="image-20220606110929-1.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220606110929-1.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 602 602 603 603 Below is the decoder for the first 3 bytes. The rest bytes are dynamic depends on different RS485 sensors. 604 604 ... ... @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ 645 645 646 646 647 647 648 -==== **RS485 Debug Command** ==== 588 +==== (% style="color:#037691" %)**RS485 Debug Command**(%%) ==== 649 649 650 650 ((( 651 651 This command is used to configure the RS485 devices; they won’t be used during sampling. ... ... @@ -652,15 +652,12 @@ 652 652 ))) 653 653 654 654 * ((( 655 -**AT Command** 656 -))) 595 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT Command** 657 657 658 -(% class="box infomessage" %) 659 -((( 660 -((( 661 661 **AT+CFGDEV=xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx,m** 598 + 599 + 662 662 ))) 663 -))) 664 664 665 665 ((( 666 666 m: 0: no CRC, 1: add CRC-16/MODBUS in the end of this command ... ... @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ 667 667 ))) 668 668 669 669 * ((( 670 -**Downlink Payload** 607 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Payload** 671 671 ))) 672 672 673 673 ((( ... ... @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ 769 769 ==== **Set Payload version** ==== 770 770 771 771 ((( 772 -This is the first byte of the uplink payload. RS485- BL can connect to different sensors. User can set the PAYVER field to tell server how to decode the current payload.709 +This is the first byte of the uplink payload. RS485-LN can connect to different sensors. User can set the PAYVER field to tell server how to decode the current payload. 773 773 ))) 774 774 775 775 * ((( ... ... @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ 867 867 XX XX XX XX: AT+COMMAND or AT+DATACUT command 868 868 ))) 869 869 * ((( 870 -YY: If YY=0, RS485- BL will execute the downlink command without uplink; if YY=1, RS485-LN will execute an uplink after got this command.807 +YY: If YY=0, RS485-LN will execute the downlink command without uplink; if YY=1, RS485-LN will execute an uplink after got this command. 871 871 ))) 872 872 873 873 ((( ... ... @@ -921,9 +921,9 @@ 921 921 AT+COMMAND2= 01 02 00 40 00 10,1 ~-~-> read slave address 01 , function code 02, start address 00 40, quantity of inputs 00 10. 922 922 ))) 923 923 924 -(% aria-label="image-20220602165351-6.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602165351-6.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background -image:url(;background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5);display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)861 +(% aria-label="image-20220602165351-6.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602165351-6.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url(~"") rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.5); left:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 925 925 926 -(% aria-label="image-20220602165351-7.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602165351-7.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background -image:url(;background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5);display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)863 +(% aria-label="image-20220602165351-7.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:image-20220602165351-7.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background:url(~"") rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.5); left:0px; top:-15px" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) 927 927 928 928 929 929 ... ... @@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@ 1306 1306 == 5.1 Access AT Command == 1307 1307 1308 1308 ((( 1309 -RS485- BL supports AT Command set. User can use a USB to TTL adapter plus the 3.5mm Program Cable to connect to RS485-BL to use AT command, as below.1246 +RS485-LN supports AT Command set. User can use a USB to TTL adapter plus the 3.5mm Program Cable to connect to RS485-LN to use AT command, as below. 1310 1310 ))) 1311 1311 1312 1312 (% aria-label="1654162355560-817.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654162355560-817.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) ... ... @@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ 1313 1313 1314 1314 1315 1315 ((( 1316 -In PC, User needs to set (% style="color:blue" %)**serial tool**(%%)(such as [[putty>>url:]], SecureCRT) baud rate to (% style="color:green" %)**9600**(%%) to access to access serial console of RS485- BL. The default password is 123456. Below is the output for reference:1253 +In PC, User needs to set (% style="color:blue" %)**serial tool**(%%)(such as [[putty>>url:]], SecureCRT) baud rate to (% style="color:green" %)**9600**(%%) to access to access serial console of RS485-LN. The default password is 123456. Below is the output for reference: 1317 1317 ))) 1318 1318 1319 1319 (% aria-label="1654162368066-342.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654162368066-342.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %) ... ... @@ -1462,9 +1462,9 @@ 1462 1462 User can follow the introduction for [[how to upgrade image>>||anchor="H6.1Howtoupgradetheimage3F"]]. When download the images, choose the required image file for download. 1463 1463 1464 1464 1465 -== 6.3 How many RS485-Slave can RS485- BL connects? ==1402 +== 6.3 How many RS485-Slave can RS485-LN connects? == 1466 1466 1467 -The RS485- BL can support max 32 RS485 devices. Each uplink command of RS485-BL can support max 16 different RS485 command. So RS485-BL can support max 16 RS485 devices pre-program in the device for uplink. For other devices no pre-program, user can use the [[downlink message (type code 0xA8) to poll their info>>||anchor="H3.3.3Configurereadcommandsforeachsampling"]].1404 +The RS485-LN can support max 32 RS485 devices. Each uplink command of RS485-LN can support max 16 different RS485 command. So RS485-LN can support max 16 RS485 devices pre-program in the device for uplink. For other devices no pre-program, user can use the [[downlink message (type code 0xA8) to poll their info>>||anchor="H3.3.3Configurereadcommandsforeachsampling"]]. 1468 1468 1469 1469 1470 1470 == 6.4 Compatible question to ChirpStack and TTI LoRaWAN server ? ==