Changes for page NMDS200 - NB-IoT Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. Xiaoling1 +XWiki.David - Content
... ... @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ 115 115 === 1.7.3 BOOT MODE / SW1 === 116 116 117 117 118 -1) ISP: upgrade mode, device won't have any signal in this mode. but ready for upgrade firmware. LED won't work. The firmware won't run. 118 +1) ISP: upgrade mode, device won't have any signal in this mode. but ready for upgrade firmware. LED won't work. The firmware won't run. 119 119 120 -2) Flash: working mode, the device starts to work for NB-IoT connection and sends out console output for further debugging. 120 +2) Flash: working mode, the device starts to work for NB-IoT connection and sends out console output for further debugging. 121 121 122 122 123 123 ... ... @@ -228,13 +228,12 @@ 228 228 229 229 (% style="color:blue" %)**Use below commands in CPN01:** 230 230 231 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=1** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use CoAP protocol to uplink 231 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=1** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use CoAP protocol to uplink 232 232 233 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5683 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set CoAP server address and port 233 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5683 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set CoAP server address and port 234 234 235 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+URI=0,0,11,2,"mqtt" ** (%%) ~/~/ Set CoAP resource path 235 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+URI=0,0,11,2,"mqtt" ** (%%) ~/~/ Set CoAP resource path 236 236 237 - 238 238 For parameter description, please refer to AT command set 239 239 240 240 [[image:image-20221021110948-8.png]] ... ... @@ -251,14 +251,15 @@ 251 251 252 252 (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands:** 253 253 254 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=2 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use UDP protocol to uplink 253 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=2 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use UDP protocol to uplink 255 255 256 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5601 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set UDP server address and port 255 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5601 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set UDP server address and port 257 257 258 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CFM=1 ** (%%) ~/~/If the server does not respond, this command is unnecessary 257 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CFM=1 ** (%%) ~/~/ If the server does not respond, this command is unnecessary 259 259 260 260 [[image:image-20221021111025-10.png]] 261 261 261 + 262 262 [[image:image-20221021111033-11.png||height="241" width="576"]] 263 263 264 264 ... ... @@ -269,22 +269,23 @@ 269 269 270 270 (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands:** 271 271 272 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=3 ** (%%) ~/~/Set to use MQTT protocol to uplink 272 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=3 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use MQTT protocol to uplink 273 273 274 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,1883 ** (%%) ~/~/Set MQTT server address and port 274 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,1883 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set MQTT server address and port 275 275 276 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CLIENT=CLIENT ** (%%) ~/~/Set up the CLIENT of MQTT 276 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CLIENT=CLIENT ** (%%) ~/~/ Set up the CLIENT of MQTT 277 277 278 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+UNAME=UNAME **(%%)** **~/~/Set the username of MQTT 278 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+UNAME=UNAME **(%%)** **~/~/ Set the username of MQTT 279 279 280 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PWD=PWD **(%%)** **~/~/Set the password of MQTT 280 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PWD=PWD **(%%)** **~/~/ Set the password of MQTT 281 281 282 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PUBTOPIC=NSE01_PUB **(%%)** **~/~/Set the sending topic of MQTT 282 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PUBTOPIC=NSE01_PUB **(%%)** **~/~/ Set the sending topic of MQTT 283 283 284 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SUBTOPIC=NSE01_SUB ** (%%) ~/~/Set the subscription topic of MQTT 284 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SUBTOPIC=NSE01_SUB ** (%%) ~/~/ Set the subscription topic of MQTT 285 285 286 286 [[image:image-20221021111058-12.png]] 287 287 288 + 288 288 [[image:image-20221021111201-16.png||height="472" width="653"]] 289 289 290 290 ... ... @@ -292,14 +292,15 @@ 292 292 MQTT protocol has a much higher power consumption compare with UDP / CoAP protocol. Please check the power analyze document and adjust the uplink period to a suitable interval. 293 293 294 294 296 + 295 295 === 2.2.7 Use TCP protocol to uplink data === 296 296 297 297 298 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands** 300 +(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands:** 299 299 300 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=4 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use TCP protocol to uplink 302 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=4 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use TCP protocol to uplink 301 301 302 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5600 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set TCP server address and port 304 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5600 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set TCP server address and port 303 303 304 304 [[image:image-20221021111125-14.png]] 305 305 ... ... @@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ 307 307 308 308 309 309 312 + 310 310 === 2.2.8 Change Update Interval === 311 311 312 312 ... ... @@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ 316 316 317 317 (% style="color:red" %)**NOTE:** 318 318 319 -* 320 -** 321 -**1. By default, the device will send an uplink message every 1 hour. 322 +1. By default, the device will send an uplink message every 1 hour. 322 322 324 + 325 + 323 323 == 2.3 Uplink Payload == 324 324 325 325 ... ... @@ -327,51 +327,52 @@ 327 327 328 328 Each time the device uploads a data package, 8 sets of recorded data will be attached. Up to 32 sets of recorded data can be uploaded. 329 329 330 -|**Size(bytes)**|**8**|**2**|**2**|**1**|**1**|**1**|**1**|**1**|**3** 331 -|**Value**|[[Device ID>>path:#H2.4.1A0A0DeviceID]]|[[Ver>>path:#H2.4.2A0VersionInfo]]|[[BAT>>path:#H2.4.3A0BatteryInfo]]|[[Signal Strength>>path:#H2.4.4A0SignalStrength]]|MOD|[[ Calculate Flag>>path:#H2.4.8A0DigitalInterrupt]]|Contact Status|Alarm|Total pulse 332 332 333 -(% style="width:1 201px" %)334 -|** 3**|**4**|**1**|**3**|**1**|**3**|4|**8group**|(% style="width:1px" %)335 -| Thelastopen duration|Timestamp|Contact Status|Totalpulse|Calculate Flag|Thependuration|Timestamp|...|(% style="width:1px" %)334 +(% border="1.5" cellspacing="3" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:510px" %) 335 +|=(% scope="row" style="width: 96px;" %)**Size(bytes)**|(% style="width:84px" %)**8**|(% style="width:40px" %)**2**|(% style="width:44px" %)**2**|(% style="width:121px" %)**1**|(% style="width:52px" %)**1**|(% style="width:84px" %)**1**|(% style="width:116px" %)**1**|(% style="width:57px" %)**1**|(% style="width:91px" %)**3** 336 +|=(% style="width: 96px;" %)**Value**|(% style="width:84px" %)[[Device ID>>||anchor="H2.4.1A0A0DeviceID"]]|(% style="width:40px" %)[[Ver>>||anchor="H2.4.2A0VersionInfo"]]|(% style="width:44px" %)[[BAT>>||anchor="H2.4.3A0BatteryInfo"]]|(% style="width:121px" %)[[Signal Strength>>||anchor="H2.4.4A0SignalStrength"]]|(% style="width:52px" %)MOD|(% style="width:84px" %)[[ Calculate Flag>>||anchor="H2.4.5A0CalculateFlag"]]|(% style="width:116px" %)[[Contact Status>>||anchor="H2.4.7A0ContactStatus"]]|(% style="width:57px" %)[[Alarm>>||anchor="H2.4.6A0Alarm"]]|(% style="width:91px" %)[[Total pulse>>||anchor="H2.4.8A0Totalpulse"]] 336 336 338 +(% border="1.5" cellspacing="3" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:490px" %) 339 +|(% style="width:176px" %)**3**|(% style="width:98px" %)**4**|(% style="width:115px" %)**1**|(% style="width:92px" %)**3**|(% style="width:169px" %)**3**|(% style="width:97px" %)4|(% style="width:74px" %)**8 group**|(% style="width:1px" %) 340 +|(% style="width:176px" %)[[The last open duration>>||anchor="H2.4.9A0Thelastopenduration"]]|(% style="width:98px" %)[[Time stamp>>||anchor="H2.4.10A0Timestamp"]]|(% style="width:115px" %)Contact Status|(% style="width:92px" %)Total pulse|(% style="width:169px" %)The last open duration|(% style="width:97px" %)Time stamp|(% style="width:74px" %)...|(% style="width:1px" %) 341 + 337 337 If we use the MQTT client to subscribe to this MQTT topic, we can see the following information when the CPN01 uplink data. 338 338 339 339 [[image:image-20221021111201-16.png||height="572" width="792"]] 340 340 346 + 341 341 The payload is ASCII string, representative same HEX: 342 342 343 -**0x (% style="color:red" %)f867787050213317 (% style="color:blue" %)0064 (% style="color:green" %) 0c78(% style="color:#00b0f0" %) 17(% style="color:#7030a0" %) 01(% style="color:#0020b0" %) 00 (% style="color:#420042" %)00 (% style="color:#660066" %)00 (% style="color:#aaaa40" %)09(% style="color:#663300" %) 02 (% style="color:#d60093" %)6315537b (% style="color:#660066" %)__01 00000b 02 0000026 63510fed__ (%%)__0100000e0200000263510f39__ __010000000000000063510e85__ __010000000000000063510d2e__ __010000000000000063510c7a__ __010000000000000063510bc6__ __010000000000000063510954__ __010000000000000063510882 __** 349 +**0x (% style="color:red" %)__f867787050213317__ (% style="color:blue" %)__0064__ (% style="color:green" %) __0c78__(% style="color:#00b0f0" %) __17__(% style="color:#7030a0" %) __01__(% style="color:#0020b0" %) __00__ (% style="color:#420042" %)__00__ (% style="color:#660066" %)__00__ (% style="color:#aaaa40" %)__000009__(% style="color:#663300" %) __000002__ (% style="color:#d60093" %)__6315537b__ (% style="color:#660066" %)__01 00000b 02 0000026 63510fed__ (%%)__0100000e0200000263510f39__ __010000000000000063510e85__ __010000000000000063510d2e__ __010000000000000063510c7a__ __010000000000000063510bc6__ __010000000000000063510954__ __010000000000000063510882 __** 344 344 345 345 **where:** 346 346 347 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 353 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Device ID:**(%%) 0x f867787050213317 = f867787050213317 348 348 349 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 355 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Version:**(%%) 0x0064=100=1.0.0 350 350 351 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 357 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**BAT :**(%%) 0x0c78 = 3192 mV = 3.192V 352 352 353 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 359 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Singal: **(%%)0x17 = 23 354 354 355 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 361 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Mod:**(%%) 0x01 = 1 356 356 357 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 363 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Calculate Flag:**(%%) 0x00=0 358 358 359 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 365 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Contact Status:**(%%) 0x00=0 360 360 361 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 367 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Alarm: **(%%)0x00 =0 362 362 363 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 0369 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Total pulse: **(%%)0x000009 =9 364 364 365 -(% style="color:#037691" %) 371 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**The last open duration: **(%%)0x000002 =2 366 366 367 -(% style="color:#037691" %)** 373 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Timestamp:**(%%) 0x6315537b =1662342011 (Unix Time) 368 368 369 -(% style="color:#037691" %) Calculate Flag,The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 01 00000b02375 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Contact Status, Total pulse,The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 01 00000b 000026 63510fed 370 370 371 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**8 sets of recorded data: Contact Status, Total pulse, Calculate Flag,The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 0100000e0200002663510f39,.......377 +* (% style="color:#037691" %)**8 sets of recorded data: Contact Status, Total pulse, The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 0100000e00002663510f39,....... 372 372 373 - 374 - 375 375 == 2.4 Payload Explanation and Sensor Interface == 376 376 377 377 ... ... @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ 445 445 === 2.4.6 Alarm === 446 446 447 447 448 -See [[Alarm Base on Timeout>> url:]]452 +See [[Alarm Base on Timeout>>||anchor="H2.7A0AlarmBaseonTimeout"]] 449 449 450 450 451 451 ... ... @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ 461 461 === 2.4.8 Total pulse === 462 462 463 463 464 -Total pulse/counting based on dry [[contact trigger event>> url:]]468 +Total pulse/counting based on dry [[contact trigger event>>||anchor="H2.12Setcountnumber"]] 465 465 466 466 Range (3 Bytes) : 0x000000 ~~ 0xFFFFFF . Max: 16777215 467 467 ... ... @@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ 637 637 == 2.15 Firmware Change Log == 638 638 639 639 640 -Download URL & Firmware Change log: [[https:~~/~~/ 1zmcakvbkf24f8x/AACmq2dZ3iRB9F1nVWeEB9Moa?dl=0>>url:]]644 +Download URL & Firmware Change log: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] 641 641 642 -Upgrade Instruction: [[Upgrade Firmware>> path:#H5.1200BHowtoUpgradeFirmware]]646 +Upgrade Instruction: [[Upgrade Firmware>>||anchor="H5.1200BHowtoUpgradeFirmware"]] 643 643 644 644 645 645