
In LoRaWAN protocol, the gateway transmit packet uses the output power base on the Power Index from the LoRaWAN server downlink. for example, the LoRaWAN server sends a downlink with this info "rf_power=14", gateway got this info and it will search the index for rf_power=14 and use the related rf setting to set output power. In some cases, the LoRaWAN server might set the rf-power to a quite low value ( for example 0dB) which is not practical for use. In such a case, the User can manually change the rf_power=0's rf settings to a higher power out. Below are the methods.

Change Power for Semtech UDP Paket forward connection

In LoRaWAN protocol, the gateway output power refers to the downstream packets sent by Gateway. This output power is controlled by the LoRaWAN server.

Gateway maintains a power index in the file: /etc/lora/global_conf.json for example:

"tx_lut_3": {
    "desc": "TX gain table, index 3",        // Index 3 refer to rf_power: 15dB. device will set the pa_gain,mix_gain,dig_gain 
    "pa_gain": 2,                            // to the value mentioned here so to generate 15dB output power.
    "mix_gain": 10,
    "rf_power": 15,
    "dig_gain": 1
"tx_lut_4": {
    "desc": "TX gain table, index 4",
    "pa_gain": 2,
    "mix_gain": 10,
    "rf_power": 16,
    "dig_gain": 0

Note: If when lorawan server specifies a rf_power that is not listed above. gateway will choose the closest power. profile.

When the LoRaWAN server sends a downlink stream, the server will also ask the gateway to use rf_power as output. So users don't need to consider controlling on the gateway side.

If users want to always use a higher power or a lower power. Users can modify the pa_gain,mix_gain, and dig_gain to specify rf_power to achieve this purpose. This is not recommended, because this might break the regulator for a specific country.

Please note, that the global_conf.json file will be overwritten by the match region files in /etc/lora/cfg-30x when changing settings on the web. So the user needs to change the files in /etc/lora/cfg-cfg-30x instead of global_conf.json

Change Power for LoRaWAN Basic Station connection

When users use LoRaWAN Basic Station, How to Change the Power for the LoRaWAN Basic Station connection?

If users want to always use a higher power or a lower power. Users can modify the pa_gain,mix_gain, and dig_gain to specify rf_power to achieve this purpose. This is not recommended, because this might break the regulator for a specific country.


Created by Xiaoling on 2022/05/14 13:43
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