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Xiaoling 36.1 1 (% style="text-align:center" %)
2 [[image:Main.User Manual for All Gateway models.WebHome@pg1302.jpg]]
Xiaoling 1.1 3
Xiaoling 36.1 6 **PG1302 LoRaWAN Concentrator User Manual**
Xiaoling 1.1 7
Xiaoling 38.1 8
Xiaoling 1.1 9
Xiaoling 73.1 10 {{toc/}}
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Xiaoling 72.1 12
13 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="H" %)
14 (((
16 )))
Xiaoling 67.1 18 === 1. Introduction ===
Xiaoling 36.1 19
Xiaoling 67.1 20 ==== 1.1 What is PG1302 LoRaWAN Concentrator? ====
Xiaoling 98.16 21
Xiaoling 98.17 22 (((
Xiaoling 98.2 23 The PG1302 is a multi-channel high performance transmitter/receiver designed to simultaneously receive several LoRa packets using random spreading factors on random channels. Its goal is to enable robust connection between a central wireless data concentrator and a massive amount of wireless end-points spread over a very wide range of distances.
Xiaoling 98.17 24 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 25
Xiaoling 98.17 26 (((
Xiaoling 98.2 27 The PG1302 is design to use with Raspberry Pi to build smart metering fixed networks and Internet of Things applications with up to 5000 nodes per km2 in moderately interfered environment.
Xiaoling 98.17 28 )))
Xiaoling 87.1 29
Xiaoling 98.17 30 (((
Xiaoling 98.2 31 PG1302 is fully compatible with RPi3/4, users can use the pre-build OS from Dragino to set up and easy to use the module by Web UI. Or install the raw lorawan driver in the exist OS.
Xiaoling 98.17 32 )))
Xiaoling 87.1 33
Xiaoling 68.1 34 ==== 1.2 Features ====
Xiaoling 36.1 35
36 * Base on Semtech SX1302 solution
37 * Support Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/4
38 * Up to -140dBm sensitivity
39 * Support 3.3v and 5v.
40 * Mini-PCIe Interface
41 * Converter board to support Raspberry Pi
Xiaoling 68.1 43 ==== 1.3 General Interfaces ====
Xiaoling 36.1 44
45 * SPI interface for LoRa
46 * Power Input: 5v, 1A
47 * 1 x I-PEX for LoRa
Xiaoling 68.1 49 ==== 1.4 Pin Mapping ====
Xiaoling 36.1 50
51 [[image:1651743282627-547.png||height="402" width="425"]]
Xiaoling 62.1 54
Xiaoling 68.1 55 ==== 1.5 LEDs ====
Xiaoling 36.1 56
Xiaoling 86.1 57 TX: Blink when transmit a packet
58 RX: Blink when receive a packet
59 Config: Always ON
Xiaoling 36.1 60
Xiaoling 62.1 61
Xiaoling 98.13 62
Xiaoling 68.1 63 ==== 1.6 Power Consumption ====
Xiaoling 36.1 64
Xiaoling 86.1 65 TBD
Xiaoling 36.1 66
Xiaoling 62.1 67
Xiaoling 68.1 68 ==== 1.7 Applications ====
Xiaoling 36.1 69
70 * Smart Buildings & Home Automation
71 * Logistics and Supply Chain Management
72 * Smart Metering
73 * Smart Agriculture
74 * Smart Cities
75 * Smart Factory
Xiaoling 68.1 77 === 2. Example: Set up as LoRaWAN gateway. ===
Xiaoling 36.1 78
Xiaoling 68.1 79 ==== 2.1 System structure ====
Xiaoling 36.1 80
Xiaoling 98.3 81 This example is an example to show how to set up the PG1302 + RPi as a LoRaWAN gateway to use with [[TheThingsNetwork>>url:http://www.thethingsnetwork.org/]](TTN) LoRaWAN server. Set up method for other server are similar.
Xiaoling 36.1 82
83 [[image:1651743698677-436.png||height="457" width="686"]]
Xiaoling 68.1 87 ==== 2.2 Hardware Installation ====
Xiaoling 36.1 88
Xiaoling 98.6 89 **Important Notice: **Please power the RPI with 5V,3A cable.
Xiaoling 36.1 90
91 [[image:1651743803032-803.png]]
Xiaoling 62.1 94
Xiaoling 68.1 95 === 3. Install the software? ===
Xiaoling 36.1 96
Xiaoling 98.11 97 There are two ways to install software in RPi4 to use PG1302.
Xiaoling 36.1 98
99 * Flash SD card with Dragino pre-build image which support Web UI.
100 * Install lora packet forwarder in existing RPi OS.
Xiaoling 68.1 102 === 4. Flash with pre-build image ===
Xiaoling 36.1 103
Xiaoling 68.1 104 ==== 4.1 Download the dragino image for RPI ====
Xiaoling 36.1 105
Xiaoling 98.11 106 Download PG1302_for_Rpi4_64_with_webui from
107 [[https:~~/~~/www.dropbox.com/sh/f6nbldh1qbspya5/AACgL6pDkwdBQO1BQqq_Nubwa?dl=0>>https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f6nbldh1qbspya5/AACgL6pDkwdBQO1BQqq_Nubwa?dl=0]]
Xiaoling 36.1 108
Xiaoling 62.1 109
Xiaoling 68.1 110 ==== 4.2 Flash the image to SD card ====
Xiaoling 36.1 111
Xiaoling 98.11 112 Flash the image to SD card:
Xiaoling 36.1 113
114 [[image:1651744119133-233.png||height="373" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 62.1 116 Note: Download the flash tool following this link
Xiaoling 36.1 117
118 [[https:~~/~~/www.balena.io/etcher/>>https://www.balena.io/etcher/]]
Xiaoling 62.1 120
Xiaoling 76.1 121 ==== 4.3 Access the Linux console ====
Xiaoling 36.1 122
Xiaoling 98.11 123 Connect the RPI Ethernet port to your router, RPi will obtain an IP address from your router. In the router’s management portal, you should be able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the RPI. You can use this IP to connect the WEB UI or SSH access of RPI. Make sure your PC and the RPI is in the same network, then use a SSH tool (such as [[putty>>url:http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~~sgtatham/putty/download.html]]) to access it. Below are screenshots
Edwin Chen 98.1 124
Xiaoling 36.1 125 [[image:1651744193675-591.png||height="450" width="466"]]
Xiaoling 98.11 127 The account details for Web Login are:
Xiaoling 36.1 128
129 **~ User Name: root**
131 **~ Password:   dragino**
134 **~ Backup account**
136 **~ Pi/dragino**
Xiaoling 98.11 138 After log in, you will be in the Linux console and type command here.
Xiaoling 36.1 139
140 [[image:1651744358515-107.png||height="366" width="581"]]
Xiaoling 68.1 143 ==== 4.4 Access the WebUI of RPi4. ====
Xiaoling 62.1 144
Xiaoling 69.1 145 ===== 4.4.1 Home page =====
Xiaoling 98.20 146 Open a browser on the PC and type the RPI ip address[[http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS** **>>url:http://192.168.1.xx/]] (If the IP is assigned by uplink router)
Xiaoling 98.5 147 You will see the login interface of RPI as shown below.
148 The account details for Web Login are:
Xiaoling 36.1 149
150 **~ User Name: root**
151 **~ Password:   dragino**
153 [[image:1651744457761-993.png||height="352" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 68.1 156 ===== 4.4.2 LoRa Page =====
Xiaoling 98.7 157 This page shows the LoRa Radio Settings. There are a set of default frequency band according to LoRaWAN protocol, and user can customize the band* as well.
Xiaoling 36.1 158
159 [[image:1651744554845-970.png||height="328" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 98.7 161 Different PG1302 hardware version can support different frequency range:
Xiaoling 36.1 162
Xiaoling 98.7 163 ➢ 868: valid frequency: 863Mhz ~~ 870Mhz. for bands EU868, RU864, IN865 or KZ865.
Xiaoling 36.1 164
Xiaoling 98.7 165 ➢ 915: valid frequency: 902Mhz ~~ 928Mhz. for bands US915, AU915, AS923 or KR920
Xiaoling 36.1 166
Xiaoling 98.7 167 After user choose the frequency plan, he can see the actually frequency in used by checking the
Xiaoling 36.1 168
Xiaoling 98.7 169 page LogRead ~-~-> LoRa Log
Xiaoling 36.1 170
Xiaoling 98.7 171 Note *: See this instruction for how to customize frequency band
Xiaoling 36.1 172
Xiaoling 98.7 173 [[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Customized_Frequency_Band_for_Gateway>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Customized_Frequency_Band_for_Gateway]]
Xiaoling 36.1 174
Xiaoling 68.1 176 ===== 4.4.3 LoRaWAN Page =====
Xiaoling 36.1 177
Xiaoling 69.1 178 ====== Semtech UDP ======
Xiaoling 36.1 179
180 [[image:1651744767914-283.png||height="352" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 98.11 182 Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN.
Xiaoling 36.1 183
Xiaoling 98.11 184 [[https:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Notes_for_TTN>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Notes_for_TTN||style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]]
Xiaoling 36.1 185
Xiaoling 68.1 187 ====== Basic Station ======
Xiaoling 36.1 188
189 [[image:1651744890629-683.png||height="380" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 98.7 191 Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN.
Xiaoling 36.1 192
Xiaoling 98.7 193 [[https:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Notes_for_AWS-IoT-Core>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Notes_for_AWS-IoT-Core]]
Xiaoling 36.1 194
Xiaoling 68.1 196 ===== 4.4.4 LogRead =====
Xiaoling 36.1 197
Xiaoling 69.1 198 ====== LoRa Log ======
Xiaoling 36.1 199
200 [[image:1651744955955-452.png||height="571" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 98.7 202 Show the frequency for LoRa Radio and traffics.
Xiaoling 36.1 203
Xiaoling 68.1 205 ====== System Log ======
Xiaoling 36.1 206
Xiaoling 98.7 207 Show system log.
Xiaoling 36.1 208
209 [[image:1651745003470-264.png||height="477" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 68.1 212 ====== Record Log ======
Xiaoling 36.1 213
Xiaoling 98.7 214 **Record the system log.**
Xiaoling 36.1 215
216 [[image:1651745069814-662.png||height="144" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 68.1 219 === 5. Install stand alone LoRa Packet Forwarder. ===
Xiaoling 36.1 220
Xiaoling 69.1 221 ==== 5.1 OS requirement ====
Xiaoling 36.1 222
Xiaoling 98.7 223 RPI in this example is RPI model 4B with fresh Raspbian OS install.
Xiaoling 36.1 224
225 pi@raspberrypi:~~$ cat /etc/os-release
227 PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
229 NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
231 VERSION_ID="8"
233 VERSION="8 (jessie)"
235 ID=raspbian
237 ID_LIKE=debian
239 HOME_URL="http:~/~/www.raspbian.org/"
241 SUPPORT_URL="http:~/~/www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums"
243 BUG_REPORT_URL="http:~/~/www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs"
Xiaoling 68.1 246 ==== 5.2 Get Gateway ID in Raspberry and input this in TTN v3. ====
Xiaoling 36.1 247
Xiaoling 98.7 248 In RPI, run below command to get a Gateway ID
Xiaoling 36.1 249
Xiaoling 98.11 250 (% class="box infomessage" %)
251 (((
252 ifconfig eth0
253 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 254
255 [[image:1651745210205-512.png||height="130" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 91.1 257 (((
Xiaoling 98.7 258 We got the ether (eth0 MAC) address is b8:27:eb:49:62:bc). Add ffff at the end and remove “:” to get the gateway ID: b827ebxxxxbcffff.  Input this to TTN v3. Make sure to select legacy packet forwarder.
Xiaoling 91.1 259 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 260
261 [[image:1651745267862-321.png||height="526" width="621"]]
263 [[image:1651745306744-481.png||height="478" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 62.1 265 After set up, the status should show not connected as below:
Xiaoling 36.1 267 [[image:1651745366987-458.png||height="363" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 68.1 270 ===== 5.2.1 Download and install LoRaWAN packet forwarder =====
Xiaoling 36.1 271
Xiaoling 98.8 272 Enable SPI and I2C first:
Xiaoling 36.1 273
Xiaoling 98.8 274 a)SPI needs to be enabled on the Raspberry Pi
Xiaoling 36.1 275
Xiaoling 98.8 276 Run sudo raspi-config to open the config window
Xiaoling 36.1 277
278 [[image:1651745476754-240.png||height="235" width="631"]]
280 [[image:image-20220505181135-1.png]]
282 [[image:image-20220505181135-2.png]]
Xiaoling 98.8 284 In RPI , Fist: Enter root account:
Xiaoling 36.1 285
286 [[image:1651745583363-614.png]]
Xiaoling 98.8 289 and then run:
Xiaoling 36.1 290
Xiaoling 98.8 291 wget [[https:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/PG1302/software/auto_install.sh>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/PG1302/software/auto_install.sh]]
Xiaoling 36.1 292
Xiaoling 98.8 293 chmod +x ./auto_install.sh
Xiaoling 36.1 294
Xiaoling 98.8 295 ./auto_install.sh
Xiaoling 36.1 296
297 [[image:1651745611629-818.png]]
Xiaoling 98.8 299 This will download the packet forwarder package from Dragino Server to RPI, and start install the package.
Xiaoling 36.1 300
Xiaoling 98.8 301 You can get these output:
Xiaoling 36.1 302
303 [[image:1651745657252-173.png||height="426" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 77.1 306 ===== 5.2.2 Config Gateway ID, Frequency Band and Server address =====
Xiaoling 36.1 307
Xiaoling 88.1 308 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 309 After installation, user can find the configuration file in** /etc/lora/ **Replace the gateway ID we got above to the **gateway_ID** in file **local_conf.json.**
Xiaoling 88.1 310 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 311
Xiaoling 88.1 312 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 313 The default LoRaWAN server points to localhost, user need to put the correct server address to the server_address field in file **local_conf.json**, like below.
Xiaoling 88.1 314 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 315
316 [[image:1651745709709-887.png||height="820" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 98.8 318 User can find the TTN v3 server address from:
Xiaoling 36.1 319
Xiaoling 98.8 320 [[Server Addresses ~| The Things Stack for LoRaWAN (thethingsindustries.com)>>url:https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/getting-started/server-addresses/#deployments]]
Xiaoling 36.1 321
Xiaoling 98.8 323 And the default frequency band is US915 in **global_conf.json** file.
Xiaoling 36.1 324
325 [[image:1651745838008-820.png||height="650" width="621"]]
Xiaoling 38.1 327 * If user want to change to other frequency bands, User can copy the file from **/etc/lora/cfg-302 **and put it into** /etc/lora/global_conf.json.**
Xiaoling 36.1 328
Xiaoling 98.8 329 1).Chose your need the name of region frequency.
Xiaoling 36.1 330
331 [[image:1651745867516-322.png]]
333 2). Use this command to copy it.
335 cp /etc/lora/cfg-302/EU-global_conf.json /etc/lora/global_conf.json
337 [[image:1651745984006-868.png]]
339 * If user wants to change to other LoRaWAN server, modify the **global_conf.json** file.
Xiaoling 69.1 341 (% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
342 (((
344 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 345
Xiaoling 68.1 346 ===== 5.2.3 Check result =====
Xiaoling 91.1 348 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 349 Run below command to restart the dragino_fwd:
Xiaoling 91.1 350 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 351
Xiaoling 91.1 352 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 353 (% class="box infomessage" %)
354 (((
355 sudo systemctl stop draginofwd
Xiaoling 91.1 356 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 357
Xiaoling 98.8 358 (% class="box infomessage" %)
Xiaoling 91.1 359 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 360 sudo systemctl start draginofwd
Xiaoling 91.1 361 )))
Xiaoling 98.8 362 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 363
Xiaoling 91.1 364 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 365 debug check the ruing status of fwd:
Xiaoling 91.1 366 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 367
Xiaoling 91.1 368 (((
Xiaoling 98.8 369 (% class="box infomessage" %)
370 (((
371 sudo systemctl status draginofwd
Xiaoling 91.1 372 )))
Xiaoling 98.8 373 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 374
375 [[image:1651746045057-414.png]]
Xiaoling 98.8 377 The dragino_fwd will start with the new gateway ID and TTN v3 should show the connection ok:
Xiaoling 36.1 378
379 [[image:1651746078253-168.png||height="372" width="621"]]
Edwin Chen 95.1 382 We can check dragino_fwd running states in RPi by running:
Xiaoling 36.1 383
Edwin Chen 95.1 384 (% class="box infomessage" %)
385 (((
386 **// sudo journalctl -u draginofwd -f//**
387 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 388
Edwin Chen 94.1 389 [[image:1651746111963-838.png]]
Xiaoling 36.1 390
Edwin Chen 93.1 391 If there are LoRaWAN nodes transmitting nearby, we can see the traffic in TTN v3 –> Gateway ~-~-> Live data
Edwin Chen 94.1 394 [[image:1651746139304-966.png||height="326" width="621"]]
Edwin Chen 93.1 395
Xiaoling 68.1 397 ===== 5.2.4 Commands to handle service =====
Xiaoling 36.1 398
399 * **Stop** dragino_fwd service:  sudo systemctl stop draginofwd
400 * **Disable** dragino_fwd auto run after boot: sudo systemctl disable draginofwd
401 * **Start** dragino_fwd : sudo systemctl start draginofwd
402 * **Auto run** dragino_fwd after boot:  sudo systemctl enable draginofwd
403 * **Show status** of dragino_fwd:  sudo systemctl status draginofwd
Xiaoling 68.1 405 === 6. Order Info ===
Xiaoling 36.1 406
Xiaoling 98.9 407 Part Number: **PG1302-XX**  Or  Part Number: **PG1302-PI-XX   **(Include RPi converter board for RPI 3/4)
Xiaoling 36.1 408
Xiaoling 76.1 409 **~ XX:**
Xiaoling 36.1 410
411 * 868 (For Bands: EU868,IN865)
412 * 915 (For Bands: US915,AU915,AS923,KR920)
413 * 470 (For Band: CN470)
Xiaoling 68.1 415 === 7. Packing Info ===
Xiaoling 36.1 416
Xiaoling 91.1 417 (((
Xiaoling 98.9 418 **PG1302 Package Includes**:
Xiaoling 91.1 419 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 420
Xiaoling 98.9 421 (((
422 * PG1302 x 1
Xiaoling 91.1 423 )))
Xiaoling 98.9 424
425 (((
426 * LoRa Antenna x 1
Xiaoling 91.1 427 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 428
Xiaoling 91.1 429 (((
Xiaoling 98.9 430 **PG1302-PI Package Includes**:
Xiaoling 91.1 431 )))
Xiaoling 36.1 432
Xiaoling 91.1 433 * (((
434 PG1302 x 1
435 )))
436 * (((
437 LoRa Antenna x 1
438 )))
439 * (((
440 RPi3/4 converter PCB
441 )))
442 * (((
443 Screws to hole converter PCB on RPI.
444 )))
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