RS485 Configure Tool
Table of Contents:
1. What is Dragino RS485 Configure Tool?
Dragino RS485 tool is designed to provide a friendly way to user to configure Dragino RS485 Wireless Sensor such as : RS485-LN, RS485-LB, RS485-BL, RS485-NB.
The RS485 tool provide below features:
- A Console window which use can do debug via AT Commands.
- Test the poll command to RS485 sensors.
- See return from RS485 sensors and preview process command for returns.
- Generate the AT Commands after debuging.
- Write the AT Commands to end node in batch.
- Import / Export commands
2. Hardware Connection
To use Dragino RS485 Configure Tool. User need to run the tool in PC and use the TTL connection to Dragino End Node, and RS485 end node should connect to the RS485 Sensors for debug or configure.
Download RS485 Configure Tool.
3. Use the tool
Below is the block diagram of the RS485 Tool:
3.1 General Configure:
- Port: COM port in PC to connect to RS485 End Node.
- Node Baud Rate: The Baud Rate for RS485 End Node.
- 5VT: 5v Power_On_Duration for external RS485 Sensors. Unit: ms.
- Connect End Node: Connect to RS485 End Node.
- Disconnect End Node: Disconnect RS485 End Node.
- Sensor Baud Rate: Baud Rate of RS485 Sensors.
- Sensor Data Bit: Data Bit of RS485 Sensors
- Sensor Check Bit: Check Bit of RS485 Sensors.
- Sensor Stop Bit: Stop Bit of RS485 Sensors
- Configure Devices: Send General Configure Command to End Node.
3.2 Console Window:
After Connect End Node. The Console Window will shows all the output from RS485 End Node.
User can also Send AT Commands to RS485 End Node in this window.
3.3 RS485 Commands to Sensor
This area is used to configure what RS485 Commands the End Node should send to the RS485 sensors to get the sensor value.
- There are totally 15 commands max.
- Each command should be set according to the sensor manual.
- It is HEX format and no need 0x. Each byte should have a space in between (will be fix in next version so no need space).
- User should calculate the CRC if needed
- Sensor Command: FE 03 00 00 00 03 11 C4 (11 C4 is CRC). User need to input: FE 03 00 00 00 03 11 C4 as poll command.
Test RS485 Commands: After configure poll commands. Click this button then the tool will generate related AT+COMMANDS and send to the End node to test and get return.
3.4 Process Sensor Returns
RS485 sensors will return a string, to make it more efficient to process via LoRaWAN packets, we can fetch the valid chars from the returns by this area.
1. Add Payload Structure Window
2. Modify Chars to looks nicer
3. Each COmmand can have seperate return process command.