Changes for page NMDS200 - NB-IoT Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. Xiaoling1 +XWiki.Edwin - Content
... ... @@ -1,22 +1,12 @@ 1 1 (% style="text-align:center" %) 2 2 [[image:||alt="1652856952171-363.png" height="578" width="588"]] 3 3 4 - 5 - 6 -**Table of Contents:** 7 - 8 8 {{toc/}} 9 9 6 += **1. Introduction** = 10 10 8 +== **1.1 **What is CPN01 **NB-IoT** Pulse/Contact Sensor == 11 11 12 - 13 - 14 -= 1. Introduction = 15 - 16 - 17 -== 1.1 What is CPN01 NB-IoT Pulse/Contact Sensor == 18 - 19 - 20 20 The Dragino CPN01 is an (% style="color:blue" %)**NB-IoT Dry Contact Sensor**(%%). It detects open/close status and uplinks the info to IoT server via NB-IoT network. User can see the (% style="color:blue" %)**dry contact status, open time, and open counts**(%%) in the IoT Server. 21 21 22 22 The CPN01 will send periodically data every day as well as for each dry contact action. It also counts the contact open times and calculates the last open duration. Users can also disable the uplink for each Open/Close event, instead, device can count each open event and uplink periodically. ... ... @@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ 32 32 33 33 34 34 25 +== **1.2 Features** == 35 35 36 -== 1.2 Features == 37 - 38 - 39 39 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28 @H-FDD 40 40 * Open/Close detect 41 41 * Open/Close statistics ... ... @@ -51,15 +51,14 @@ 51 51 * Micro SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM 52 52 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use 53 53 54 -== 1.3 Specification == 42 +== **1.3 Specification** == 55 55 44 +**Common DC Characteristics:** 56 56 57 -(% style="color:blue" %)**Common DC Characteristics:** 58 - 59 59 * Supply Voltage: 2.1v ~~ 3.6v 60 60 * Operating Temperature: -40 ~~ 85°C 61 61 62 - (% style="color:blue" %)**NB-IoT Spec:**49 +**NB-IoT Spec:** 63 63 64 64 * - B1 @H-FDD: 2100MHz 65 65 * - B3 @H-FDD: 1800MHz ... ... @@ -68,9 +68,8 @@ 68 68 * - B20 @H-FDD: 800MHz 69 69 * - B28 @H-FDD: 700MHz 70 70 71 -== 1.4 58 +== **1.4 Installation** == 72 72 73 - 74 74 Connect CPN01 to an Open Close sensor like below. So it can detect the Open/Close event. 75 75 76 76 [[image:image-20221021110329-1.png]] ... ... @@ -78,87 +78,68 @@ 78 78 [[image:image-20221022234602-2.png||height="288" width="922"]] 79 79 80 80 67 +== **1.5 Applications** == 81 81 82 -== 1.5 Applications == 83 - 84 - 85 85 * Open/Close Detection 86 86 * Pulse meter application 87 87 * Dry Contact Detection 88 88 89 -== 1.6 73 +== **1.6 Mechanical** == 90 90 91 - 92 92 [[image:image-20221021110415-3.png]] 93 93 77 +== ** 1.7 Pin Definitions and Switch** == 94 94 95 - 96 -== 1.7 Pin Definitions and Switch == 97 - 98 98 [[image:image-20221021110429-4.png]] 99 99 81 +=== **1.7.1 Pin Definition** === 100 100 101 -=== 1.7.1 Pin Definition === 102 - 103 - 104 104 CPN01 is pre-configured to connect to two external wires. The other pins are not used. If user wants to know more about other pins, please refer to the **[[LSN50v2 User Manual>>doc:Main.User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes.LSN50 & LSN50-V2 - LoRaWAN Sensor Node User Manual.WebHome]]**. 105 105 106 106 86 +=== **1.7.2 Jumper JP2(Power ON/OFF)** === 107 107 108 -=== 1.7.2 Jumper JP2(Power ON/OFF) === 109 - 110 - 111 111 Power on Device when putting this jumper. 112 112 113 113 91 +=== **1.7.3 BOOT MODE / SW1** === 114 114 115 -=== 1.7.3 BOOT MODE / SW1 === 116 116 94 +1) ISP: upgrade mode, device won't have any signal in this mode. but ready for upgrade firmware. LED won't work. The firmware won't run. 117 117 118 - 1)ISP:upgrademode, device won'thaveanysignal inhis mode.butreadyforupgradefirmware. LED won't work.Thefirmware won't96 +2) Flash: working mode, the device starts to work for NB-IoT connection and sends out console output for further debugging. 119 119 120 -2) Flash: working mode, the device starts to work for NB-IoT connection and sends out console output for further debugging. 121 121 99 +=== **1.7.4 Reset Button** === 122 122 123 123 124 -=== 1.7.4 Reset Button === 125 - 126 - 127 127 Press to reboot the device. 128 128 129 129 105 +=== **1.7.5 LED** === 130 130 131 -=== 1.7.5 LED === 132 132 133 - 134 134 The LED will blink when : 135 135 136 -1. Boot the device in flash mode 110 +1. Boot the device in flash mode 111 +1. Send an uplink packet 137 137 138 -2. Send an uplink packet 139 139 114 += **2. Use CPN01 to communicate with IoT Server** = 140 140 116 +== **2.1 How it works** == 141 141 142 - =2.Use CPN01 tocommunicate with IoTServer=118 +The CPN01 is equipped with an NB-IoT module, the pre-loaded firmware in CPN01 will get **Open/Close Event or Count** from sensor and send the value to the NB-IoT network. The NB-IoT network will forward this value to IoT server via the protocol defined by CPN01. 143 143 144 - 145 -== 2.1 How it works == 146 - 147 - 148 -The CPN01 is equipped with an NB-IoT module, the pre-loaded firmware in CPN01 will get (% style="color:blue" %)**Open/Close Event or Count**(%%) from sensor and send the value to the NB-IoT network. The NB-IoT network will forward this value to IoT server via the protocol defined by CPN01. 149 - 150 150 The diagram below shows the working flow in the default firmware of CPN01: 151 151 152 152 [[image:image-20221021110615-5.png]] 153 153 154 154 125 +== **2.2 Configure CPN01** == 155 155 156 -== 2.2 ConfigureCPN01==127 +=== **2.2.1 Test Requirement** === 157 157 158 - 159 -=== 2.2.1 Test Requirement === 160 - 161 - 162 162 To use CPN01 in your city, make sure to meet below requirements: 163 163 164 164 * Your local operator has already distributed an NB-IoT Network. ... ... @@ -165,16 +165,14 @@ 165 165 * The local NB-IoT network used the band that CPN01 supports. 166 166 * Your operator is able to distribute the data received in their NB-IoT network to your IoT server. 167 167 168 -Below figure shows our testing structure. Here we have NB-IoT network coverage by China Mobile, the band they use is B8. The CPN01 will use **(% style="color:red" %)CoAP(**or raw(% style="color:red" %)**UDP(**(%%)or(% style="color:red" %)**MQTT(**(%%)or(% style="color:red" %)**TCP(**(%%)to send data to the test server.135 +Below figure shows our testing structure. Here we have NB-IoT network coverage by China Mobile, the band they use is B8. The CPN01 will use CoAP( or raw UDP( or MQTT( TCP( to send data to the test server. 169 169 170 170 [[image:image-20221023000439-3.png]] 171 171 172 172 173 173 141 +=== **2.2.2 Insert SIM card** === 174 174 175 -=== 2.2.2 Insert NB-IoT SIM card === 176 - 177 - 178 178 Insert the NB-IoT Card get from your provider. 179 179 180 180 User needs to take out the NB-IoT module and insert the SIM card like below: ... ... @@ -182,81 +182,61 @@ 182 182 [[image:image-20221021110745-6.png]] 183 183 184 184 150 +=== **2.2.3 Connect USB – TTL to CPN01 to configure it** === 185 185 186 - ===2.2.3Connect USB–TTL to CPN01 and configure it===152 +User need to configure CPN01 via serial port to set the **Server Address** / **Uplink Topic** to define where and how-to uplink packets. CPN01 support AT Commands, user can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to CPN01 and use AT Commands to configure it, as below. 187 187 154 +**Connection:** 188 188 189 - Userneed to configure CPN01 via serial port to set the (% style="color:red" %)**Server Address** / **Uplink Topic**(%%) to define where and how-to uplink packets. CPN01 support AT Commands, user can use a USBtoTTLadapter to connect to CPN01anduse AT Commands to configure it, as below.156 + USB TTL GND <~-~-~-~-> GND 190 190 191 - (%style="color:blue"%)**Connection:**158 + USB TTL TXD <~-~-~-~-> UART_RXD 192 192 193 - (%style="background-color:yellow" %)**USB TTLGND <~-~-~-~->GND**160 + USB TTL RXD <~-~-~-~-> UART_TXD 194 194 195 -(% style="background-color:yellow" %)** USB TTL TXD <~-~-~-~-> UART_RXD** 196 - 197 -(% style="background-color:yellow" %)** USB TTL RXD <~-~-~-~-> UART_TXD** 198 - 199 - 200 200 In the PC, use below serial tool settings: 201 201 202 -* Baud: (% style="color:red" %)**9600** 164 +* Baud: **9600** 165 +* Data bits:** 8** 166 +* Stop bits: **1** 167 +* Parity: **None** 168 +* Flow Control: **None** 203 203 204 - * Databits:**(% style="color:red" %)8(%%)**170 +Make sure the switch is in FLASH position, then power on CPN01 by connecting the (% style="color:yellow" %)**Yellow Jumper**(%%). 205 205 206 -* Stop bits: (% style="color:red" %)**1** 207 - 208 -* Parity: (% style="color:red" %)**None** 209 - 210 -* Flow Control: (% style="color:red" %)**None** 211 - 212 -Make sure the switch is in FLASH position, then power on CPN01 by connecting the (% style="color:orange" %)**Yellow Jumper**(%%). 213 - 214 214 [[image:image-20221021110817-7.png]] 215 215 216 216 CPN01 will output system info once powered on as below, we can enter the **password: 12345678** to access AT Command input. 217 217 218 218 219 - (% style="color:red" %)**Note: the valid AT Commands can be found at: **(%%)[[**https:~~/~~/**>>url:]]177 +**Note: the valid AT Commands can be found at: **[[**https:~~/~~/**>>url:]] 220 220 179 +=== **2.2.4 Use CoAP protocol to uplink data** === 221 221 181 +**Note: if you don't have CoAP server, you can refer this link to set up one: **[[**http:~~/~~/**>>url:]] 222 222 223 - === 2.2.4UseCoAPprotocol to uplinkdata ===183 +**Use below commands:** 224 224 185 +* **AT+PRO=1** ~/~/ Set to use CoAP protocol to uplink 186 +* **AT+SERVADDR=,5683 ** ~/~/ to set CoAP server address and port 187 +* **AT+URI=5,11,"mqtt",11,"coap",12,"0",15,"c=text1",23,"0" ** ~/~/Set COAP resource path 225 225 226 -(% style="color:red" %)**Note: if you don't have a CoAP server, you can refer this link to set up a CoAP server: **(%%)[[**http:~~/~~/**>>url:]] 227 - 228 - 229 -(% style="color:blue" %)**Use below commands in CPN01:** 230 - 231 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=1** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use CoAP protocol to uplink 232 - 233 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5683 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set CoAP server address and port 234 - 235 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+URI=0,0,11,2,"mqtt" ** (%%) ~/~/ Set CoAP resource path 236 - 237 - 238 238 For parameter description, please refer to AT command set 239 239 240 240 [[image:image-20221021110948-8.png]] 241 241 193 +After configure the server address and **reset the device** (via AT+ATZ ), CPN01 will start to uplink sensor values to CoAP server. 242 242 243 -After configuring the server address and (% style="color:green" %)**reset CPN01**(%%) (via AT+ATZ ), CPN01 will start to uplink sensor values to the CoAP server. 244 - 245 245 [[image:image-20221021110956-9.png]] 246 246 197 +=== **2.2.5 Use UDP protocol to uplink data(Default protocol)** === 247 247 199 +This feature is supported since firmware version v1.0.1 248 248 249 -=== 2.2.5 Use UDP protocol to uplink data(Default protocol) === 201 +* **AT+PRO=2 ** ~/~/ Set to use UDP protocol to uplink 202 +* **AT+SERVADDR=,5601 ** ~/~/ to set UDP server address and port 203 +* **AT+CFM=1 ** ~/~/If the server does not respond, this command is unnecessary 250 250 251 - 252 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands:** 253 - 254 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=2 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use UDP protocol to uplink 255 - 256 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5601 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set UDP server address and port 257 - 258 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CFM=1 ** (%%) ~/~/If the server does not respond, this command is unnecessary 259 - 260 260 [[image:image-20221021111025-10.png]] 261 261 262 262 [[image:image-20221021111033-11.png||height="241" width="576"]] ... ... @@ -263,44 +263,33 @@ 263 263 264 264 265 265 211 +=== **2.2.6 Use MQTT protocol to uplink data** === 266 266 267 - ===2.2.6UseMQTTprotocolto uplinkdata===213 +This feature is supported since firmware version v110 268 268 215 +* **AT+PRO=3 ** ~/~/Set to use MQTT protocol to uplink 216 +* **AT+SERVADDR=,1883 ** ~/~/Set MQTT server address and port 217 +* **AT+CLIENT=CLIENT ** ~/~/Set up the CLIENT of MQTT 218 +* **AT+UNAME=UNAME **~/~/Set the username of MQTT 219 +* **AT+PWD=PWD **~/~/Set the password of MQTT 220 +* **AT+PUBTOPIC=NSE01_PUB **~/~/Set the sending topic of MQTT 221 +* **AT+SUBTOPIC=NSE01_SUB ** ~/~/Set the subscription topic of MQTT 269 269 270 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands:** 271 - 272 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=3 ** (%%) ~/~/Set to use MQTT protocol to uplink 273 - 274 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,1883 ** (%%) ~/~/Set MQTT server address and port 275 - 276 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CLIENT=CLIENT ** (%%) ~/~/Set up the CLIENT of MQTT 277 - 278 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+UNAME=UNAME **(%%)** **~/~/Set the username of MQTT 279 - 280 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PWD=PWD **(%%)** **~/~/Set the password of MQTT 281 - 282 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PUBTOPIC=NSE01_PUB **(%%)** **~/~/Set the sending topic of MQTT 283 - 284 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SUBTOPIC=NSE01_SUB ** (%%) ~/~/Set the subscription topic of MQTT 285 - 286 286 [[image:image-20221021111058-12.png]] 287 287 288 -[[image:image-20221021111 201-16.png||height="472" width="653"]]225 +[[image:image-20221021111108-13.png]] 289 289 290 290 291 291 292 -MQTT protocol has a much higher power consumption compare withUDP / CoAP protocol. Please check the power analyze document and adjust the uplink period to a suitable interval.229 +MQTT protocol has a much higher power consumption compare vs UDP / CoAP protocol. Please check the power analyze document and adjust the uplink period to a suitable interval. 293 293 231 +=== **2.2.7 Use TCP protocol to uplink data** === 294 294 295 - ===2.2.7UseTCPprotocolto uplinkdata===233 +This feature is supported since firmware version v110 296 296 235 +* **AT+PRO=4 ** ~/~/ Set to use TCP protocol to uplink 236 +* **AT+SERVADDR=,5600 ** ~/~/ to set TCP server address and port 297 297 298 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Commands** 299 - 300 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+PRO=4 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use TCP protocol to uplink 301 - 302 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5600 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set TCP server address and port 303 - 304 304 [[image:image-20221021111125-14.png]] 305 305 306 306 [[image:image-20221021111131-15.png]] ... ... @@ -307,32 +307,27 @@ 307 307 308 308 309 309 310 -=== 2.2.8 Change Update Interval === 244 +=== **2.2.8 Change Update Interval** === 311 311 246 +User can use below command to change the **uplink interval**. 312 312 313 - Usercanusebelowcommandtochangethe(% style="color:blue" %)**uplink interval**.248 +* **AT+TDC=600 ** ~/~/ Set Update Interval to 600s 314 314 315 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TDC=7200**(%%) ~/~/ Set Update Interval to 7200s (2 hours)250 +**NOTE:** 316 316 317 - (%style="color:red"%)**NOTE:**252 +**~1. By default, the device will send an uplink message every 1 hour.** 318 318 319 -* 320 -** 321 -**1. By default, the device will send an uplink message every 1 hour. 254 +== **2.3 Uplink Payload** == 322 322 323 - ==2.3UplinkPayload==256 +In this mode, uplink payload includes 87 bytes in total by default. 324 324 325 - 326 -The uplink payload includes 123 bytes in total by default. 327 - 328 328 Each time the device uploads a data package, 8 sets of recorded data will be attached. Up to 32 sets of recorded data can be uploaded. 329 329 330 -|**Size(bytes)**|**8**|**2**|**2**|**1**|**1**|**1**|** 1**|**1**|**3**331 -|**Value**|[[Device ID>>path:#H2.4.1A0A0DeviceID]]|[[Ver>>path:#H2.4.2A0VersionInfo]]|[[BAT>>path:#H2.4.3A0BatteryInfo]]|[[Signal Strength>>path:#H2.4.4A0SignalStrength]]|MOD|[[ CalculateFlag>>path:#H2.4.8A0DigitalInterrupt]]|ContactStatus|Alarm|Totalpulse260 +|**Size(bytes)**|**8**|**2**|**2**|**1**|**1**|**1**|**2**|**2**|4 261 +|**Value**|[[Device ID>>path:#H2.4.1A0A0DeviceID]]|[[Ver>>path:#H2.4.2A0VersionInfo]]|[[BAT>>path:#H2.4.3A0BatteryInfo]]|[[Signal Strength>>path:#H2.4.4A0SignalStrength]]|MOD|[[Interrupt>>path:#H2.4.8A0DigitalInterrupt]]|[[Soil P>>path:#H2.4.7A0SoilConductivity28EC29]]H|[[Soil Temperature>>path:#H2.4.6A0SoilTemperature]]|Time stamp 332 332 333 -(% style="width:1201px" %) 334 -|**3**|**4**|**1**|**3**|**1**|**3**|4|**8 group**|(% style="width:1px" %) 335 -|The last open duration|Time stamp|Contact Status|Total pulse|Calculate Flag|The last open duration|Time stamp|...|(% style="width:1px" %) 263 +|2|2|4|8 group 264 +|[[Soil Temperature>>path:#H2.4.6A0SoilTemperature]]|[[Soil P>>path:#H2.4.7A0SoilConductivity28EC29]]H|Time stamp|... 336 336 337 337 If we use the MQTT client to subscribe to this MQTT topic, we can see the following information when the CPN01 uplink data. 338 338 ... ... @@ -340,68 +340,57 @@ 340 340 341 341 The payload is ASCII string, representative same HEX: 342 342 343 -**0x (% style="color:red" %)f867787050213317 (% style="color:blue" %)0064 (% style="color:green" %) 20b0" %)20042" %)00(% style="color:#660066" %)00 (% style="color:#aaaa40" %)09(% style="color:#663300" %)66" %)__01(%%)__0100000e0200000263510f39____010000000000000063510e85____010000000000000063510d2e____010000000000000063510c7a____010000000000000063510bc6____010000000000000063510954____010000000000000063510882__**272 +**0x (% style="color:red" %)__0xf867787050213317__ (% style="color:blue" %)__0064__ (% style="color:green" %)_0c78__ __(% style="color:#00b0f0" %)17__ __(% style="color:#7030a0" %)01__ __(% style="color:#d60093" %)00__ __(% style="color:#a14d07" %)01 __ __(% style="color:#0020b0" %)__ __00__ __(% style="color:#420042" %)000009__ __(% style="color:#663300" %) 000002__ __(% style="color:#d60093" %)6315537bb__ __(% style="color:#663300" %)// 0100000b02000002663510fed__ __0100000e0200000263510f39 010000000000000063510e85 010000000000000063510d2e 010000000000000063510c7a 010000000000000063510bc6 010000000000000063510954 010000000000000063510882 //(%%)** 344 344 345 -**where:** 274 +where: 275 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Device ID:**(%%) 0x f867787050213317 = f867787050213317 346 346 347 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** Device ID:**(%%) 0xf867787050213317 = f867787050213317277 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Version:**(%%) 0x0064=100=1.0.0 348 348 349 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** Version:**(%%) 0x0064=100=1.0.0279 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **BAT:**(%%) 0x0c78 = 3192 mV = 3.192V 350 350 351 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** BAT:**(%%)0c78=3192mV =3.192V281 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Singal: **(%%)0x17 = 23 352 352 353 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** Singal:7=23283 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Mod:**(%%) 0x01 = 1 354 354 355 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** Mod:**(%%) 0x01=1285 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Calculate Flag:**(%%) 0x00= 0 356 356 357 -(% style="color:#037691" %) **Ca lculateFlag:**(%%) 0x00=0287 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Contact Status:**(%%) 0x00= 0 358 358 359 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** Contact Status:**(%%)289 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Alarm:**(%%)0x00 =0 360 360 361 -(% style="color:#037691" %) ** Alarm:**(%%)0x00=0291 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Total pulse:0x09 =0** 362 362 363 -(% style="color:#037691" %) **T otalpulse:**(%%)0x09=0293 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **The last open duration:**(%%)0x02 =2 364 364 365 -(% style="color:#037691" %) helastopenduration:02=2295 +*(% style="color:#037691" %)**Time stamp :**(%%) 0x6315537b =1662342011 366 366 367 -(% style="color:#037691" %)** Time stamp :**(%%) x6315537b=1662342011 (Unix Time)297 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **Contact Status, Total pulse, Calculate Flag, The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 0100000b0200002663510fed 368 368 369 -(% style="color:#037691" %) **Contact Status, Total pulse, Calculate Flag, The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 01 b02ed299 +*(% style="color:#037691" %) **8 sets of recorded data: Contact Status, Total pulse, Calculate Flag, The last open duration ,Time stamp :**(%%) 0100000e0200002663510f39,....... 370 370 371 - (% style="color:#037691"%)**8sets of recorded data: ContactStatus, Totalpulse, Calculate Flag, The lastopenduration,Timemp :**(%%) 0100000e0200002663510f39,.......301 +== **2.4 Payload Explanation and Sensor Interface** == 372 372 303 +=== **2.4.1 Device ID** === 373 373 305 +By default, the Device ID equal to the last 15 bits of IMEI. 374 374 375 - ==2.4 PayloadExplanationand Sensor Interface==307 +User can use **AT+DEUI** to set Device ID 376 376 377 - 378 -=== 2.4.1 Device ID === 379 - 380 - 381 -By default, the Device ID is equal to the last 15 bits of IMEI. 382 - 383 -User can use (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+DEUI** (%%)to set Device ID 384 - 385 385 **Example:** 386 386 387 387 AT+DEUI=868411056754138 388 388 389 -The Device ID is stored in a non-erase area, Upgrade the firmware or run AT+FDR won't erase theDevice ID.313 +The Device ID is stored in a none-erase area, Upgrade the firmware or run AT+FDR won't erase Device ID. 390 390 315 +=== **2.4.2 Version Info** === 391 391 317 +Specify the software version: 0x64=100, means firmware version 1.00. 392 392 393 - ===2.4.2VersionInfo ===319 +For example: 0x00 64 : this device is CPN01 with firmware version 1.0.0. 394 394 321 +=== **2.4.3 Battery Info** === 395 395 396 -Specify the software version: 0x64=100, which means firmware version 1.00. 397 - 398 -For example 0x00 64 : This device is CPN01 with firmware version 1.0.0. 399 - 400 - 401 - 402 -=== 2.4.3 Battery Info === 403 - 404 - 405 405 Check the battery voltage for CPN01. 406 406 407 407 Ex1: 0x0B45 = 2885mV ... ... @@ -408,11 +408,8 @@ 408 408 409 409 Ex2: 0x0B49 = 2889mV 410 410 329 +=== **2.4.4 Signal Strength** === 411 411 412 - 413 -=== 2.4.4 Signal Strength === 414 - 415 - 416 416 NB-IoT Network signal Strength. 417 417 418 418 **Ex1: 0x1d = 29** ... ... @@ -427,13 +427,10 @@ 427 427 428 428 **99** Not known or not detectable 429 429 345 +=== **2.4.5 Calculate Flag** === 430 430 347 +The calculate flag is a user define field, IoT server can use this filed to handle different meter with different pulse factor. For example, if there are 100 water meters, meter 1 ~~50 are 1 liter/pulse and meter 51 ~~ 100 has 1.5 liter/pulse. 431 431 432 -=== 2.4.5 Calculate Flag === 433 - 434 - 435 -The calculate flag is a user defined field, IoT server can use this filed to handle different meters with different pulse factors. For example, if there are 100 water meters, meter 1~~50 are 1 liter/pulse and meter 51 ~~ 100 has 1.5 liter/pulse. 436 - 437 437 User can set calculate flag to 1 for meter 1~~50 and 2 for meter 51 ~~ 100, So IoT Server can use this field for calculation. 438 438 439 439 Default value: 0. ... ... @@ -440,36 +440,24 @@ 440 440 441 441 Range (6 bits): (b)000000 ~~ (b) 111111 442 442 355 +=== **2.4.6 Alarm** === 443 443 444 - 445 -=== 2.4.6 Alarm === 446 - 447 - 448 448 See [[Alarm Base on Timeout>>url:]] 449 449 359 +=== **2.4.7 Contact Status** === 450 450 451 - 452 -=== 2.4.7 Contact Status === 453 - 454 - 455 455 0: Open 456 456 457 457 1: Close 458 458 365 +=== **2.4.8 Total pulse** === 459 459 367 +Total pulse/counting base on dry [[contact trigger event>>url:]] 460 460 461 -=== 2.4.8 Total pulse === 462 - 463 - 464 -Total pulse/counting based on dry [[contact trigger event>>url:]] 465 - 466 466 Range (3 Bytes) : 0x000000 ~~ 0xFFFFFF . Max: 16777215 467 467 371 +=== **2.4.9 The last open duration** === 468 468 469 - 470 -=== 2.4.9 The last open duration === 471 - 472 - 473 473 Dry Contact last open duration. 474 474 475 475 Unit: min. ... ... @@ -477,28 +477,23 @@ 477 477 [[image:image-20221021111346-17.png||height="146" width="770"]] 478 478 479 479 380 +=== **2.4.10 Timestamp** === 480 480 481 - === 2.4.10Timestamp ===382 +Time stamp : 0x6315537b =1662342011 482 482 483 - 484 -Timestamp : 0x6315537b =1662342011 485 - 486 486 Convert Unix timestamp to time 2022-9-5 9:40:11. 487 487 488 488 **~ ** 489 489 388 +== **2.5 Downlink Payload** == 490 490 491 -== 2.5 Downlink Payload == 492 - 493 - 494 494 By default, CPN01 prints the downlink payload to console port. 495 495 496 496 [[image:image-20221021111414-18.png]] 497 497 498 - 499 499 **Examples:** 500 500 501 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Set TDC**396 +* **Set TDC** 502 502 503 503 If the payload=0100003C, it means set the END Node's TDC to 0x00003C=60(S), while type code is 01. 504 504 ... ... @@ -506,39 +506,36 @@ 506 506 507 507 Payload: 01 00 00 3C TDC=60S 508 508 509 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**Reset**404 +* **Reset** 510 510 511 511 If payload = 0x04FF, it will reset the NSE01 512 512 513 -* (% style="color:#037691" %)**INTMOD**408 +* **INTMOD** 514 514 515 515 Downlink Payload: 06000003, Set AT+INTMOD=3 516 516 412 +== **2.6 LED Indicator** == 517 517 414 +The CPN01 has an internal LED which is to show the status of different state. 518 518 519 -== 2.6 LED Indicator == 520 - 521 - 522 -The CPN01 has an internal LED which is to show the status of different states. 523 - 524 -* When the device starts normally, the LED will light up for 1 second. 416 +* When power on, CPN01 will detect if sensor probe is connected, if probe detected, LED will blink four times. (no blinks in this step is no probe) 417 +* Then the LED will be on for 1 second means device is boot normally. 525 525 * After CPN01 join NB-IoT network. The LED will be ON for 3 seconds. 526 526 * For each uplink probe, LED will be on for 500ms. 527 527 528 -== 2.7 Alarm Base on Timeout == 421 +== **2.7 Alarm Base on Timeout** == 529 529 423 +CPL01 can monitor the timeout for a status change, this feature can be used to monitor some events such as door opening too long etc. Related Parameters are: 530 530 531 -CPN01 can monitor the timeout for a status change, this feature can be used to monitor some events such as door opening too long etc. Related Parameters are: 532 532 426 +**~1. Keep Status: Status to be monitor** 533 533 534 -(% style="color:blue" %)**1. Keep Status: Status to be monitor** 535 - 536 536 Keep Status = 1: Monitor Close to Open event 537 537 538 538 Keep Status = 0: Monitor Open to Close event 539 539 540 540 541 - (% style="color:blue" %)**2. Keep Time: Timeout to send an Alarm**433 +**2. Keep Time: Timeout to send an Alarm** 542 542 543 543 Range 0 ~~ 65535(0xFFFF) seconds. 544 544 ... ... @@ -547,164 +547,123 @@ 547 547 If keep time > 0, device will monitor the keep status event and send an alarm when status doesn’t change after timeout. 548 548 549 549 550 - (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command to configure:**442 +**AT Command** to configure: 551 551 552 - (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TTRIG=1,30**(%%)**~-~->**When the **Keep Status** change from connectedto disconnect, and device remains in disconnect status for more than 30 seconds. CPN01 will send an uplink packet, the [[Alarm bit>>url:]] (the second bit of 1^^st^^ byte of payload) on this uplink packet is set to 1.444 +**AT+TTRIG=1,30** ~-~-> When the **Keep Status** change from connect to disconnect, and device remains in disconnect status for more than 30 seconds. CPL01 will send an uplink packet, the [[Alarm bit>>url:]] (the second bit of 1^^st^^ byte of payload) on this uplink packet is set to 1. 553 553 554 - (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+TTRIG=0,0 **(%%)**~-~->**Default Value, disable timeout Alarm.446 +**AT+TTIG=0,0 ** ~-~-> Default Value, disable timeout Alarm. 555 555 448 +== **2.8 Set debug mode** == 556 556 557 - 558 -== 2.8 Set debug mode == 559 - 560 - 561 561 Feature: Enable or Disable debug mode 562 562 563 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+DEBUG** 564 564 453 +**AT Command: AT+DEBUG** 454 + 565 565 [[image:image-20221021111629-21.png]] 566 566 457 +== **2.9 Clear Flash Record** == 567 567 568 - 569 -== 2.9 Clear Flash Record == 570 - 571 - 572 572 Feature: Clear flash storage for data log feature. 573 573 574 - (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+CLRDTA**461 +**AT Command: AT+CLRDTA** 575 575 576 576 [[image:image-20221021111527-19.png]] 577 577 465 +== ** 2.10 Set trigger mode** == 578 578 467 +➢ AT Command: **AT+TTRMOD** 579 579 580 -== 2.10 Set trigger mode == 581 - 582 - 583 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+TTRMOD** 584 - 585 585 Feature: Set the trigger interrupt mode. 586 586 587 587 [[image:image-20221021111552-20.png]] 588 588 473 +== **2.11 Set the calculate flag** == 589 589 590 - 591 -== 2.11 Set the calculate flag == 592 - 593 - 594 594 Feature: Set the calculate flag 595 595 596 - (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+CALCFLAG**477 +**AT Command: AT+CALCFLAG** 597 597 598 598 [[image:image-20221021111711-22.png]] 599 599 481 +== **2.12 Set count number** == 600 600 601 - 602 -== 2.12 Set count number == 603 - 604 - 605 605 Feature: Manually set the count number 606 606 607 - (% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command: AT+SETCNT**485 +**AT Command: AT+SETCNT** 608 608 609 609 [[image:image-20221021111748-24.png]] 610 610 489 +== **2.13 Set the number of data to be uploaded and the recording time** == 611 611 491 +➢ AT Command: 612 612 613 -= = 2.13Setthe numberofdatatobeuploadedandhe recording time==493 +AT+TR=900 ~/~/The unit is seconds, and the default is to record data once every 900 seconds.( The minimum can be set to 180 seconds) 614 614 615 615 616 - (%style="color:blue"%)**ATCommand:**496 +AT+NOUD=8 ~/~/The device uploads 8 sets of recorded data by default. Up to 32 sets of record data can be uploaded. 617 617 618 - (% style="color:#037691"%)**AT+TR=900**(%%)~/~/ Theunit is seconds,andthedefault is torecorddata onceevery 900 seconds.(The minimum can be setto 180 seconds)498 +== **2.14 Read or Clear cached data** == 619 619 620 - (%style="color:#037691" %)**AT+NOUD=8** (%%)~/~/ The device uploads 8 sets of recorded data by default. Up to 32 sets of record data canbe uploaded.500 +➢ AT Command: 621 621 502 +AT+CDP ~/~/ Read cached data 622 622 623 - 624 -== 2.14 Read or Clear cached data == 625 - 626 - 627 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command:** 628 - 629 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CDP** (%%) ~/~/ Read cached data 630 - 631 -(% style="color:#037691" %)**AT+CDP=0** (%%) ~/~/ Clear cached data 632 - 633 633 [[image:image-20221021111810-25.png||height="364" width="797"]] 634 634 635 635 507 +AT+CDP=0 ~/~/ Clear cached data 636 636 637 -== 2.15 Firmware Change Log == 509 +== **2.15 Firmware Change Log** == 638 638 639 - 640 640 Download URL & Firmware Change log: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 641 641 642 642 Upgrade Instruction: [[Upgrade Firmware>>path:#H5.1200BHowtoUpgradeFirmware]] 643 643 515 +== **2.16 Battery Analysis** == 644 644 517 +=== **2.16.1 Battery Type** === 645 645 646 - ==2.16Battery Analysis==519 +The CPN01 battery is a combination of an 8500mAh Li/SOCI2 Battery and a Super Capacitor. The battery is none-rechargeable battery type with a low discharge rate (<2% per year). This type of battery is commonly used in IoT devices such as water meter. 647 647 521 +The battery is designed to last for several years depends on the actually use environment and update interval. 648 648 649 - ===2.16.1 BatteryType===523 +The battery related documents as below: 650 650 651 - 652 -The CPN01 battery is a combination of an 8500mAh Li/SOCI2 Battery and a Super Capacitor. The battery is non-rechargeable battery type with a low discharge rate (<2% per year). This type of battery is commonly used in IoT devices such as water meter. 653 - 654 -The battery is designed to last for several years depends on the actual use environment and update interval. 655 - 656 -The battery-related documents as below: 657 - 658 658 * [[Battery Dimension>>url:]] 659 - 660 660 * [[Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery datasheet>>url:]] 661 - 662 662 * [[Lithium-ion Battery-Capacitor datasheet>>url:]] 663 663 664 664 [[image:image-20221021111911-26.png]] 665 665 531 +=== **2.16.2 Power consumption Analyze** === 666 666 667 - 668 -=== 2.16.2 Power consumption Analyze === 669 - 670 - 671 671 Dragino battery powered product are all runs in Low Power mode. We have an update battery calculator which base on the measurement of the real device. User can use this calculator to check the battery life and calculate the battery life if want to use different transmit interval. 672 672 673 673 Instruction to use as below: 674 674 675 - (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 1: **(%%)Downlink the up-to-date DRAGINO_Battery_Life_Prediction_Table.xlsx from: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]537 +**Step 1: **Downlink the up-to-date DRAGINO_Battery_Life_Prediction_Table.xlsx from: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 676 676 677 - (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 2: **(%%)Open it and choose539 +**Step 2: ** Open it and choose 678 678 679 679 * Product Model 680 - 681 681 * Uplink Interval 682 - 683 683 * Working Mode 684 684 685 685 And the Life expectation in difference case will be shown on the right. 686 686 687 -[[image: 1666596205057-567.png]] 547 +[[image:image-20221021111923-27.png||height="253" width="783"]] 688 688 549 +=== **2.16.3 Battery Note** === 689 689 690 - 691 -=== 2.16.3 Battery Note === 692 - 693 - 694 694 The Li-SICO battery is designed for small current / long period application. It is not good to use a high current, short period transmit method. The recommended minimum period for use of this battery is 5 minutes. If you use a shorter period time to transmit LoRa, then the battery life may be decreased. 695 695 553 +=== **2.16.4 Replace the battery** === 696 696 697 - 698 -=== 2.16.4 Replace the battery === 699 - 700 - 701 701 The default battery pack of CPN01 includes a ER26500 plus super capacitor. If user can't find this pack locally, they can find ER26500 or equivalence without the SPC1520 capacitor, which will also work in most case. The SPC can enlarge the battery life for high frequency use (update period below 5 minutes). 702 702 557 += **3. Access NB-IoT Module** = 703 703 704 - 705 -= 3. Access NB-IoT Module = 706 - 707 - 708 708 Users can directly access the AT command set of the NB-IoT module. 709 709 710 710 The AT Command set can refer the BC35-G NB-IoT Module AT Command: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] ... ... @@ -711,14 +711,10 @@ 711 711 712 712 [[image:image-20221021112006-28.png]] 713 713 565 += **4. Using the AT Commands** = 714 714 567 +== **4.1 Access AT Commands** == 715 715 716 -= 4. Using the AT Commands = 717 - 718 - 719 -== 4.1 Access AT Commands == 720 - 721 - 722 722 See this link for detail: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 723 723 724 724 AT+<CMD>? : Help on <CMD> ... ... @@ -729,9 +729,8 @@ 729 729 730 730 AT+<CMD>=? : Get the value 731 731 579 +**General Commands** 732 732 733 -(% style="color:blue" %)**General Commands** 734 - 735 735 AT : Attention 736 736 737 737 AT? : Short Help ... ... @@ -754,12 +754,15 @@ 754 754 755 755 AT+SERVADDR : Server Address 756 756 757 -AT+TR : 603 +AT+TR : Get or Set record time" 758 758 605 + 759 759 AT+NOUD : Get or Set the number of data to be uploaded 760 760 761 -AT+CDP : Read or Clear cached data 762 762 609 +AT+CDP : Read or Clear cached data 610 + 611 + 763 763 AT+ DEBUG : Enable or Disable debug mode 764 764 765 765 AT+ TTRIG : Get or Set Alarm Base on Timeout ... ... @@ -770,19 +770,16 @@ 770 770 771 771 AT+ CLRC : Clear current door open count 772 772 622 +**COAP Management** 773 773 774 -(% style="color:blue" %)**COAP Management** 775 - 776 776 AT+URI : Resource parameters 777 777 626 +**UDP Management** 778 778 779 -(% style="color:blue" %)**UDP Management** 780 - 781 781 AT+CFM : Upload confirmation mode (only valid for UDP) 782 782 630 +**MQTT Management** 783 783 784 -(% style="color:blue" %)**MQTT Management** 785 - 786 786 AT+CLIENT : Get or Set MQTT client 787 787 788 788 AT+UNAME : Get or Set MQTT Username ... ... @@ -793,71 +793,86 @@ 793 793 794 794 AT+SUBTOPIC : Get or Set MQTT subscription topic 795 795 642 +**Information** 796 796 797 -(% style="color:blue" %)**Information** 798 - 799 799 AT+FDR : Factory Data Reset 800 800 801 801 AT+PWORD : Serial Access Password 802 802 648 += **5. FAQ** = 803 803 650 +== **5.1 How to Upgrade Firmware** == 804 804 805 - =5.FAQ=652 +User can upgrade the firmware for 1) bug fix, 2) new feature release. 806 806 654 +Please see this link for how to upgrade: [[http:~~/~~/>>url:]] 807 807 808 - ==5.1HowtoUpgradeFirmware==656 +**Notice, **CPN01 **and **CPN01 **share the same mother board. They use the same connection and method to update.** 809 809 658 +== **5.2 Can I calibrate CPN01 to different soil types?** == 810 810 811 - Usercan upgrade thefirmware for1)bugfix,2)newfeaturerelease.660 +CPN01 is calibrated for saline-alkali soil and loamy soil. If users want to use it for other soil, they can calibrate the value in the IoT platform base on the value measured by saline-alkali soil and loamy soil. The formula can be found at [[this link>>url:]]. 812 812 813 - Pleaseseethis link forhow toupgrade: [[http:~~/~~/>>url:]]662 += **6. Trouble Shooting** = 814 814 815 - (% style="color:red" %)**Notice: **(% style="color:blue"%)**CPN01**(%%)**and (% style="color:blue" %)CPL01(%%)**(% style="color:blue" %) (%%)**share the samemotherboard. They use the same connectionandmethod to update.**664 +== **6.1 Connection problem when uploading firmware** == 816 816 666 +**Please see: **[[http:~~/~~/>>url:]] 817 817 668 +== **6.2 AT Command input doesn't work** == 818 818 819 - =6.TroubleShooting=670 +In the case if user can see the console output but can't type input to the device. Please check if you already include the **ENTER** while sending out the command. Some serial tool doesn't send **ENTER** while press the send key, user need to add ENTER in their string. 820 820 672 += **7. Order Info** = 821 821 822 - == 6.1 Connectionproblem whenuploading firmware==674 +Part Number**:** CPN01 823 823 676 += **8. Packing Info** = 824 824 825 - (% style="color:blue" %)**Please see: **[[http:~~/~~/>>url:]]678 +**Package Includes**: 826 826 680 +* CPN01 NB-IoT Soil Moisture & EC Sensor x 1 681 +* External antenna x 1 827 827 683 +**Dimension and weight**: 828 828 829 -== 6.2 AT Command input doesn't work == 685 +* Size: 195 x 125 x 55 mm 686 +* Weight: 420g 830 830 688 += **9. Support** = 831 831 832 -In the case if user can see the console output but can't type input to the device. Please check if you already include the (% style="color:green" %)**ENTER**(%%) while sending out the command. Some serial tool doesn't send (% style="color:green" %)**ENTER** (%%)while press the send key, user need to add ENTER in their string. 690 +* Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule. 691 +* Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to [[>>url:http://../../../../../../]] 833 833 693 + 834 834 835 835 836 -= 7. Order Info = 837 837 838 838 839 -Part Number**:** CPN01 840 840 841 841 842 842 843 -= 8. Packing Info = 844 844 845 845 846 -(% style="color:blue" %)**Package Includes**: 847 847 848 -* CPN01 Open/Close Sensor x 1 849 -* External antenna x 1 850 850 851 -(% style="color:blue" %)**Dimension and weight**: 852 852 853 -* Size: 195 x 125 x 55 mm 854 -* Weight: 420g 855 855 856 -= 9. Support = 857 857 858 858 859 -* Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule. 860 860 861 -* Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to [[>>url:http://../../../../../../]] 862 862 863 - 711 + 712 + 713 + 714 + 715 + 716 + 717 + 718 + 719 + 720 + 721 + 722 + 723 + 724 +
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