From version < 39.1 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/06/02 16:33
To version < 41.3 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/06/02 16:36
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
76 76  * Automatic RF Sense and CAD with ultra-fast AFC.
77 77  * Packet engine up to 256 bytes with CRC.
78 78  
79 +
79 79  == 1.3 Features ==
80 80  
81 81  * LoRaWAN Class A & Class C protocol (default Class C)
... ... @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
87 87  * Support Modbus protocol
88 88  * Support Interrupt uplink (Since hardware version v1.2)
89 89  
91 +
90 90  == 1.4 Applications ==
91 91  
92 92  * Smart Buildings & Home Automation
... ... @@ -499,577 +499,22 @@
499 499  
500 500  * (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**Sensor Related Commands**(%%): These commands are special designed for RS485-LN.  User can see these commands below:
501 501  
502 -
503 -
504 504  === 3.5.1 Common Commands ===
505 505  
506 506  They should be available for each of Dragino Sensors, such as: change uplink interval, reset device. For firmware v1.3, user can find what common commands it supports: [[End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command>>doc:Main.End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command.WebHome]]
507 507  
508 508  
509 -=== 3.5.2 Sensor related commands: ===
509 +=== 3.5.2 Sensor related commands ===
510 510  
511 -==== Choose Device Type (RS485 or TTL) ====
511 +Response feature is added to the server's downlink, a special package with a FPort of 200 will be uploaded immediately after receiving the data sent by the server.
512 512  
513 -RS485-BL can connect to either RS485 sensors or TTL sensor. User need to specify what type of sensor need to connect.
513 +[[image:image-20220602163333-5.png||height="263" width="1160"]]
514 514  
515 -* AT Command
515 +The first byte of this package represents whether the configuration is successful, 00 represents failure, 01 represents success. Except for the first byte, the other is the previous downlink. (All commands except A8 type commands are applicable)
516 516  
517 -**AT+MOD=1** ~/~/ Set to support RS485-MODBUS type sensors. User can connect multiply RS485 , Modbus sensors to the A / B pins.
518 518  
519 -**AT+MOD=2** ~/~/ Set to support TTL Level sensors, User can connect one TTL Sensor to the TXD/RXD/GND pins.
518 +3.5.3 Sensor related commands
520 520  
520 +==== ====
521 521  
522 -* Downlink Payload
523 -
524 -**0A aa**     à same as AT+MOD=aa
525 -
526 -
527 -
528 -==== [[RS485 Debug Command>>path:#downlink_A8]] (AT+CFGDEV) ====
529 -
530 -This command is used to configure the RS485 or TTL sensors; they won’t be used during sampling.
531 -
532 -* AT Command
533 -
534 -AT+CFGDEV=xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx,m
535 -
536 -m: 0: no CRC; 1: add CRC-16/MODBUS in the end of this command.
537 -
538 -
539 -
540 -* Downlink Payload
541 -
542 -Format: A8 MM NN XX XX XX XX YY
543 -
544 -Where:
545 -
546 -* MM: 1: add CRC-16/MODBUS ; 0: no CRC
547 -* NN: The length of RS485 command
548 -* XX XX XX XX: RS485 command total NN bytes
549 -* YY: How many bytes will be uplink from the return of this RS485 command, if YY=0, RS485-BL will execute the downlink command without uplink; if YY>0, RS485-BL will uplink total YY bytes from the output of this RS485 command
550 -
551 -**Example 1:**
552 -
553 -To connect a Modbus Alarm with below commands.
554 -
555 -* The command to active alarm is: 0A 05 00 04 00 01 4C B0. Where 0A 05 00 04 00 01 is the Modbus command to read the register 00 40 where stored the DI status. The 4C B0 is the CRC-16/MODBUS which calculate manually.
556 -
557 -* The command to deactivate alarm is: 0A 05 00 04 00 00 8D 70. Where 0A 05 00 04 00 00 is the Modbus command to read the register 00 40 where stored the DI status. The 8D 70 is the CRC-16/MODBUS which calculate manually.
558 -
559 -So if user want to use downlink command to control to RS485 Alarm, he can use:
560 -
561 -**A8 01 06 0A 05 00 04 00 01 00**: to activate the RS485 Alarm
562 -
563 -**A8 01 06 0A 05 00 04 00 00 00**: to deactivate the RS485 Alarm
564 -
565 -A8 is type code and 01 means add CRC-16/MODBUS at the end, the 3^^rd^^ byte is 06, means the next 6 bytes are the command to be sent to the RS485 network, the final byte 00 means this command don’t need to acquire output.
566 -
567 -
568 -**Example 2:**
569 -
570 -Check TTL Sensor return:
571 -
572 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image024.png]]
573 -
574 -
575 -
576 -
577 -==== Set Payload version ====
578 -
579 -This is the first byte of the uplink payload. RS485-BL can connect to different sensors. User can set the PAYVER field to tell server how to decode the current payload.
580 -
581 -* AT Command:
582 -
583 -AT+PAYVER: Set PAYVER field = 1
584 -
585 -
586 -* Downlink Payload:
587 -
588 -0xAE 01   à Set PAYVER field =  0x01
589 -
590 -0xAE 0F   à Set PAYVER field =  0x0F
591 -
592 -
593 -==== Set RS485 Sampling Commands ====
594 -
596 -
597 -These three commands are used to configure how the RS485-BL polling data from Modbus device. Detail of usage please see : [[polling RS485 device>>path:#polling_485]].
598 -
599 -
600 -* AT Command:
601 -
602 -AT+COMMANDx: Configure RS485 read command to sensor.
603 -
604 -AT+DATACUTx: Configure how to handle return from RS485 devices.
605 -
606 -AT+SEARCHx: Configure search command
607 -
608 -
609 -* Downlink Payload:
610 -
611 -0xAF downlink command can be used to set AT+COMMANDx or AT+DATACUTx.
612 -
613 -Note: if user use AT+COMMANDx to add a new command, he also need to send AT+DATACUTx downlink.
614 -
615 -Format: AF MM NN LL XX XX XX XX YY
616 -
617 -Where:
618 -
619 -* MM: the ATCOMMAND or AT+DATACUT to be set. Value from 01 ~~ 0F,
620 -* NN: 0: no CRC; 1: add CRC-16/MODBUS ; 2: set the AT+DATACUT value.
621 -* LL: The length of AT+COMMAND or AT+DATACUT command
622 -* XX XX XX XX: AT+COMMAND or AT+DATACUT command
623 -* YY: If YY=0, RS485-BL will execute the downlink command without uplink; if YY=1, RS485-BL will execute an uplink after got this command.
624 -
625 -Example:
626 -
627 -**AF 03 01 06 0A 05 00 04 00 01 00**: Same as AT+COMMAND3=0A 05 00 04 00 01,1
628 -
629 -**AF 03 02 06 10 01 05 06 09 0A 00**: Same as AT+DATACUT3=**16**,**1**,**5+6+9+10**
630 -
631 -**AF 03 02 06 0B 02 05 07 08 0A 00**: Same as AT+DATACUT3=**11**,**2**,**5~~7+8~~10**
632 -
633 -
634 -0xAB downlink command can be used for set AT+SEARCHx
635 -
636 -Example: **AB aa 01 03 xx xx xx** (03 here means there are total 3 bytes after 03) So
637 -
638 -* AB aa 01 03 xx xx xx  same as AT+SEARCHaa=1,xx xx xx
639 -* AB aa 02 03 xx xx xx 02 yy yy(03 means there are 3 bytes after 03, they are xx xx xx;02 means there are 2 bytes after 02, they are yy yy) so the commands
640 -
641 -**AB aa 02 03 xx xx xx 02 yy yy**  same as **AT+SEARCHaa=2,xx xx xx+yy yy**
642 -
643 -
644 -==== Fast command to handle MODBUS device ====
645 -
646 -AT+MBFUN is valid since v1.3 firmware version. The command is for fast configure to read Modbus devices. It is only valid for the devices which follow the [[MODBUS-RTU protocol>>url:https://www.modbustools.com/modbus.html]].
647 -
648 -This command is valid since v1.3 firmware version
649 -
650 -
651 -AT+MBFUN has only two value:
652 -
653 -* AT+MBFUN=1: Enable Modbus reading. And get response base on the MODBUS return
654 -
655 -AT+MBFUN=1, device can auto read the Modbus function code: 01, 02, 03 or 04. AT+MBFUN has lower priority vs AT+DATACUT command. If AT+DATACUT command is configured, AT+MBFUN will be ignore.
656 -
657 -* AT+MBFUN=0: Disable Modbus fast reading.
658 -
659 -Example:
660 -
661 -* AT+MBFUN=1 and AT+DATACUT1/AT+DATACUT2 are not configure (0,0,0).
662 -* AT+COMMAND1= 01 03 00 10 00 08,1 ~-~-> read slave address 01 , function code 03, start address 00 01, quantity of registers 00 08.
663 -* AT+COMMAND2= 01 02 00 40 00 10,1 ~-~-> read slave address 01 , function code 02, start address 00 40, quantity of inputs 00 10.
664 -
665 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image025.png]]
666 -
667 -
668 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image026.png]]
669 -
670 -
671 -* Downlink Commands:
672 -
673 -A9 aa -à Same as AT+MBFUN=aa
674 -
675 -
676 -==== RS485 command timeout ====
677 -
678 -Some Modbus device has slow action to send replies. This command is used to configure the RS485-BL to use longer time to wait for their action.
679 -
680 -Default value: 0, range:  0 ~~ 5 seconds
681 -
682 -
683 -* AT Command:
684 -
685 -AT+CMDDLaa=hex(bb cc)
686 -
687 -Example:
688 -
689 -**AT+CMDDL1=1000** to send the open time to 1000ms
690 -
691 -
692 -* Downlink Payload:
693 -
694 -0x AA aa bb cc
695 -
696 -Same as: AT+CMDDLaa=hex(bb cc)
697 -
698 - Example:
699 -
700 - 0xAA 01 03 E8  à Same as **AT+CMDDL1=1000 ms**
701 -
702 -
703 -==== [[Uplink>>path:#downlink_A8]] payload mode ====
704 -
705 -Define to use one uplink or multiple uplinks for the sampling.
706 -
707 -The use of this command please see: [[Compose Uplink payload>>path:#DataUP]]
708 -
709 -* AT Command:
710 -
711 -AT+DATAUP=0
712 -
713 -AT+DATAUP=1
714 -
715 -
716 -* Downlink Payload:
717 -
718 -0xAD 00   à Same as AT+DATAUP=0
719 -
720 -0xAD 01   à Same as AT+DATAUP=1
721 -
722 -
723 -==== Manually trigger an Uplink ====
724 -
725 -Ask device to send an uplink immediately.
726 -
727 -* Downlink Payload:
728 -
729 -0x08 FF, RS485-BL will immediately send an uplink.
730 -
731 -
732 -==== Clear RS485 Command ====
733 -
734 -The AT+COMMANDx and AT+DATACUTx settings are stored in special location, user can use below command to clear them.
735 -
736 -
737 -* AT Command:
738 -
739 -**AT+CMDEAR=mm,nn**   mm: start position of erase ,nn: stop position of erase
740 -
742 -
743 -Example screen shot after clear all RS485 commands. 
744 -
745 -
746 -
747 -The uplink screen shot is:
748 -
749 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image023.png]]
750 -
751 -
752 -* Downlink Payload:
753 -
754 -0x09 aa bb same as AT+CMDEAR=aa,bb
755 -
756 -
757 -==== Set Serial Communication Parameters ====
758 -
759 -Set the Rs485 serial communication parameters:
760 -
761 -* AT Command:
762 -
763 -Set Baud Rate:
764 -
765 -AT+BAUDR=9600    ~/~/ Options: (1200,2400,4800,14400,19200,115200)
766 -
767 -
768 -Set UART parity
769 -
770 -AT+PARITY=0    ~/~/ Option: 0: no parity, 1: odd parity, 2: even parity
771 -
772 -
773 -Set STOPBIT
774 -
775 -AT+STOPBIT=0    ~/~/ Option: 0 for 1bit; 1 for 1.5 bit ; 2 for 2 bits
776 -
777 -
778 -* Downlink Payload:
779 -
780 -A7 01 aa bb: Same  AT+BAUDR=hex(aa bb)*100
781 -
782 -Example:
783 -
784 -* A7 01 00 60   same as AT+BAUDR=9600
785 -* A7 01 04 80  same as AT+BAUDR=115200
786 -
787 -A7 02 aa: Same as  AT+PARITY=aa  (aa value: 00 , 01 or 02)
788 -
789 -A7 03 aa: Same as  AT+STOPBIT=aa  (aa value: 00 , 01 or 02)
790 -
791 -
792 -==== Control output power duration ====
793 -
794 -User can set the output power duration before each sampling.
795 -
796 -* AT Command:
797 -
798 -Example:
799 -
800 -AT+3V3T=1000 ~/~/ 3V3 output power will open 1s before each sampling.
801 -
802 -AT+5VT=1000 ~/~/ +5V output power will open 1s before each sampling.
803 -
804 -
805 -* LoRaWAN Downlink Command:
806 -
807 -07 01 aa bb  Same as AT+5VT=(aa bb)
808 -
809 -07 02 aa bb  Same as AT+3V3T=(aa bb)
810 -
811 -
812 -
813 -
814 -1.
815 -11. Buttons
816 -
817 -|**Button**|**Feature**
818 -|**RST**|Reboot RS485-BL
819 -
820 -1.
821 -11. +3V3 Output
822 -
823 -RS485-BL has a Controllable +3V3 output, user can use this output to power external sensor.
824 -
825 -The +3V3 output will be valid for every sampling. RS485-BL will enable +3V3 output before all sampling and disable the +3V3 after all sampling. 
826 -
827 -
828 -The +3V3 output time can be controlled by AT Command.
829 -
830 -**AT+3V3T=1000**
831 -
832 -Means set +3v3 valid time to have 1000ms. So, the real +3v3 output will actually have 1000ms + sampling time for other sensors.
833 -
834 -
835 -By default, the AT+3V3T=0. This is a special case, means the +3V3 output is always on at any time
836 -
837 -
838 -1.
839 -11. +5V Output
840 -
841 -RS485-BL has a Controllable +5V output, user can use this output to power external sensor.
842 -
843 -The +5V output will be valid for every sampling. RS485-BL will enable +5V output before all sampling and disable the +5v after all sampling. 
844 -
845 -
846 -The 5V output time can be controlled by AT Command.
847 -
848 -**AT+5VT=1000**
849 -
850 -Means set 5V valid time to have 1000ms. So, the real 5V output will actually have 1000ms + sampling time for other sensors.
851 -
852 -
853 -By default, the AT+5VT=0. If the external sensor which require 5v and require more time to get stable state, user can use this command to increase the power ON duration for this sensor.
854 -
855 -
856 -
857 -
858 -1.
859 -11. LEDs
860 -
861 -|**LEDs**|**Feature**
862 -|**LED1**|Blink when device transmit a packet.
863 -
864 -1.
865 -11. Switch Jumper
866 -
867 -|**Switch Jumper**|**Feature**
868 -|**SW1**|(((
869 -ISP position: Upgrade firmware via UART
870 -
871 -Flash position: Configure device, check running status.
872 -)))
873 -|**SW2**|(((
874 -5V position: set to compatible with 5v I/O.
875 -
876 -3.3v position: set to compatible with 3.3v I/O.,
877 -)))
878 -
879 -+3.3V: is always ON
880 -
881 -+5V: Only open before every sampling. The time is by default, it is AT+5VT=0.  Max open time. 5000 ms.
882 -
883 -1. Case Study
884 -
885 -User can check this URL for some case studies.
886 -
887 -[[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=APP_RS485_COMMUNICATE_WITH_SENSORS>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=APP_RS485_COMMUNICATE_WITH_SENSORS]]
888 -
889 -
890 -
891 -
892 -1. Use AT Command
893 -11. Access AT Command
894 -
895 -RS485-BL supports AT Command set. User can use a USB to TTL adapter plus the 3.5mm Program Cable to connect to RS485-BL to use AT command, as below.
896 -
897 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image027.png]]
898 -
899 -
900 -In PC, User needs to set **serial tool**(such as [[putty>>url:https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~~sgtatham/putty/latest.html]], SecureCRT) baud rate to **9600** to access to access serial console of RS485-BL. The default password is 123456. Below is the output for reference:
901 -
902 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image028.png]]
903 -
904 -
905 -
906 -More detail AT Command manual can be found at [[AT Command Manual>>path:#AT_COMMAND]]
907 -
908 -
909 -
910 -1.
911 -11. Common AT Command Sequence
912 -111. Multi-channel ABP mode (Use with SX1301/LG308)
913 -
914 -If device has not joined network yet:
915 -
916 -AT+FDR
917 -
918 -AT+NJM=0
919 -
920 -ATZ
921 -
922 -
923 -If device already joined network:
924 -
925 -AT+NJM=0
926 -
927 -ATZ
928 -
929 -1.
930 -11.
931 -111. Single-channel ABP mode (Use with LG01/LG02)
932 -
933 -AT+FDR   Reset Parameters to Factory Default, Keys Reserve
934 -
935 -AT+NJM=0 Set to ABP mode
936 -
937 -AT+ADR=0 Set the Adaptive Data Rate Off
938 -
939 -AT+DR=5  Set Data Rate
940 -
941 -AT+TDC=60000  Set transmit interval to 60 seconds
942 -
943 -AT+CHS=868400000 Set transmit frequency to 868.4Mhz
944 -
945 -AT+RX2FQ=868400000 Set RX2Frequency to 868.4Mhz (according to the result from server)
946 -
947 -AT+RX2DR=5  Set RX2DR to match the downlink DR from server. see below
948 -
949 -AT+DADDR=26 01 1A F1 Set Device Address to 26 01 1A F1, this ID can be found in the LoRa Server portal.
950 -
951 -ATZ          Reset MCU
952 -
953 -**Note:**
954 -
955 -1. Make sure the device is set to ABP mode in the IoT Server.
956 -1. Make sure the LG01/02 gateway RX frequency is exactly the same as AT+CHS setting.
957 -1. Make sure SF / bandwidth setting in LG01/LG02 match the settings of AT+DR. refer [[this link>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/&file=LoRaWAN%201.0.3%20Regional%20Parameters.xlsx]] to see what DR means.
958 -1. The command AT+RX2FQ and AT+RX2DR is to let downlink work. to set the correct parameters, user can check the actually downlink parameters to be used. As below. Which shows the RX2FQ should use 868400000 and RX2DR should be 5
959 -
960 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image029.png]]
961 -
962 -
963 -1. FAQ
964 -11. How to upgrade the image?
965 -
966 -The RS485-BL LoRaWAN Controller is shipped with a 3.5mm cable, the cable is used to upload image to RS485-BL to:
967 -
968 -* Support new features
969 -* For bug fix
970 -* Change LoRaWAN bands.
971 -
972 -Below shows the hardware connection for how to upload an image to RS485-BL:
973 -
974 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image030.png]]
975 -
976 -**Step1:** Download [[flash loader>>url:https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-programmers/flasher-stm32.html]].
977 -
978 -**Step2**: Download the [[LT Image files>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LT_LoRa_IO_Controller/LT33222-L/image/]].
979 -
980 -**Step3: **Open flashloader; choose the correct COM port to update.
981 -
982 -
983 -|(((
984 -HOLD PRO then press the RST button, SYS will be ON, then click next
985 -)))
986 -
987 -|(((
988 -Board detected
989 -)))
990 -
991 -|(((
992 -
993 -)))
994 -
995 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image031.png]] [[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image032.png]]
996 -
997 -
998 -
999 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image033.png]] [[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image034.png]]
1000 -
1001 -
1002 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image035.png]] [[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image036.png]]
1003 -
1004 -
1005 -1.
1006 -11. How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region?
1007 -
1008 -User can follow the introduction for [[how to upgrade image>>path:#upgrade_image]]. When download the images, choose the required image file for download.
1009 -
1010 -
1011 -
1012 -1.
1013 -11. How many RS485-Slave can RS485-BL connects?
1014 -
1015 -The RS485-BL can support max 32 RS485 devices. Each uplink command of RS485-BL can support max 16 different RS485 command. So RS485-BL can support max 16 RS485 devices pre-program in the device for uplink. For other devices no pre-program, user can use the [[downlink message (type code 0xA8) to poll their info>>path:#downlink_A8]].
1016 -
1017 -
1018 -
1019 -
1020 -1. Trouble Shooting     
1021 -11. Downlink doesn’t work, how to solve it?
1022 -
1023 -Please see this link for debug:
1024 -
1025 -[[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#LoRaWAN_Communication_Debug>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#LoRaWAN_Communication_Debug]] 
1026 -
1027 -
1028 -
1029 -1.
1030 -11. Why I can’t join TTN V3 in US915 /AU915 bands?
1031 -
1032 -It might about the channels mapping. Please see for detail.
1033 -
1034 -[[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=LoRaWAN_Communication_Debug#Notice_of_US915.2FCN470.2FAU915_Frequency_band>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=LoRaWAN_Communication_Debug#Notice_of_US915.2FCN470.2FAU915_Frequency_band]]
1035 -
1036 -
1037 -
1038 -1. Order Info
1039 -
1040 -**Part Number: RS485-BL-XXX**
1041 -
1042 -**XXX:**
1043 -
1044 -* **EU433**: frequency bands EU433
1045 -* **EU868**: frequency bands EU868
1046 -* **KR920**: frequency bands KR920
1047 -* **CN470**: frequency bands CN470
1048 -* **AS923**: frequency bands AS923
1049 -* **AU915**: frequency bands AU915
1050 -* **US915**: frequency bands US915
1051 -* **IN865**: frequency bands IN865
1052 -* **RU864**: frequency bands RU864
1053 -* **KZ865: **frequency bands KZ865
1054 -
1055 -1. Packing Info
1056 -
1057 -**Package Includes**:
1058 -
1059 -* RS485-BL x 1
1060 -* Stick Antenna for LoRa RF part x 1
1061 -* Program cable x 1
1062 -
1063 -**Dimension and weight**:
1064 -
1065 -* Device Size: 13.5 x 7 x 3 cm
1066 -* Device Weight: 105g
1067 -* Package Size / pcs : 14.5 x 8 x 5 cm
1068 -* Weight / pcs : 170g
1069 -
1070 -1. Support
1071 -
1072 -* Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.
1073 -* Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to
1074 -
1075 -[[support@dragino.com>>url:file:///D:/市场资料/说明书/LoRa/LT系列/support@dragino.com]]
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