Changes for page RS485-LN – RS485 to LoRaWAN Converter User Manual
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... ... @@ -571,74 +571,30 @@ 571 571 === 3.3.7 Uplink on Interrupt === 572 572 573 573 574 - 575 575 RS485-LN support external Interrupt uplink since hardware v1.2 release. 576 576 577 577 (% aria-label="1654157342174-798.png image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1" %)[[image:1654157342174-798.png||data-widget="image"]](% style="background-image:url(; background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5); display:none" %)[[image:||draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" title="Click and drag to move" width="15"]] 578 578 578 +(% title="Click and drag to resize" %)(%%)When there is a high voltage (3.3v and above, the maximum is 24V, but not more than 12v is recommended) on (% style="color:blue" %)**INT**(%%) pin. At this point, an interrupt is triggered and the Device will send an uplink packet. 579 579 580 -==== Set Interrupt Mode ==== 581 - 582 - 583 -Before using the interrupt function of the **INT** pin, users can set the interrupt triggering mode as required. 584 - 585 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT command:** 586 - 587 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+INTMOD **(%%) ~/~/ Set the trigger interrupt mode 588 - 589 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+INTMOD=0 **(%%) ~/~/ Disable Interrupt 590 - 591 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+INTMOD=1 **(%%) ~/~/ Trigger by rising and falling edge 592 - 593 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+INTMOD=2 **(%%) ~/~/ Trigger by falling edge **(default)** 594 - 595 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+INTMOD=3 **(%%) ~/~/ Trigger by rising edge 596 - 597 -(% style="color:blue" %)**Downlink Commands: **(% style="color:#037691" %)**0x06** 598 - 599 -Format: Command Code (0x06) followed by 3 bytes. 600 - 601 -Example1: Downlink Payload: **06 00 00 01 **~/~/ AT+INTMOD=1 602 - 603 -Example2: Downlink Payload: **06 00 00 03 **~/~/AT+INTMOD=3 604 - 605 - 606 -==== Practical application ==== 607 - 608 - 609 -The following uses the default interrupt triggering mode (% style="color:blue" %)**(AT+INTMOD=2)**(%%) as an example to show the interrupt function of (% style="color:blue" %)**INT**(%%): 610 - 611 -When a high voltage is given to the INT pin and then the level of the (% style="color:blue" %)**INT**(%%) pin changes from high to low, the interrupt is triggered by a falling edge and the RS485-LN sends an uplink data. 612 - 613 -(% style="color:red" %)**Note: The level that triggers the interrupt ranges from 3.3V to 24V. Generally, it is recommended to use less than 12V.** 614 - 615 615 **Example:** 616 616 617 617 * Use a dry contact to connect the (% style="color:blue" %)**INT**(%%) pin and (% style="color:blue" %)**VIN+**(%%) pin of the RS485-LN. 618 618 619 -When the dry contact is closed, INT and VIN+ conduct and INT is high.584 +When the dry contact is closed, INT and VIN+ conduct, and INT goes high, which triggers an interrupt, and the node sends an uplink data. 620 620 621 - Disconnectingthedry contact, the level of the INT pin changes from high to low, triggering an interrupt (triggered by thefallingedge along the interrupt), and the RS485-LNsends an uplinkdata.586 +[[image:image-20240925164510-3.jpeg||height="414" width="656"]] 622 622 623 -[[image:image-20240925174124-5.jpeg||height="439" width="703"]] 624 - 625 625 * Use a regulated power supply or a wet contact to connect the 485-LN to trigger the interruption.(This section uses a regulated power supply as an example.) 626 626 627 627 The positive pole of the stabilized power supply is connected to the (% style="color:blue" %)**INT**(%%) pin of RS485-LN, and the negative pole of the stabilized power supply is connected to the (% style="color:blue" %)**VIN-**(%%) pin of RS485-LN. 628 628 629 -When the regulated power supply is operating, a high voltageis givento the INT pin andthe INT levelis high. Whenheegulatedpower supplyisturnedoff,thelevelof theINTpinchanges from592 +When the regulated power supply is turned on, given a high voltage to the INT pin, an interrupt will be triggered and the device will send an uplink data. 630 630 631 -high to low, at which time an interrupt is triggered (triggered along the falling edge), and the device will send an uplink data. 632 632 633 -[[image:image-20240925173243-4.jpeg||height="404" width="900"]] 634 634 635 -* Example of interrupt data in TTN. 636 636 637 -The first byte of the payload of the interrupted packet is (% style="color:blue" %)**0x81**(%%). 638 638 639 -[[image:image-20240925181010-1.png||height="348" width="953"]] 640 - 641 - 642 642 == 3.4 Uplink Payload == 643 643 644 644
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