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Xiaoling 2.2 1 (% style="text-align:center" %)
Xiaoling 87.2 2 [[image:image-20220610095606-1.png]]
Xiaoling 1.1 3
Xiaoling 14.8 5 **Contents:**
Xiaoling 1.1 6
Xiaoling 109.9 7 {{toc/}}
Xiaoling 1.1 8
Xiaoling 85.30 9
Xiaoling 87.3 13
Xiaoling 109.9 14
Xiaoling 91.2 15 = 1.  Introduction =
Xiaoling 2.2 16
Xiaoling 91.2 17 == 1.1 ​ What is LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor ==
Xiaoling 2.2 18
Xiaoling 73.13 19 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 20
Xiaoling 2.2 21
Xiaoling 109.10 22 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 23 The Dragino LLDS12 is a (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF (Time of Flight) Distance Sensor**(%%) for Internet of Things solution. It is capable to measure the distance to an object as close as 10 centimeters (+/- 5cm up to 6m) and as far as 12 meters (+/-1% starting at 6m)!. The LiDAR probe uses laser induction technology for distance measurement.
Xiaoling 109.10 24 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 25
Xiaoling 109.10 26 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 27 The LLDS12 can be applied to scenarios such as horizontal distance measurement, parking management system, object proximity and presence detection, intelligent trash can management system, robot obstacle avoidance, automatic control, sewer, etc.
Xiaoling 109.10 28 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 29
Xiaoling 109.10 30 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 31 It detects the distance between the measured object and the sensor, and uploads the value via wireless to LoRaWAN IoT Server.
Xiaoling 109.10 32 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 33
Xiaoling 109.10 34 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 35 The LoRa wireless technology used in LLDS12 allows device to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption.
Xiaoling 109.10 36 )))
Xiaoling 88.2 37
Xiaoling 109.10 38 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 39 LLDS12 is powered by (% style="color:blue" %)**8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery**(%%), it is designed for long term use up to 5 years.
Xiaoling 109.10 40 )))
Xiaoling 88.2 41
Xiaoling 109.10 42 (((
Xiaoling 88.2 43 Each LLDS12 is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect after power on.
Xiaoling 73.13 44 )))
Xiaoling 109.10 45 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 46
Xiaoling 88.2 48 [[image:1654826306458-414.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 49
Xiaoling 91.2 52 == ​1.2  Features ==
Xiaoling 3.2 53
Xiaoling 2.2 54 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
55 * Ultra-low power consumption
Xiaoling 88.3 56 * Laser technology for distance detection
57 * Operating Range - 0.1m~~12m①
58 * Accuracy - ±5cm@(0.1-6m), ±1%@(6m-12m)
Xiaoling 2.2 59 * Monitor Battery Level
60 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
61 * AT Commands to change parameters
62 * Uplink on periodically
63 * Downlink to change configure
64 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
Xiaoling 113.2 66
Xiaoling 91.2 69 == 1.3  Probe Specification ==
Xiaoling 2.2 70
Xiaoling 88.5 71 * Storage temperature :-20℃~~75℃
72 * Operating temperature - -20℃~~60℃
73 * Operating Range - 0.1m~~12m①
74 * Accuracy - ±5cm@(0.1-6m), ±1%@(6m-12m)
75 * Distance resolution - 5mm
76 * Ambient light immunity - 70klux
77 * Enclosure rating - IP65
78 * Light source - LED
79 * Central wavelength - 850nm
80 * FOV - 3.6°
81 * Material of enclosure - ABS+PC
82 * Wire length - 25cm
Xiaoling 3.3 83
Xiaoling 113.3 84
Xiaoling 91.2 87 == 1.4  Probe Dimension ==
Xiaoling 89.3 88
Xiaoling 90.2 89
90 [[image:1654827224480-952.png]]
Xiaoling 91.2 93 == 1.5 ​ Applications ==
Xiaoling 90.2 94
Xiaoling 91.2 95 * Horizontal distance measurement
96 * Parking management system
97 * Object proximity and presence detection
98 * Intelligent trash can management system
99 * Robot obstacle avoidance
100 * Automatic control
101 * Sewer
Xiaoling 2.2 102
Xiaoling 113.4 103
Xiaoling 108.3 106 == 1.6  Pin mapping and power on ==
Xiaoling 91.2 109 [[image:1654827332142-133.png]]
Xiaoling 108.3 112 = 2.  Configure LLDS12 to connect to LoRaWAN network =
Xiaoling 2.2 113
Xiaoling 108.3 114 == 2.1  How it works ==
Xiaoling 5.3 116 (((
Xiaoling 93.2 117 The LLDS12 is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join LoRaWAN network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, you need to input the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN IoT server and power on the LLDS12. It will automatically join the network via OTAA and start to send the sensor value. The default uplink interval is 20 minutes.
Xiaoling 5.3 118 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 119
Xiaoling 5.3 120 (((
Xiaoling 111.4 121 In case you can’t set the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN OTAA server, and you have to use the keys from the server, you can [[use AT Commands >>||anchor="H6.A0UseATCommand"]]to set the keys in the LLDS12.
Xiaoling 5.3 122 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 123
Xiaoling 108.3 125 == 2.2  ​Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA) ==
Xiaoling 2.2 126
Xiaoling 6.3 127 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 128 Following is an example for how to join the [[TTN v3 LoRaWAN Network>>url:https://console.cloud.thethings.network/]]. Below is the network structure; we use the [[LG308>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora/item/140-lg308.html]] as a LoRaWAN gateway in this example.
Xiaoling 6.3 129 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 130
Xiaoling 6.3 131 (((
Xiaoling 93.2 132 [[image:1654827857527-556.png]]
Xiaoling 6.3 133 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 134
Xiaoling 6.3 135 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 136 The LG308 is already set to connected to [[TTN network >>url:https://console.cloud.thethings.network/]], so what we need to now is configure the TTN server.
Xiaoling 6.3 137 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 138
Xiaoling 6.3 139 (((
Xiaoling 23.5 140 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 1**(%%): Create a device in TTN with the OTAA keys from LSPH01.
Xiaoling 6.3 141 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 142
Xiaoling 6.3 143 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 144 Each LSPH01 is shipped with a sticker with the default device EUI as below:
Xiaoling 6.3 145 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 146
Xiaoling 41.3 147 [[image:image-20220607170145-1.jpeg]]
Xiaoling 2.2 148
151 You can enter this key in the LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN screen shot:
154 **Register the device**
Xiaoling 43.2 157 [[image:1654592600093-601.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 158
Xiaoling 9.2 159
Xiaoling 108.2 160
Xiaoling 2.2 161 **Add APP EUI and DEV EUI**
Xiaoling 43.2 163 [[image:1654592619856-881.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 164
Xiaoling 108.2 166
Xiaoling 2.2 167 **Add APP EUI in the application**
Xiaoling 44.2 169 [[image:1654592632656-512.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 170
Xiaoling 10.2 172
Xiaoling 2.2 173 **Add APP KEY**
Xiaoling 45.2 175 [[image:1654592653453-934.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 176
Xiaoling 108.2 178 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 2**(%%): Power on LLDS12
Xiaoling 2.2 179
181 Put a Jumper on JP2 to power on the device. ( The Switch must be in FLASH position).
Xiaoling 46.2 183 [[image:image-20220607170442-2.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 184
Xiaoling 73.14 186 (((
Xiaoling 108.2 187 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 3**(%%)**:** The LLDS12 will auto join to the TTN network. After join success, it will start to upload messages to TTN and you can see the messages in the panel.
Xiaoling 73.14 188 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 189
Xiaoling 108.2 190 [[image:1654833501679-968.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 191
Xiaoling 108.4 194 == 2.3  ​Uplink Payload ==
Xiaoling 2.2 195
Xiaoling 73.14 196 (((
Xiaoling 109.2 197 LLDS12 will uplink payload via LoRaWAN with below payload format: 
Xiaoling 73.14 198 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 199
Xiaoling 73.14 200 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 201 Uplink payload includes in total 11 bytes.
Xiaoling 73.14 202 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 203
Xiaoling 73.14 204 (((
Xiaoling 109.2 205
Xiaoling 73.14 206 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 207
Xiaoling 13.2 208 (% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#ffffcc; width:510px" %)
Xiaoling 85.8 209 |=(% style="width: 62.5px;" %)(((
210 **Size (bytes)**
211 )))|=(% style="width: 62.5px;" %)**2**|=(% style="width: 62.5px;" %)**2**|=**2**|=**2**|=**1**|=**1**|=**1**
Xiaoling 111.5 212 |(% style="width:62.5px" %)**Value**|(% style="width:62.5px" %)[[BAT>>||anchor="H2.3.1A0BatteryInfo"]]|(% style="width:62.5px" %)(((
Xiaoling 111.6 213 [[Temperature DS18B20>>||anchor="H2.3.2A0DS18B20Temperaturesensor"]]
214 )))|[[Distance>>||anchor="H2.3.3A0Distance"]]|[[Distance signal strength>>||anchor="H2.3.4A0Distancesignalstrength"]]|(((
215 [[Interrupt flag>>||anchor="H2.3.5A0InterruptPin"]]
216 )))|[[LiDAR temp>>||anchor="H2.3.6A0LiDARtemp"]]|(((
217 [[Message Type>>||anchor="H2.3.7A0MessageType"]]
Xiaoling 2.2 218 )))
Xiaoling 109.2 220 [[image:1654833689380-972.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 221
Xiaoling 109.4 224 === 2.3.1  Battery Info ===
Xiaoling 2.2 225
Xiaoling 13.2 226
Xiaoling 109.4 227 Check the battery voltage for LLDS12.
Xiaoling 2.2 228
229 Ex1: 0x0B45 = 2885mV
231 Ex2: 0x0B49 = 2889mV
Xiaoling 109.5 235 === 2.3.2  DS18B20 Temperature sensor ===
Xiaoling 2.2 236
Xiaoling 13.2 237 This is optional, user can connect external DS18B20 sensor to the +3.3v, 1-wire and GND pin . and this field will report temperature.
Xiaoling 2.2 238
Xiaoling 13.2 239
Xiaoling 2.2 240 **Example**:
242 If payload is: 0105H:  (0105 & FC00 == 0), temp = 0105H /10 = 26.1 degree
244 If payload is: FF3FH :  (FF3F & FC00 == 1) , temp = (FF3FH - 65536)/10 = -19.3 degrees.
Xiaoling 109.5 248 === 2.3.3  Distance ===
Xiaoling 2.2 249
Xiaoling 109.5 250 Represents the distance value of the measurement output, the default unit is cm, and the value range parsed as a decimal number is 0-1200. In actual use, when the signal strength value Strength.
Xiaoling 2.2 251
Xiaoling 109.5 253 **Example**:
Xiaoling 2.2 254
Xiaoling 109.5 255 If the data you get from the register is 0x0B 0xEA, the distance between the sensor and the measured object is 0BEA(H) = 3050 (D)/10 = 305cm.
Xiaoling 2.2 256
Xiaoling 109.5 258
Xiaoling 109.6 259 === 2.3.4  Distance signal strength ===
Xiaoling 13.3 260
Xiaoling 109.6 261 Refers to the signal strength, the default output value will be between 0-65535. When the distance measurement gear is fixed, the farther the distance measurement is, the lower the signal strength; the lower the target reflectivity, the lower the signal strength. When Strength is greater than 100 and not equal to 65535, the measured value of Dist is considered credible.
Xiaoling 2.2 262
264 **Example**:
Xiaoling 109.6 266 If payload is: 01D7(H)=471(D), distance signal strength=471, 471>100,471≠65535, the measured value of Dist is considered credible.
Xiaoling 2.2 267
Xiaoling 109.6 268 Customers can judge whether they need to adjust the environment based on the signal strength.
Xiaoling 2.2 269
Xiaoling 109.7 272 === 2.3.5  Interrupt Pin ===
Xiaoling 2.2 273
Xiaoling 111.7 274 This data field shows if this packet is generated by interrupt or not. [[Click here>>||anchor="H4.2A0SetInterruptMode"]] for the hardware and software set up.
Xiaoling 2.2 275
Xiaoling 111.7 276 Note: The Internet Pin is a separate pin in the screw terminal. See [[pin mapping>>||anchor="H1.6A0Pinmappingandpoweron"]].
Xiaoling 2.2 277
Xiaoling 13.3 278 **Example:**
Xiaoling 2.2 279
280 0x00: Normal uplink packet.
282 0x01: Interrupt Uplink Packet.
Xiaoling 109.7 286 === 2.3.6  LiDAR temp ===
Xiaoling 13.3 287
Xiaoling 109.7 288 Characterize the internal temperature value of the sensor.
290 **Example: **
291 If payload is: 1C(H) <<24>>24=28(D),LiDAR temp=28℃.
292 If payload is: F2(H) <<24>>24=-14(D),LiDAR temp=-14℃.
296 === 2.3.7  Message Type ===
Xiaoling 73.15 298 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 299 For a normal uplink payload, the message type is always 0x01.
Xiaoling 73.15 300 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 301
Xiaoling 73.15 302 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 303 Valid Message Type:
Xiaoling 73.15 304 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 305
Xiaoling 85.8 307 (% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#ffffcc; width:499px" %)
308 |=(% style="width: 160px;" %)**Message Type Code**|=(% style="width: 163px;" %)**Description**|=(% style="width: 173px;" %)**Payload**
Xiaoling 111.9 309 |(% style="width:160px" %)0x01|(% style="width:163px" %)Normal Uplink|(% style="width:173px" %)[[Normal Uplink Payload>>||anchor="H2.3A0200BUplinkPayload"]]
Xiaoling 111.8 310 |(% style="width:160px" %)0x02|(% style="width:163px" %)Reply configures info|(% style="width:173px" %)[[Configure Info Payload>>||anchor="H4.3A0GetFirmwareVersionInfo"]]
Xiaoling 2.2 311
Xiaoling 113.5 312
Xiaoling 109.7 315 === 2.3.8  Decode payload in The Things Network ===
Xiaoling 13.6 316
Xiaoling 2.2 317 While using TTN network, you can add the payload format to decode the payload.
Xiaoling 49.2 320 [[image:1654592762713-715.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 321
Xiaoling 14.2 322 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 323 The payload decoder function for TTN is here:
Xiaoling 14.2 324 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 325
Xiaoling 14.2 326 (((
Xiaoling 111.11 327 LLDS12 TTN Payload Decoder: [[https:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_End_Node/LLDS12/Decoder/>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_End_Node/LLDS12/Decoder/]]
Xiaoling 14.2 328 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 329
Xiaoling 107.4 332 == 2.4  Uplink Interval ==
Xiaoling 14.3 333
Xiaoling 107.4 334 The LLDS12 by default uplink the sensor data every 20 minutes. User can change this interval by AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink Command. See this link: [[Change Uplink Interval>>doc:Main.End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command.WebHome||anchor="H4.1ChangeUplinkInterval"]]
Xiaoling 2.2 335
Xiaoling 107.4 338 == 2.5  ​Show Data in DataCake IoT Server ==
Xiaoling 2.2 339
Xiaoling 74.2 340 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 341 [[DATACAKE>>url:https://datacake.co/]] provides a human friendly interface to show the sensor data, once we have data in TTN, we can use [[DATACAKE>>url:https://datacake.co/]] to connect to TTN and see the data in DATACAKE. Below are the steps:
Xiaoling 74.2 342 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 343
Xiaoling 74.2 344 (((
346 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 347
Xiaoling 74.2 348 (((
Xiaoling 23.5 349 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 1**(%%)**: Be sure that your device is programmed and properly connected to the network at this time.**
Xiaoling 74.2 350 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 351
Xiaoling 74.2 352 (((
Xiaoling 23.5 353 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 2**(%%)**: To configure the Application to forward data to DATACAKE you will need to add integration. To add the DATACAKE integration, perform the following steps:**
Xiaoling 74.2 354 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 355
Xiaoling 50.2 357 [[image:1654592790040-760.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 358
Xiaoling 51.3 360 [[image:1654592800389-571.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 361
Xiaoling 23.5 363 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 3**(%%)**: Create an account or log in Datacake.**
Xiaoling 2.2 364
Xiaoling 107.2 365 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 4**(%%)**: Create LLDS12 product.**
Xiaoling 2.2 366
Xiaoling 107.2 367 [[image:1654832691989-514.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 368
Xiaoling 53.2 370 [[image:1654592833877-762.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 371
Xiaoling 107.2 373 [[image:1654832740634-933.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 374
Xiaoling 107.2 376
Xiaoling 74.3 377 (((
Xiaoling 23.5 378 (% style="color:blue" %)**Step 5**(%%)**: add payload decode**
Xiaoling 74.3 379 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 380
Xiaoling 74.3 381 (((
Xiaoling 107.2 382
Xiaoling 74.3 383 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 384
Xiaoling 107.2 385 [[image:1654833065139-942.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 386
Xiaoling 107.2 389 [[image:1654833092678-390.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 390
Xiaoling 107.2 393 After added, the sensor data arrive TTN, it will also arrive and show in Datacake.
Xiaoling 2.2 394
Xiaoling 107.2 395 [[image:1654833163048-332.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 396
Xiaoling 100.7 399 == 2.6  Frequency Plans ==
Xiaoling 26.6 401 (((
Xiaoling 100.7 402 The LLDS12 uses OTAA mode and below frequency plans by default. If user want to use it with different frequency plan, please refer the AT command sets.
Xiaoling 26.6 403 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 404
Xiaoling 100.7 406 === 2.6.1  EU863-870 (EU868) ===
Xiaoling 2.2 407
Xiaoling 74.10 408 (((
Xiaoling 26.5 409 (% style="color:blue" %)**Uplink:**
Xiaoling 74.10 410 )))
Xiaoling 26.5 411
Xiaoling 74.10 412 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 413 868.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 414 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 415
Xiaoling 74.10 416 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 417 868.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125 and SF7BW250
Xiaoling 74.10 418 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 419
Xiaoling 74.10 420 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 421 868.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 422 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 423
Xiaoling 74.10 424 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 425 867.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 426 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 427
Xiaoling 74.10 428 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 429 867.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 430 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 431
Xiaoling 74.10 432 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 433 867.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 434 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 435
Xiaoling 74.10 436 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 437 867.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 438 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 439
Xiaoling 74.10 440 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 441 867.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.10 442 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 443
Xiaoling 74.10 444 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 445 868.8 - FSK
Xiaoling 74.10 446 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 447
Xiaoling 74.10 448 (((
450 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 451
Xiaoling 74.10 452 (((
Xiaoling 26.5 453 (% style="color:blue" %)**Downlink:**
Xiaoling 74.10 454 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 455
Xiaoling 74.10 456 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 457 Uplink channels 1-9 (RX1)
Xiaoling 74.10 458 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 459
Xiaoling 74.10 460 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 461 869.525 - SF9BW125 (RX2 downlink only)
Xiaoling 74.10 462 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 463
Xiaoling 100.9 466 === 2.6.2  US902-928(US915) ===
Xiaoling 26.5 467
468 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 469 Used in USA, Canada and South America. Frequency band as per definition in LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Regional document.
Xiaoling 26.5 470 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 471
Xiaoling 26.5 472 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 473 To make sure the end node supports all sub band by default. In the OTAA Join process, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join.
Xiaoling 26.5 474 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 475
Xiaoling 26.5 476 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 477 After Join success, the end node will switch to the correct sub band by:
Xiaoling 26.5 478 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 479
480 * Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub-band
481 * Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn’t include sub-band info in the OTAA Join Accept message ( TTN v2 doesn't include)
Xiaoling 113.6 483
Xiaoling 109.9 486 === 2.6.3  CN470-510 (CN470) ===
Xiaoling 100.9 487
Xiaoling 74.11 488 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 489 Used in China, Default use CHE=1
Xiaoling 74.11 490 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 491
Xiaoling 74.11 492 (((
Xiaoling 26.5 493 (% style="color:blue" %)**Uplink:**
Xiaoling 74.11 494 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 495
Xiaoling 74.11 496 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 497 486.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 498 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 499
Xiaoling 74.11 500 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 501 486.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 502 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 503
Xiaoling 74.11 504 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 505 486.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 506 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 507
Xiaoling 74.11 508 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 509 486.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 510 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 511
Xiaoling 74.11 512 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 513 487.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 514 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 515
Xiaoling 74.11 516 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 517 487.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 518 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 519
Xiaoling 74.11 520 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 521 487.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 522 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 523
Xiaoling 74.11 524 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 525 487.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 526 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 527
Xiaoling 74.11 528 (((
530 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 531
Xiaoling 74.11 532 (((
Xiaoling 26.5 533 (% style="color:blue" %)**Downlink:**
Xiaoling 74.11 534 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 535
Xiaoling 74.11 536 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 537 506.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 538 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 539
Xiaoling 74.11 540 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 541 506.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 542 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 543
Xiaoling 74.11 544 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 545 507.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 546 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 547
Xiaoling 74.11 548 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 549 507.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 550 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 551
Xiaoling 74.11 552 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 553 507.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 554 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 555
Xiaoling 74.11 556 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 557 507.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 558 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 559
Xiaoling 74.11 560 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 561 507.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 562 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 563
Xiaoling 74.11 564 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 565 508.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.11 566 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 567
Xiaoling 74.11 568 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 569 505.3 - SF12BW125 (RX2 downlink only)
Xiaoling 74.11 570 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 571
Xiaoling 26.5 574
Xiaoling 109.9 575 === 2.6.4  AU915-928(AU915) ===
Xiaoling 100.9 576
Xiaoling 26.5 577 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 578 Frequency band as per definition in LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Regional document.
Xiaoling 26.5 579 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 580
Xiaoling 26.5 581 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 582 To make sure the end node supports all sub band by default. In the OTAA Join process, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join.
Xiaoling 26.5 583 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 584
Xiaoling 26.5 585 (((
587 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 588
Xiaoling 26.5 589 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 590 After Join success, the end node will switch to the correct sub band by:
Xiaoling 26.5 591 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 592
593 * Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub-band
594 * Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn’t include sub-band info in the OTAA Join Accept message ( TTN v2 doesn't include)
Xiaoling 113.7 596
Xiaoling 109.9 599 === 2.6.5  AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923) ===
Xiaoling 100.9 600
Xiaoling 74.9 601 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 602 (% style="color:blue" %)**Default Uplink channel:**
Xiaoling 74.9 603 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 604
Xiaoling 74.9 605 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 606 923.2 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 607 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 608
Xiaoling 74.9 609 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 610 923.4 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 611 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 612
Xiaoling 74.9 613 (((
615 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 616
Xiaoling 74.9 617 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 618 (% style="color:blue" %)**Additional Uplink Channel**:
Xiaoling 74.9 619 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 620
Xiaoling 74.9 621 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 622 (OTAA mode, channel added by JoinAccept message)
Xiaoling 74.9 623 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 624
Xiaoling 74.9 625 (((
627 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 628
Xiaoling 74.9 629 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 630 (% style="color:blue" %)**AS920~~AS923 for Japan, Malaysia, Singapore**:
Xiaoling 74.9 631 )))
Xiaoling 26.7 632
Xiaoling 74.9 633 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 634 922.2 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 635 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 636
Xiaoling 74.9 637 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 638 922.4 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 639 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 640
Xiaoling 74.9 641 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 642 922.6 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 643 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 644
Xiaoling 74.9 645 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 646 922.8 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 647 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 648
Xiaoling 74.9 649 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 650 923.0 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 651 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 652
Xiaoling 74.9 653 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 654 922.0 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 655 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 656
Xiaoling 74.9 657 (((
659 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 660
Xiaoling 74.9 661 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 662 (% style="color:blue" %)**AS923 ~~ AS925 for Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam**:
Xiaoling 74.9 663 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 664
Xiaoling 74.9 665 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 666 923.6 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 667 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 668
Xiaoling 74.9 669 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 670 923.8 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 671 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 672
Xiaoling 74.9 673 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 674 924.0 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 675 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 676
Xiaoling 74.9 677 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 678 924.2 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 679 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 680
Xiaoling 74.9 681 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 682 924.4 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 683 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 684
Xiaoling 74.9 685 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 686 924.6 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125
Xiaoling 74.9 687 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 688
Xiaoling 74.9 689 (((
691 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 692
Xiaoling 74.9 693 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 694 (% style="color:blue" %)**Downlink:**
Xiaoling 74.9 695 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 696
Xiaoling 74.9 697 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 698 Uplink channels 1-8 (RX1)
Xiaoling 74.9 699 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 700
Xiaoling 74.9 701 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 702 923.2 - SF10BW125 (RX2)
Xiaoling 74.9 703 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 704
Xiaoling 109.9 708 === 2.6.6  KR920-923 (KR920) ===
Xiaoling 100.9 709
Xiaoling 74.12 710 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 711 (% style="color:blue" %)**Default channel:**
Xiaoling 74.12 712 )))
Xiaoling 26.7 713
Xiaoling 74.12 714 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 715 922.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 716 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 717
Xiaoling 74.12 718 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 719 922.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 720 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 721
Xiaoling 74.12 722 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 723 922.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 724 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 725
Xiaoling 74.12 726 (((
728 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 729
Xiaoling 74.12 730 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 731 (% style="color:blue" %)**Uplink: (OTAA mode, channel added by JoinAccept message)**
Xiaoling 74.12 732 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 733
Xiaoling 74.12 734 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 735 922.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 736 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 737
Xiaoling 74.12 738 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 739 922.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 740 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 741
Xiaoling 74.12 742 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 743 922.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 744 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 745
Xiaoling 74.12 746 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 747 922.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 748 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 749
Xiaoling 74.12 750 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 751 922.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 752 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 753
Xiaoling 74.12 754 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 755 923.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 756 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 757
Xiaoling 74.12 758 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 759 923.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.12 760 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 761
Xiaoling 74.12 762 (((
764 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 765
Xiaoling 74.12 766 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 767 (% style="color:blue" %)**Downlink:**
Xiaoling 74.12 768 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 769
Xiaoling 74.12 770 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 771 Uplink channels 1-7(RX1)
Xiaoling 74.12 772 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 773
Xiaoling 74.12 774 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 775 921.9 - SF12BW125 (RX2 downlink only; SF12BW125 might be changed to SF9BW125)
Xiaoling 74.12 776 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 777
Xiaoling 35.6 779
Xiaoling 2.2 780
Xiaoling 109.9 781 === 2.6.7  IN865-867 (IN865) ===
Xiaoling 100.9 782
Xiaoling 74.13 783 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 784 (% style="color:blue" %)**Uplink:**
Xiaoling 74.13 785 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 786
Xiaoling 74.13 787 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 788 865.0625 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.13 789 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 790
Xiaoling 74.13 791 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 792 865.4025 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.13 793 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 794
Xiaoling 74.13 795 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 796 865.9850 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
Xiaoling 74.13 797 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 798
Xiaoling 74.13 799 (((
801 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 802
Xiaoling 74.13 803 (((
Xiaoling 26.7 804 (% style="color:blue" %)**Downlink:**
Xiaoling 74.13 805 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 806
Xiaoling 74.13 807 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 808 Uplink channels 1-3 (RX1)
Xiaoling 74.13 809 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 810
Xiaoling 74.13 811 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 812 866.550 - SF10BW125 (RX2)
Xiaoling 74.13 813 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 814
Xiaoling 100.9 817
Xiaoling 100.5 818 == 2.7  LED Indicator ==
Xiaoling 26.7 819
Xiaoling 100.5 820 The LLDS12 has an internal LED which is to show the status of different state.
Xiaoling 2.2 821
822 * The sensor is detected when the device is turned on, and it will flash 4 times quickly when it is detected.
823 * Blink once when device transmit a packet.
Xiaoling 113.8 825
Xiaoling 100.4 828 == 2.8  ​Firmware Change Log ==
Xiaoling 2.2 829
Xiaoling 26.15 830
Xiaoling 100.4 831 **Firmware download link: **[[http:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_End_Node/LLDS12/Firmware/>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_End_Node/LLDS12/Firmware/]]
Xiaoling 2.2 832
Xiaoling 111.17 834 **Firmware Upgrade Method: **[[Firmware Upgrade Instruction>>doc:Main.Firmware Upgrade Instruction for STM32 base products.WebHome]]
Xiaoling 2.2 835
Xiaoling 100.4 837
Xiaoling 95.5 838 = 3.  LiDAR ToF Measurement =
Xiaoling 2.2 839
Xiaoling 95.5 840 == 3.1 Principle of Distance Measurement ==
842 The LiDAR probe is based on TOF, namely, Time of Flight principle. To be specific, the product emits modulation wave of near infrared ray on a periodic basis, which will be reflected after contacting object. The product obtains the time of flight by measuring round-trip phase difference and then calculates relative range between the product and the detection object, as shown below.
Xiaoling 100.1 844 [[image:1654831757579-263.png]]
Xiaoling 95.5 845
848 == 3.2 Distance Measurement Characteristics ==
850 With optimization of light path and algorithm, The LiDAR probe has minimized influence from external environment on distance measurement performance. Despite that, the range of distance measurement may still be affected by the environment illumination intensity and the reflectivity of detection object. As shown in below:
Xiaoling 100.1 852 [[image:1654831774373-275.png]]
Xiaoling 95.5 853
Xiaoling 111.31 855 (((
Xiaoling 111.30 856 (% style="color:blue" %)**① **(%%)Represents the detection blind zone of The LiDAR probe, 0-10cm, within which the output data is unreliable.
Xiaoling 111.31 857 )))
Xiaoling 95.5 858
Xiaoling 111.31 859 (((
Xiaoling 111.30 860 (% style="color:blue" %)**② **(%%)Represents the operating range of The LiDAR probe detecting black target with 10% reflectivity, 0.1-5m.
Xiaoling 111.31 861 )))
Xiaoling 95.5 862
Xiaoling 111.31 863 (((
Xiaoling 111.30 864 (% style="color:blue" %)**③ **(%%)Represents the operating range of The LiDAR probe detecting white target with 90% reflectivity, 0.1-12m.
Xiaoling 111.31 865 )))
Xiaoling 95.5 866
Xiaoling 111.31 868 (((
Xiaoling 95.5 869 Vertical Coordinates: Represents the radius of light spot for The LiDAR probe at the different distances. The diameter of light spot depends on the FOV of The LiDAR probe (the term of FOV generally refers to the smaller value between the receiving angle and the transmitting angle), which is calculated as follows:
Xiaoling 111.31 870 )))
Xiaoling 95.5 871
Xiaoling 100.1 873 [[image:1654831797521-720.png]]
Xiaoling 95.5 874
Xiaoling 111.31 876 (((
Xiaoling 95.5 877 In the formula above, d is the diameter of light spot; D is detecting range; β is the value of the receiving angle of The LiDAR probe, 3.6°. Correspondence between the diameter of light spot and detecting range is given in Table below.
Xiaoling 111.31 878 )))
Xiaoling 95.5 879
Xiaoling 100.1 880 [[image:1654831810009-716.png]]
Xiaoling 95.5 881
Xiaoling 111.31 883 (((
Xiaoling 95.5 884 If the light spot reaches two objects with different distances, as shown in Figure 3, the output distance value will be a value between the actual distance values of the two objects. For a high accuracy requirement in practice, the above situation should be noticed to avoid the measurement error.
Xiaoling 111.31 885 )))
Xiaoling 95.5 886
889 == 3.3 Notice of usage: ==
891 Possible invalid /wrong reading for LiDAR ToF tech:
893 * Measure high reflectivity object such as: Mirror, Smooth ceramic tile, static milk surface, will have possible wrong readings.
894 * While there is transparent object such as glass, water drop between the measured object and the LiDAR sensor, the reading might wrong.
895 * The LiDAR probe is cover by dirty things; the reading might be wrong. In this case, need to clean the probe.
896 * The sensor window is made by Acrylic. Don’t touch it with alcohol material. This will destroy the sensor window.
Xiaoling 113.9 898
Xiaoling 94.6 901 = 4.  Configure LLDS12 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink =
Xiaoling 2.2 902
Xiaoling 74.14 903 (((
Xiaoling 111.32 904 (((
Xiaoling 94.6 905 Use can configure LLDS12 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink.
Xiaoling 74.14 906 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 907 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 908
Xiaoling 74.14 909 * (((
Xiaoling 111.32 910 (((
Xiaoling 111.16 911 AT Command Connection: See [[FAQ>>||anchor="H7.A0FAQ"]].
Xiaoling 74.14 912 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 913 )))
Xiaoling 74.14 914 * (((
Xiaoling 111.32 915 (((
Xiaoling 111.17 916 LoRaWAN Downlink instruction for different platforms: [[IoT LoRaWAN Server>>doc:Main.WebHome]]
Xiaoling 74.14 917 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 918 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 919
Xiaoling 74.14 920 (((
Xiaoling 111.32 921 (((
Xiaoling 94.6 922
Xiaoling 111.32 923 )))
Xiaoling 94.6 924
Xiaoling 111.32 925 (((
Xiaoling 94.9 926 There are two kinds of commands to configure LLDS12, they are:
Xiaoling 74.14 927 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 928 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 929
Xiaoling 74.14 930 * (((
Xiaoling 111.32 931 (((
Xiaoling 74.14 932 (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)** General Commands**.
933 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 934 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 935
Xiaoling 74.14 936 (((
Xiaoling 111.32 937 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 938 These commands are to configure:
Xiaoling 74.14 939 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 940 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 941
Xiaoling 74.14 942 * (((
Xiaoling 111.32 943 (((
Xiaoling 74.14 944 General system settings like: uplink interval.
945 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 946 )))
Xiaoling 74.14 947 * (((
Xiaoling 111.32 948 (((
Xiaoling 74.14 949 LoRaWAN protocol & radio related command.
950 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 951 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 952
Xiaoling 74.14 953 (((
Xiaoling 111.32 954 (((
Xiaoling 111.17 955 They are same for all Dragino Device which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki: [[End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command>>doc:Main.End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command.WebHome]]
Xiaoling 74.14 956 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 957 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 958
Xiaoling 74.14 959 (((
Xiaoling 111.32 960 (((
Xiaoling 74.14 961
962 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 963 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 964
Xiaoling 74.14 965 * (((
Xiaoling 111.32 966 (((
Xiaoling 94.7 967 (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)** Commands special design for LLDS12**
Xiaoling 74.14 968 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 969 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 970
Xiaoling 74.14 971 (((
Xiaoling 111.32 972 (((
Xiaoling 94.9 973 These commands only valid for LLDS12, as below:
Xiaoling 74.14 974 )))
Xiaoling 111.32 975 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 976
Xiaoling 94.8 979 == 4.1  Set Transmit Interval Time ==
Xiaoling 27.2 980
Xiaoling 2.2 981 Feature: Change LoRaWAN End Node Transmit Interval.
Xiaoling 27.2 983 (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT Command: AT+TDC**
Xiaoling 2.2 984
Xiaoling 65.2 985 [[image:image-20220607171554-8.png]]
Xiaoling 27.2 986
Xiaoling 2.2 987
Xiaoling 74.16 988 (((
Xiaoling 27.2 989 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Command: 0x01**
Xiaoling 74.16 990 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 991
Xiaoling 74.16 992 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 993 Format: Command Code (0x01) followed by 3 bytes time value.
Xiaoling 74.16 994 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 995
Xiaoling 74.15 996 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 997 If the downlink payload=0100003C, it means set the END Node’s Transmit Interval to 0x00003C=60(S), while type code is 01.
Xiaoling 74.15 998 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 999
Xiaoling 74.16 1000 * (((
1001 Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0100001E ~/~/ Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 30 seconds
1002 )))
1003 * (((
1004 Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0100003C ~/~/ Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 60 seconds
Xiaoling 76.2 1005
Xiaoling 74.16 1008 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1009
Xiaoling 111.37 1010
Xiaoling 113.10 1011
Xiaoling 94.8 1013 == 4.2  Set Interrupt Mode ==
Xiaoling 27.3 1014
Xiaoling 2.2 1015 Feature, Set Interrupt mode for GPIO_EXIT.
Xiaoling 27.3 1017 (% style="color:#037691" %)**AT Command: AT+INTMOD**
Xiaoling 2.2 1018
Xiaoling 95.2 1019 [[image:image-20220610105806-2.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1020
Xiaoling 74.16 1022 (((
Xiaoling 27.3 1023 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Command: 0x06**
Xiaoling 74.16 1024 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1025
Xiaoling 74.16 1026 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1027 Format: Command Code (0x06) followed by 3 bytes.
Xiaoling 74.16 1028 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1029
Xiaoling 74.16 1030 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1031 This means that the interrupt mode of the end node is set to 0x000003=3 (rising edge trigger), and the type code is 06.
Xiaoling 74.16 1032 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1033
Xiaoling 74.16 1034 * (((
1035 Example 1: Downlink Payload: 06000000 ~/~/ Turn off interrupt mode
1036 )))
1037 * (((
1038 Example 2: Downlink Payload: 06000003 ~/~/ Set the interrupt mode to rising edge trigger
1039 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1040
Xiaoling 111.36 1041
Xiaoling 113.11 1042
Xiaoling 94.8 1044 == 4.3  Get Firmware Version Info ==
Xiaoling 74.17 1045
Xiaoling 2.2 1046 Feature: use downlink to get firmware version.
Xiaoling 27.3 1048 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Command: 0x26**
Xiaoling 2.2 1049
Xiaoling 67.2 1050 [[image:image-20220607171917-10.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1051
1052 * Reply to the confirmation package: 26 01
1053 * Reply to non-confirmed packet: 26 00
1055 Device will send an uplink after got this downlink command. With below payload:
1057 Configures info payload:
Xiaoling 29.4 1059 (% border="1" cellspacing="10" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:510px" %)
1060 |=(((
1061 **Size(bytes)**
1062 )))|=**1**|=**1**|=**1**|=**1**|=**1**|=**5**|=**1**
Xiaoling 2.2 1063 |**Value**|Software Type|(((
1064 Frequency
1066 Band
1067 )))|Sub-band|(((
1068 Firmware
1070 Version
1071 )))|Sensor Type|Reserve|(((
Xiaoling 111.22 1072 [[Message Type>>||anchor="H2.3.7A0MessageType"]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1073 Always 0x02
1074 )))
Xiaoling 95.4 1076 **Software Type**: Always 0x03 for LLDS12
Xiaoling 2.2 1077
1079 **Frequency Band**:
1081 *0x01: EU868
1083 *0x02: US915
1085 *0x03: IN865
1087 *0x04: AU915
1089 *0x05: KZ865
1091 *0x06: RU864
1093 *0x07: AS923
1095 *0x08: AS923-1
1097 *0x09: AS923-2
1099 *0xa0: AS923-3
1102 **Sub-Band**: value 0x00 ~~ 0x08
1105 **Firmware Version**: 0x0100, Means: v1.0.0 version
1108 **Sensor Type**:
1110 0x01: LSE01
1112 0x02: LDDS75
1114 0x03: LDDS20
1116 0x04: LLMS01
1118 0x05: LSPH01
1120 0x06: LSNPK01
Xiaoling 95.4 1122 0x07: LLDS12
Xiaoling 2.2 1123
Xiaoling 94.5 1126 = 5.  Battery & How to replace =
Xiaoling 2.2 1127
Xiaoling 94.5 1128 == 5.1  Battery Type ==
Xiaoling 2.2 1129
Xiaoling 30.2 1130 (((
Xiaoling 94.5 1131 LLDS12 is equipped with a [[8500mAH ER26500 Li-SOCI2 battery>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=datasheet/Battery/ER26500/]]. The battery is un-rechargeable battery with low discharge rate targeting for 8~~10 years use. This type of battery is commonly used in IoT target for long-term running, such as water meter.
Xiaoling 30.2 1132 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1133
Xiaoling 30.2 1134 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1135 The discharge curve is not linear so can’t simply use percentage to show the battery level. Below is the battery performance.
Xiaoling 30.2 1136 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1137
Xiaoling 68.2 1138 [[image:1654593587246-335.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1139
Xiaoling 94.5 1141 Minimum Working Voltage for the LLDS12:
Xiaoling 2.2 1142
Xiaoling 94.5 1143 LLDS12:  2.45v ~~ 3.6v
Xiaoling 2.2 1144
Xiaoling 94.5 1147 == 5.2  Replace Battery ==
Xiaoling 30.3 1148
Xiaoling 30.5 1149 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1150 Any battery with range 2.45 ~~ 3.6v can be a replacement. We recommend to use Li-SOCl2 Battery.
Xiaoling 30.5 1151 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1152
Xiaoling 30.5 1153 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1154 And make sure the positive and negative pins match.
Xiaoling 30.5 1155 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1156
Xiaoling 94.5 1159 == 5.3  Power Consumption Analyze ==
Xiaoling 2.2 1160
Xiaoling 30.5 1161 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1162 Dragino Battery powered product are all runs in Low Power mode. We have an update battery calculator which base on the measurement of the real device. User can use this calculator to check the battery life and calculate the battery life if want to use different transmit interval.
Xiaoling 30.5 1163 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1164
Xiaoling 30.5 1165 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1166 Instruction to use as below:
Xiaoling 30.5 1167 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1168
Xiaoling 32.3 1170 **Step 1**: Downlink the up-to-date DRAGINO_Battery_Life_Prediction_Table.xlsx from:
Xiaoling 2.2 1171
1172 [[https:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/index.pHp?dir=LoRa_End_Node/Battery_Analyze/>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_End_Node/Battery_Analyze/]]
Xiaoling 32.3 1175 **Step 2**: Open it and choose
Xiaoling 2.2 1176
1177 * Product Model
1178 * Uplink Interval
1179 * Working Mode
1181 And the Life expectation in difference case will be shown on the right.
Xiaoling 69.2 1183 [[image:1654593605679-189.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1184
1186 The battery related documents as below:
Xiaoling 32.2 1188 * (((
1189 [[Battery Dimension>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=datasheet/Battery/&file=LSN50-Battery-Dimension.pdf]],
Xiaoling 2.2 1190 )))
Xiaoling 32.2 1191 * (((
1192 [[Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery  datasheet>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/datasheet/Battery/ER26500/ER26500_Datasheet-EN.pdf]],
1193 )))
1194 * (((
1195 [[Lithium-ion Battery-Capacitor datasheet>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/datasheet/Battery/SPC_1520_datasheet.jpg]], [[Tech Spec>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/datasheet/Battery/SPC1520%20Technical%20Specification20171123.pdf]]
1196 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1197
Xiaoling 70.2 1198 [[image:image-20220607172042-11.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1199
Xiaoling 94.5 1202 === 5.3.1  ​Battery Note ===
Xiaoling 2.2 1203
Xiaoling 32.4 1204 (((
Xiaoling 2.2 1205 The Li-SICO battery is designed for small current / long period application. It is not good to use a high current, short period transmit method. The recommended minimum period for use of this battery is 5 minutes. If you use a shorter period time to transmit LoRa, then the battery life may be decreased.
Xiaoling 32.4 1206 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1207
Xiaoling 94.5 1210 === ​5.3.2  Replace the battery ===
Xiaoling 32.4 1211
Xiaoling 74.20 1212 (((
Xiaoling 94.5 1213 You can change the battery in the LLDS12.The type of battery is not limited as long as the output is between 3v to 3.6v. On the main board, there is a diode (D1) between the battery and the main circuit. If you need to use a battery with less than 3.3v, please remove the D1 and shortcut the two pads of it so there won’t be voltage drop between battery and main board.
Xiaoling 74.20 1214 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1215
Xiaoling 74.20 1216 (((
Xiaoling 94.5 1217 The default battery pack of LLDS12 includes a ER26500 plus super capacitor. If user can’t find this pack locally, they can find ER26500 or equivalence, which will also work in most case. The SPC can enlarge the battery life for high frequency use (update period below 5 minutes)
Xiaoling 74.20 1218 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1219
Xiaoling 94.4 1222 = 6.  Use AT Command =
Xiaoling 2.2 1223
Xiaoling 94.4 1224 == 6.1  Access AT Commands ==
Xiaoling 2.2 1225
Xiaoling 94.5 1226 LLDS12 supports AT Command set in the stock firmware. You can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to LLDS12 for using AT command, as below.
Xiaoling 2.2 1227
Xiaoling 72.2 1228 [[image:1654593668970-604.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1229
Xiaoling 34.6 1230 **Connection:**
Xiaoling 2.2 1231
Xiaoling 34.2 1232 (% style="background-color:yellow" %)** USB TTL GND <~-~-~-~-> GND**
Xiaoling 2.2 1233
Xiaoling 34.2 1234 (% style="background-color:yellow" %)** USB TTL TXD  <~-~-~-~-> UART_RXD**
Xiaoling 2.2 1235
Xiaoling 34.2 1236 (% style="background-color:yellow" %)** USB TTL RXD  <~-~-~-~-> UART_TXD**
Xiaoling 2.2 1237
Xiaoling 74.21 1239 (((
Xiaoling 111.33 1240 (((
Xiaoling 111.23 1241 In the PC, you need to set the serial baud rate to (% style="color:green" %)**9600**(%%) to access the serial console for LLDS12.
Xiaoling 111.33 1242 )))
Xiaoling 111.23 1243
Xiaoling 111.33 1244 (((
Xiaoling 111.23 1245 LLDS12 will output system info once power on as below:
Xiaoling 74.21 1246 )))
Xiaoling 111.33 1247 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1248
Xiaoling 72.2 1250 [[image:1654593712276-618.png]]
Xiaoling 2.2 1251
Xiaoling 111.25 1252 Valid AT Command please check [[Configure Device>>||anchor="H4.A0ConfigureLLDS12viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink"]].
Xiaoling 2.2 1253
Xiaoling 94.3 1255 = 7.  FAQ =
Xiaoling 2.2 1256
Xiaoling 94.3 1257 == 7.1  How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region ==
Xiaoling 34.7 1258
Xiaoling 111.26 1259 You can follow the instructions for [[how to upgrade image>>||anchor="H2.8A0200BFirmwareChangeLog"]].
Xiaoling 2.2 1260 When downloading the images, choose the required image file for download. ​
Xiaoling 93.7 1263 = 8.  Trouble Shooting =
Xiaoling 2.2 1264
Xiaoling 93.6 1265 == 8.1  AT Commands input doesn’t work ==
Xiaoling 34.7 1266
Xiaoling 93.12 1267
Xiaoling 111.34 1268 (((
Xiaoling 34.9 1269 In the case if user can see the console output but can’t type input to the device. Please check if you already include the (% style="color:green" %)**ENTER**(%%) while sending out the command. Some serial tool doesn’t send (% style="color:green" %)**ENTER**(%%) while press the send key, user need to add ENTER in their string.
Xiaoling 111.34 1270 )))
Xiaoling 2.2 1271
Xiaoling 93.6 1273 == 8.2  Significant error between the output distant value of LiDAR and actual distance ==
Xiaoling 85.21 1274
Xiaoling 2.2 1275
Xiaoling 93.10 1276 (((
1277 (% style="color:blue" %)**Cause ①**(%%)**:**Due to the physical principles of The LiDAR probe, the above phenomenon is likely to occur if the detection object is the material with high reflectivity (such as mirror, smooth floor tile, etc.) or transparent substance (such as glass and water, etc.)
1278 )))
Xiaoling 93.9 1279
Xiaoling 93.10 1280 (((
Xiaoling 93.6 1281 Troubleshooting: Please avoid use of this product under such circumstance in practice.
Xiaoling 93.10 1282 )))
Xiaoling 93.6 1283
Xiaoling 93.10 1284 (((
1286 )))
Xiaoling 93.6 1287
Xiaoling 93.10 1288 (((
1289 (% style="color:blue" %)**Cause ②**(%%)**: **The IR-pass filters are blocked.
1290 )))
Xiaoling 93.6 1291
Xiaoling 93.10 1292 (((
1293 Troubleshooting: please use dry dust-free cloth to gently remove the foreign matter.
1294 )))
Xiaoling 93.6 1295
Xiaoling 93.11 1297
Xiaoling 93.6 1298 = 9.  Order Info =
Xiaoling 93.13 1300
Xiaoling 93.5 1301 Part Number: (% style="color:blue" %)**LLDS12-XX**
Xiaoling 2.2 1302
Xiaoling 34.9 1304 (% style="color:blue" %)**XX**(%%): The default frequency band
Xiaoling 2.2 1305
Xiaoling 34.13 1306 * (% style="color:red" %)**AS923**(%%):  LoRaWAN AS923 band
Xiaoling 34.9 1307 * (% style="color:red" %)**AU915**(%%): LoRaWAN AU915 band
1308 * (% style="color:red" %)**EU433**(%%): LoRaWAN EU433 band
1309 * (% style="color:red" %)**EU868**(%%): LoRaWAN EU868 band
1310 * (% style="color:red" %)**KR920**(%%): LoRaWAN KR920 band
1311 * (% style="color:red" %)**US915**(%%): LoRaWAN US915 band
Xiaoling 34.13 1312 * (% style="color:red" %)**IN865**(%%):  LoRaWAN IN865 band
Xiaoling 34.9 1313 * (% style="color:red" %)**CN470**(%%): LoRaWAN CN470 band
Xiaoling 2.2 1314
Xiaoling 113.12 1315
Xiaoling 93.6 1318 = 10. ​ Packing Info =
Xiaoling 34.9 1319
Xiaoling 2.2 1321 **Package Includes**:
Xiaoling 93.4 1323 * LLDS12 LoRaWAN LiDAR Distance Sensor x 1
Xiaoling 2.2 1324
1325 **Dimension and weight**:
1327 * Device Size: cm
1328 * Device Weight: g
1329 * Package Size / pcs : cm
1330 * Weight / pcs : g
Xiaoling 113.12 1332
Xiaoling 93.6 1335 = 11.  ​Support =
Xiaoling 2.2 1336
1337 * Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.
Xiaoling 34.12 1338 * Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to [[support@dragino.com>>url:http://../../../../../../D:%5C%E5%B8%82%E5%9C%BA%E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%5C%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E%E4%B9%A6%5CLoRa%5CLT%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%5Csupport@dragino.com]].
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