Table of Contents:
- 1. Installation
- 2. Use Node-RED
- 3. Input Flow
1. Installation
Check installation instruction for different OS from this link:
1.1 Install Example for CENTOS
1.1.1 Installation
Verify if the installation was successful
Type in the command line interface node-red
The following information appears to prove that the installation has been successful
1.1.2 If you want to start Node-RED as a background process
Type in the command line interface nohup node-red &
It will prompt after startup
After seeing the above information, press enter
Type in the command line exit
The above is the installation and startup process of nodered. If you don't understand anything, you can go to the nodered official website. There are installation instructions for various systems. The address has a link at the top
1.2 Install in Dragino Gataway
Dragino Gateway is already installed, no need for users to install it by themselves
2. Use Node-RED
2.1 Login to Node-RED interface
Enter your public IP address followed by the port number 1880
2.2 Add flow
Take NBSN95 mod1 UDP protocol as an example
After logging into the interface click "+" to create a flow
Rename the stream
Drag UDP into the editing area
The same method as above, drag and drop functions and debug into the editing area
configure UDP in
Write to the UDP port that the device node sends to the server
Example My UDP device node sends to server port 8585
just write 8585
Note: that the port that is already in use cannot be used. If the receiving fails, you need to check whether the port of the server is occupied. The sending port of the device node should not use the default port used by the server, such as a common port such as 8080.
In order to avoid data confusion, different types of nodes do not use the same UDP port, because different nodes have different data formats and different functions.
When the node successfully sends data, the effect shown in the following figure will appear
2.2.1 About function
If you are familiar with JS code, you can write it yourself
If you are not familiar, we have the JS code for each type of node, you just need to copy and paste it into it
2.3 Plot Chart for sensors
If you need data visualization, please refer to the following
1. Click Install
2. Search the dashboard
3. Click Install
After the installation is successful, nodered will show the following node icon
2.3.1 the line chart as an example
Drag the line chart to the editing area
Just drag and drop as many as you need, or you can copy
The demo uses 3 kinds. Voltage, temperature, humidity
double click function
Adjusted to 3, because we need to display 3 charts
2.3.2 the chart settings
Double-click while setting up the node as above
After the display interface is defined for the first time, subsequent charts can directly select the display interface
Connect graph nodes to functions with lines
Click to deploy
Enter the server public IP + port 1880/ui
At this point, the basic demonstration of nodered is completed. If you need to beautify the chart and various visualizations, you can go to the official documentation of nodered for further understanding.
2.4 Store Value
Regarding storage, we recommend two ways.
2.4.1 1. Generate txt document directly
Sample JSON file:链接转到示例JSON文件
2.4.2 2. Use sqlite database
1. Install SQLite
2. After the installation is successful, the nodes in the picture will appear
3. Import sample flow
Refer to the import example below to import the sqlite example flow
Download sample JSON file link: 链接
3. Input Flow
Directly import JSON files to generate flow
Download the required JSON file through this link: 提供一个链接
Take LHT65 as an example (this node is already registered with TTN,MQTT protocol to connect)
After the import is successful, change the MQTT in node to your TTN information
Configure information consistent with your TTN
API keys generated by the password for you
Topic modify it to the following format
v3/Application ID@ttn/devices/End device ID/up
After the modification is completed, click Deploy
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