From version < 8.1 >
edited by Saxer Lin
on 2023/06/08 17:50
To version < 10.1 >
edited by Saxer Lin
on 2023/06/21 15:51
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -322,18 +322,15 @@
322 322  
323 323  **Status & Alarm:**
324 324  
325 -(% border="1" cellspacing="4" style="background-color:#f2f2f2; width:589px" %)
326 -|(% style="width:76px" %)**Size(bit)**|(% style="width:79px" %)**bit7**|(% style="width:81px" %)**bit6**|(% style="width:111px" %)**[bit5:bit2]**|(% style="width:197px" %)**bit1**|(% style="width:104px" %)**bit0**
327 -|(% style="width:76px" %)**Value**|(% style="width:79px" %)Reserve|(% style="width:81px" %)(((
328 -Poll
325 +(% border="1" cellspacing="4" style="background-color:#f2f2f2; width:520px" %)
326 +|(% style="background-color:#d9e2f3; color:#0070c0; width:60px" %)**Size(bit)**|(% style="background-color:#d9e2f3; color:#0070c0; width:80px" %)**bit7**|(% style="background-color:#d9e2f3; color:#0070c0; width:80px" %)**bit6**|(% style="background-color:#d9e2f3; color:#0070c0; width:60px" %)**[bit5:bit2]**|(% style="background-color:#d9e2f3; color:#0070c0; width:130px" %)**bit1**|(% style="background-color:#d9e2f3; color:#0070c0; width:110px" %)**bit0**
327 +|(% style="width:76px" %)**Value**|(% style="width:79px" %)(((
328 +No ACK Message
329 +)))|(% style="width:84px" %)(((
330 +Poll Message Flag
331 +)))|(% style="width:96px" %)Reserve|(% style="width:197px" %)[[Enable/disable Timeout Alarm>>||anchor="H3.3.3A0Enable2FDisableAlarm"]]
332 +0: No Alarm; 1: Alarm|(% style="width:104px" %)Status 0: Close, 1: Open
329 329  
330 -Message
331 -
332 -Flag
333 -)))|(% style="width:111px" %)Reserve|(% style="width:197px" %)[[Enable/disable Timeout Alarm>>||anchor="H3.3.3A0Enable2FDisableAlarm"]]
334 -0: No Alarm; 1: Alarm|(% style="width:104px" %)Status
335 -0: Close, 1: Open
336 -
337 337  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LDS03A%20-%20Outdoor%20LoRaWAN%20OpenClose%20Door%20Sensor%20Manual/WebHome/image-20220609110547-6.png?width=1191&height=337&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220609110547-6.png" height="337" width="1191"]]
338 338  
339 339  
... ... @@ -797,33 +797,7 @@
797 797  Example:  0C aa  => AT+TTRALARM= aa
798 798  
799 799  
800 -=== 3.3.10  Select counting mode ===
801 801  
802 -
803 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT+TTRMODx=a,b**
804 -
805 -When (% style="color:#037691" %)**a=0**(%%), the door is opened to count, and when (% style="color:#037691" %)**a=1**(%%),the closed door is counted.
806 -
807 -When (% style="color:#037691" %)**b=0**(%%), it is the last door open duration, and when (% style="color:#037691" %)**b=1**(%%),the last door close duration.
808 -
809 -(% style="color:blue" %)**AT Command:**
810 -
811 -(% border="1" cellspacing="4" style="background-color:#f2f2f2; width:510px" %)
812 -|=(% style="width: 155px;background-color:#D9E2F3;color:#0070C0" %)**Command Example**|=(% style="width: 278px;background-color:#D9E2F3;color:#0070C0" %)**Function**|=(% style="width: 77px;background-color:#D9E2F3;color:#0070C0" %)**Response**
813 -|(% style="width:155px" %)(((
814 -AT+TTRMODx=1,0
815 -)))|(% style="width:278px" %)Door closed count and record the last door opened duration|(% style="width:85px" %)(((
816 -OK
817 -)))
818 -|(% style="width:155px" %)(((
819 -AT+TTRMODx=0,1
820 -)))|(% style="width:278px" %)(((
821 -Door opened count and record the last door Door Door open closed duration
822 -)))|(% style="width:85px" %)(((
823 -OK
824 -)))
825 -
826 -
827 827  = 4. Battery & Power Consumption =
828 828  
829 829  
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