Changes for page LMDS200 -- LoRaWAN Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual
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... ... @@ -1,65 +1,9 @@ 1 1 (% style="text-align:center" %) 2 -[[image: 1654592399090-860.png||height="521" width="483"]]2 +[[image:image-20220610095606-1.png]] 3 3 4 4 5 - 6 - 7 7 **Contents:** 8 8 9 -* [[1. Introduction>>path:#H1.Introduction]] 10 -** [[1.1 What is LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor>>path:#H1.1200BWhatisLoRaWANSoilpHSensor]] 11 -** [[1.2 Features>>path:#H200B1.2Features]] 12 -** [[1.3 Probe Specification>>path:#H1.3ProbeSpecification]] 13 -** [[1.4 Applications>>path:#H1.4200BApplications]] 14 -** [[1.5 Pin mapping and power on>>path:#H1.5Pinmappingandpoweron]] 15 -* [[2. Configure LSPH01 to connect to LoRaWAN network>>path:#H2.ConfigureLSPH01toconnecttoLoRaWANnetwork]] 16 -** [[2.1 How it works>>path:#H2.1Howitworks]] 17 -** [[2.2 Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA)>>path:#H2.2200BQuickguidetoconnecttoLoRaWANserver28OTAA29]] 18 -** [[2.3 Uplink Payload>>path:#H2.3200BUplinkPayload]] 19 -*** [[2.3.1 Battery Info>>path:#H2.3.1BatteryInfo]] 20 -*** [[2.3.2 DS18B20 Temperature sensor>>path:#H2.3.2DS18B20Temperaturesensor]] 21 -*** [[2.3.3 Soil pH>>path:#H2.3.3SoilpH]] 22 -*** [[2.3.4 Soil Temperature>>path:#H2.3.4SoilTemperature]] 23 -*** [[2.3.5 Interrupt Pin>>path:#H2.3.5InterruptPin]] 24 -*** [[2.3.6 Message Type>>path:#H2.3.6MessageType]] 25 -*** [[2.3.7 Decode payload in The Things Network>>path:#H2.3.7DecodepayloadinTheThingsNetwork]] 26 -** [[2.4 Uplink Interval>>path:#H2.4UplinkInterval]] 27 -** [[2.5 Show Data in DataCake IoT Server>>path:#H2.5200BShowDatainDataCakeIoTServer]] 28 -** [[2.6 Installation and Maintain>>path:#H2.6InstallationandMaintain]] 29 -*** [[2.6.1 Before measurement>>path:#H2.6.1Beforemeasurement]] 30 -*** [[2.6.2 Measurement>>path:#H2.6.2Measurement]] 31 -*** [[2.6.3 Maintain Probe>>path:#H2.6.3MaintainProbe]] 32 -** [[2.7 Calibration>>path:#H2.7Calibration]] 33 -** [[2.8 Frequency Plans>>path:#H2.8FrequencyPlans]] 34 -*** [[2.8.1 EU863-870 (EU868)>>path:#H2.8.1EU863-87028EU86829]] 35 -*** [[2.8.2 US902-928(US915)>>path:#H2.8.2US902-92828US91529]] 36 -*** [[2.8.3 CN470-510 (CN470)>>path:#H2.8.3CN470-51028CN47029]] 37 -*** [[2.8.4 AU915-928(AU915)>>path:#H2.8.4AU915-92828AU91529]] 38 -*** [[2.8.5 AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923)>>path:#H2.8.5AS920-92326AS923-92528AS92329]] 39 -*** [[2.8.6 KR920-923 (KR920)>>path:#H2.8.6KR920-92328KR92029]] 40 -*** [[2.8.7 IN865-867 (IN865)>>path:#H2.8.7IN865-86728IN86529]] 41 -** [[2.9 LED Indicator>>path:#H2.9LEDIndicator]] 42 -** [[2.10 Firmware Change Log>>path:#H2.10200BFirmwareChangeLog]] 43 -* [[3. Configure LSPH01 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink>>path:#H3.ConfigureLSPH01viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink]] 44 -** [[3.1 Set Transmit Interval Time>>path:#H3.1SetTransmitIntervalTime]] 45 -** [[3.2 Set Interrupt Mode>>path:#H3.2SetInterruptMode]] 46 -** [[3.3 Calibrate Sensor>>path:#H3.3CalibrateSensor]] 47 -** [[3.4 Get Firmware Version Info>>path:#H3.4GetFirmwareVersionInfo]] 48 -* [[4. Battery & How to replace>>path:#H4.Battery26Howtoreplace]] 49 -** [[4.1 Battery Type>>path:#H4.1BatteryType]] 50 -** [[4.2 Replace Battery>>path:#H4.2ReplaceBattery]] 51 -** [[4.3 Power Consumption Analyze>>path:#H4.3PowerConsumptionAnalyze]] 52 -*** [[4.3.1 Battery Note>>path:#H4.3.1200BBatteryNote]] 53 -*** [[4.3.2 Replace the battery>>path:#H200B4.3.2Replacethebattery]] 54 -* [[5. Use AT Command>>path:#H5.UseATCommand]] 55 -** [[5.1 Access AT Commands>>path:#H5.1AccessATCommands]] 56 -* [[6. FAQ>>path:#H6.FAQ]] 57 -** [[6.1 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region>>path:#H6.1HowtochangetheLoRaFrequencyBands2FRegion]] 58 -* [[7. Trouble Shooting>>path:#H7.TroubleShooting]] 59 -** [[7.1 AT Commands input doesn’t work>>path:#H7.1ATCommandsinputdoesn2019twork]] 60 -* [[8. Order Info>>path:#H8.OrderInfo]] 61 -* [[9. Packing Info>>path:#H9.200BPackingInfo]] 62 -* [[10. Support>>path:#H10.A0200BSupport]] 63 63 64 64 65 65 ... ... @@ -66,98 +66,94 @@ 66 66 67 67 68 68 69 -= 1. Introduction = 13 += 1. Introduction = 70 70 71 -== 1.1 What is LoRaWAN SoilpHSensor ==15 +== 1.1 What is LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor == 72 72 73 73 ((( 74 -The Dragino LSPH01 is a (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor**(%%) for IoT of Agriculture. It is designed to measure the soil PH and soil temperature, so to send to the platform to analyze the soil acid or alkali level. The probe is IP68 waterproof. 75 -))) 18 + 76 76 77 -((( 78 -LSPH01 probe is made by Solid AgCl reference electrode and Pure metal pH sensitive electrode. It can detect soil's** (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)pH (%%)**with high accuracy and stable value. The LSPH01 probe can be buried into soil for long time use. 79 -))) 20 +The Dragino LLDS12 is a (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF (Time of Flight) Distance Sensor**(%%) for Internet of Things solution. It is capable to measure the distance to an object as close as 10 centimeters (+/- 5cm up to 6m) and as far as 12 meters (+/-1% starting at 6m)!. The LiDAR probe uses laser induction technology for distance measurement. 80 80 81 -((( 82 -The LoRa wireless technology used in LSPH01 allows device to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption. 83 -))) 22 +The LLDS12 can be applied to scenarios such as horizontal distance measurement, parking management system, object proximity and presence detection, intelligent trash can management system, robot obstacle avoidance, automatic control, sewer, etc. 84 84 85 -((( 86 -LSPH01 is powered by (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery**(%%), it is designed for long term use up to 5 years. 87 -))) 24 +It detects the distance between the measured object and the sensor, and uploads the value via wireless to LoRaWAN IoT Server. 88 88 89 -((( 90 -Each LSPH01 is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect after power on. 91 -))) 26 +The LoRa wireless technology used in LLDS12 allows device to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption. 92 92 28 +LLDS12 is powered by (% style="color:blue" %)**8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery**(%%), it is designed for long term use up to 5 years. 93 93 94 -[[image:1654592435432-887.png]] 30 +Each LLDS12 is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect after power on. 31 +))) 95 95 96 96 34 +[[image:1654826306458-414.png]] 97 97 98 98 99 -== 1.2 Features == 100 100 38 +== 1.2 Features == 39 + 101 101 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A 102 102 * Ultra-low power consumption 103 -* Monitor soil pH with temperature compensation. 104 -* Monitor soil temperature 42 +* Laser technology for distance detection 43 +* Operating Range - 0.1m~~12m① 44 +* Accuracy - ±5cm@(0.1-6m), ±1%@(6m-12m) 105 105 * Monitor Battery Level 106 -* Support pH calibration by end user 107 107 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865 108 108 * AT Commands to change parameters 109 109 * Uplink on periodically 110 110 * Downlink to change configure 111 -* IP66 Waterproof Enclosure 112 -* IP68 rate for the Sensor Probe 113 113 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use 114 114 52 +== 1.3 Probe Specification == 115 115 54 +* Storage temperature :-20℃~~75℃ 55 +* Operating temperature - -20℃~~60℃ 56 +* Operating Range - 0.1m~~12m① 57 +* Accuracy - ±5cm@(0.1-6m), ±1%@(6m-12m) 58 +* Distance resolution - 5mm 59 +* Ambient light immunity - 70klux 60 +* Enclosure rating - IP65 61 +* Light source - LED 62 +* Central wavelength - 850nm 63 +* FOV - 3.6° 64 +* Material of enclosure - ABS+PC 65 +* Wire length - 25cm 116 116 117 -== 1. 3ProbeSpecification ==67 +== 1.4 Probe Dimension == 118 118 119 119 120 - (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**SoilpH:**70 +[[image:1654827224480-952.png]] 121 121 122 -* Range: 3 ~~ 10 pH 123 -* Resolution: 0.01 pH 124 -* Accuracy: ±2% under (0~~50 ℃, Accuracy will poor under 0 due to frozen) 125 -* Temperature Compensation Range: 0 ~~ 50℃ 126 -* IP68 Protection 127 -* Length: 3.5 meters 128 128 129 -(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**Soil Temperature:** 130 130 131 -* Range -40℃~85℃ 132 -* Resolution: 0.1℃ 133 -* Accuracy: <±0.5℃(-10℃~40℃),<±0.8℃ (others) 134 -* IP68 Protection 135 -* Length: 3.5 meters 74 +== 1.5 Applications == 136 136 76 +* Horizontal distance measurement 77 +* Parking management system 78 +* Object proximity and presence detection 79 +* Intelligent trash can management system 80 +* Robot obstacle avoidance 81 +* Automatic control 82 +* Sewer 137 137 84 +== 1.6 Pin mapping and power on == 138 138 139 -== 1.4 Applications == 140 140 141 - * Smart Agriculture87 +[[image:1654827332142-133.png]] 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 -= =1.5Pinmappingandpoweron ==91 += 2. Configure LLDS12 to connect to LoRaWAN network = 146 146 147 -[[image:1654592472094-134.png]] 148 - 149 - 150 - 151 -= 2. Configure LSPH01 to connect to LoRaWAN network = 152 - 153 153 == 2.1 How it works == 154 154 155 155 ((( 156 -The LS PH01 is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join LoRaWAN network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, you need to input the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN IoT server and power on the LSPH01. It will automatically join the network via OTAA and start to send the sensor value. The default uplink interval is 20 minutes.96 +The LLDS12 is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join LoRaWAN network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, you need to input the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN IoT server and power on the LLDS12. It will automatically join the network via OTAA and start to send the sensor value. The default uplink interval is 20 minutes. 157 157 ))) 158 158 159 159 ((( 160 -In case you can’t set the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN OTAA server, and you have to use the keys from the server, you can [[use AT Commands >>||anchor="H 5.UseATCommand"]]to set the keys in the LSPH01.100 +In case you can’t set the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN OTAA server, and you have to use the keys from the server, you can [[use AT Commands >>||anchor="H6.UseATCommand"]]to set the keys in the LLDS12. 161 161 ))) 162 162 163 163 ... ... @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ 168 168 ))) 169 169 170 170 ((( 171 -[[image:16545 92492399-921.png]]111 +[[image:1654827857527-556.png]] 172 172 ))) 173 173 174 174 ((( ... ... @@ -337,8 +337,6 @@ 337 337 |(% style="width:160px" %)0x02|(% style="width:163px" %)Reply configures info|(% style="width:173px" %)[[Configure Info Payload>>||anchor="H3.4GetFirmwareVersionInfo"]] 338 338 |(% style="width:160px" %)0x03|(% style="width:163px" %)Reply Calibration Info|(% style="width:173px" %)[[Calibration Payload>>||anchor="H2.7Calibration"]] 339 339 340 - 341 - 342 342 === 2.3.7 Decode payload in The Things Network === 343 343 344 344 While using TTN network, you can add the payload format to decode the payload. ... ... @@ -547,9 +547,6 @@ 547 547 * Reply to the confirmation package: 14 01 548 548 * Reply to non-confirmed packet: 14 00 549 549 550 - 551 - 552 - 553 553 == 2.8 Frequency Plans == 554 554 555 555 ((( ... ... @@ -634,9 +634,6 @@ 634 634 * Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub-band 635 635 * Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn’t include sub-band info in the OTAA Join Accept message ( TTN v2 doesn't include) 636 636 637 - 638 - 639 - 640 640 === 2.8.3 CN470-510 (CN470) === 641 641 642 642 ((( ... ... @@ -746,8 +746,6 @@ 746 746 * Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub-band 747 747 * Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn’t include sub-band info in the OTAA Join Accept message ( TTN v2 doesn't include) 748 748 749 - 750 - 751 751 === 2.8.5 AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923) === 752 752 753 753 ((( ... ... @@ -971,8 +971,6 @@ 971 971 * The sensor is detected when the device is turned on, and it will flash 4 times quickly when it is detected. 972 972 * Blink once when device transmit a packet. 973 973 974 - 975 - 976 976 == 2.10 Firmware Change Log == 977 977 978 978 ... ... @@ -985,10 +985,10 @@ 985 985 986 986 987 987 988 -= 3. Configure LSPH01 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink =916 += 4. Configure LLDS12 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink = 989 989 990 990 ((( 991 -Use can configure LS PH01 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink.919 +Use can configure LLDS12 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink. 992 992 ))) 993 993 994 994 * ((( ... ... @@ -999,7 +999,9 @@ 999 999 ))) 1000 1000 1001 1001 ((( 1002 -There are two kinds of commands to configure LSPH01, they are: 930 + 931 + 932 +There are two kinds of commands to configure LLDS12, they are: 1003 1003 ))) 1004 1004 1005 1005 * ((( ... ... @@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ 1018 1018 ))) 1019 1019 1020 1020 ((( 1021 -They are same for all Dragino Device which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki:[[End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/End%20Device%20AT%20Commands%20and%20Downlink%20Command/]] 951 +They are same for all Dragino Device which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki: [[End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/End%20Device%20AT%20Commands%20and%20Downlink%20Command/]] 1022 1022 ))) 1023 1023 1024 1024 ((( ... ... @@ -1026,16 +1026,16 @@ 1026 1026 ))) 1027 1027 1028 1028 * ((( 1029 -(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)** Commands special design for LS PH01**959 +(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)** Commands special design for LLDS12** 1030 1030 ))) 1031 1031 1032 1032 ((( 1033 -These commands only valid for LS PH01, as below:963 +These commands only valid for LLDS12, as below: 1034 1034 ))) 1035 1035 1036 1036 1037 1037 1038 -== 3.1 Set Transmit Interval Time ==968 +== 4.1 Set Transmit Interval Time == 1039 1039 1040 1040 Feature: Change LoRaWAN End Node Transmit Interval. 1041 1041 ... ... @@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ 1067 1067 1068 1068 ))) 1069 1069 1070 -== 3.2 Set Interrupt Mode ==1000 +== 4.2 Set Interrupt Mode == 1071 1071 1072 1072 Feature, Set Interrupt mode for GPIO_EXIT. 1073 1073 ... ... @@ -1095,20 +1095,10 @@ 1095 1095 Example 2: Downlink Payload: 06000003 ~/~/ Set the interrupt mode to rising edge trigger 1096 1096 ))) 1097 1097 1098 -((( 1099 - 1100 -))) 1101 1101 1102 1102 1030 +== 4.3 Get Firmware Version Info == 1103 1103 1104 -== 3.3 Calibrate Sensor == 1105 - 1106 -Detail See [[Calibration Guide>>||anchor="H2.7Calibration"]] for the user of 0x13 and 0x14 downlink commands 1107 - 1108 - 1109 - 1110 -== 3.4 Get Firmware Version Info == 1111 - 1112 1112 Feature: use downlink to get firmware version. 1113 1113 1114 1114 (% style="color:#037691" %)**Downlink Command: 0x26** ... ... @@ -1189,12 +1189,12 @@ 1189 1189 1190 1190 1191 1191 1192 -= 4. Battery & How to replace =1112 += 5. Battery & How to replace = 1193 1193 1194 -== 4.1 Battery Type ==1114 +== 5.1 Battery Type == 1195 1195 1196 1196 ((( 1197 -LS PH01 is equipped with a [[8500mAH ER26500 Li-SOCI2 battery>>url:]]. The battery is un-rechargeable battery with low discharge rate targeting for 8~~10 years use. This type of battery is commonly used in IoT target for long-term running, such as water meter.1117 +LLDS12 is equipped with a [[8500mAH ER26500 Li-SOCI2 battery>>url:]]. The battery is un-rechargeable battery with low discharge rate targeting for 8~~10 years use. This type of battery is commonly used in IoT target for long-term running, such as water meter. 1198 1198 ))) 1199 1199 1200 1200 ((( ... ... @@ -1204,13 +1204,13 @@ 1204 1204 [[image:1654593587246-335.png]] 1205 1205 1206 1206 1207 -Minimum Working Voltage for the LS PH01:1127 +Minimum Working Voltage for the LLDS12: 1208 1208 1209 -LS PH01: 2.45v ~~ 3.6v1129 +LLDS12: 2.45v ~~ 3.6v 1210 1210 1211 1211 1212 1212 1213 -== 4.2 Replace Battery ==1133 +== 5.2 Replace Battery == 1214 1214 1215 1215 ((( 1216 1216 Any battery with range 2.45 ~~ 3.6v can be a replacement. We recommend to use Li-SOCl2 Battery. ... ... @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ 1222 1222 1223 1223 1224 1224 1225 -== 4.3 Power Consumption Analyze ==1145 +== 5.3 Power Consumption Analyze == 1226 1226 1227 1227 ((( 1228 1228 Dragino Battery powered product are all runs in Low Power mode. We have an update battery calculator which base on the measurement of the real device. User can use this calculator to check the battery life and calculate the battery life if want to use different transmit interval. ... ... @@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ 1265 1265 1266 1266 1267 1267 1268 -=== 4.3.1 Battery Note ===1188 +=== 5.3.1 Battery Note === 1269 1269 1270 1270 ((( 1271 1271 The Li-SICO battery is designed for small current / long period application. It is not good to use a high current, short period transmit method. The recommended minimum period for use of this battery is 5 minutes. If you use a shorter period time to transmit LoRa, then the battery life may be decreased. ... ... @@ -1273,23 +1273,23 @@ 1273 1273 1274 1274 1275 1275 1276 -=== 4.3.2 Replace the battery ===1196 +=== 5.3.2 Replace the battery === 1277 1277 1278 1278 ((( 1279 -You can change the battery in the LS PH01.The type of battery is not limited as long as the output is between 3v to 3.6v. On the main board, there is a diode (D1) between the battery and the main circuit. If you need to use a battery with less than 3.3v, please remove the D1 and shortcut the two pads of it so there won’t be voltage drop between battery and main board.1199 +You can change the battery in the LLDS12.The type of battery is not limited as long as the output is between 3v to 3.6v. On the main board, there is a diode (D1) between the battery and the main circuit. If you need to use a battery with less than 3.3v, please remove the D1 and shortcut the two pads of it so there won’t be voltage drop between battery and main board. 1280 1280 ))) 1281 1281 1282 1282 ((( 1283 -The default battery pack of LS PH01 includes a ER26500 plus super capacitor. If user can’t find this pack locally, they can find ER26500 or equivalence, which will also work in most case. The SPC can enlarge the battery life for high frequency use (update period below 5 minutes)1203 +The default battery pack of LLDS12 includes a ER26500 plus super capacitor. If user can’t find this pack locally, they can find ER26500 or equivalence, which will also work in most case. The SPC can enlarge the battery life for high frequency use (update period below 5 minutes) 1284 1284 ))) 1285 1285 1286 1286 1287 1287 1288 -= 5. Use AT Command =1208 += 6. Use AT Command = 1289 1289 1290 -== 5.1 Access AT Commands ==1210 +== 6.1 Access AT Commands == 1291 1291 1292 -LS PH01 supports AT Command set in the stock firmware. You can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to LSPH01 for using AT command, as below.1212 +LLDS12 supports AT Command set in the stock firmware. You can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to LLDS12 for using AT command, as below. 1293 1293 1294 1294 [[image:1654593668970-604.png]] 1295 1295 ... ... @@ -1312,27 +1312,53 @@ 1312 1312 Valid AT Command please check [[Configure Device>>||anchor="H3.ConfigureLSPH01viaATCommandorLoRaWANDownlink"]]. 1313 1313 1314 1314 1315 -= 6. FAQ =1235 += 7. FAQ = 1316 1316 1317 -== 6.1 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region ==1237 +== 7.1 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region == 1318 1318 1319 1319 You can follow the instructions for [[how to upgrade image>>||anchor="H2.10200BFirmwareChangeLog"]]. 1320 1320 When downloading the images, choose the required image file for download. 1321 1321 1322 1322 1323 -= 7. Trouble Shooting =1243 += 8. Trouble Shooting = 1324 1324 1325 -== 7.1 AT Commands input doesn’t work ==1245 +== 8.1 AT Commands input doesn’t work == 1326 1326 1247 + 1327 1327 In the case if user can see the console output but can’t type input to the device. Please check if you already include the (% style="color:green" %)**ENTER**(%%) while sending out the command. Some serial tool doesn’t send (% style="color:green" %)**ENTER**(%%) while press the send key, user need to add ENTER in their string. 1328 1328 1329 1329 1251 +== 8.2 Significant error between the output distant value of LiDAR and actual distance == 1330 1330 1331 -= 8. Order Info = 1332 1332 1333 -Part Number: (% style="color:blue" %)**LSPH01-XX** 1254 +((( 1255 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Cause ①**(%%)**:**Due to the physical principles of The LiDAR probe, the above phenomenon is likely to occur if the detection object is the material with high reflectivity (such as mirror, smooth floor tile, etc.) or transparent substance (such as glass and water, etc.) 1256 +))) 1334 1334 1258 +((( 1259 +Troubleshooting: Please avoid use of this product under such circumstance in practice. 1260 +))) 1335 1335 1262 +((( 1263 + 1264 +))) 1265 + 1266 +((( 1267 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Cause ②**(%%)**: **The IR-pass filters are blocked. 1268 +))) 1269 + 1270 +((( 1271 +Troubleshooting: please use dry dust-free cloth to gently remove the foreign matter. 1272 +))) 1273 + 1274 + 1275 + 1276 += 9. Order Info = 1277 + 1278 + 1279 +Part Number: (% style="color:blue" %)**LLDS12-XX** 1280 + 1281 + 1336 1336 (% style="color:blue" %)**XX**(%%): The default frequency band 1337 1337 1338 1338 * (% style="color:red" %)**AS923**(%%): LoRaWAN AS923 band ... ... @@ -1344,12 +1344,13 @@ 1344 1344 * (% style="color:red" %)**IN865**(%%): LoRaWAN IN865 band 1345 1345 * (% style="color:red" %)**CN470**(%%): LoRaWAN CN470 band 1346 1346 1347 -= 9. Packing Info = 1348 1348 1294 += 10. Packing Info = 1349 1349 1296 + 1350 1350 **Package Includes**: 1351 1351 1352 -* LS PH01 LoRaWANSoilPhSensor x 11299 +* LLDS12 LoRaWAN LiDAR Distance Sensor x 1 1353 1353 1354 1354 **Dimension and weight**: 1355 1355 ... ... @@ -1358,8 +1358,9 @@ 1358 1358 * Package Size / pcs : cm 1359 1359 * Weight / pcs : g 1360 1360 1361 -= 10. Support = 1362 1362 1309 += 11. Support = 1310 + 1363 1363 * Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule. 1364 1364 * Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to [[>>url:http://../../../../../../]]. 1365 1365
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