
1. Introduction

The ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server stack provides open-source components for LoRaWAN networks And the Chirpstack supports the users in building a private LoRaWAN Server. For more info please refer to this link

The dragino gateway can connect the ChirpStack server via Semtech UDP or Semtech Basic Station.


1) Have a Chirstack Server.


ChirpStack home page

2) Gateway model support

Semtech UDP : All Model
Basic Station : , , 
Note : the firmware needs >  if use the Bais station

2. Semtech UDP

2.1 Step 1. Add the Network-servers

The network-Servers address varies depending on the ChirpStack server setup environment

   Windows       -->Network-server server * : localhost:8000
   Linux         -->Network-server server * : chirpstack-network-server:8000

If the user cannot add network-Servers, re-check the ChirpStack code or the server building process.


Add the Network-servers

2.2 Step 2. Create Gateway-profiles


Create Gateway-profiles

2.3 Step 3. Create Service-profiles


Create Service-profiles

In Step 3. Create Service-profiles, the above parameters can be set. If necessary, you can set them by yourself. This is only an example.

Note : Before add the gateway, the user needs to complete the preceding three steps.

If the user has completed the preceding steps, proceed to the next step. 

2.4 Step 4. Add the gateway

The example gateway id is: a840411e96744150

Note : The Gateway EUI and server addresses must match the ChirpStack configuration.


Add the gateway


Configure the gateway

2.5 Step 5. Checking gateway Status


gateway Status


gateway Status

3. Gateway Registration for Basics Station


The Semtech Basic Station backend implements the LNS protocol. It exposes a WebSocket handler to which Basic Station powered gateways can connect.

ChirpStack Open-Source LoRaWAN® Network Server needs to set up a configuration that can use Semtech BasicStation.

Below list the support products and Requirements:

  1. LoRaWAN Gateway model: LIG16LG308DLOS8 ,LPS8
  2. Firmware version since :lgw--build-v5.4.1651822913

How to set up chirpStack Basic Station

Users can check out the ChirpStack Basic Station link and forum

What do you need to prepare

A gateway that can access the internet normally

3.1 Add Gateway


3.2 Access the gateway GUI

Access the gateway GUI interface of LoRaWAN-->LoRaWAN -- Basic Station


User need to Choose the ChirpStack/Senet -- Basic Station , input Server URI and Upload the TLS Certificate

Service Provider                -->     Choose the ChirpStack/Senet -- Basic Station

LNS URI                             -->     Enter the LNS URI address, For example : wss:// or ws://

LNS TLS trust                     -->    Upload the TLS Certificate 


3.3 Start Station

When the user has finished the configuration, Please click Sace&Apply to start station to connect ChirpStack

3.4 Successful Connection

If user completes the above steps, which will see live date in the ChirpStack.


3.5 Trouble Shooting

User can check the station log in the logread/system log page.


and recode the station log in the system/Recode log page.


4. Downlink

4.1 Chirpstack Downlink Note


Convert the data to Base64


Check ChripStack downlink DataRate


Make sure the RX2DR is the same in the end node

4.2 Loraserver Downlink Note

User can use MQTT to send downlink payload to ChirpStack to perform downstream to LoRaWAN End

Below is examples:

Connect to your server via MQTT:
MQTT Client ID: Any   
Protocol:mqtt/tcp   Server IP:loraserver_ip:1883
User name: User name Password: password


MQTT Connect to ChirpStack


After connect

Subscribe : Format:application/ID/device/ Device EUI/rx
Example: application/7/device/00aedb3da649cb23/rx

Format: Top: application/ID/device/ Device EUI/tx
Payload: {"confirmed":true or false,"fPort":XX,"data":"xxxx"}
Example: Top: application/7/device/00aedb3da649cb23/tx
Payload: {"confirmed":true,"fPort":2,"data":"AwEB"} 


MQTT Connect to ChirpStack

Note: Chirpstack use base64 to downlink, so need to convert the downlink payload from HEX to base64


Choose to Use Hex for Encode

If we want send downstream hex 030101 to end node, the BASE64 payload is AwEB


Downlink payload encode javescript code: 可以在网站上运行以下Javsscript代码:

function sha1_to_base64(sha1)
    var digits="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    var base64_rep = "";
    var cnt = 0;
    var bit_arr = 0;
    var bit_num = 0;

    for(var n = 0; n < sha1.length; ++n)
        if(sha1[n] >= 'A' && sha1[n] <= 'Z')
            ascv = sha1.charCodeAtthumb_down - 55;
        else if(sha1[n] >= 'a' && sha1[n] <= 'z')
           ascv = sha1.charCodeAtthumb_down - 87;
            ascv = sha1.charCodeAtthumb_down - 48;

        bit_arr = (bit_arr << 4) | ascv;
        bit_num += 4;
        if(bit_num >= 6)
            bit_num -= 6;        
            base64_rep += digits[bit_arr >>> bit_num];
            bit_arr &= ~(-1 << bit_num);

    if(bit_num > 0)
        bit_arr <<= 6 - bit_num;
        base64_rep += digits[bit_arr];

    var padding = base64_rep.length % 4;   

    if(padding > 0)
        for(var n = 0; n < 4 - padding; ++n)
            base64_rep += "=";
    return base64_rep;


data is downlink payload required by end node.
e.g console.log(sha1_to_base64("030101"));
    ​result: AwEB     
    AwEB is the 0x030101's base 64 Encode.

​e.g console.log(sha1_to_base64("030000"));
    ​result: AwAA     
    AwAA is 0x030000's base 64 Encode.

4.3 Add the decode function in Chirpstack for the payload

User enters the payload code according to the steps.





5. Multiply Uplink in ChirpStack

nbtrans field is the value to determine the re-transmission time for unconfirmed uplink data.

ChirpStack will auto adjust nbtrans according to uplink rssi. link to source


nbtrans is a field of ADR message, in unconfirm mode, it tells end node how many time it needs to transmit for every frame.


Above behaviour will cause the platform shows below two cases of error:

Error of duplicate Frame Counter


Duplicate transmission in short time


5.1 Solution

This example uses the Windows version as a template, other versions can refer to this. Similiar reference:

1. Install the GO compilation environment: Download the corresponding version of the Go compiler at and install it.


installation path:


2. Environment variable settings:.

1) Open Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables and add a "new" system variable:

2)Set the variable name GOROOT and the variable value C:\Go\ (installation directory)


3)Modify the system variable Path and add C:\Go\bin\:


User variable setting file generation directory: D:\go:


3. Modify the ADR configuration file according to your own needs, adr.setting.go is an example of the ADR configuration file.

The name of the plugin: Example ADR plugin:


Set Nbtrans: Nbtrans=1 (Nbtrans is the number of retransmissions, if it is 1, no retransmission, it is recommended to be 1). To enable it, you need to uncomment.


4. Compile the ADR configuration file and generate the exe file.

1) Create a folder named adr-setting

2) Open the adr-setting folder

3) Put adr.setting.go in this folder.

4) Open the computer cmd and run the following commands in sequencecd adr-setting

go mod init adr-setting

go get

go get

go get adr-setting

go build

5) Finally generate this file:


5. Add the plugin and run the plugin.

The exe file generated in the previous step is placed in the same root directory as chirpstack-network-server.toml, and the ADR plugin is added to the toml file. The location of the addition is as follows:


For example: adr_plugins=[“adr-setting”]

  • Adding a single plugin format is adr_plugins=["filename"]

  • Adding multiple plugins The format is adr_plugins=["file name 1", "file name 2",...]

Finally, re-run chirpstack-network-server.exe, and then select the plugin you just compiled in Device-profiles,



6. Trouble Shooting

6.1 MIC Mismatch or MIC Failed

When the device is registered or the device is working normally, the problem of MIC mismatch and MIC failed occurs.

Under normal circumstances, users need to change the APPKEY to solve this problem.

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