From version < 58.40 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/06/06 13:34
To version < 58.35 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/06/06 11:48
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Page properties
... ... @@ -233,15 +233,11 @@
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234 234  (((
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236 -(((
237 237  There are plenty of RS485 devices in the market and each device has different command to read the valid data. To support these devices in flexible, RS485-LN supports flexible command set. User can use [[AT Commands>>||anchor="H3.5ConfigureRS485-BLviaATorDownlink"]] or LoRaWAN Downlink Command to configure what commands RS485-LN should send for each sampling and how to handle the return from RS485 devices.
238 238  )))
239 -)))
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242 -(((
243 243  (% style="color:red" %)Note: below description and commands are for firmware version >v1.1, if you have firmware version v1.0. Please check the [[user manual v1.0>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=RS485-LN/&file=RS485-LN_UserManual_v1.0.1.pdf]] or upgrade the firmware to v1.1
244 -)))
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... ... @@ -1182,19 +1182,19 @@
1182 1182  == 3.7 Buttons ==
1183 1183  
1184 1184  
1185 -(% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#f7faff; width:400px" %)
1186 -|=(% style="width: 50px;" %)**Button**|=(% style="width: 350px;" %)**Feature**
1187 -|(% style="width:50px" %)**ACT**|(% style="width:350px" %)If RS485 joined in network, press this button for more than 1 second, RS485 will upload a packet, and the SYS LED will give a (% style="color:blue" %)**Blue blink**
1188 -|(% style="width:50px" %)**RST**|(% style="width:350px" %)Reboot RS485
1189 -|(% style="width:50px" %)**PRO**|(% style="width:350px" %)Use for upload image, see [[How to Update Image>>||anchor="H6.1Howtoupgradetheimage3F"]]
1181 +(% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#f7faff; width:430px" %)
1182 +|=(% style="width: 30px;" %)**Button**|=(% style="width: 355px;" %)**Feature**
1183 +|(% style="width:30px" %)**ACT**|(% style="width:355px" %)If RS485 joined in network, press this button for more than 1 second, RS485 will upload a packet, and the SYS LED will give a (% style="color:blue" %)**Blue blink**
1184 +|(% style="width:30px" %)**RST**|(% style="width:355px" %)Reboot RS485
1185 +|(% style="width:30px" %)**PRO**|(% style="width:355px" %)Use for upload image, see [[How to Update Image>>||anchor="H6.1Howtoupgradetheimage3F"]]
1190 1190  
1187 +
1191 1191  == 3.8 LEDs ==
1192 1192  
1193 -
1194 1194  (% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#f7faff; width:430px" %)
1195 -|=(% style="width: 50px;" %)**LEDs**|=(% style="width: 380px;" %)**Feature**
1196 -|**PWR**|Always on if there is power
1197 -|**SYS**|After device is powered on, the SYS will (% style="color:green" %)**fast blink in GREEN**(%%) for 5 times, means RS485-LN start to join LoRaWAN network. If join success, SYS will be (% style="color:green" %)**on GREEN for 5 seconds** (%%)**. **SYS will (% style="color:green" %)**blink Blue**(%%) on every upload and (% style="color:green" %)**blink Green**(%%) once receive a downlink message.
1191 +|=(% style="width: 30px;" %)**LEDs**|=(% style="width: 400px;" %)**Feature**
1192 +|(% style="width:30px" %)**PWR**|=(% style="width: 400px;" %)Always on if there is power
1193 +|(% style="width:30px" %)**SYS**|=(% style="width: 400px;" %)After device is powered on, the SYS will (% style="color:green" %)fast blink in GREEN (%%)for 5 times, means RS485-LN start to join LoRaWAN network. If join success, SYS will be (% style="color:green" %)on GREEN for 5 seconds(%%). SYS will (% style="color:green" %)blink Blue(%%) on every upload and (% style="color:green" %)blink Green(%%) once receive a downlink message.
1198 1198  
1199 1199  
1200 1200  = 4. Case Study =
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