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Xiaoling 134.2 1
Xiaoling 87.2 2
Xiaoling 87.13 3 **Table of Contents:**
Edwin Chen 1.1 5 {{toc/}}
Edwin Chen 6.1 8
Xiaoling 87.2 9
Xiaoling 146.5 11 = 1.  LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter =
Xiaoling 87.2 12
Xiaoling 146.5 13 == 1.1  Overview ==
Edwin Chen 88.2 14
Xiaoling 100.2 15
Edwin Chen 93.1 16 [[image:image-20220715001142-3.png||height="145" width="220"]]
Xiaoling 100.3 18
Xiaoling 100.5 19 (((
Edwin Chen 91.1 20 (% style="color:blue" %)**LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter**(%%) is designed to fast turn USB devices to support LoRaWAN wireless features. It combines a CP2101 USB TTL Chip and LA66 LoRaWAN module which can easy to add LoRaWAN wireless feature to PC / Mobile phone or an embedded device that has USB Interface.
Xiaoling 100.5 21 )))
Herong Lu 52.1 22
Xiaoling 100.5 23 (((
Xiaoling 101.4 24 (% style="color:blue" %)**LA66**(%%) is a ready-to-use module that includes the (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN v1.0.3 protocol**(%%). The LoRaWAN stack used in LA66 is used in more than 1 million LoRaWAN End Devices deployed world widely. This mature LoRaWAN stack greatly reduces the risk to make stable LoRaWAN Sensors to support different LoRaWAN servers and different countries' standards. External MCU can use AT command to call LA66 and start to transmit data via the LoRaWAN protocol.
Xiaoling 100.5 25 )))
Edwin Chen 73.1 26
Xiaoling 100.5 27 (((
Edwin Chen 90.1 28 Each LA66 module includes a (% style="color:blue" %)**world-unique OTAA key**(%%) for LoRaWAN registration.
Xiaoling 100.5 29 )))
Edwin Chen 90.1 30
Xiaoling 100.5 31 (((
Edwin Chen 90.1 32 Besides the support of the LoRaWAN protocol, LA66 also supports (% style="color:blue" %)**open-source peer-to-peer LoRa Protocol**(%%) for the none-LoRaWAN application.
Xiaoling 100.5 33 )))
Edwin Chen 90.1 34
Xiaoling 100.5 35 (((
Edwin Chen 90.1 36 LA66 is equipped with (% style="color:blue" %)**TCXO crystal**(%%) which ensures the module can achieve stable performance in extreme temperatures.
Xiaoling 100.5 37 )))
Edwin Chen 90.1 38
Xiaoling 146.5 40 == 1.2  Features ==
Edwin Chen 73.1 41
Xiaoling 137.6 42
Edwin Chen 73.1 43 * LoRaWAN USB adapter base on LA66 LoRaWAN module
44 * Ultra-long RF range
Xiaoling 161.3 45 * Support LoRaWAN v1.0.3 protocol
Edwin Chen 73.1 46 * Support peer-to-peer protocol
47 * TCXO crystal to ensure RF performance on low temperature
48 * Spring RF antenna
49 * Available in different frequency LoRaWAN frequency bands.
50 * World-wide unique OTAA keys.
51 * AT Command via UART-TTL interface
52 * Firmware upgradable via UART interface
Xiaoling 93.3 53 * Open Source Mobile App for LoRaWAN signal detect and GPS tracking.
Edwin Chen 73.1 54
Xiaoling 146.5 55 == 1.3  Specification ==
Edwin Chen 73.1 58 * CPU: 32-bit 48 MHz
59 * Flash: 256KB
60 * RAM: 64KB
61 * Input Power Range: 5v
62 * Frequency Range: 150 MHz ~~ 960 MHz
63 * Maximum Power +22 dBm constant RF output
64 * High sensitivity: -148 dBm
65 * Temperature:
66 ** Storage: -55 ~~ +125℃
67 ** Operating: -40 ~~ +85℃
68 * Humidity:
69 ** Storage: 5 ~~ 95% (Non-Condensing)
70 ** Operating: 10 ~~ 95% (Non-Condensing)
71 * LoRa Tx Current: <90 mA at +17 dBm, 108 mA at +22 dBm
72 * LoRa Rx current: <9 mA
Xiaoling 146.5 74 == 1.4  Pin Mapping & LED ==
Xiaoling 149.7 76
Edwin Chen 143.1 77 [[image:image-20220813183239-3.png||height="526" width="662"]]
Edwin Chen 7.1 78
Xiaoling 87.3 79
Xiaoling 146.5 80 == 1.5  Example: Send & Get Messages via LoRaWAN in PC ==
Xiaoling 87.3 81
Xiaoling 146.5 82
Xiaoling 100.5 83 (((
Edwin Chen 78.2 84 Assume user already input the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter OTAA Keys in TTN and there is already TTN network coverage.
Xiaoling 161.2 85
Xiaoling 100.5 87 )))
Herong Lu 58.1 88
Xiaoling 157.2 89 (% style="color:blue" %)**1.  Connect the LA66 USB LoRaWAN adapter to PC**
Xiaoling 87.3 90
Herong Lu 106.1 91 [[image:image-20220723100027-1.png]]
Edwin Chen 78.2 92
Xiaoling 87.3 93
Herong Lu 58.1 94 Open the serial port tool
96 [[image:image-20220602161617-8.png]]
Xiaoling 157.2 98
Edwin Chen 78.2 99 [[image:image-20220602161718-9.png||height="457" width="800"]]
Herong Lu 58.1 100
Xiaoling 157.2 102 (% style="color:blue" %)**2.  Press the reset switch RST on the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter to reset it.**
Xiaoling 87.3 103
Edwin Chen 78.2 104 The following picture appears to prove that the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter successfully Join the LoRaWAN network
Herong Lu 58.1 105
Edwin Chen 78.2 106 [[image:image-20220602161935-10.png||height="498" width="800"]]
Herong Lu 58.1 107
Edwin Chen 78.2 108
Xiaoling 157.2 109 (% style="color:blue" %)**3.  See Uplink Command**
Edwin Chen 78.2 110
Xiaoling 87.3 111 Command format: (% style="color:#4472c4" %)** AT+SENDB=<confirn_status>,<Fport>,<data_len>,<data>**
Herong Lu 58.1 113 example: AT+SENDB=01,02,8,05820802581ea0a5
Edwin Chen 78.2 115 [[image:image-20220602162157-11.png||height="497" width="800"]]
Herong Lu 58.1 116
Xiaoling 157.2 118 (% style="color:blue" %)**4.  Check to see if TTN received the message**
Xiaoling 87.3 119
Xiaoling 149.2 120 [[image:image-20220817093644-1.png]]
Edwin Chen 78.2 121
Xiaoling 149.2 122
Bei Jinggeng 154.1 123 == 1.6  Example: How to join helium ==
Xiaoling 157.2 126 (% style="color:blue" %)**1.  Create a new device.**
Bei Jinggeng 154.1 128 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220907165500-1.png?width=940&height=464&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220907165500-1.png"]]
Xiaoling 157.2 131 (% style="color:blue" %)**2.  Save the device after filling in the necessary information.**
Bei Jinggeng 154.1 133 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220907165837-2.png?width=809&height=375&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220907165837-2.png" height="375" width="809"]]
136 (% style="color:blue" %)**3.  Use AT commands.**
138 [[image:image-20220909151441-1.jpeg||height="695" width="521"]]
Xiaoling 157.2 141 (% style="color:blue" %)**4.  Use the serial port tool**
Bei Jinggeng 154.1 143 [[image:image-20220909151517-2.png||height="543" width="708"]]
Xiaoling 157.2 146 (% style="color:blue" %)**5.  Use command AT+CFG to get device configuration**
Bei Jinggeng 154.1 148 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220907170308-3.png?width=617&height=556&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220907170308-3.png" height="556" width="617"]]
151 (% style="color:blue" %)**6.  Network successfully.**
153 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220907170436-4.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220907170436-4.png"]]
156 (% style="color:blue" %)**7.  Send uplink using command**
Xiaoling 157.2 158 [[image:image-20220912085244-1.png]]
160 [[image:image-20220912085307-2.png]]
Bei Jinggeng 154.1 163 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220907170744-6.png?width=798&height=242&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220907170744-6.png" height="242" width="798"]]
Bei Jinggeng 155.1 166 == 1.7  Example: Send PC's CPU/RAM usage to TTN via python ==
Edwin Chen 81.1 167
Xiaoling 87.3 168
Edwin Chen 87.1 169 **Use python as an example:**[[https:~~/~~/github.com/dragino/LA66/blob/main/Send_information_to_TTN_WindosPC.py>>https://github.com/dragino/LA66/blob/main/Send_information_to_TTN_WindosPC.py]]
Edwin Chen 81.1 170
Herong Lu 106.1 171 (**Raspberry Pi example: **[[https:~~/~~/github.com/dragino/LA66/blob/main/Send_information_to_TTN_Raspberry%20Pi.py>>https://github.com/dragino/LA66/blob/main/Send_information_to_TTN_Raspberry%20Pi.py]])
Edwin Chen 81.1 172
Xiaoling 149.6 173
Xiaoling 87.3 174 (% style="color:red" %)**Preconditions:**
Edwin Chen 81.1 175
Xiaoling 87.3 176 (% style="color:red" %)**1. LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter works fine**
Edwin Chen 81.1 177
Xiaoling 87.3 178 (% style="color:red" %)**2. LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter  is registered with TTN**
Edwin Chen 81.1 179
Xiaoling 87.3 182 (% style="color:blue" %)**Steps for usage:**
184 (% style="color:blue" %)**1.**(%%) Press the reset switch RESET on the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter
Bei Jinggeng 158.1 186 (% style="color:blue" %)**2.**(%%) Add [[decoder>>https://github.com/dragino/dragino-end-node-decoder/tree/main/LA66%20USB]] on TTN
Xiaoling 87.3 187
Bei Jinggeng 158.1 188 (% style="color:blue" %)**3.**(%%) Run the python script in PC and see the TTN
Xiaoling 149.6 189
Bei Jinggeng 158.1 190
Edwin Chen 81.1 191 [[image:image-20220602115852-3.png||height="450" width="1187"]]
Bei Jinggeng 155.1 194 == 1.8  Example: Send & Get Messages via LoRaWAN in RPi ==
Edwin Chen 11.1 195
Xiaoling 87.4 196
Edwin Chen 79.1 197 Assume user already input the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter OTAA Keys in TTN and there is already TTN network coverage.
Edwin Chen 12.1 198
Edwin Chen 79.1 199
Xiaoling 157.2 200 (% style="color:blue" %)**1.  Connect the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter to the Raspberry Pi**
Xiaoling 87.4 201
Herong Lu 106.1 202 [[image:image-20220723100439-2.png]]
Herong Lu 43.1 203
Herong Lu 52.1 204
Xiaoling 157.2 205 (% style="color:blue" %)**2.  Install Minicom in RPi.**
Xiaoling 87.4 206
Edwin Chen 79.1 207 (% id="cke_bm_509388S" style="display:none" %) (%%)Enter the following command in the RPi terminal
Herong Lu 52.1 208
Xiaoling 87.4 209 (% style="background-color:yellow" %)**apt update**
Herong Lu 52.1 210
Xiaoling 87.4 211 (% style="background-color:yellow" %)**apt install minicom**
Herong Lu 52.1 212
Edwin Chen 79.1 213 Use minicom to connect to the RPI's terminal
Herong Lu 52.1 214
Edwin Chen 79.1 215 [[image:image-20220602153146-3.png||height="439" width="500"]]
Herong Lu 52.1 216
Xiaoling 157.2 218 (% style="color:blue" %)**3.  Press the reset switch RST on the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter.**
Edwin Chen 8.1 219
Xiaoling 87.11 220 The following picture appears to prove that the LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter successfully entered the network.
Edwin Chen 79.1 222 [[image:image-20220602154928-5.png||height="436" width="500"]]
Herong Lu 46.1 223
Xiaoling 157.2 225 (% style="color:blue" %)**4.  Send Uplink message**
Herong Lu 46.1 226
Xiaoling 87.5 227 Format: (% style="color:#4472c4" %)**AT+SENDB=<confirn_status>,<Fport>,<data_len>,<data>**
Xiaoling 87.4 228
Edwin Chen 79.1 229 example: AT+SENDB=01,02,8,05820802581ea0a5
Herong Lu 46.1 230
Edwin Chen 79.1 231 [[image:image-20220602160339-6.png||height="517" width="600"]]
Xiaoling 87.4 233
Edwin Chen 79.1 235 Check to see if TTN received the message
Xiaoling 157.2 237
Edwin Chen 79.1 238 [[image:image-20220602160627-7.png||height="369" width="800"]]
Bei Jinggeng 155.1 241 == 1.9  Example: Use of LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter and mobile APP ==
Edwin Chen 11.1 242
Bei Jinggeng 155.1 243 === 1.9.1  Hardware and Software Connection ===
Edwin Chen 13.1 244
Xiaoling 134.2 245
Xiaoling 146.5 246
Xiaoling 134.2 247 ==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Overview:**(%%) ====
Xiaoling 134.9 250 (((
Edwin Chen 139.2 251 DRAGINO-LA66-APP is an Open Source mobile APP for LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter. DRAGINO-LA66-APP has below features:
Herong Lu 106.1 252
Edwin Chen 139.2 253 * Send real-time location information of mobile phone to LoRaWAN network.
254 * Check LoRaWAN network signal strengh.
255 * Manually send messages to LoRaWAN network.
Xiaoling 134.9 256 )))
Herong Lu 111.1 257
Herong Lu 106.1 258
Xiaoling 134.2 259
Xiaoling 146.5 260
Edwin Chen 139.2 261 ==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Hardware Connection:**(%%) ====
Xiaoling 134.2 262
Xiaoling 149.6 263
Edwin Chen 139.2 264 A USB to Type-C adapter is needed to connect to a Mobile phone.
Xiaoling 134.2 265
Edwin Chen 139.2 266 Note: The package of LA66 USB adapter already includes this USB Type-C adapter.
Herong Lu 106.1 267
Edwin Chen 139.2 268 [[image:image-20220813174353-2.png||height="360" width="313"]]
Herong Lu 106.1 269
Xiaoling 146.5 271
Edwin Chen 139.2 272 ==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Download and Install App:**(%%) ====
Xiaoling 134.2 273
Xiaoling 149.6 274
Edwin Chen 139.2 275 [[(% id="cke_bm_895007S" style="display:none" %)** **(%%)**Download Link for Android apk **>>https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zxwx16qb777uvkz/AABE_P8coGCQ4DAC8enH4bUya?dl=0]].  (Android Version Only)
Xiaoling 157.2 277
Edwin Chen 139.2 278 [[image:image-20220813173738-1.png]]
Xiaoling 146.5 281
Xiaoling 134.2 282 ==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Use of APP:**(%%) ====
Xiaoling 149.6 284
Herong Lu 110.1 285 Function and page introduction
Xiaoling 149.6 287
Edwin Chen 139.2 288 [[image:image-20220723113448-7.png||height="995" width="450"]]
Herong Lu 110.1 289
Xiaoling 157.2 290
Xiaoling 161.2 291 (% style="color:blue" %)**Block Explain:**
Xiaoling 134.9 292
Edwin Chen 139.2 293 1.  Display LA66 USB LoRaWAN Module connection status
Herong Lu 110.1 294
Edwin Chen 139.2 295 2.  Check and reconnect
Herong Lu 110.1 296
Edwin Chen 139.2 297 3.  Turn send timestamps on or off
Herong Lu 110.1 298
Edwin Chen 139.2 299 4.  Display LoRaWan connection status
Herong Lu 110.1 300
Edwin Chen 139.2 301 5.  Check LoRaWan connection status
Herong Lu 110.1 302
Edwin Chen 139.2 303 6.  The RSSI value of the node when the ACK is received
Herong Lu 110.1 304
Edwin Chen 139.2 305 7.  Node's Signal Strength Icon
Herong Lu 110.1 306
Edwin Chen 139.2 307 8.  Configure Location Uplink Interval
Herong Lu 110.1 308
Edwin Chen 139.2 309 9.  AT command input box
Herong Lu 110.1 310
Edwin Chen 139.2 311 10.  Send Button:  Send input box info to LA66 USB Adapter
Herong Lu 110.1 312
Edwin Chen 139.2 313 11.  Output Log from LA66 USB adapter
Herong Lu 110.1 314
Edwin Chen 139.2 315 12.  clear log button
Herong Lu 110.1 316
Edwin Chen 139.2 317 13.  exit button
Herong Lu 110.1 318
Xiaoling 134.2 319
Xiaoling 149.6 320
Herong Lu 106.1 321 LA66 USB LoRaWAN Module not connected
Xiaoling 149.6 323
Edwin Chen 139.2 324 [[image:image-20220723110520-5.png||height="677" width="508"]]
Herong Lu 106.1 325
Xiaoling 134.2 326
Herong Lu 110.1 328 Connect LA66 USB LoRaWAN Module
Herong Lu 106.1 329
Xiaoling 157.2 330
Edwin Chen 139.2 331 [[image:image-20220723110626-6.png||height="681" width="511"]]
Herong Lu 110.1 332
Xiaoling 134.2 333
Bei Jinggeng 155.1 334 === 1.9.2  Send data to TTNv3 and plot location info in Node-Red ===
Herong Lu 111.1 335
Xiaoling 134.8 337 (% style="color:blue" %)**1.  Register LA66 USB LoRaWAN Module to TTNV3**
Xiaoling 134.2 338
Xiaoling 149.6 339
Herong Lu 113.1 340 [[image:image-20220723134549-8.png]]
Xiaoling 134.2 343
Xiaoling 134.8 344 (% style="color:blue" %)**2.  Open Node-RED,And import the JSON file to generate the flow**
Xiaoling 134.2 345
Xiaoling 149.6 346
Edwin Chen 139.2 347 Sample JSON file please go to **[[this link>>https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zxwx16qb777uvkz/AABE_P8coGCQ4DAC8enH4bUya?dl=0]]** to download.
Herong Lu 117.1 348
Edwin Chen 139.2 349 For the usage of Node-RED, please refer to: [[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Node-RED/>>http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Node-RED/]]
Herong Lu 113.1 350
Edwin Chen 139.2 351 After see LoRaWAN Online, walk around and the APP will keep sending location info to LoRaWAN server and then to the Node Red.
Herong Lu 117.1 352
Bei Jinggeng 151.1 353 LA66~-~-node-red~-~-decoder:[[dragino-end-node-decoder/Node-RED at main · dragino/dragino-end-node-decoder · GitHub>>url:https://github.com/dragino/dragino-end-node-decoder/tree/main/Node-RED]]
Edwin Chen 139.2 354
Bei Jinggeng 151.1 355
Edwin Chen 139.2 356 Example output in NodeRed is as below:
Herong Lu 117.1 358 [[image:image-20220723144339-1.png]]
Xiaoling 134.2 360
Bei Jinggeng 155.1 361 == 1.10  Upgrade Firmware of LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter ==
Edwin Chen 73.1 362
Xiaoling 134.2 363
Xiaoling 157.2 364 The LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter is the same as the LA66 LoRaWAN Shield update method.
Edwin Chen 73.1 365
Xiaoling 157.2 366 Just use the yellow jumper cap to short the BOOT corner and the RX corner, and then press the RESET button (without the jumper cap, you can directly short the BOOT corner and the RX corner with a wire to achieve the same effect).
Edwin Chen 73.1 367
Xiaoling 159.2 368 (% style="color:red" %)**Notice: If upgrade via USB hub is not sucessful. try to connect to PC directly.**
Xiaoling 149.4 369
Herong Lu 119.1 370 [[image:image-20220723150132-2.png]]
Edwin Chen 73.1 371
Herong Lu 119.1 372
Xiaoling 161.2 373
374 === (% style="color:blue" %)**Open the Upgrade tool (Tremo Programmer) in PC and Upgrade** (%%) ===
Bei Jinggeng 160.1 377 **1.  Software download link:  [[https:~~/~~/www.dropbox.com/sh/j0qyc7a9ejit7jk/AACtx2tK4gEv6YFXMIVUM4dLa?dl=0>>url:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0qyc7a9ejit7jk/AACtx2tK4gEv6YFXMIVUM4dLa?dl=0]]**
379 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602103227-6.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602103227-6.png"]]
381 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602103357-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602103357-7.png"]]
Xiaoling 161.2 383
Bei Jinggeng 160.1 384 **2.  Select the COM port corresponding to USB TTL**
386 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602103844-8.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602103844-8.png"]]
Xiaoling 161.2 388
Bei Jinggeng 160.1 389 **3.  Select the bin file to burn**
391 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602104144-9.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602104144-9.png"]]
393 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602104251-10.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602104251-10.png"]]
395 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602104402-11.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602104402-11.png"]]
Xiaoling 161.2 397
Bei Jinggeng 160.1 398 **4.  Click to start the download**
400 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602104923-13.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602104923-13.png"]]
Xiaoling 161.2 402
Bei Jinggeng 160.1 403 **5.  Check update process**
405 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602104948-14.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602104948-14.png"]]
Xiaoling 161.2 407
Bei Jinggeng 160.1 408 **The following picture shows that the burning is successful**
410 [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220602105251-15.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220602105251-15.png"]]
Xiaoling 161.2 412
Xiaoling 146.5 413 = 2.  FAQ =
Edwin Chen 73.1 414
Xiaoling 157.4 415 == 2.1  How to Compile Source Code for LA66? ==
Xiaoling 137.2 416
Xiaoling 146.4 418 Compile and Upload Code to ASR6601 Platform :[[Instruction>>Main.User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes.LA66 LoRaWAN Module.Compile and Upload Code to ASR6601 Platform.WebHome]]
Xiaoling 137.2 419
Xiaoling 157.3 421 == 2.2  Where to find Peer-to-Peer firmware of LA66? ==
424 Instruction for LA66 Peer to Peer firmware :[[ Instruction >>doc:Main.User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes.LA66 LoRaWAN Shield User Manual.Instruction for LA66 Peer to Peer firmware.WebHome]]
Bei Jinggeng 161.1 427 == 2.3 My device keeps showing invalid credentials, the device goes into low power mode ==
Xiaoling 161.2 430 Set the AT+COMMAND: (% style="color:blue" %)**AT+UUID=666666666666**
Bei Jinggeng 161.1 431
Bei Jinggeng 164.1 432 == 2.4 How to use external antenna via ipex connector? ==
434 You need to remove the spring antenna first, and also remove the resistor and capacitor.
435 Connect external antenna.
437 [[image:image-20231129155939-1.png||height="529" width="397"]]
Xiaoling 146.5 439 = 3.  Order Info =
Xiaoling 137.2 440
Xiaoling 146.5 442 **Part Number:**  (% style="color:blue" %)**LA66-USB-LoRaWAN-Adapter-XXX**
Xiaoling 87.4 443
Xiaoling 87.5 445 (% style="color:blue" %)**XXX**(%%): The default frequency band
Edwin Chen 86.1 446
Xiaoling 87.5 447 * (% style="color:red" %)**AS923**(%%):  LoRaWAN AS923 band
448 * (% style="color:red" %)**AU915**(%%):  LoRaWAN AU915 band
449 * (% style="color:red" %)**EU433**(%%):  LoRaWAN EU433 band
450 * (% style="color:red" %)**EU868**(%%):  LoRaWAN EU868 band
451 * (% style="color:red" %)**KR920**(%%):  LoRaWAN KR920 band
452 * (% style="color:red" %)**US915**(%%):  LoRaWAN US915 band
453 * (% style="color:red" %)**IN865**(%%):  LoRaWAN IN865 band
454 * (% style="color:red" %)**CN470**(%%): LoRaWAN CN470 band
455 * (% style="color:red" %)**PP**(%%):  Peer to Peer LoRa Protocol
Edwin Chen 73.1 456
Xiaoling 146.5 457 = 4.  Reference =
460 * Hardware Design File for LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter : [[Download>>https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a3wbmdcvqjxaqw5/AADZfvAiykJTK624RgMquH86a?dl=0]]
Edwin Chen 150.1 461 * Mobile Phone App Source Code: [[Download>>https://github.com/dragino/LA66_Mobile_App]].
Xiaoling 149.6 462
Xiaoling 157.5 463 = 5.  FCC Statement =
466 (% style="color:red" %)**FCC Caution:**
468 Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
470 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
473 (% style="color:red" %)**IMPORTANT NOTE: **
475 (% style="color:red" %)**Note:**(%%) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
477 —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
479 —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
481 —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
483 —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
486 (% style="color:red" %)**FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: **
488 This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.
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