Changes for page LDDS45 - LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor User Manual
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... ... @@ -1,9 +1,56 @@ 1 1 (% style="text-align:center" %) 2 -[[image:1654846127817-788.png]] 2 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654846127817-788.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654846127817-788.png"]] 3 3 4 4 **Contents:** 5 5 6 -{{toc/}} 6 +* [[1. Introduction>>path:#H1.A0Introduction]] 7 +** [[1.1 What is LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor>>path:#H1.1200BWhatisLoRaWANDistanceDetectionSensor]] 8 +** [[1.2 Features>>path:#H200B1.2A0Features]] 9 +** [[1.3 Specification>>path:#H1.3A0Specification]] 10 +*** [[1.3.1 Rated environmental conditions>>path:#H1.3.1A0Ratedenvironmentalconditions]] 11 +*** [[1.3.2 Effective measurement range Reference beam pattern>>path:#H1.3.2A0EffectivemeasurementrangeReferencebeampattern]] 12 +** [[1.5 Applications>>path:#H1.5200BApplications]] 13 +** [[1.6 Pin mapping and power on>>path:#H1.6A0Pinmappingandpoweron]] 14 +* [[2. Configure LDDS75 to connect to LoRaWAN network>>path:#H2.A0ConfigureLDDS75toconnecttoLoRaWANnetwork]] 15 +** [[2.1 How it works>>path:#H2.1A0Howitworks]] 16 +** [[2.2 Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA)>>path:#H2.2A0200BQuickguidetoconnecttoLoRaWANserver28OTAA29]] 17 +** [[2.3 Uplink Payload>>path:#H2.3A0200BUplinkPayload]] 18 +*** [[2.3.1 Battery Info>>path:#H2.3.1A0BatteryInfo]] 19 +*** [[2.3.2 Distance>>path:#H2.3.2A0Distance]] 20 +*** [[2.3.3 Interrupt Pin>>path:#H2.3.3A0InterruptPin]] 21 +*** [[2.3.4 DS18B20 Temperature sensor>>path:#H2.3.4A0DS18B20Temperaturesensor]] 22 +*** [[2.3.5 Sensor Flag>>path:#H2.3.5A0SensorFlag]] 23 +*** [[2.3.6 Decode payload in The Things Network>>path:#H2.3.6A0DecodepayloadinTheThingsNetwork]] 24 +** [[2.4 Uplink Interval>>path:#H2.4A0UplinkInterval]] 25 +** [[2.5 Show Data in DataCake IoT Server>>path:#H2.5A0200BShowDatainDataCakeIoTServer]] 26 +** [[2.6 Frequency Plans>>path:#H2.6A0FrequencyPlans]] 27 +*** [[2.6.1 EU863-870 (EU868)>>path:#H2.6.1A0EU863-87028EU86829]] 28 +*** [[2.6.2 US902-928(US915)>>path:#H2.6.2A0US902-92828US91529]] 29 +*** [[2.6.3 CN470-510 (CN470)>>path:#H2.6.3A0CN470-51028CN47029]] 30 +*** [[2.6.4 AU915-928(AU915)>>path:#H2.6.4A0AU915-92828AU91529]] 31 +*** [[2.6.5 AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923)>>path:#H2.6.5A0AS920-92326AS923-92528AS92329]] 32 +*** [[2.6.6 KR920-923 (KR920)>>path:#H2.6.6A0KR920-92328KR92029]] 33 +*** [[2.6.7 IN865-867 (IN865)>>path:#H2.6.7A0IN865-86728IN86529]] 34 +** [[2.7 LED Indicator>>path:#H2.7A0LEDIndicator]] 35 +** [[2.8 Firmware Change Log>>path:#H2.8A0200BFirmwareChangeLog]] 36 +** [[2.9 Mechanical>>path:#H2.9A0Mechanical]] 37 +** [[2.10 Battery Analysis>>path:#H2.10A0BatteryAnalysis]] 38 +*** [[2.10.1 Battery Type>>path:#H2.10.1A0BatteryType]] 39 +*** [[2.10.2 Replace the battery>>path:#H2.10.2A0Replacethebattery]] 40 +* [[3. Configure LDDS75 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink>>path:#H3.A0ConfigureLDDS75viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink]] 41 +** [[3.1 Access AT Commands>>path:#H3.1A0AccessATCommands]] 42 +** [[3.2 Set Transmit Interval Time>>path:#H3.2A0SetTransmitIntervalTime]] 43 +** [[3.3 Set Interrupt Mode>>path:#H3.3A0SetInterruptMode]] 44 +* [[4. FAQ>>path:#H4.A0FAQ]] 45 +** [[4.1 What is the frequency plan for LDDS75?>>path:#H4.1A0WhatisthefrequencyplanforLDDS753F]] 46 +** [[4.2 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region>>path:#H4.2A0HowtochangetheLoRaFrequencyBands2FRegion]] 47 +** [[4.3 Can I use LDDS75 in condensation environment?>>path:#H4.3A0CanIuseLDDS75incondensationenvironment3F]] 48 +* [[5. Trouble Shooting>>path:#H5.A0TroubleShooting]] 49 +** [[5.1 Why I can’t join TTN V3 in US915 / AU915 bands?>>path:#H5.1A0WhyIcan2019tjoinTTNV3inUS9152FAU915bands3F]] 50 +** [[5.2 AT Command input doesn't work>>path:#H5.2A0ATCommandinputdoesn27twork]] 51 +* [[6. Order Info>>path:#H6.A0OrderInfo]] 52 +* [[7. Packing Info>>path:#H7.200BPackingInfo]] 53 +* [[8. Support>>path:#H8.A0200BSupport]] 7 7 8 8 9 9 ... ... @@ -20,54 +20,27 @@ 20 20 21 21 22 22 ((( 23 -((( 24 24 The Dragino LDDS75 is a (% style="color:#4472c4" %)** LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor**(%%) for Internet of Things solution. It is used to measure the distance between the sensor and a flat object. The distance detection sensor is a module that uses (% style="color:#4472c4" %)** ultrasonic sensing** (%%)technology for distance measurement, and (% style="color:#4472c4" %)** temperature compensation**(%%) is performed internally to improve the reliability of data. The LDDS75 can be applied to scenarios such as horizontal distance measurement, liquid level measurement, parking management system, object proximity and presence detection, intelligent trash can management system, robot obstacle avoidance, automatic control, sewer, bottom water level monitoring, etc. 25 -))) 26 26 27 -((( 28 - 29 -))) 30 30 31 -((( 32 32 It detects the distance** (% style="color:#4472c4" %) between the measured object and the sensor(%%)**, and uploads the value via wireless to LoRaWAN IoT Server. 33 -))) 34 34 35 -((( 36 - 37 -))) 38 38 39 -((( 40 40 The LoRa wireless technology used in LDDS75 allows device to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption. 41 -))) 42 42 43 -((( 44 - 45 -))) 46 46 47 -((( 48 48 LDDS75 is powered by (% style="color:#4472c4" %)** 4000mA or 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery**(%%); It is designed for long term use up to 10 years*. 49 -))) 50 50 51 -((( 52 - 53 -))) 54 54 55 -((( 56 56 Each LDDS75 pre-loads with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect if there is network coverage, after power on. 57 -))) 58 58 59 -((( 60 - 61 -))) 62 62 63 -((( 64 64 (% style="color:#4472c4" %) * (%%)Actually lifetime depends on network coverage and uplink interval and other factors. 65 65 ))) 66 66 ))) 67 -))) 68 68 69 69 70 -[[image:1654847051249-359.png]] 90 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654847051249-359.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654847051249-359.png"]] 71 71 72 72 73 73 ... ... @@ -86,19 +86,18 @@ 86 86 * IP66 Waterproof Enclosure 87 87 * 4000mAh or 8500mAh Battery for long term use 88 88 89 - 90 90 == 1.3 Specification == 91 91 92 92 === 1.3.1 Rated environmental conditions === 93 93 94 -[[image:image-20220610154839-1.png]] 113 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610154839-1.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610154839-1.png"]] 95 95 96 -((( 97 -**Remarks: (1) a. When the ambient temperature is 0-39 ℃, the maximum humidity is 90% (non-condensing); b. When the ambient temperature is 40-50 ℃, the highest humidity is the highest humidity in the natural world at the current temperature (no condensation)** 98 -))) 115 +**Remarks: (1) a. When the ambient temperature is 0-39 ℃, the maximum humidity is 90% (non-condensing);** 99 99 117 +**b. When the ambient temperature is 40-50 ℃, the highest humidity is the highest humidity in the natural world at the current temperature (no condensation)** 100 100 101 101 120 + 102 102 === 1.3.2 Effective measurement range Reference beam pattern === 103 103 104 104 **(1) The tested object is a white cylindrical tube made of PVC, with a height of 100cm and a diameter of 7.5cm.** ... ... @@ -105,16 +105,14 @@ 105 105 106 106 107 107 108 -[[image:1654852253176-749.png]] 127 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654852253176-749.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654852253176-749.png"]] 109 109 110 110 111 111 112 -((( 113 113 **(2)** **The object to be tested is a "corrugated cardboard box" perpendicular to the central axis of 0 °, and the length * width is 60cm * 50cm.** 114 -))) 115 115 116 116 117 -[[image:1654852175653-550.png]](% style="display:none" %) ** ** 134 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654852175653-550.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654852175653-550.png"]](% style="display:none" %) ** ** 118 118 119 119 120 120 ... ... @@ -131,11 +131,10 @@ 131 131 * Bottom water level monitoring 132 132 133 133 134 - 135 135 == 1.6 Pin mapping and power on == 136 136 137 137 138 -[[image:1654847583902-256.png]] 154 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654847583902-256.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654847583902-256.png"]] 139 139 140 140 141 141 ... ... @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ 148 148 ))) 149 149 150 150 ((( 151 -In case you can't set the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN OTAA server, and you have to use the keys from the server, you can [[use AT Commands >> ||anchor="H3.A0ConfigureLDDS75viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink"]]to set the keys in the LDDS75.167 +In case you can't set the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN OTAA server, and you have to use the keys from the server, you can [[use AT Commands >>path:#H3.A0ConfigureLDDS75viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink]]to set the keys in the LDDS75. 152 152 ))) 153 153 154 154 ... ... @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ 160 160 ))) 161 161 162 162 ((( 163 -[[image:1654848616367-242.png]] 179 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654848616367-242.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654848616367-242.png"]] 164 164 ))) 165 165 166 166 ((( ... ... @@ -175,40 +175,34 @@ 175 175 Each LDDS75 is shipped with a sticker with the default device keys, user can find this sticker in the box. it looks like below. 176 176 ))) 177 177 178 -[[image:image-20220607170145-1.jpeg]] 194 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220607170145-1.jpeg?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220607170145-1.jpeg"]] 179 179 180 180 181 -((( 182 182 For OTAA registration, we need to set **APP EUI/ APP KEY/ DEV EUI**. Some server might no need to set APP EUI. 183 -))) 184 184 185 -((( 186 186 Enter these keys in the LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN V3 screen shot: 187 -))) 188 188 189 -((( 190 190 **Add APP EUI in the application** 191 -))) 192 192 193 -[[image:image-20220610161353-4.png]] 203 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161353-4.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161353-4.png"]] 194 194 195 -[[image:image-20220610161353-5.png]] 205 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161353-5.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161353-5.png"]] 196 196 197 -[[image:image-20220610161353-6.png]] 207 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161353-6.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161353-6.png"]] 198 198 199 199 200 -[[image:image-20220610161353-7.png]] 210 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161353-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161353-7.png"]] 201 201 202 202 203 203 You can also choose to create the device manually. 204 204 205 - [[image:image-20220610161538-8.png]] 215 + [[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161538-8.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161538-8.png"]] 206 206 207 207 208 208 209 209 **Add APP KEY and DEV EUI** 210 210 211 -[[image:image-20220610161538-9.png]] 221 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161538-9.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161538-9.png"]] 212 212 213 213 214 214 ... ... @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ 217 217 218 218 Put a Jumper on JP2 to power on the device. ( The Switch must be in FLASH position). 219 219 220 -[[image:image-20220610161724-10.png]] 230 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610161724-10.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610161724-10.png"]] 221 221 222 222 223 223 ((( ... ... @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ 224 224 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 3**(%%)**:** The LDDS75 will auto join to the TTN network. After join success, it will start to upload messages to TTN and you can see the messages in the panel. 225 225 ))) 226 226 227 -[[image:1654849068701-275.png]] 237 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654849068701-275.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654849068701-275.png"]] 228 228 229 229 230 230 ... ... @@ -231,15 +231,11 @@ 231 231 == 2.3 Uplink Payload == 232 232 233 233 ((( 234 -((( 235 235 LDDS75 will uplink payload via LoRaWAN with below payload format: 236 -))) 237 237 238 -((( 239 239 Uplink payload includes in total 4 bytes. 240 240 Payload for firmware version v1.1.4. . Before v1.1.3, there is on two fields: BAT and Distance 241 241 ))) 242 -))) 243 243 244 244 ((( 245 245 ... ... @@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ 249 249 |=(% style="width: 62.5px;" %)((( 250 250 **Size (bytes)** 251 251 )))|=(% style="width: 62.5px;" %)**2**|=**2**|=1|=2|=**1** 252 -|(% style="width:62.5px" %)**Value**|(% style="width:62.5px" %)[[BAT>> ||anchor="H2.3.1A0BatteryInfo"]]|(((253 -[[Distance>> ||anchor="H2.3.2A0Distance"]]258 +|(% style="width:62.5px" %)**Value**|(% style="width:62.5px" %)[[BAT>>path:#H2.3.1A0BatteryInfo]]|((( 259 +[[Distance>>path:#H2.3.3A0Distance]] 254 254 255 255 (unit: mm) 256 -)))|[[Digital Interrupt (Optional)>> ||anchor="H2.3.3A0InterruptPin"]]|(((257 -[[Temperature (Optional )>> ||anchor="H2.3.4A0DS18B20Temperaturesensor"]]258 -)))|[[Sensor Flag>> ||anchor="H2.3.5A0SensorFlag"]]262 +)))|[[Digital Interrupt (Optional)>>path:#H2.3.4A0Distancesignalstrength]]|((( 263 +[[Temperature (Optional )>>path:#H2.3.5A0InterruptPin]] 264 +)))|(%%)(% class="wikiinternallink" %)[[Sensor Flag>>path:#Sensor_Flag]] 259 259 260 -[[image:1654850511545-399.png]] 266 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654850511545-399.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654850511545-399.png"]] 261 261 262 262 263 263 ... ... @@ -274,24 +274,17 @@ 274 274 275 275 === 2.3.2 Distance === 276 276 277 -((( 278 278 Get the distance. Flat object range 280mm - 7500mm. 279 -))) 280 280 281 -((( 282 282 For example, if the data you get from the register is 0x0B 0x05, the distance between the sensor and the measured object is(% style="color:#4472c4" %)** 0B05(H) = 2821 (D) = 2821 mm.** 283 -))) 284 284 285 285 286 286 * If the sensor value is 0x0000, it means system doesn’t detect ultrasonic sensor. 287 287 * If the sensor value lower than 0x0118 (280mm), the sensor value will be invalid. Since v1.1.4, all value lower than 280mm will be set to 0x0014(20mm) which means the value is invalid. 288 288 289 - 290 - 291 - 292 292 === 2.3.3 Interrupt Pin === 293 293 294 -This data field shows if this packet is generated by interrupt or not. [[Click here>> ||anchor="H3.3A0SetInterruptMode"]] for the hardware and software set up.293 +This data field shows if this packet is generated by interrupt or not. [[Click here>>path:#H4.2A0SetInterruptMode]] for the hardware and software set up. 295 295 296 296 **Example:** 297 297 ... ... @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ 328 328 While using TTN network, you can add the payload format to decode the payload. 329 329 330 330 331 -[[image:1654850829385-439.png]] 330 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654850829385-439.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654850829385-439.png"]] 332 332 333 333 The payload decoder function for TTN V3 is here: 334 334 ... ... @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ 338 338 339 339 == 2.4 Uplink Interval == 340 340 341 -The LDDS75 by default uplink the sensor data every 20 minutes. User can change this interval by AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink Command. See this link: [[Change Uplink Interval>> doc:Main.End.WebHome||anchor="H4.1ChangeUplinkInterval"]]340 +The LDDS75 by default uplink the sensor data every 20 minutes. User can change this interval by AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink Command. See this link: [[Change Uplink Interval>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/End%20Device%20AT%20Commands%20and%20Downlink%20Command/#H4.1ChangeUplinkInterval]] 342 342 343 343 344 344 ... ... @@ -361,10 +361,10 @@ 361 361 ))) 362 362 363 363 364 -[[image:1654592790040-760.png]] 363 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654592790040-760.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654592790040-760.png"]] 365 365 366 366 367 -[[image:1654592800389-571.png]] 366 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654592800389-571.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654592800389-571.png"]] 368 368 369 369 370 370 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 3**(%%)**: Create an account or log in Datacake.** ... ... @@ -371,12 +371,12 @@ 371 371 372 372 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 4**(%%)**: Search the LDDS75 and add DevEUI.** 373 373 374 -[[image:1654851029373-510.png]] 373 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/1654851029373-510.png?rev=1.1||alt="1654851029373-510.png"]] 375 375 376 376 377 377 After added, the sensor data arrive TTN V3, it will also arrive and show in Datacake. 378 378 379 -[[image:image-20220610165129-11.png||height="595" width="1088"]] 378 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610165129-11.png?width=1088&height=595&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610165129-11.png" height="595" width="1088"]] 380 380 381 381 382 382 ... ... @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ 864 864 **Firmware download link: **[[http:~~/~~/>>url:]] 865 865 866 866 867 -**Firmware Upgrade Method: **[[Firmware Upgrade Instruction>> doc:Main.Firmware.WebHome]]866 +**Firmware Upgrade Method: **[[Firmware Upgrade Instruction>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Firmware%20Upgrade%20Instruction%20for%20STM32%20base%20products/]] 868 868 869 869 870 870 ... ... @@ -871,13 +871,11 @@ 871 871 == 2.9 Mechanical == 872 872 873 873 874 -[[image:image-20220610172003-1.png]] 873 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610172003-1.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610172003-1.png"]] 875 875 875 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610172003-2.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610172003-2.png"]] 876 876 877 -[[image:image-20220610172003-2.png]] 878 878 879 - 880 - 881 881 == 2.10 Battery Analysis == 882 882 883 883 === 2.10.1 Battery Type === ... ... @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ 888 888 The battery related documents as below: 889 889 890 890 * ((( 891 -[[Battery Dimension>>url:]], 888 +[[ Battery Dimension>>url:]], 892 892 ))) 893 893 * ((( 894 894 [[Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery datasheet>>url:]], ... ... @@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ 897 897 [[Lithium-ion Battery-Capacitor datasheet>>url:]], [[Tech Spec>>url:]] 898 898 ))) 899 899 900 - [[image:image-20220610172400-3.png]] 897 + [[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610172400-3.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610172400-3.png"]] 901 901 902 902 903 903 ... ... @@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ 904 904 === 2.10.2 Replace the battery === 905 905 906 906 ((( 907 -You can change the battery in the LDDS75.The type of battery is not limited as long as the output is between 3v to 3.6v. On the main board, there is a diode (D1) between the battery and the main circuit. If you need to use a battery with less than 3.3v, please remove the D1 and shortcut the two pads of it so there won 't be voltage drop between battery and main board.904 +You can change the battery in the LDDS75.The type of battery is not limited as long as the output is between 3v to 3.6v. On the main board, there is a diode (D1) between the battery and the main circuit. If you need to use a battery with less than 3.3v, please remove the D1 and shortcut the two pads of it so there won’t be voltage drop between battery and main board. 908 908 ))) 909 909 910 910 ((( ... ... @@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ 912 912 ))) 913 913 914 914 ((( 915 -The default battery pack of LDDS75 includes a ER18505 plus super capacitor. If user can 't find this pack locally, they can find ER18505 or equivalence, which will also work in most case. The SPC can enlarge the battery life for high frequency use (update period below 5 minutes)912 +The default battery pack of LDDS75 includes a ER18505 plus super capacitor. If user can’t find this pack locally, they can find ER18505 or equivalence, which will also work in most case. The SPC can enlarge the battery life for high frequency use (update period below 5 minutes) 916 916 ))) 917 917 918 918 ... ... @@ -927,12 +927,12 @@ 927 927 928 928 * ((( 929 929 ((( 930 -AT Command Connection: See [[FAQ>> ||anchor="H4.A0FAQ"]].927 +AT Command Connection: See [[FAQ>>path:#H7.A0FAQ]]. 931 931 ))) 932 932 ))) 933 933 * ((( 934 934 ((( 935 -LoRaWAN Downlink instruction for different platforms: [[IoT LoRaWAN Server>> doc:Main.WebHome]]932 +LoRaWAN Downlink instruction for different platforms: [[IoT LoRaWAN Server>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]] 936 936 ))) 937 937 ))) 938 938 ... ... @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ 971 971 972 972 ((( 973 973 ((( 974 -They are same for all Dragino Device which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki: [[End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command>> doc:Main.End.WebHome]]971 +They are same for all Dragino Device which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki: [[End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/End%20Device%20AT%20Commands%20and%20Downlink%20Command/]] 975 975 ))) 976 976 ))) 977 977 ... ... @@ -999,19 +999,19 @@ 999 999 1000 1000 LDDS75 supports AT Command set in the stock firmware. You can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to LDDS75 for using AT command, as below. 1001 1001 1002 -[[image:image-20220610172924-4.png||height="483" width="988"]] 999 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610172924-4.png?width=988&height=483&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610172924-4.png" height="483" width="988"]] 1003 1003 1004 1004 1005 1005 Or if you have below board, use below connection: 1006 1006 1007 1007 1008 -[[image:image-20220610172924-5.png]] 1005 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610172924-5.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610172924-5.png"]] 1009 1009 1010 1010 1011 1011 In the PC, you need to set the serial baud rate to (% style="color:green" %)**9600**(%%) to access the serial console for LDDS75. LDDS75 will output system info once power on as below: 1012 1012 1013 1013 1014 - [[image:image-20220610172924-6.png||height="601" width="860"]] 1011 + [[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610172924-6.png?width=860&height=601&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610172924-6.png" height="601" width="860"]] 1015 1015 1016 1016 1017 1017 ... ... @@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ 1021 1021 1022 1022 (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT Command: AT+TDC** 1023 1023 1024 -[[image:image-20220610173409-7.png]] 1021 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610173409-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610173409-7.png"]] 1025 1025 1026 1026 1027 1027 ((( ... ... @@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ 1048 1048 1049 1049 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Command: AT+INTMOD** 1050 1050 1051 -[[image:image-20220610174917-9.png]] 1048 +[[image:/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDDS75%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Distance%20Detection%20Sensor%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220610174917-9.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220610174917-9.png"]] 1052 1052 1053 1053 1054 1054 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Command: 0x06** ... ... @@ -1064,13 +1064,13 @@ 1064 1064 1065 1065 == 4.1 What is the frequency plan for LDDS75? == 1066 1066 1067 -LDDS75 use the same frequency as other Dragino products. User can see the detail from this link: [[Introduction>> doc:Main.End.WebHome||anchor="H1.Introduction"]]1064 +LDDS75 use the same frequency as other Dragino products. User can see the detail from this link: [[Introduction>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/End%20Device%20Frequency%20Band/#H1.Introduction]] 1068 1068 1069 1069 1070 1070 1071 1071 == 4.2 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region == 1072 1072 1073 -You can follow the instructions for [[how to upgrade image>> ||anchor="H2.8A0200BFirmwareChangeLog"]].1070 +You can follow the instructions for [[how to upgrade image>>path:#H2.8A0200BFirmwareChangeLog]]. 1074 1074 When downloading the images, choose the required image file for download. 1075 1075 1076 1076 ... ... @@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ 1085 1085 1086 1086 == 5.1 Why I can’t join TTN V3 in US915 / AU915 bands? == 1087 1087 1088 -It is due to channel mapping. Please see below link: [[Frequency band>> doc:Main.LoRaWAN.WebHome||anchor="H2.NoticeofUS9152FCN4702FAU915Frequencyband"]]1085 +It is due to channel mapping. Please see below link: [[Frequency band>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/LoRaWAN%20Communication%20Debug/#H2.NoticeofUS9152FCN4702FAU915Frequencyband]] 1089 1089 1090 1090 1091 1091 == 5.2 AT Command input doesn't work ==