Changes for page NDDS75 -- NB-IoT Distance Detect Sensor User Manual
Last modified by Bei Jinggeng on 2024/05/31 09:53
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... ... @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ 59 59 * Micro SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM 60 60 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use 61 61 62 + 63 + 62 62 == 1.3 Specification == 63 63 64 64 ... ... @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ 67 67 * Supply Voltage: 2.1v ~~ 3.6v 68 68 * Operating Temperature: -40 ~~ 85°C 69 69 72 + 70 70 (% style="color:#037691" %)**NB-IoT Spec:** 71 71 72 72 * - B1 @H-FDD: 2100MHz ... ... @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ 76 76 * - B20 @H-FDD: 800MHz 77 77 * - B28 @H-FDD: 700MHz 78 78 82 + 79 79 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Probe Specification:** 80 80 81 81 Measure Volume: Base on the centra pin of the probe, a cylinder with 7cm diameter and 10cm height. ... ... @@ -98,191 +98,66 @@ 98 98 99 99 100 100 101 -= 2. UseNSE01 to communicatewithIoTServer=105 += 2. Configure LSE01 to connect to LoRaWAN network = 102 102 103 -== 2.1 107 +== 2.1 How it works == 104 104 105 - 106 106 ((( 107 -The NSE01 isequippedwithaNB-IoT module,thepre-loadedfirmwareinNSE01willgetenvironmentdatafrom sensorsandsend thevaluetolocalNB-IoTnetworkviatheNB-IoTmodule.The NB-IoTnetworkwillforwardthisvaluetoIoTserver viatheprotocoldefinedbyNSE01.110 +The LSE01 is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join LoRaWAN network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, you need to input the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN IoT server and power on the LSE0150. It will automatically join the network via OTAA and start to send the sensor value 108 108 ))) 109 109 110 - 111 111 ((( 112 - Thediagrambelowshows theworkingflowindefaultfirmware ofNSE01:114 +In case you can’t set the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN OTAA server, and you have to use the keys from the server, you can [[use AT Commands >>||anchor="H3.200BUsingtheATCommands"]]. 113 113 ))) 114 114 115 -[[image:image-20220708101605-2.png]] 116 116 117 -((( 118 - 119 -))) 120 120 119 +== 2.2 Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA) == 121 121 121 +Following is an example for how to join the [[TTN v3 LoRaWAN Network>>url:]]. Below is the network structure; we use the [[LG308>>url:]] as a LoRaWAN gateway in this example. 122 122 123 -== 2.2 Configure the NSE01 == 124 124 124 +[[image:1654503992078-669.png]] 125 125 126 -=== 2.2.1 Test Requirement === 127 127 127 +The LG308 is already set to connected to [[TTN network >>url:]], so what we need to now is configure the TTN server. 128 128 129 -To use NSE01 in your city, make sure meet below requirements: 130 130 131 -* Your local operator has already distributed a NB-IoT Network there. 132 -* The local NB-IoT network used the band that NSE01 supports. 133 -* Your operator is able to distribute the data received in their NB-IoT network to your IoT server. 130 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Step 1**(%%): Create a device in TTN with the OTAA keys from LSE01. 134 134 135 -((( 136 -Below figure shows our testing structure. Here we have NB-IoT network coverage by China Mobile, the band they use is B8. The NSE01 will use CoAP((% style="color:red" %) or raw UDP((% style="color:red" %) or MQTT((% style="color:red" %) TCP((% style="color:red" %) to send data to the test server 137 -))) 132 +Each LSE01 is shipped with a sticker with the default device EUI as below: 138 138 134 +[[image:image-20220606163732-6.jpeg]] 139 139 140 - [[image:1657249419225-449.png]]136 +You can enter this key in the LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN screen shot: 141 141 138 +**Add APP EUI in the application** 142 142 143 143 144 - === 2.2.2 Insert SIM card ===141 +[[image:1654504596150-405.png]] 145 145 146 -Insert the NB-IoT Card get from your provider. 147 147 148 -User need to take out the NB-IoT module and insert the SIM card like below: 149 149 145 +**Add APP KEY and DEV EUI** 150 150 151 -[[image:165 7249468462-536.png]]147 +[[image:1654504683289-357.png]] 152 152 153 153 154 154 155 - ===2.2.3 ConnectUSB–TTLtoNSE01to configure it ===151 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Step 2**(%%): Power on LSE01 156 156 157 -((( 158 -((( 159 -User need to configure NSE01 via serial port to set the (% style="color:blue" %)**Server Address** / **Uplink Topic** (%%)to define where and how-to uplink packets. NSE01 support AT Commands, user can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to NSE01 and use AT Commands to configure it, as below. 160 -))) 161 -))) 162 162 154 +Put a Jumper on JP2 to power on the device. ( The Jumper must be in FLASH position). 163 163 164 - **Connection:**156 +[[image:image-20220606163915-7.png]] 165 165 166 - (% style="background-color:yellow" %)USB TTL GND <~-~-~-~-> GND 167 167 168 - background-color:yellow" %)USBTTL TXD<~-~-~-~->UART_RXD159 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Step 3**(%%)**:** The LSE01 will auto join to the TTN network. After join success, it will start to upload messages to TTN and you can see the messages in the panel. 169 169 170 - (% style="background-color:yellow" %)USB TTL RXD <~-~-~-~-> UART_TXD161 +[[image:1654504778294-788.png]] 171 171 172 172 173 -In the PC, use below serial tool settings: 174 174 175 -* Baud: (% style="color:green" %)**9600** 176 -* Data bits:** (% style="color:green" %)8(%%)** 177 -* Stop bits: (% style="color:green" %)**1** 178 -* Parity: (% style="color:green" %)**None** 179 -* Flow Control: (% style="color:green" %)**None** 180 - 181 -((( 182 -Make sure the switch is in FLASH position, then power on device by connecting the jumper on NSE01. NSE01 will output system info once power on as below, we can enter the (% style="color:green" %)**password: 12345678**(%%) to access AT Command input. 183 -))) 184 - 185 -[[image:image-20220708110657-3.png]] 186 - 187 -(% style="color:red" %)Note: the valid AT Commands can be found at: (%%)[[http:~~/~~/>>url:]] 188 - 189 - 190 - 191 -=== 2.2.4 Use CoAP protocol to uplink data === 192 - 193 -(% style="color:red" %)Note: if you don't have CoAP server, you can refer this link to set up one: (%%)[[http:~~/~~/>>url:]] 194 - 195 - 196 -Use below commands: 197 - 198 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+PRO=1** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use CoAP protocol to uplink 199 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5683 ** (%%)~/~/ to set CoAP server address and port 200 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+URI=5,11,"mqtt",11,"coap",12,"0",15,"c=text1",23,"0" ** (%%) ~/~/Set COAP resource path 201 - 202 -For parameter description, please refer to AT command set 203 - 204 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image011.jpg]] 205 - 206 - 207 -After configure the server address and (% style="color:green" %)**reset the device**(%%) (via AT+ATZ ), NSE01 will start to uplink sensor values to CoAP server. 208 - 209 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image013.jpg]] 210 - 211 - 212 -=== 2.2.5 Use UDP protocol to uplink data(Default protocol) === 213 - 214 - 215 -This feature is supported since firmware version v1.0.1 216 - 217 - 218 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+PRO=2 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use UDP protocol to uplink 219 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5601 ** (%%) ~/~/ to set UDP server address and port 220 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+CFM=1 ** (%%) ~/~/If the server does not respond, this command is unnecessary 221 - 222 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image015.jpg]] 223 - 224 - 225 - 226 - 227 - 228 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image017.jpg]] 229 - 230 - 231 -=== 2.2.6 Use MQTT protocol to uplink data === 232 - 233 - 234 -This feature is supported since firmware version v110 235 - 236 - 237 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+PRO=3 ** (%%) ~/~/Set to use MQTT protocol to uplink 238 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,1883 ** (%%) ~/~/Set MQTT server address and port 239 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+CLIENT=CLIENT ** (%%)~/~/Set up the CLIENT of MQTT 240 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+UNAME=UNAME **(%%)~/~/Set the username of MQTT 241 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+PWD=PWD **(%%)~/~/Set the password of MQTT 242 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+PUBTOPIC=NSE01_PUB **(%%)~/~/Set the sending topic of MQTT 243 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+SUBTOPIC=NSE01_SUB **(%%) ~/~/Set the subscription topic of MQTT 244 - 245 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image019.gif]] 246 - 247 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image021.jpg]] 248 - 249 - 250 -MQTT protocol has a much higher power consumption compare vs UDP / CoAP protocol. Please check the power analyze document and adjust the uplink period to a suitable interval. 251 - 252 - 253 -=== 2.2.7 Use TCP protocol to uplink data === 254 - 255 - 256 -This feature is supported since firmware version v110 257 - 258 - 259 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+PRO=4 ** (%%) ~/~/ Set to use TCP protocol to uplink 260 -* (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+SERVADDR=,5600 **(%%) ~/~/ to set TCP server address and port 261 - 262 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image023.jpg]] 263 - 264 - 265 - 266 -[[image:file:///C:/Users/93456/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image025.jpg]] 267 - 268 - 269 -=== 2.2.8 Change Update Interval === 270 - 271 -User can use below command to change the (% style="color:green" %)**uplink interval**. 272 - 273 -**~ (% style="color:blue" %)AT+TDC=600 (%%)**(% style="color:blue" %) (%%)~/~/ Set Update Interval to 600s 274 - 275 - 276 -(% style="color:red" %)**NOTE:** 277 - 278 -(% style="color:red" %)1. By default, the device will send an uplink message every 1 hour. 279 - 280 - 281 - 282 - 283 - 284 - 285 - 286 286 == 2.3 Uplink Payload == 287 287 288 288
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