Changes for page LDDS45 - LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor User Manual
Last modified by Mengting Qiu on 2025/02/26 15:04
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... ... @@ -4,65 +4,12 @@ 4 4 5 5 **Contents:** 6 6 7 -* [[1. Introduction>>path:#H1.Introduction]] 8 -** [[1.1 What is LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor>>path:#H1.1200BWhatisLoRaWANSoilpHSensor]] 9 -** [[1.2 Features>>path:#H200B1.2Features]] 10 -** [[1.3 Probe Specification>>path:#H1.3ProbeSpecification]] 11 -** [[1.4 Applications>>path:#H1.4200BApplications]] 12 -** [[1.5 Pin mapping and power on>>path:#H1.5Pinmappingandpoweron]] 13 -* [[2. Configure LSPH01 to connect to LoRaWAN network>>path:#H2.ConfigureLSPH01toconnecttoLoRaWANnetwork]] 14 -** [[2.1 How it works>>path:#H2.1Howitworks]] 15 -** [[2.2 Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA)>>path:#H2.2200BQuickguidetoconnecttoLoRaWANserver28OTAA29]] 16 -** [[2.3 Uplink Payload>>path:#H2.3200BUplinkPayload]] 17 -*** [[2.3.1 Battery Info>>path:#H2.3.1BatteryInfo]] 18 -*** [[2.3.2 DS18B20 Temperature sensor>>path:#H2.3.2DS18B20Temperaturesensor]] 19 -*** [[2.3.3 Soil pH>>path:#H2.3.3SoilpH]] 20 -*** [[2.3.4 Soil Temperature>>path:#H2.3.4SoilTemperature]] 21 -*** [[2.3.5 Interrupt Pin>>path:#H2.3.5InterruptPin]] 22 -*** [[2.3.6 Message Type>>path:#H2.3.6MessageType]] 23 -*** [[2.3.7 Decode payload in The Things Network>>path:#H2.3.7DecodepayloadinTheThingsNetwork]] 24 -** [[2.4 Uplink Interval>>path:#H2.4UplinkInterval]] 25 -** [[2.5 Show Data in DataCake IoT Server>>path:#H2.5200BShowDatainDataCakeIoTServer]] 26 -** [[2.6 Installation and Maintain>>path:#H2.6InstallationandMaintain]] 27 -*** [[2.6.1 Before measurement>>path:#H2.6.1Beforemeasurement]] 28 -*** [[2.6.2 Measurement>>path:#H2.6.2Measurement]] 29 -*** [[2.6.3 Maintain Probe>>path:#H2.6.3MaintainProbe]] 30 -** [[2.7 Calibration>>path:#H2.7Calibration]] 31 -** [[2.8 Frequency Plans>>path:#H2.8FrequencyPlans]] 32 -*** [[2.8.1 EU863-870 (EU868)>>path:#H2.8.1EU863-87028EU86829]] 33 -*** [[2.8.2 US902-928(US915)>>path:#H2.8.2US902-92828US91529]] 34 -*** [[2.8.3 CN470-510 (CN470)>>path:#H2.8.3CN470-51028CN47029]] 35 -*** [[2.8.4 AU915-928(AU915)>>path:#H2.8.4AU915-92828AU91529]] 36 -*** [[2.8.5 AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923)>>path:#H2.8.5AS920-92326AS923-92528AS92329]] 37 -*** [[2.8.6 KR920-923 (KR920)>>path:#H2.8.6KR920-92328KR92029]] 38 -*** [[2.8.7 IN865-867 (IN865)>>path:#H2.8.7IN865-86728IN86529]] 39 -** [[2.9 LED Indicator>>path:#H2.9LEDIndicator]] 40 -** [[2.10 Firmware Change Log>>path:#H2.10200BFirmwareChangeLog]] 41 -* [[3. Configure LSPH01 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink>>path:#H3.ConfigureLSPH01viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink]] 42 -** [[3.1 Set Transmit Interval Time>>path:#H3.1SetTransmitIntervalTime]] 43 -** [[3.2 Set Interrupt Mode>>path:#H3.2SetInterruptMode]] 44 -** [[3.3 Calibrate Sensor>>path:#H3.3CalibrateSensor]] 45 -** [[3.4 Get Firmware Version Info>>path:#H3.4GetFirmwareVersionInfo]] 46 -* [[4. Battery & How to replace>>path:#H4.Battery26Howtoreplace]] 47 -** [[4.1 Battery Type>>path:#H4.1BatteryType]] 48 -** [[4.2 Replace Battery>>path:#H4.2ReplaceBattery]] 49 -** [[4.3 Power Consumption Analyze>>path:#H4.3PowerConsumptionAnalyze]] 50 -*** [[4.3.1 Battery Note>>path:#H4.3.1200BBatteryNote]] 51 -*** [[4.3.2 Replace the battery>>path:#H200B4.3.2Replacethebattery]] 52 -* [[5. Use AT Command>>path:#H5.UseATCommand]] 53 -** [[5.1 Access AT Commands>>path:#H5.1AccessATCommands]] 54 -* [[6. FAQ>>path:#H6.FAQ]] 55 -** [[6.1 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region>>path:#H6.1HowtochangetheLoRaFrequencyBands2FRegion]] 56 -* [[7. Trouble Shooting>>path:#H7.TroubleShooting]] 57 -** [[7.1 AT Commands input doesn’t work>>path:#H7.1ATCommandsinputdoesn2019twork]] 58 -* [[8. Order Info>>path:#H8.OrderInfo]] 59 -* [[9. Packing Info>>path:#H9.200BPackingInfo]] 60 -* [[10. Support>>path:#H10.A0200BSupport]] 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 12 + 66 66 = 1. Introduction = 67 67 68 68 == 1.1 What is LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor ==