Last modified by Xiaoling on 2025/03/06 09:01

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2 $xwiki.ssfx.use("js/xwiki/table/table.css")
3 $xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/table/tablefilterNsort.js", true)
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6 (% border="1" cellspacing="10" class="doOddEven filterable grid sortable" id="tableid" style="background-color:#f7faff; width:1274px" %)
7 (% class="sortHeader" %)|=(% style="width: 207px;" %)[[Model>>url:]]|=(% style="width: 116px;" %)[[Protocol>>url:]]|=(% style="width: 236px;" %)[[Brief>>url:]]|=(% style="width: 144px;" %)[[Photo>>url:]]|=(% style="width: 596px;" %)[[Description>>url:]]
8 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
9 [[**LT-22222-L**>>doc:.LT-22222-L.WebHome]]
10 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)I/O Controller|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
11 (% style="text-align:center" %)
12 [[image:image-20231227142427-1.png||height="141" width="74"]]
14 (% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
15 (((
17 )))
18 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
19 * STM32L072xxxx MCU
20 * SX1276/78 LoRa Wireless Chip
21 * LoRaWAN Class A & Class C protocol
22 * Optional Customized LoRa Protocol
23 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915
24 )))
25 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
26 [[**RS485-LB / RS485-LS**>>doc:.RS485-LB_Waterproof_RS485UART_to_LoRaWAN_Converter.WebHome]]
27 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)RS485 / UART to LoRaWAN Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
28 (% style="text-align:center" %)
29 [[image:image-20240103161535-1.png||height="114" width="109"]]
30 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
31 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
32 * Bands: EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
33 * Support multiply RS485 devices by flexible rules
34 * Support Modbus protocol
35 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
36 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
37 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
38 )))
39 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
40 [[**RS485-NB / RS485-NS**>>doc:.RS485-NB,-NS_RS485,UART_to_NB-IoT_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]
41 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)RS485 / UART to NB-IoT Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
42 (% style="text-align:center" %)
43 [[image:image-20240103161535-1.png||height="114" width="109"]]
46 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
47 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
48 * Ultra-low power consumption
49 * Support multiply RS485 devices by flexible rules
50 * Support Modbus protocol
51 * Support Interrupt uplink
52 * Supports connecting a UART sensors with 3.3V or 5V
53 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
54 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
55 )))
56 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**RS485-CB**>>doc:.RS485-CB--RS485UART_to_NB-IoT_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)RS485 / UART to NB-IoT/LTE-M Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
57 (% style="text-align:center" %)
58 [[image:image-20230718104604-1.png||height="114" width="114"]]
59 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
60 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
61 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
62 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
63 * Support multiply RS485 devices by flexible rules
64 * Support Modbus protocol
65 * Support Interrupt uplink
66 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
67 * GNSS for Location Report
68 * Supports connecting a UART sensors with 3.3V or 5V
69 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
70 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
71 * Nano SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM
72 )))
73 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
74 [[**RS485-BL**>>doc:.test.WebHome]]
75 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)RS485 / UART to LoRaWAN Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
76 (% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
77 (((
78 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
79 [[image:1652947948860-635.png||height="108" width="108"]]
80 )))
81 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
82 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
83 * LoRaWAN RS485/UART Converter ~-~- WaterProof Battery Powered
84 * Support multiply RS485 devices by flexible rules
85 * Bands:EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
86 * Support Modbus protocol
87 )))
88 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
89 [[**RS485-LN**>>doc:.RS485-LN – RS485 to LoRaWAN Converter.WebHome]]
90 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)RS485 /Modbus to LoRaWAN Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
91 (% style="text-align:center" %)
92 [[image:image-20240928101054-2.png||height="99" width="100"]]
94 (% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
95 (((
97 )))
98 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
99 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class C protocol
100 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
101 * Support multiply RS485 devices by flexible rules
102 * Support Modbus protocol
103 )))
104 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NBSN95/NBSN95A**>>doc:.NBSN95_NBSN95A NB-IoT Sensor Node User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)Waterproof Long Range Wireless Sensor Node|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
105 (% style="text-align:center" %)
106 [[image:1657507441143-133.png||height="108" width="108"]]
107 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
108 * Open-source hardware / software
109 * STM32L072xxxx MCU
110 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28 @H-FDD
111 * Pre-load bootloader on USART1/USART2
112 * MDK-ARM Version 5.24a IDE
113 * I2C, LPUSART1, USB, SPI2
114 * 3x12bit ADC, 1x12bit DAC
115 * 20xDigital I/O
116 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
117 )))
118 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LSN50/LSN50-V2>>doc:.LSN50 & LSN50-V2 - LoRaWAN Sensor Node User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Waterproof Long Range Wireless Sensor Node|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
119 (% style="text-align:center" %)
120 [[image:image-20220627091444-1.png||alt="图片-20220627091444-1.png" height="114" width="114"]]
121 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
122 * IP66 Waterproof , Battery Powered LoRaWAN Sensor Node
123 * Wireless IoT 433/470/868/915/920 module
124 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
125 )))
126 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
127 **[[SN50v3-LB/SN50v3-LS>>SN50v3-LB]]**
128 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Waterproof Long Range Wireless Sensor Node|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
129 (% style="text-align:center" %)
130 [[image:image-20240103161535-1.png]]
131 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
132 * IP66 Waterproof , Battery Powered LoRaWAN Sensor Node
133 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
134 * 3 x Interrupt In, 3 x Digital IN/OUT , 1 x I2C Interface
135 * 1 x UART Interface, 3 x one-wire interfaces
136 * Open Source
137 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
138 * LoRaWAN Generic Node
139 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
140 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
141 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
142 )))
143 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
144 [[**SN50v3-NB**>>doc:Main.User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes.SN50v3-NB_NB-IoT_Sensor_Node_User_Manual.WebHome]]
145 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Waterproof Long Range Wireless Sensor Node|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20230822162219-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
146 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
147 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
148 * 3 x Interrupt In, 3 x Digital IN/OUT , 1 x I2C Interface
149 * 1 x UART Interface, 3 x one-wire interfaces
150 * Open Source
151 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
152 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
153 * Nano SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM
154 )))
155 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SN50v3-CB**>>doc:.SN50v3-CB_NB-IoTLTE-M_Sensor_Node_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Waterproof Long Range Wireless Sensor Node|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20230822162219-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
156 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
157 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
158 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
159 * 3 x Interrupt In, 3 x Digital IN/OUT , 1 x I2C Interface
160 * 1 x UART Interface, 3 x one-wire interfaces
161 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
162 * GNSS for Location Report
163 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
164 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
165 )))
166 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**PS-LB-NA**>>doc:.PS-LB-NA--LoRaWAN_Analog_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Analog Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
167 [[image:image-20230822162219-1.png]]
169 (% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
170 (((
172 )))
173 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
174 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
175 * Ultra-low power consumption
176 * 1 x 0~~20mA input , 1 x 0~~30v input
177 * 5v and 12v output to power external sensor
178 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
179 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
180 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
181 )))
182 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
183 [[**PS-NB-NA**>>doc:.PS-NB-NA_NB-IoT_Analog_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
184 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Analog Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20230822162219-1.png]](% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
185 (((
187 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
188 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
189 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
190 * 1 x 0~~20mA input , 1 x 0~~30v input
191 * 5v and 12v output to power external sensor
192 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
193 * Uplink via MQTT, MQTTs, TCP, UDP or CoAP
194 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
195 )))
196 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**PS-CB-NA**>>doc:.PS-CB-NA--NB-IoTLTE-M_Analog_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Analog Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20230822162219-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
197 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
198 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
199 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
200 * 1 x 0~~20mA input , 1 x 0~~30v input
201 * 5v and 12v output to power external sensor
202 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
203 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
204 * GNSS for Location Report
205 * Uplink via MQTT, MQTTs, TCP, UDP or CoAP
206 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
207 )))
208 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
209 [[**TS01-LB / TS01-LS**>>doc:.TS01-LB_LoRaWAN_Titling_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
210 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Tilting Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
211 (% style="text-align:center" %)
212 [[image:image-20240910103825-2.png||height="108" width="104"]]
213 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
214 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
215 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
216 * Detect pitch and roll angle
217 * Support Angle Alarm
218 * Support Datalog feature
219 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
220 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
221 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
222 )))
223 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
224 [[**TS01-NB**>>doc:.TS01-NB_NB-IoT_Tilting_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
225 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)Tilting Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
226 (% style="text-align:center" %)
227 [[image:image-20230619101820-1.png||height="109" width="109"]]
228 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
229 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
230 * Ultra-low power consumption
231 * Detect pitch and roll angle
232 * Support Angle Alarm
233 * Support Datalog feature
234 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
235 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
236 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
237 )))
238 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**TS01-CB**>>doc:.TS01-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Tilting_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)Tilting Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
239 (% style="text-align:center" %)
240 [[image:image-20230619101820-1.png||height="109" width="109"]]
241 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
242 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
243 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
244 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
245 * Detect pitch and roll angle
246 * Support Angle Alarm
247 * Support Datalog feature
248 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
249 * GNSS for Location Report
250 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
251 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
252 )))
253 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**CS01-LB**>>doc:.CS01-LB_LoRaWAN_4_Channels_Current_Sensor_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)4 Channels Current Sensor Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
254 (% style="text-align:center" %)
255 [[image:image-20240913180158-5.jpeg||height="82" width="97"]]
256 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
257 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
258 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
259 * Supports maximum 4 channals current sensors
260 * Support various current sensor Ratio: 100A, 300A, 600A.
261 * Monitor the machine running status
262 * Analyze power consumption trends
263 * Power Alarm
264 * Support BLE and LoRaWAN remote configure
265 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
266 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
267 )))
268 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**CS01-NB/NS**>>doc:.CS01-NBNS_NB-IoT_4_Channels_Current_Sensor_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)4 Channels Current Sensor Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
271 (% style="text-align:center" %)
272 [[image:image-20240913180158-5.jpeg||height="82" width="97"]]
274 (% style="text-align:center" %)
275 [[image:image-20240913180303-6.jpeg||height="83" width="97"]]
278 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
279 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
280 * Ultra-low power consumption
281 * Supports maximum 4 channals current sensors
282 * Support various current sensor Ratio: 100A, 300A, 600A.
283 * Monitor the machine running status
284 * Analyze power consumption trends
285 * Power Alarm
286 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
287 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
288 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
289 )))
290 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**CS01-CB/CS**>>doc:.CS01-CBCS--NB-IoTLTE-M_4_Channels_Current_Sensor_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)4 Channels Current Sensor Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
293 (% style="text-align:center" %)
294 [[image:image-20240913180158-5.jpeg||height="82" width="97"]]
296 (% style="text-align:center" %)
297 [[image:image-20240913180303-6.jpeg||height="83" width="97"]]
298 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
299 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
300 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
301 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
302 * Ultra-low power consumption
303 * Supports maximum 4 channals current sensors
304 * Support various current sensor Ratio: 100A, 300A, 600A.
305 * Monitor the machine running status
306 * Analyze power consumption trends
307 * Power Alarm
308 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
309 * GNSS for Location Report
310 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
311 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
312 )))
313 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**AIS01-LB**>>doc:.AIS01-LB--LoRaWAN_AI_Image_End_Node_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)AI Image End Node|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
314 (% style="text-align:center" %)
315 [[image:image-20240703151611-1.png||height="126" width="93"]]
316 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
317 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol.
318 * Send image to IoT server
319 * Recognize digits from Image and send data to IoT server
320 * Trained for common reading for Water Meter, Gas Meter, Power Meter
321 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915
322 * Support Interrupt uplink
323 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
324 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
325 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
326 )))
327 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**AIS01-CB**>>doc:.AIS01-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_AI_Image_End_Node_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)AI Image End Node|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
328 (% style="text-align:center" %)
329 [[image:image-20240703151611-1.png||height="126" width="93"]]
330 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
331 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
332 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
333 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
334 * Send image to IoT server
335 * Recognize digits from Image and send data to IoT server
336 * Trained for common reading for Water Meter, Gas Meter, Power Meter
337 * Support Interrupt uplink
338 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
339 * GNSS for Location Report
340 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
341 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
342 )))
343 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[SAC01L>>doc:.SAC01L_LoRaWAN_Temperature&Humidity_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)People counting|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
344 (% style="text-align:center" %)
345 [[image:image-20241127142754-1.png||height="93" width="98"]]
346 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
347 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
348 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915
349 * Identify people and calculate crowd flow
350 * Wall Attachable
351 * Externally powered
352 )))
353 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
354 [[**BH01-LB**>>doc:.BH01_Bluetooth_to_LoRaWAN_Hub.WebHome]]
355 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Bluetooth scanning sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20230822162219-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
356 * IP66 Waterproof , Battery Powered LoRaWAN Sensor Node
357 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
358 * 3 x Interrupt In, 3 x Digital IN/OUT , 1 x I2C Interface
359 * 1 x UART Interface, 3 x one-wire interfaces
360 * Open Source
361 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
362 * LoRaWAN Generic Node
363 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
364 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
365 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery
366 )))
367 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
368 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**TC01-LB / TC11-LB**>>doc:.TC01-LB_TC11-LB_LoRaWAN_Thermocouple_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Thermocouple Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
369 (% style="text-align:center" %)
370 [[image:image-20240119112845-1.png||height="137" width="122"]]
371 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
372 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
373 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
374 * Ultra-low power consumption
375 * K Type Thermocouple (-50 ~~ 200°C) (For model TC11)
376 * 2 wire to 3rd party Thermocouple (For model TC01)
377 * Temperature Alarm
378 * Datalog Feature
379 * Support BLE and LoRaWAN remote configure
380 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
381 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
382 )))
383 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
384 [[**LHT65N**>>LHT65N LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor Manual]]
385 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Temperature & Humidity Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
386 (% style="text-align:center" %)
387 [[image:LHT65N_00.jpg||height="98" width="98"]]
388 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
389 * LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity sensor
390 * Bands: EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
391 * Built-in 2400mAh battery
392 * Monitor Internal and External Temperature and Humidity
393 )))
394 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
395 [[**LHT65N-E5**>>doc:.LHT65N-E5 LoRaWAN Temperature_Humidity & Illuminance Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]
396 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Temperature,Humidity & Illuminance Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
397 (% style="text-align:center" %)
398 [[image:image-20221206114653-1.jpeg||alt="图片-20221206114653-1.jpeg" height="96" width="98"]]
399 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
400 * LoRaWAN Temperature,Humidity&Illuminance Sensor
401 * Bands: EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
402 * Built-in 2400mAh battery
403 * Built-in Temperature & Humidity Sensor
404 * External Illuminance Sensor
405 )))
406 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LHT65N-PIR>>doc:.LHT65N-PIR.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Temperature,Humidity & PIR  Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
407 (% style="text-align:center" %)
408 [[image:LHT65N-PIR1.jpg||height="98" width="98"]]
409 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
410 * LoRaWAN Temperature,Humidity & PIR Sensor
411 * Bands: EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
412 * Built-in 2400mAh battery
413 * Built-in Temperature & Humidity Sensor
414 * External PIR Sensor for movement detect
415 )))
416 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LHT65N-VIB>>doc:.LHT65N-VIB_LoRaWAN_Vibration_Sensor_Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Vibration Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
417 (% style="text-align:center" %)
418 [[image:image-20241204093710-2.png||height="108" width="98"]]
419 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
420 * LoRaWAN Vibration Sensor
421 * Bands: EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
422 * Built-in 2400mAh battery
423 * Built-in Temperature & Humidity Sensor
424 * Detecting object vibration status
425 * Detect vibration alarm
426 * Calcula device runtime
427 * 3-axis accelerator for x,y,z
428 )))
429 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LHT52>>doc:.LHT52 - LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Temperature & Humidity sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
430 (% style="text-align:center" %)
431 [[image:1655773410120-171.png||height="84" width="106"]]
432 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
433 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
434 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915
435 * Monitor Internal Temperature, Humidity, and optional External Temperature
436 * Wall Attachable
437 * Support 2 x AAA LR03 batteries
438 )))
439 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**T68DL**>>doc:.T68DL_LoRaWAN_Temperature_Sensor_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Temperature sensor|(% style="width:144px" %) [[image:image-20241120092217-1.jpeg||height="100" width="100"]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
440 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
441 * Bands: EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
442 * Built-in Temperature Sensor
443 * Built-in 2400mAh battery
444 )))
445 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**PB01**>>doc:.PB01--LoRaWAN_Button_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Button|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
446 (% style="text-align:center" %)
447 [[image:image-20240705093630-1.png||height="99" width="99"]]
448 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
449 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
450 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915
451 * 1 x Push Button, White or RED button color
452 * Built-in speaker
453 * Monitor Internal Temperature, Humidity.
454 * Wall Attachable
455 * Support 2 x AAA LR03 batteries
456 )))
457 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**PB05-L**>>doc:.PB05-L--LoRaWAN_Button_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Push Buttons|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
458 (% style="text-align:center" %)
459 [[image:image-20250228144707-1.jpeg||height="110" width="110"]]
461 (((
463 )))
464 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
465 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
466 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915
467 * 5 x Push Buttons
468 * Built-in speaker
469 * Wall Attachable
470 * Support 2 x AA LR6 batteries
471 )))
472 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LTC2>>doc:.LTC2 - LoRaWAN Temperature Transmitter User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Industrial Temperature Transmitter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
473 (% style="text-align:center" %)
474 [[image:1655454350389-534.png||height="109" width="109"]]
475 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
476 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
477 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
478 * Support 3 -wire PT-100
479 * Use pre-load PT100 probe or 3rd PT100 probe
480 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
481 )))
482 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LTC2-LB**>>doc:.LTC2-LB--LoRaWAN_Temperature_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Industrial Temperature Transmitter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
483 (% style="text-align:center" %)
484 [[image:image-20240913180035-4.png||height="97" width="95"]]
485 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
486 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
487 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
488 * Low power consumption
489 * Support SI/LT/HT/FSA/FT  Type Temperature Probe
490 * Support 1 ~~ 2 probes
491 * Support 3 -wire PT-100
492 * Use pre-load PT100 probe or 3rd PT100 probe
493 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
494 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
495 )))
496 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LTC2-NB/NS**>>doc:.LTC2-NBNS--NB-IoT_Temperature_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)Industrial Temperature Transmitter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
497 [[image:image-20241224165556-1.png]]
498 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
499 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
500 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
501 * Support SI/LT/HT/FSA/FT  Type Temperature Probe
502 * Support 1 ~~ 2 probes
503 * Support 3 -wire PT-100
504 * Use pre-load PT100 probe or 3rd PT100 probe
505 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
506 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
507 )))
508 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LSN50v2-D20-D22-D23**>>doc:.LSN50v2-D20-D22-D23 LoRaWAN Temperature Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN  |(% style="width:236px" %)Waterproof /Outdoor Temperature Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
509 (% style="text-align:center" %)
510 [[image:image-20220622163216-1.png||alt="图片-20220622163216-1.png" height="114" width="114"]]
511 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
512 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
513 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
514 * 1 ~~ 3 External Temperature Probes
515 * Measure range -55°C ~~ 125°C
516 * Temperature alarm
517 )))
518 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**D20/D20S/D22/D23-LB & D20/D20S/D22/D23-LS**>>doc:.D20-LBD22-LBD23-LB_LoRaWAN_Temperature_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Waterproof /Outdoor Temperature Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
519 [[image:image-20240103093635-8.png]]
520 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
521 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
522 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
523 * 1 ~~ 3 External Temperature Probes
524 * Measure range -55°C ~~ 125°C
525 * Temperature alarm
526 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
527 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
528 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
529 )))
530 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
531 [[**D20-NB/D20S-NB/D22-NB/D23-NB**>>doc:.D20-NB_D20S-NB_D22-NB_D23-NB_NB-IoT_Temperature_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
532 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)Waterproof /Outdoor Temperature Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
533 (% style="text-align:center" %)
534 [[image:D2x-1.jpg||alt="D20-D22-D23-.jpg"]]
535 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
536 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
537 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
538 * 1 ~~ 3 External Temperature Probes
539 * Measure range -55°C ~~ 125°C
540 * Temperature alarm
541 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
542 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
543 )))
544 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**D20-CB/D20S-CB/D22-CB/D23-CB**>>doc:.D20-CBD20S-CBD22-CBD23-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Temperature_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)Waterproof /Outdoor Temperature Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
545 (% style="text-align:center" %)
546 [[image:D2x-1.jpg||alt="D20-D22-D23-.jpg"]]
547 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
548 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
549 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
550 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
551 * 1 ~~ 3 External Temperature Probes
552 * Measure range -55°C ~~ 125°C
553 * Temperature alarm
554 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
555 * GNSS for Location Report
556 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
557 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
558 )))
559 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LSN50v2-S31-S31B>>doc:.LSN50v2-S31-S31B LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Temperature & Humidity Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20220623144507-1.png||alt="图片-20220623144507-1.png"]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
560 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
561 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
562 * External 3 meters SHT31 probe
563 * Measure range -40 ~~ 80 °C
564 * Temperature & Humidity alarm
565 )))
566 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
567 [[**S31/S31B-LB & S31/S31B-LS**>>S31-LB_S31B-LB]]
568 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Temperature & Humidity Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
569 (% style="text-align:center" %)
570 [[image:image-20240103092950-7.png]]
571 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
572 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
573 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
574 * External 3 meters SHT31 probe
575 * Measure range -40 ~~ 80 °C
576 * Temperature & Humidity alarm
577 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
578 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
579 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
580 )))
581 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
582 [[**S31-NB / S31B-NB**>>doc:.S31-NBS31B-NB_BN-IoT_Outdoor_Temperature_Humidity_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
583 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Temperature & Humidity Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:S31-B.jpg]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
584 * NB-IoT: Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
585 * Ultra-low power consumption
586 * External 3 meters SHT31 probe (For S31-NB)
587 * Measure range -40 ~~ 80 °C
588 * Temperature & Humidity alarm
589 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
590 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
591 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
592 * Nano SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM
593 )))
594 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**S31-CB / S31B-CB**>>doc:.S31-CBS31B-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Temperature&Humidity_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Temperature & Humidity Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:S31-B.jpg]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
595 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
596 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
597 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
598 * External 3 meters SHT31 probe (For S31-CB)
599 * Monitor environment temperature
600 * Monitor relative air humidity
601 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
602 * GNSS for Location Report
603 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
604 * Uplink via MQTT, MQTTs, TCP, UDP or CoAP
605 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
606 )))
607 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**N95S31B**>>doc:.N95S31B NB-IoT Temperature & Humidity Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Outdoor Temperature & Humidity Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
608 (% style="text-align:center" %)
609 [[image:1657347701820-127.png||height="109" width="109"]]
610 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
611 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
612 * Monitor Temperature & Humidity via SHT31
613 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
614 * Micro SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM
615 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
616 )))
617 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
618 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
619 [[**UV254-LB**>>doc:.UV254-LB_LoRaWAN_UVC_Radiation_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
620 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|UVC Radiation Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
621 (% style="text-align:center" %)
622 [[image:image-20240913175834-3.jpeg||height="113" width="87"]]
624 (% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
625 (((
627 )))
628 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
629 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
630 * Ultra-low power consumption
631 * Detect UVC lamp working status
632 * Detect UVC lamp working efficiency
633 * Peak response spectrum 254nm
634 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
635 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
636 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
637 )))
638 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SDI-12-LB / SDI-12-LS**>>doc:.SDI-12-LB -- SDI-12 to LoRaWAN Converter User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|SDI-12 to LoRaWAN Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
639 (% style="text-align:center" %)
640 [[image:image-20240103161535-1.png||height="115" width="110"]]
641 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
642 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
643 * Ultra-low power consumption
644 * Controllable 5v and 12v output to power external sensor
645 * SDI-12 Protocol to connect to SDI-12 Sensor
646 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
647 * Support BLE and LoRaWAN remote configure
648 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
649 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
650 )))
651 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
652 [[**SDI-12-NB**>>doc:.SDI-12-NB_SDI-12_to_NB-IoT_Converter.WebHome]]
653 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|SDI-12 to NB-IoT Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
654 (% style="text-align:center" %)
655 [[image:image-20230130104617-1.jpeg||alt="图片-20230130104617-1.jpeg" height="114" width="114"]]
656 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
657 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
658 * Ultra-low power consumption
659 * Controllable 5v and 12v output to power external sensor
660 * SDI-12 Protocol to connect to SDI-12 Sensor
661 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
662 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
663 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
664 )))
665 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SDI-12-CB**>>doc:.SDI-12-CB--SDI-12_to_NB-IoT_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT/LTE-M|SDI-12 to NB-IoT Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
666 (% style="text-align:center" %)
667 [[image:image-20230130104617-1.jpeg||alt="图片-20230130104617-1.jpeg" height="114" width="114"]]
668 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
669 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
670 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
671 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
672 * Controllable 5v and 12v output to power external sensor
673 * SDI-12 Protocol to connect to SDI-12 Sensor
674 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
675 * GNSS for Location Report
676 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
677 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
678 )))
679 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**WSC1-L**>>doc:.Dragino LoRaWAN Weather Station User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Weather Station Solution|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
680 (% style="text-align:center" %)
681 [[image:1656033791347-121.png||height="145" width="105"]]
682 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
683 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class C protocol
684 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
685 * One Main Process unit with several weather sensors
686 * Default weather sensors or 3rd party weather sensors
687 * Solar Powered
688 )))
689 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[WSC2-L>>doc:.WSC2-LB_LoRaWAN_Weather_Station_User_Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Combine Weather Station Kit|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
690 (% style="text-align:center" %)
691 [[image:image-20240707214348-1.png||height="98" width="114"]]
693 (((
695 )))
696 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
697 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class C protocol
698 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
699 * Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature,  Humidity, Air Pressure, Illumination sensor, PM2.5, PM10, Rain Guage
700 * Support 3rd RS485 sensors
701 * Support tipping bucket for Rain Gauge
702 )))
703 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**WSC2-N**>>doc:.WSC2-N--Weather_Station_Kit_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Combine Weather Station Kit|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
704 (% style="text-align:center" %)
705 [[image:image-20240707214348-1.png||height="98" width="114"]]
706 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
707 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
708 * Ultra-low power consumption
709 * Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature,  Humidity, Air Pressure, Illumination sensor, PM2.5, PM10, Rain Guage
710 * Support 3rd RS485 sensors
711 * Support tipping bucket for Rain Gauge
712 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
713 )))
714 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**WSC2-C**>>doc:.WSC2-C--Weather_Station_Kit_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Combine Weather Station Kit|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
715 (% style="text-align:center" %)
716 [[image:image-20240707214348-1.png||height="98" width="114"]]
717 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
718 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
719 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
720 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
721 * Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature,  Humidity, Air Pressure, Illumination sensor, PM2.5, PM10, Rain Guage
722 * Support 3rd RS485 sensors
723 * Support tipping bucket for Rain Gauge
724 * GNSS for Location Report
725 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
726 )))
727 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[GroPoint Air>>doc:.GroPoint Air - LoRaWAN Multi Segment Soil Sensor Converter User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Multi Soil Segment Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
728 (% style="text-align:center" %)
729 [[image:image-20220529234842-1.jpeg||alt="图片-20220529234842-1.jpeg" height="110" width="110"]]
730 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
731 * Directly Supports [[GroPoint Profile>>url:]]
732 * Global LoRaWAN Bands.
733 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A Protocol
734 * IP66 Waterproof Enclosure
735 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
736 )))
737 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LSE01>>doc:.LSE01-LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
738 (% style="text-align:center" %)
739 [[image:1654498080772-773.png||height="107" width="102"]]
740 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
741 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
742 * Bands:EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
743 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
744 * 4000mAh or 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
745 )))
746 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NSE01**>>doc:.NSE01 - NB-IoT Soil Moisture & EC Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
747 (% style="text-align:center" %)
748 [[image:1654498080772-773.png||height="108" width="103"]]
749 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
750 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
751 * Monitor Soil Moisture and Temperature , Conductivity
752 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
753 )))
754 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
755 [[**SE01-LB / SE01-LS**>>doc:.SE01-LB_LoRaWAN_Soil Moisture&EC_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
756 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
757 (% style="text-align:center" %)
758 [[image:image-20240105085855-2.png]]
759 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
760 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
761 * Bands:EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
762 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
763 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
764 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
765 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
766 )))
767 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
768 [[**SE01-NB**>>doc:.SE01-NB_NB-IoT_Soil_Moisture_EC_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
769 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
770 (% style="text-align:center" %)
771 [[image:image-20230530171905-1.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
772 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
773 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
774 * Ultra-low power consumption
775 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
776 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
777 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
778 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
779 )))
780 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SE01-CB**>>doc:.SE01-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Soil_Moisture_&_EC_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
781 (% style="text-align:center" %)
782 [[image:image-20230530171905-1.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
783 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
784 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
785 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
786 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
787 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
788 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
789 * GNSS for Location Report
790 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
791 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
792 )))
793 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[SE02-LB>>doc:.SE02-LB-LoRaWAN_Soil_Moisture&EC_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
794 (% style="text-align:center" %)
795 [[image:image-20240705112943-1.png||height="126" width="106"]]
796 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
797 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
798 * Bands:EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
799 * External 2× sensor probes, probe length: 2.5m
800 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
801 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
802 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
803 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
804 )))
805 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SE02-NB**>>doc:.SE02-NB_NB-IoT_Soil_Moisture&EC_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
806 (% style="text-align:center" %)
807 [[image:image-20240705112943-1.png||height="126" width="106"]]
808 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
809 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
810 * Ultra-low power consumption
811 * External 2× sensor probes, probe length: 2.5m
812 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
813 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
814 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
815 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
816 )))
817 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SE02-CB**>>doc:.SE02-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Soil_Moisture_&_EC_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
818 (% style="text-align:center" %)
819 [[image:image-20240705112943-1.png||height="126" width="106"]]
820 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
821 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
822 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
823 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
824 * External 2× sensor probes, probe length: 2.5m
825 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
826 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
827 * GNSS for Location Report
828 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
829 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
830 )))
831 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[SE0X-LB>>doc:.SE0X-LB--LoRaWAN_Soil_Moisture&EC_Sensor_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor (((
832 Transmitter
833 )))|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
834 (% style="text-align:center" %)
835 [[image:image-20241204094530-5.png||height="111" width="101"]]
837 (% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)
838 (((
840 )))
841 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
842 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
843 * Bands:EU433/CN470/EU868/IN865/KR920/AS923/AU915/US915
844 * External 4× sensor probes, probe length: 2.5m
845 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
846 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
847 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
848 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
849 )))
850 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SE0X-NB/NS**>>doc:Main.User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes.SE0X-NBNS--NB-IoT_Soil Moisture_&_EC_Sensor_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor (((
851 Transmitter
852 )))|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20250118092652-3.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
853 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
854 * Ultra-low power consumption
855 * External 4× sensor probes, probe length: 2.5m
856 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
857 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
858 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
859 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
860 )))
861 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SE0X-CB/CS**>>doc:.SE0X-CBCS--NB-IoTLTE-M_Soil_Moisture_&_EC_Sensor_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Soil Moisture & EC Sensor (((
862 Transmitter
863 )))|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20250118092652-3.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
864 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
865 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
866 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
867 * Ultra-low power consumption
868 * External 4× sensor probes, probe length: 2.5m
869 * Monitor Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity
870 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
871 * GNSS for Location Report
872 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
873 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
874 )))
875 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
876 [[**SPH01-LB / SPH01-LS**>>doc:.SPH01-LB_LoRaWAN_Soil_pH_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
877 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Soil pH Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
878 [[image:image-20240105101215-4.png]]
879 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
880 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
881 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
882 * Monitor soil pH with temperature compensation
883 * Monitor soil temperature
884 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
885 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
886 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
887 )))
888 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
889 [[**SPH01-NB**>>doc:.SPH01-NB_NB-IoT_Soil_pH_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
890 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Soil pH Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
891 (% style="text-align:center" %)
892 [[image:image-20230530172940-2.png||height="116" width="94"]]
893 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
894 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
895 * Ultra-low power consumption
896 * Monitor soil pH with temperature compensation
897 * Monitor soil temperature
898 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
899 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
900 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
901 )))
902 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SPH01-CB**>>doc:.SPH01-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Soil_PH_ensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Soil pH Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
903 (% style="text-align:center" %)
904 [[image:image-20230530172940-2.png||height="121" width="99"]]
905 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
906 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
907 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
908 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
909 * Monitor soil pH with temperature compensation
910 * Monitor soil temperature
911 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
912 * GNSS for Location Report
913 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
914 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
915 )))
916 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LSPH01>>doc:.LSPH01-LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)Soil pH Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
917 (% style="text-align:center" %)
918 [[image:1654573602130-766.png||height="109" width="101"]]
919 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
920 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
921 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
922 * Monitor soil pH with temperature compensation
923 * Monitor soil temperature
924 * Monitor Battery Level
925 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
926 )))
927 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[NSPH01>>doc:.NSPH01-NB-IoT Soil pH Sensor User Manual .WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Soil pH Sensor|(% contenteditable="false" style="width:144px" tabindex="-1" %)(((
928 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
929 [[image:1654573602130-766.png||height="109" width="101"]]
930 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
931 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
932 * Monitor soil pH with temperature compensation
933 * Monitor soil temperature
934 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
935 )))
936 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
937 [[**LMS01-LB / LMS01-LS**>>doc:.LMS01-LB_LoRaWAN_Leaf_Moisture_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
938 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Leaf Moisture Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
939 (% style="text-align:center" %)
940 [[image:image-20240105141021-1.png]]
941 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
942 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
943 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
944 * Monitor Leaf moisture
945 * Monitor Leaf temperature
946 * Monitor Battery Level
947 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
948 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
949 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
950 )))
951 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
952 [[**LMS01-NB**>>doc:.LMS01-NB_NB-IoT_Leaf_Moisture_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
953 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Leaf Moisture Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
954 (% style="text-align:center" %)
955 [[image:image-20230715085118-1.png||height="106" width="106"]]
956 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
957 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
958 * Ultra-low power consumption
959 * Monitor Leaf moisture
960 * Monitor Leaf temperature
961 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
962 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
963 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
964 )))
965 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LMS01-CB**>>doc:.LMS01-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Leaf_Moisture_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Leaf Moisture Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
966 (% style="text-align:center" %)
967 [[image:image-20230715085118-1.png||height="101" width="101"]]
968 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
969 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
970 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
971 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
972 * Monitor Leaf moisture
973 * Monitor Leaf temperature
974 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
975 * GNSS for Location Report
976 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
977 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
978 )))
979 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LLMS01>>doc:.LLMS01-LoRaWAN Leaf Moisture Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Leaf Moisture Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
980 (% style="text-align:center" %)
981 [[image:1654596864387-861.png||height="58" width="105"]]
982 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
983 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
984 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
985 * Monitor Leaf moisture
986 * Monitor Leaf temperature
987 * Monitor Battery Level
988 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
989 )))
990 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[NLMS01>>doc:.NLMS01-NB-IoT Leaf Moisture Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Leaf Moisture Sensor|(% contenteditable="false" style="width:144px" tabindex="-1" %)(((
991 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
992 [[image:1654596864387-861.png||height="60" width="110"]]
993 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
994 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
995 * Monitor Leaf moisture
996 * Monitor Leaf temperature
997 * Monitor Battery Level
998 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
999 )))
1000 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
1001 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LWL02>>doc:.LWL02 - LoRaWAN Door Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Water Leak Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1002 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1003 [[image:image-20240909084716-3.png||height="92" width="87"]]
1004 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1005 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
1006 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1007 * SX1262 LoRa Core
1008 * Water Leak detect
1009 * 2 x AAA LR03 Batteries
1010 )))
1011 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LWL04>>doc:.LWL04--LoRaWAN_Water_Leak_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Water Leak Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20240907150304-7.png]](((
1013 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1014 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
1015 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1016 * Water Leak detect
1017 * IP65 waterproof
1018 * Uplink on periodically and water leak event
1019 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1020 * CR123A 1500mAh batteries
1021 )))
1022 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LWL03A>>doc:.LWL03A – LoRaWAN None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Controller User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Controller|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20221101083824-1.png||alt="图片-20221101083824-1.png"]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1023 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
1024 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1025 * 8500mAh Li-SoCI2 battery
1026 * Water Leak detect
1027 )))
1028 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1029 [[**WL03A-LB / WL03A-LS**>>doc:.WL03A-LB_LoRaWAN_None-Position_Rope_Type_Water_Leak_Controller_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1030 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Controller|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1031 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1032 [[image:image-20240109094600-1.png]]
1033 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1034 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
1035 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1036 * Water Leak detect
1037 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1038 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1039 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1040 )))
1041 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1042 [[**WL03A-NB**>>doc:.WL03A-NB_NB-IoT_None-Position_Rope_Type_Water_Leak_Controller_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1043 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Controller|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1044 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1045 [[image:image-20230522085538-1.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
1046 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1047 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1048 * Ultra-low power consumption
1049 * Water Leak detect
1050 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1051 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1052 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1053 )))
1054 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**WL03A-CB**>>doc:.WL03A-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_None_Position_Rope_Type_Water_Leak_Controller_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Controller|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1055 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1056 [[image:image-20230522085538-1.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
1057 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1058 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1059 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1060 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1061 * Water Leak detect
1062 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1063 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1064 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1065 )))
1066 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NDS01**>>doc:.NDS01 - NB-IoT Door Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Door Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1067 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1068 [[image:image-20221112112517-2.jpeg||alt="图片-20221112112517-2.jpeg" height="97" width="62"]]
1069 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1070 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B5/B8/B20/B28 @H-FDD
1071 * Ultra low power consumption
1072 * Door Open / Close Detect
1073 * Device remove alarm
1074 * Uplink Protocol: TCP or UDP
1075 )))
1076 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LDS02>>doc:.LDS02 - LoRaWAN Door Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Door Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1077 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1078 [[image:1654680220670-316.png||height="101" width="106"]]
1079 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1080 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A  protocol
1081 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1082 * SX1262 LoRa Core
1083 * Door Open/Close detect
1084 * Door open/close statistics
1085 * 2 x AAA LR03 Batteries
1086 )))
1087 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LDS03A>>doc:.LDS03A - Outdoor LoRaWAN OpenClose Door Sensor Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Open/Close Door Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1088 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1089 [[image:1654740741082-886.png||height="119" width="104"]]
1090 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1091 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1092 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1093 * SX1262 LoRa Core
1094 * Door Open/Close detect
1095 * Door open/close statistics
1096 * Probe length: 40cm
1097 * 8500mAh industrial battery(non-rechargeable)
1098 )))
1099 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NDS03A**>>doc:.NDS03A - Outdoor NB-IoT OpenClose Door Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Open/Close Door Sensor |(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1100 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1101 [[image:image-20221117103246-1.png||alt="图片-20221117103246-1.png" height="114" width="100"]]
1102 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1103 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
1104 * Door Open/Close detect
1105 * Door open/close statistics
1106 * Datalog Feature
1107 * Probe length: 40cm
1108 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1109 )))
1110 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1111 [[**DS03A-LB / DS03A-LS**>>DS03A-LB]]
1112 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Open/Close Door Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20240108160830-5.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1113 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1114 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1115 * Door Open/Close detect
1116 * Door open/close statistics
1117 * Probe length: 40cm
1118 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1119 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1120 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1121 )))
1122 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1123 [[**DS03A-NB**>>doc:.DS03A-NB_NB-IoT_Door_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1124 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Open/Close Door Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1125 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1126 [[image:image-20240108160953-7.png||height="107" width="105"]]
1127 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1128 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1129 * Ultra-low power consumption
1130 * Door Open/Close detect
1131 * Door open/close statistics
1132 * Probe length: 40cm
1133 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1134 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1135 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1136 )))
1137 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**DS03A-CB**>>doc:.DS03A-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Door_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Open/Close Door Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1138 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1139 [[image:image-20240108160953-7.png||height="108" width="106"]]
1140 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1141 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1142 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1143 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1144 * Door Open/Close detect
1145 * Door open/close statistics
1146 * Probe length: 40cm
1147 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1148 * GNSS for Location Report
1149 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1150 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1151 )))
1152 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1153 [[**CPL01 **>>doc:.CPL01 LoRaWAN Outdoor PulseContact Sensor Manual.WebHome]]
1154 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(((
1155 Open/Close
1156 Dry Contact Sensor
1157 )))|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1158 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1159 [[image:1652853547048-981.png||height="104" width="106"]]
1160 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1161 * Open/close detect, open alarm
1162 * Open/close statistics
1163 * Datalog Feature
1164 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1165 )))
1166 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**CPN01**>>doc:.CPN01- NB-IoT Outdoor OpenClose Dry Contact Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(((
1167 Open/Close Dry Contact Sensor
1168 )))|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1169 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1170 [[image:1652853547048-981.png||height="104" width="106"]]
1171 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1172 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
1173 * Open/close detect, open alarm
1174 * Open/close statistics
1175 * Datalog Feature
1176 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1177 )))
1178 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1179 [[**CPL03-LB / CPL03-LS**>>doc:.CPL03-LB_LoRaWAN_Outdoor_PulseContact _Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1180 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Open/Close
1181 Dry Contact Sensor |(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1182 [[image:image-20240108180407-8.png]]
1183 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1184 * Open/close detect, open alarm
1185 * Open/close statistics
1186 * Datalog Feature
1187 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1188 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1189 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1190 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1191 )))
1192 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1193 [[**CPL03-NB**>>doc:.CPL03-NB_NB-IoT_Pulse_Contact_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1194 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Open/Close
1195 Dry Contact Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1196 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1197 [[image:image-20230529173956-1.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
1198 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1199 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1200 * Ultra-low power consumption
1201 * Open/close detect, open alarm
1202 * Open/close statistics
1203 * Datalog Feature
1204 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1205 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1206 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1207 )))
1208 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**CPL03-CB**>>doc:.CPL03-CB_NB-IoTLTE-M_Pulse_Contact_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M |Open/Close
1209 Dry Contact Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1210 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1211 [[image:image-20230529173956-1.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
1212 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1213 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1214 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1215 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1216 * Open/close detect, open alarm
1217 * Open/close statistics
1218 * Datalog Feature
1219 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1220 * GNSS for Location Report
1221 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1222 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1223 )))
1224 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
1225 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1226 **[[SW3L>>doc:.SW3L LoRaWAN Outdoor Flow Sensor.WebHome]]**
1227 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Flow Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1228 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1229 [[image:1652921136536-983.png||height="120" width="102"]]
1232 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1233 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1234 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1235 * Upload water flow volume
1236 * Monitor water waste
1237 )))
1238 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1239 [[**SW3L-LB / SW3L-LS**>>doc:.SW3L-LB_LoRaWAN_Flow_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1240 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Flow Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1241 [[image:image-20240108093220-2.png]]
1242 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1243 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1244 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864
1245 * Upload water flow volume
1246 * Monitor water waste
1247 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1248 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1249 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1250 )))
1251 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1252 [[**SW3L-NB**>>doc:.SW3L-NB_NB-IoT_Flow_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1253 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Flow Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1254 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1255 [[image:image-20230529181052-2.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
1256 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1257 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1258 * Ultra-low power consumption
1259 * Upload water flow volume
1260 * Monitor water waste
1261 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1262 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1263 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1264 )))
1265 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**SW3L-CB**>>doc:.SW3L-CB--NB-IoT_Flow_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT/LTE-M|Flow Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1266 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1267 [[image:image-20230529181052-2.jpeg||height="114" width="114"]]
1268 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1269 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1270 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1271 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1272 * Upload water flow volume
1273 * Monitor water waste
1274 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1275 * GNSS for Location Report
1276 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1277 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1278 )))
1279 |(% colspan="5" style="width:207px" %)
1280 |(((
1281 [[(% class="wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink" %)**AQS01-L**>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/AQS01-L_LoRaWAN_Indoor_CO2_Sensor_User_Manual/]]
1282 )))|LoRaWAN|Indoor CO2 Sensor|(% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)(((
1283 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
1284 [[image:image-20240124134709-1.png||height="95" width="114"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​
1285 )))|(((
1286 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1287 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1288 * Monitor CO2/Temperature/Relative Humidity/Pressure
1289 * CO2 alarm
1290 * Datalog Feature
1291 * 4000mAH batteries powered
1292 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and wireless OTA update firmware
1293 )))
1294 |(((
1295 [[**AQS02-L**>>doc:.AQS02-L -- LoRaWAN Indoor CO Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]
1296 )))|LoRaWAN|Indoor CO Sensor|(% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)(((
1297 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
1298 [[image:image-20240124134709-1.png||height="95" width="114"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​
1299 )))|(((
1300 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1301 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1302 * Monitor CO/Temperature/Relative Humidity/Pressure
1303 * CO alarm
1304 * Datalog Feature
1305 * 4000mAH batteries powered
1306 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and wireless OTA update firmware
1307 )))
1308 |(((
1309 **AQS03-NB**
1310 )))|LoRaWAN|Indoor CH2O Sensor|(% contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1" %)(((
1311 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
1312 [[image:image-20240124134709-1.png||height="95" width="114"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​
1313 )))|(((
1314 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1315 * Monitor CH2O/Temperature/Relative Humidity/Pressure
1316 * CH2O alarm
1317 * Datalog Feature
1318 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and wireless OTA update firmware
1319 )))
1320 |(((
1321 [[**WQS-LB**>>doc:.WQS-LB--LoRaWAN_Water_Quality_Sensor_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1322 )))|LoRaWAN|Water Quality Sensor Transmitter|(((
1323 (% data-widget="image" style="text-align:center" %)
1324 [[image:image-20240913180429-7.jpeg||height="95" width="95"]](% title="Click and drag to resize" %)​
1325 )))|(((
1326 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1327 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1328 * Support EC / PH / DO / ORP/ TS Type Water Quality Probe
1329 * Support 1 ~~ 3 probes
1330 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1331 * AT Commands to change parameters
1332 * Uplink on periodically
1333 * Downlink to change configure
1334 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1335 )))
1336 |(((
1337 [[**WQS-NB / WQS-NS**>>doc:.WQS-NBNS_NB-IoT_Water_Quality_Sensor_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1338 )))|NB-IoT|Water Quality Sensor Transmitter|(((
1339 [[image:image-20250118092051-1.png]]
1341 (((
1343 )))
1344 )))|(((
1345 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1346 * Low power consumption
1347 * Support EC / PH / DO / ORP/ TS Type Water Quality Probe
1348 * Support 1 ~~ 3 probes
1349 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1350 * AT Commands to change parameters
1351 * Uplink on periodically
1352 * Downlink to change configure
1353 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1354 )))
1355 |(((
1356 [[**WQS-CB / WQS-CS**>>doc:.WQS-CBCS--NB-IoTLTE-M_Water_Quality_Sensor_Transmitter_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1357 )))|NB-IoT / LTE-M|Water Quality Sensor Transmitter|(((
1358 [[image:image-20250118092059-2.png]]
1359 )))|(((
1360 * For -NB/NS Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1361 * For -CB/CS Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1362 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1363 * Low power consumption
1364 * Support EC / PH / DO / ORP/ TS Type Water Quality Probe
1365 * Support 1 ~~ 3 probes
1366 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1367 * GNSS for Location Report
1368 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1369 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1370 )))
1371 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
1372 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LCC01-LB**>>doc:.LCC01-LB_LoRaWAN_Load_Cell_Converter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Load Cell Converter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1373 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1374 [[image:image-20240124140729-2.png||height="101" width="98"]]
1375 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1376 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
1377 * Ultra-low power consumption
1378 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1379 * Support Various Type of Load Cell
1380 * Weight Measurement
1381 * supports Datalog feature
1382 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1383 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1384 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1385 )))
1386 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[PS-LB / PS-LS>>doc:.PS-LB -- LoRaWAN Pressure Sensor.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Air/ Water Pressure Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1387 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1388 [[image:image-20240109155947-3.png||height="167" width="108"]]
1389 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1390 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
1391 * Ultra-low power consumption
1392 * Measure air / gas or water pressure
1393 * Different pressure range available
1394 * Thread Installation Type or Immersion Type
1395 * Bands:CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1396 * Support BLE and LoRaWAN remote configure
1397 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1398 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1399 )))
1400 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1401 [[**PS-NB/NS**>>doc:Main.User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes.PS-NBNS_NB-IoT_AirWater_Pressure_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1402 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Air/ Water Pressure Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1403 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1404 [[image:image-20240109155947-3.png||height="167" width="108"]]
1406 (((
1408 )))
1409 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1410 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1411 * Ultra-low power consumption
1412 * Measure air / gas or water pressure
1413 * Different pressure range available
1414 * Thread Installation Type or Immersion Type
1415 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1416 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1417 )))
1418 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**PS-CB/CS**>>doc:.PS-CBCS--NB-IoTLTE-M_AirWater_Pressure_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Air/ Water Pressure Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1419 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1420 [[image:image-20240109155947-3.png||height="167" width="108"]]
1422 (((
1424 )))
1425 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1426 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1427 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1428 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1429 * Measure air / gas or water pressure
1430 * Different pressure range available
1431 * Thread Installation Type or Immersion Type
1432 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1433 * GNSS for Location Report
1434 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1435 )))
1436 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1437 [[**DS20L**>>doc:.DS20L_LoRaWAN_Smart_Distance_Detector_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1438 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Smart Distance Detector|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1439 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1440 [[image:image-20231110084539-1.png||height="103" width="103"]]
1441 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1442 * LoRaWAN Class A protocol
1443 * LiDAR distance detector, range 3 ~~ 200cm
1444 * Periodically detect or continuously detect mode
1445 * Alarm & Counting mode
1446 * Datalog Feature
1447 * Firmware upgradable via program port or LoRa protocol
1448 * Built-in 2400mAh battery or power by external power source
1449 )))
1450 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1451 [[**LDS12-LB / LDS12-LS**>>doc:.LDS12-LB_LoRaWAN_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1452 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1453 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1454 [[image:image-20240106170540-6.png||height="89" width="114"]]
1455 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1456 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1457 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1458 * Laser technology for distance detection
1459 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~12m
1460 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5m-12m)
1461 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1462 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1463 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1464 )))
1465 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1466 [[**LDS12-NB**>>doc:.LDS12-NB_NB-IoT_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1467 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1468 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1469 [[image:image-20230614152734-2.png||height="108" width="108"]]
1470 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1471 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1472 * Ultra-low power consumption
1473 * Laser technology for distance detection
1474 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~12m
1475 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5m-12m)
1476 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1477 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1478 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1479 )))
1480 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LDS12-CB**>>doc:.LDS12-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1481 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1482 [[image:image-20230614152734-2.png||height="108" width="108"]]
1483 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1484 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1485 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1486 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1487 * Laser technology for distance detection
1488 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~12m
1489 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5m-12m)
1490 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1491 * GNSS for Location Report
1492 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1493 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1494 )))
1495 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LLDS12>>doc:.LLDS12-LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1496 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1497 [[image:image-20220610094557-1.png||alt="图片-20220610094557-1.png" height="114" width="114"]]
1498 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1499 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1500 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1501 * Laser technology for distance detection
1502 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~12m
1503 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5m-12m)
1504 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1505 )))
1506 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LDS25-LB/LDS25-LS**>>doc:.LDS25-LBLDS25-LS--LoRaWAN_LiDAR_Distance_Auto-Clean_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Auto-Clean Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1507 [[image:image-20241204094129-3.png]]
1508 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1509 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1510 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1511 * Laser technology for distance detection
1512 * Self-contained Auto-clean function
1513 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~25m
1514 * Accuracy :  ±6cm@(0.1m-6m), ±1%@(6m-25m)
1515 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1516 )))
1517 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LDS25-NB**>>doc:.LDS25-NB--NB-IoT_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Auto-Clean_Sensor.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Auto-Clean Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1518 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1519 [[image:image-20241204094226-4.png||height="145" width="90"]]
1520 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1521 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1522 * Ultra-low power consumption
1523 * Laser technology for distance detection
1524 * Self-contained Auto-clean function
1525 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~25m
1526 * Accuracy :  ±6cm@(0.1m-6m), ±1%@(6m-25m)
1527 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1528 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1529 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1530 )))
1531 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LDS25-CB**>>doc:.LDS25-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Auto-Clean_Sensor.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Auto-Clean Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1532 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1533 [[image:image-20241204094226-4.png||height="145" width="90"]]
1534 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1535 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1536 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1537 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1538 * Laser technology for distance detection
1539 * Self-contained Auto-clean function
1540 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~25m
1541 * Accuracy :  ±6cm@(0.1m-6m), ±1%@(6m-25m)
1542 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1543 * GNSS for Location Report
1544 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1545 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1546 )))
1547 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1548 [[**LDS40-LB / LDS40-LS**>>doc:.LDS40-LB_LoRaWAN_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1549 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20240108084955-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1550 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1551 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1552 * Laser technology for distance detection
1553 * Operating Range : 0.1m ~~ 40m
1554 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5-40m)
1555 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1556 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1557 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1558 )))
1559 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1560 [[**LDS40-NB**>>doc:.LDS40-NB_NB-IoT_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1561 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1562 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1563 [[image:image-20230715112305-2.png||height="109" width="109"]]
1564 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1565 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1566 * Ultra-low power consumption
1567 * Laser technology for distance detection
1568 * Operating Range : 0.1m ~~ 40m
1569 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5-40m)
1570 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1571 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1572 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1573 )))
1574 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LDS40-CB**>>doc:.LDS40-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_LiDAR_ToF_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1575 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1576 [[image:image-20230715112305-2.png||height="109" width="109"]]
1577 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1578 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1579 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1580 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1581 * Laser technology for distance detection
1582 * Operating Range : 0.1m ~~ 40m
1583 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5-40m)
1584 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1585 * GNSS for Location Report
1586 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1587 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1588 )))
1589 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LLDS40**>>doc:.LLDS40-LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)LiDAR ToF Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1590 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1591 [[image:image-20221028113228-1.jpeg||alt="图片-20221028113228-1.jpeg" height="114" width="114"]]
1592 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1593 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1594 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1595 * Laser technology for distance detection
1596 * Operating Range : 0.1m~~40m
1597 * Accuracy : ±5cm@(0.1-5m), ±1%@(5-40m)
1598 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1599 )))
1600 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1601 [[**DDS75-LB / DDS75-LS**>>doc:.DDS75-LB_LoRaWAN_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1604 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1605 [[image:image-20240106102842-3.png]]
1606 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1607 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1608 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1609 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1610 * Flat object range 280mm - 7500mm
1611 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1612 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1613 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1614 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1615 )))
1616 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1617 [[**DDS75-NB**>>doc:.DDS75-NB_NB-IoT_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1618 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1619 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1620 [[image:image-20230612161803-1.png||height="113" width="113"]]
1621 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1622 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1623 * Ultra-low power consumption
1624 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1625 * Flat object range 280mm - 7500mm
1626 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1627 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1628 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1629 )))
1630 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**DDS75-CB**>>doc:.DDS75-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M |(% style="width:236px" %)Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1631 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1632 [[image:image-20230612161803-1.png||height="113" width="113"]]
1633 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1634 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1635 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1636 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1637 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1638 * Flat object range 280mm - 7500mm
1639 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1640 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1641 * GNSS for Location Report
1642 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1643 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1644 )))
1645 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LDDS75>>doc:.LDDS75 - LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|(% style="width:236px" %)Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1646 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1647 [[image:image-20220610152028-1.png||alt="图片-20220610152028-1.png" height="124" width="87"]]
1648 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1649 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1650 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1651 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1652 * Flat object range 280mm - 7500mm
1653 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1654 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1655 )))
1656 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NDDS75**>>doc:.NDDS75 NB-IoT Distance Detect Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|(% style="width:236px" %)Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1657 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1658 [[image:image-20220610152028-1.png||alt="图片-20220610152028-1.png" height="124" width="87"]]
1659 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1660 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
1661 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1662 * Flat object range 280mm - 7500mm
1663 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1664 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1665 )))
1666 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1667 [[**DDS45-LB / DDS45-LS**>>doc:.DDS45-LB_LoRaWAN_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1668 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20240105173542-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1669 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1670 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1671 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1672 * Flat object range 30mm - 4500mm
1673 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1674 * Measure Angle: 60°
1675 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1676 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1677 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1678 )))
1679 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1680 [[**DDS45-NB**>>doc:.DDS45-NB_NB-IoT_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1681 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1682 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1683 [[image:image-20230613095849-1.png||height="110" width="110"]]
1684 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1685 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1686 * Ultra-low power consumption
1687 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1688 * Flat object range 30mm - 4500mm
1689 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1690 * Measure Angle: 60°
1691 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1692 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1693 )))
1694 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**DDS45-CB**>>doc:.DDS45-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M |Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1695 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1696 [[image:image-20230613095849-1.png||height="110" width="110"]]
1697 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1698 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1699 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1700 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1701 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1702 * Flat object range 30mm - 4500mm
1703 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1704 * Measure Angle: 60°
1705 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1706 * GNSS for Location Report
1707 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1708 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1709 )))
1710 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LDDS45>>doc:.LDDS45 - LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1711 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1712 [[image:1654912225128-561.png||height="114" width="114"]]
1713 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1714 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1715 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1716 * Distance Detection by Ultrasonic technology
1717 * Flat object range 30mm - 4500mm
1718 * Accuracy: ±(1cm+S*0.3%) (S: Distance)
1719 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1720 )))
1721 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LDDS04>>doc:.LDDS04 - LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1722 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1723 [[image:image-20220611142442-1.png||alt="图片-20220611142442-1.png" height="89" width="102"]]
1724 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1725 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1726 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1727 * Ultrasonic sensing,support max 4 channels
1728 * Monitor Battery Level
1729 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1730 )))
1731 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1732 [[**DDS04-LB / DDS04-LS**>>doc:.DDS04-LB_LoRaWAN_4-Channels_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1733 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20240106102718-2.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1734 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1735 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1736 * Ultrasonic sensing,support max 4 channels
1737 * Monitor Battery Level
1738 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1739 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1740 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1741 )))
1742 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1743 [[**DDS04-NB**>>doc:.DDS04-NB_NB-IoT_4-Channels_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1744 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1745 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1746 [[image:image-20230702103353-1.png||height="111" width="111"]]
1747 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1748 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1749 * Ultra-low power consumption
1750 * Ultrasonic sensing,support max 4 channels
1751 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1752 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1753 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1754 )))
1755 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**DDS04-CB**>>doc:.DDS04-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_4-Channels_Distance_Detection_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1756 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1757 [[image:image-20230702103353-1.png||height="111" width="111"]]
1758 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1759 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1760 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1761 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1762 * Ultrasonic sensing,support max 4 channels
1763 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1764 * GNSS for Location Report
1765 * Support BLE remote configure and update firmware
1766 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1767 )))
1768 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1769 [[**DDS20-LB / DDS20-LS**>>doc:.DDS20-LB_LoRaWAN_Ultrasonic_Liquid_Level_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1770 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Ultrasonic liquid level sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1771 [[image:image-20240106085228-1.png]]
1772 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1773 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1774 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1775 * Liquid Level Measurement by Ultrasonic technology
1776 * Measure through container, No need to contact Liquid
1777 * Valid level range 20mm - 2000mm
1778 * Accuracy: ±(5mm+S*0.5%) (S: Measure Value)
1779 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1780 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1781 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1782 )))
1783 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1784 [[**DDS20-NB**>>doc:.DDS20-NB_NB-IoT_Ultrasonic_Liquid_Level_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1785 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Ultrasonic liquid level sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1786 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1787 [[image:image-20230613115447-1.png||height="107" width="107"]]
1790 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1791 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1792 * Ultra-low power consumption
1793 * Liquid Level Measurement by Ultrasonic technology
1794 * Measure through container, No need to contact Liquid
1795 * Valid level range 20mm - 2000mm
1796 * Accuracy: ±(5mm+S*0.5%) (S: Measure Value)
1797 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1798 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1799 )))
1800 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**DDS20-CB**>>doc:.DDS20-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Ultrasonic_Liquid_Level_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Ultrasonic liquid level sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1801 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1802 [[image:image-20230613115447-1.png||height="107" width="107"]]
1803 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1804 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1805 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1806 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1807 * Liquid Level Measurement by Ultrasonic technology
1808 * Measure through container, No need to contact Liquid
1809 * Valid level range 20mm - 2000mm
1810 * Accuracy: ±(5mm+S*0.5%) (S: Measure Value)
1811 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1812 * GNSS for Location Report
1813 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1814 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1815 )))
1816 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LDDS20>>doc:.LDDS20 - LoRaWAN Liquid Level Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Ultrasonic liquid level sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1817 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1818 [[image:1655253936798-783.png||height="101" width="101"]]
1819 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1820 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1821 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1822 * Liquid Level Measurement by Ultrasonic technology
1823 * Measure through container, No need to contact Liquid.
1824 * Valid level range 20mm - 2000mm
1825 * Accuracy: ±(5mm+S*0.5%) (S: Measure Value)
1826 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1827 )))
1828 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NDDS20**>>doc:.NDDS20--NB-IoT_Ultrasonic_Liquid_Level_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Ultrasonic liquid level sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1829 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1830 [[image:1655253936798-783.png||height="101" width="101"]]
1831 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1832 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
1833 * Liquid Level Measurement by Ultrasonic technology
1834 * Measure through container, No need to contact Liquid.
1835 * Valid level range 20mm - 2000mm
1836 * Accuracy: ±(5mm+S*0.5%) (S: Measure Value)
1837 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1838 )))
1839 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1840 [[**MDS120-LB / MDS120-LS**>>doc:.MDS120-LB_LoRaWAN_Microwave_Radar_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1841 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1842 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1843 [[image:image-20240106113853-4.png]]
1844 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1845 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1846 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1847 * 60Ghz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1848 * Measure Range: 15cm ~~ 1200cm
1849 * Accuracy: ±(2cm+SX0.3%). S: Measure Value
1850 * Measurement Angle: 25 degrees horizontal and 23 degrees vertical
1851 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1852 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1853 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1854 )))
1855 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1856 [[**MDS120-NB**>>doc:.MDS120-NB_NB-IoT_Microwave_Radar_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1857 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1858 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1859 [[image:image-20230613160302-3.png||height="113" width="113"]]
1862 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1863 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1864 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
1865 * 60Ghz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1866 * Measure Range: 15cm ~~ 1200cm
1867 * Accuracy: ±(2cm+SX0.3%). S: Measure Value
1868 * Measurement Angle: 25 degrees horizontal and 23 degrees vertical
1869 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1870 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1871 )))
1872 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**MDS120-CB**>>doc:.MDS120-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Microwave_Radar_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1873 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1874 [[image:image-20230613160302-3.png||height="113" width="113"]]
1875 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1876 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1877 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1878 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1879 * 60Ghz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1880 * Measure Range: 15cm ~~ 1200cm
1881 * Accuracy: ±(2cm+SX0.3%). S: Measure Value
1882 * Measurement Angle: 25 degrees horizontal and 23 degrees vertical
1883 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1884 * GNSS for Location Report
1885 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1886 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1887 )))
1888 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**LMDS120**>>doc:.LMDS120 - LoRaWAN Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1889 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1890 [[image:image-20230131100723-1.png||alt="图片-20230131100723-1.png" height="119" width="100"]]
1893 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1894 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A protocol
1895 * Ultra-low power consumption
1896 * 60Ghz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1897 * Measure Range: 15cm ~~ 1200cm
1898 * Accuracy: ±(2cm+SX0.3%). S: Measure Value
1899 * Measurement Angle: 25 degrees horizontal and 23 degrees vertical
1900 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1901 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1902 )))
1903 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1904 [[**MDS200-LB / MDS200-LS**>>doc:.MDS200-LB_LoRaWAN_Microwave_Radar_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1905 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1906 [[image:image-20240106151922-5.png]]
1907 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1908 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1909 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1910 * 24.000 ~~ 24.500GHz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1911 * Measure Range: 0.5 ~~ 20m
1912 * Accuracy: ±0.1m
1913 * Measurement Angle: horizontal 78° and vertical 23°
1914 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 and LoRaWAN remote configure
1915 * Support wireless OTA update firmware
1916 * 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery or solar powered + Li-ion battery
1917 )))
1918 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
1919 [[**MDS200-NB**>>doc:.MDS200-NB_NB-IoT_Microwave_Radar_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]
1920 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT|Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1921 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1922 [[image:image-20230614083526-1.png||height="122" width="122"]]
1925 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1926 * NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD
1927 * Ultra Low Power Consumption
1928 * 24.000 ~~ 24.500GHz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1929 * Measure Range: 0.5 ~~ 20m
1930 * Accuracy: ±0.1m
1931 * Measurement Angle: horizontal 78° and vertical 23°
1932 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1933 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1934 )))
1935 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**MDS200-CB**>>doc:.MDS200-CB--NB-IoTLTE-M_Microwave_Radar_Distance_Sensor_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT / LTE-M|Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1936 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1937 [[image:image-20230614083526-1.png||height="122" width="122"]]
1938 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1939 * For -NB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85
1940 * For -CB Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B71/B85
1941 * CAT-M1 / LTE-M Bands: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B27/B28/B66/B85
1942 * 24.000 ~~ 24.500GHz Microwave Radar for distance detection
1943 * Measure Range: 0.5 ~~ 20m
1944 * Accuracy: ±0.1m
1945 * Measurement Angle: horizontal 78° and vertical 23°
1946 * Multiply Sampling and one uplink
1947 * GNSS for Location Report
1948 * Support Bluetooth v5.1 remote configure and update firmware
1949 * 8500mAh Battery for long term use
1950 )))
1951 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LMDS200>>doc:.LMDS200 - LoRaWAN Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN |Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1952 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1953 [[image:1655273722740-269.png||height="117" width="107"]]
1956 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1957 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3 Class A protocol
1958 * Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865
1959 * Microwave Radar for distance detection
1960 * Short uplink interval for Distance Alarm
1961 * Wall Mountable
1962 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1963 )))
1964 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**NMDS200**>>doc:.NMDS200 - NB-IoT Microwave Radar Distance Sensor User Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)NB-IoT| Microwave Radar distance sensor|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1965 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1966 [[image:1655273722740-269.png||height="117" width="107"]]
1967 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1968 * NB-IoT Bands: B1/B3/B8/B5/B20/B28
1969 * Microwave Radar for distance detection
1970 * Short uplink interval for Distance Alarm
1971 * Datalog Feature
1972 * 8500mAh Battery for long-term use
1973 )))
1974 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
1975 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**BCN02**>>BCN02]]|(% style="width:116px" %)Bluetooth|BLE iBeacon|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1976 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1977 [[image:image-20221117144601-1.png||alt="图片-20221117144601-1.png" height="114" width="114"]]
1978 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1979 * 1200mAh battery
1980 * 4~~5 year battery life with 500ms broadcast interval
1981 * Distance,100meters in open area
1982 * Configurable via mobile phone
1983 )))
1984 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[TrackerD>>doc:.TrackerD.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Tracker|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1985 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1986 [[image:image-20220709122432-1.png||alt="图片-20220709122432-1.png" height="111" width="101"]]
1987 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
1988 * LoRaWAN v1.0.3
1989 * Open Source
1990 * GPS , WiFi , BLE
1991 * Temperature & Humidity supported
1992 * Motion Detection supported
1993 * 1000mAh rechargeable battery
1994 )))
1995 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**TrackerD-LS**>>doc:.TrackerD-LS_LoRaWAN_Asset_Tracker_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Asset Tracker|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
1996 (% style="text-align:center" %)
1997 [[image:image-20231025173751-1.png||height="93" width="83"]]
2000 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
2001 * LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A
2002 * ESP32 PICO D4
2003 * SX1276/78 Wireless Chip
2004 * Arduino IDE Compatible
2005 * Regular/ Real-time GPS tracking
2006 * Built-in3 axis accelerometer
2007 * Motion sensing capability
2008 * Power Monitoring
2009 * Charging circuit via USB port
2010 * 3000mA Rechargeable Li-ion Battery + Solar Panel
2011 )))
2012 |(% colspan="5" style="width:1271px" %)
2013 |(% style="width:207px" %)(((
2014 [[**LA66 LoRaWAN Module**>>doc:.LA66 LoRaWAN Module.WebHome]]
2018 )))|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN| IoT Module|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
2019 (% style="text-align:center" %)
2020 [[image:image-20220816111200-1.png||alt="图片-20220816111200-1.png" height="87" width="103"]]
2023 (((
2025 )))
2026 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
2027 * Support LoRaWAN v1.0.3 protocol​​
2028 * Support peer-to-peer protocol
2029 * Input Power Range: 1.8v ~~ 3.7v
2030 * Frequency Range: 150 MHz ~~ 960 MHz
2031 * High sensitivity: -148 dBm
2032 * Maximum Power +22 dBm constant RF output
2033 * SMD Antenna pad and i-pex antenna connector
2034 * TCXO crystal to ensure RF performance on low temperature
2035 )))
2036 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LA66 LoRaWAN Shield>>doc:.LA66 LoRaWAN Shield User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Arduino Shield|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
2037 (% style="text-align:center" %)
2038 [[image:image-20220816111425-3.png||alt="图片-20220816111425-3.png" height="97" width="109"]]
2039 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
2040 * Support LoRaWAN v1.0.3 protocol​​
2041 * Support peer-to-peer protocol
2042 * SMA connector
2043 * Arduino Shield base on LA66 LoRaWAN module
2044 * Input Power Range: 1.8v ~~ 3.7v
2045 * Frequency Range: 150 MHz ~~ 960 MHz
2046 * High sensitivity: -148 dBm
2047 * Maximum Power +22 dBm constant RF output
2048 * TCXO crystal to ensure RF performance on low temperature
2049 )))
2050 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter>>doc:.LA66 USB LoRaWAN Adapter User Manual.WebHome]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|USB Adapter|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
2051 (% style="text-align:center" %)
2052 [[image:image-20220820112408-1.png||alt="图片-20220820112408-1.png" height="151" width="104"]]
2053 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
2054 * Support LoRaWAN v1.0.3 protocol​​
2055 * Support peer-to-peer protocol
2056 * Spring RF antenna
2057 * Input Power Range: 5v
2058 * Frequency Range: 150 MHz ~~ 960 MHz
2059 * High sensitivity: -148 dBm
2060 * Maximum Power +22 dBm constant RF output
2061 * TCXO crystal to ensure RF performance on low temperature
2062 )))
2063 |(% style="width:207px" %)[[**M.2 to USB Adapter**>>doc:.M\.2_to_USB_Adapter_User_Manual.WebHome]]|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRaWAN|Accessory|(% style="width:144px" %)(((
2064 (% style="text-align:center" %)
2065 [[image:image-20230407164711-3.png||alt="图片-20230407164711-3.png" height="48" width="114"]]
2066 )))|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
2067 * Program Board / Debug Board for LoRa ST and NB-ST
2068 )))
2069 |(% style="width:207px" %)**[[LTS5 >>LTS5 LoRa Touch Screen]]**|(% style="width:116px" %)LoRa/LoRaWAN|Touch Screen|(% style="width:144px" %)[[image:image-20241226135301-1.png]]|(% style="width:596px" %)(((
2070 * HMI LoRa/LoRaWAN Touch Screen
2071 * Open Source Project
2072 * Drag & Drop for UI development
2073 * Send data to control screen via LoRa/LoRaWAN or WiFi
2074 * 5.0” Size
2075 * ESP32 MCU + LoRa Module
2076 * RS485 Interface
2077 )))
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