Changes for page NMDS200 - NB-IoT Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual
Last modified by Mengting Qiu on 2024/04/02 17:03
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... ... @@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ 520 520 521 521 * (% style="color:#037691" %)**Reset** 522 522 523 -If payload = 0x04FF, it will reset the NS E01523 +If payload = 0x04FF, it will reset the NDS03A 524 524 525 525 * (% style="color:#037691" %)**INTMOD** 526 526 ... ... @@ -531,16 +531,17 @@ 531 531 == 2.6 LED Indicator == 532 532 533 533 534 -The CPN01has an internal LED which is to show the status of different states.534 +The NDS03A has an internal LED which is to show the status of different states. 535 535 536 536 * When the device starts normally, the LED will light up for 1 second. 537 537 * After CPN01 join NB-IoT network. The LED will be ON for 3 seconds. 538 538 * For each uplink probe, LED will be on for 500ms. 539 539 540 + 540 540 == 2.7 Alarm Base on Timeout == 541 541 542 542 543 - CPN01can monitor the timeout for a status change, this feature can be used to monitor some events such as door opening too long etc. Related Parameters are:544 +NDS03A can monitor the timeout for a status change, this feature can be used to monitor some events such as door opening too long etc. Related Parameters are: 544 544 545 545 546 546 (% style="color:blue" %)**1. Keep Status: Status to be monitor** ... ... @@ -556,17 +556,25 @@ 556 556 557 557 If keep time = 0, Disable Alarm Base on Timeout feature. 558 558 559 -If keep time > 0, device will monitor the keep status event and send an alarm when status doesn ’t change after timeout.560 +If keep time > 0, device will monitor the keep status event and send an alarm when status doesn't change after timeout. 560 560 561 561 562 562 (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command to configure:** 563 563 565 +(% style="color:blue" %)**PB14 PIN:** 566 + 564 564 (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TTRIG=1,30** (%%) **~-~->** When the **Keep Status** change from connected to disconnect, and device remains in disconnect status for more than 30 seconds. CPN01 will send an uplink packet, the [[Alarm bit>>url:]] (the second bit of 1^^st^^ byte of payload) on this uplink packet is set to 1. 565 565 566 566 (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TTRIG=0,0 ** (%%) **~-~->** Default Value, disable timeout Alarm. 567 567 568 568 572 +(% style="color:blue" %)**PB15 PIN:** 569 569 574 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TTRIG2=1,30** 575 + 576 +(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TTRIG2=0,0 ** 577 + 578 + 570 570 == 2.8 Set debug mode == 571 571 572 572 ... ... @@ -589,50 +589,50 @@ 589 589 590 590 591 591 592 -== 2.10 Settrigger mode==601 +== 2.10 Count Mod == 593 593 594 594 595 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+T TRMOD**604 +(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+COUNTMOD** 596 596 597 - Feature:Set the trigger interrupt mode.606 +[[image:image-20221118092935-1.png]] 598 598 599 -[[image:image-20221021111552-20.png]] 600 600 601 601 610 +== 2.11 Interrupt Pin Channel Mod == 602 602 603 -== 2.11 Set the calculate flag == 604 604 613 +(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+TTRCHANNEL** 605 605 606 - Feature:Set the calculateflag615 +[[image:image-20221118093144-2.png]] 607 607 608 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+CALCFLAG** 609 609 610 -[[image:image-20221021111711-22.png]] 611 611 619 +== 2.12 TTRIG1/2 timeout status alarm == 612 612 613 613 614 - ==2.12Set count number==622 +It needs to be used with AT+TTRIG1 or AT+TTRIG2. When TTRIG1 or TTRIG2 times out and causes an alarm, and the status does not change subsequently, an alarm packet will be sent at the alarm interval. 615 615 624 +(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+TTRALARM** 616 616 617 - Feature:Manually set the count number626 +[[image:image-20221118093512-3.png]] 618 618 619 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+SETCNT** 620 620 621 -[[image:image-20221021111748-24.png]] 622 622 630 +== 2.13 Select counting mode == 623 623 624 624 625 - ==2.13 Setthenumberof data touploaded andthe recording time==633 +(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+TTRMODx=a,b** 626 626 627 627 628 -(% style="color: blue" %)**ATCommand:**636 +When (% style="color:red" %)**a=0**(%%), the door is opened to count, and when (% style="color:red" %)**a=1**(%%),the closed door is counted. 629 629 630 -(% style="color: #037691" %)**AT+TR=900**~/~/The unit isseconds, andthedefault isorecorddataonceevery 900 seconds.(Theminimumcanbe setto180seconds)638 +When (% style="color:red" %)**b=0**(%%), it is the last door open duration, and when (% style="color:red" %)**b=1**(%%),the last door close duration. 631 631 632 - (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+NOUD=8** (%%)~/~/ The device uploads 8 sets of recorded data by default.Upto 32 sets of record data canbe uploaded.640 +[[image:image-20221118093658-4.png]] 633 633 634 634 635 635 644 + 636 636 == 2.14 Read or Clear cached data == 637 637 638 638