From version < 58.20 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/06/06 11:24
To version < 58.22 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/06/06 11:25
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1097,37 +1097,88 @@
1097 1097  
1098 1098  [[image:image-20220602171200-8.png||height="567" width="1007"]]
1099 1099  
1100 +(((
1100 1100  To enable the listening mode, use can run the command AT+RXMODE.
1102 +)))
1101 1101  
1104 +(((
1105 +
1106 +)))
1102 1102  
1103 -(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; width:500px" %)
1104 -|=(% style="width: 161px;" %)**Command example:**|=(% style="width: 337px;" %)**Function**
1105 -|(% style="width:161px" %)AT+RXMODE=1,10 |(% style="width:337px" %)Enable listening mode 1, if RS485-LN has received more than 10 RS485 commands from the network. RS485-LN will send these commands via LoRaWAN uplinks.
1106 -|(% style="width:161px" %)AT+RXMODE=2,500|(% style="width:337px" %)Enable listening mode 2, RS485-LN will capture and send a 500ms content once from the first detect of character. Max value is 65535 ms
1107 -|(% style="width:161px" %)AT+RXMODE=0,0|(% style="width:337px" %)Disable listening mode. This is the default settings.
1108 -|(% style="width:161px" %) |(% style="width:337px" %)A6 aa bb cc  same as AT+RXMODE=aa,(bb<<8 ~| cc)
1108 +(% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#ffffcc; width:500px" %)
1109 +|=(% style="width: 161px;" %)(((
1110 +**Command example:**
1111 +)))|=(% style="width: 337px;" %)(((
1112 +**Function**
1113 +)))
1114 +|(% style="width:161px" %)(((
1115 +AT+RXMODE=1,10
1116 +)))|(% style="width:337px" %)(((
1117 +Enable listening mode 1, if RS485-LN has received more than 10 RS485 commands from the network. RS485-LN will send these commands via LoRaWAN uplinks.
1118 +)))
1119 +|(% style="width:161px" %)(((
1120 +AT+RXMODE=2,500
1121 +)))|(% style="width:337px" %)(((
1122 +Enable listening mode 2, RS485-LN will capture and send a 500ms content once from the first detect of character. Max value is 65535 ms
1123 +)))
1124 +|(% style="width:161px" %)(((
1125 +AT+RXMODE=0,0
1126 +)))|(% style="width:337px" %)(((
1127 +Disable listening mode. This is the default settings.
1128 +)))
1129 +|(% style="width:161px" %)(((
1130 +
1131 +)))|(% style="width:337px" %)(((
1132 +A6 aa bb cc  same as AT+RXMODE=aa,(bb<<8 | cc)
1133 +)))
1109 1109  
1135 +(((
1110 1110  **Downlink Command:**
1137 +)))
1111 1111  
1139 +(((
1112 1112  **0xA6 aa bb cc ** same as AT+RXMODE=aa,(bb<<8 | cc)
1141 +)))
1113 1113  
1143 +(((
1144 +
1145 +)))
1114 1114  
1147 +(((
1115 1115  **Example**:
1149 +)))
1116 1116  
1151 +(((
1117 1117  The RS485-LN is set to AT+RXMODE=2,1000
1153 +)))
1118 1118  
1155 +(((
1119 1119  There is a two Modbus commands in the RS485 network as below:
1157 +)))
1120 1120  
1159 +(((
1121 1121  The Modbus master send a command: (% style="background-color:#ffc000" %)01 03 00 00 00 02 c4 0b
1161 +)))
1122 1122  
1163 +(((
1123 1123  And Modbus slave reply with: (% style="background-color:green" %)01 03 04 00 00 00 00 fa 33
1165 +)))
1124 1124  
1167 +(((
1125 1125  RS485-LN will capture both and send the uplink: (% style="background-color:#ffc000" %)01 03 00 00 00 02 c4 0b  (% style="background-color:green" %)01 03 04 00 00 00 00 fa 33
1169 +)))
1126 1126  
1171 +(((
1127 1127  [[image:image-20220602171200-9.png]]
1173 +)))
1128 1128  
1175 +(((
1176 +
1177 +)))
1129 1129  
1179 +(((
1130 1130  (% style="color:red" %)Notice: Listening mode can work with the default polling mode of RS485-LN. When RS485-LN is in to send the RS485 commands (from AT+COMMANDx), the listening mode will be interrupt for a while.
1181 +)))
1131 1131  
1132 1132  
1133 1133  == 3.7 Buttons ==
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