Changes for page PG1302 -- LoRaWAN Concentrator User Manual
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... ... @@ -30,23 +30,53 @@ 30 30 ==== 1.1 What is PG1302 LoRaWAN Concentrator? ==== 31 31 32 32 ((( 33 -The PG1302 is a multi-channel high performance transmitter/receiver designed to simultaneously receive several LoRa packets using random spreading factors on random channels. Its goal is to enable robust connection between a central wireless data concentrator and a massive amount of wireless end-points spread over a very wide range of distances. 33 +((( 34 + The PG1302 is a multi-channel high performance transmitter/receiver designed to simultaneously receive several LoRa packets using random spreading factors on 34 34 ))) 35 35 36 36 ((( 37 - ThePG1302isdesigntousewithRaspberryPi toildsmartmeteringfixed networksandInternetof Things applications with upto5000nodesperkm2inmoderatelyinterferedenvironment.38 + random channels. Its goal is to enable robust connection between a central wireless data concentrator and a massive amount of wireless end-points spread over a 38 38 ))) 39 39 40 40 ((( 41 - PG1302isfullycompatible with RPi3/4, userscan use the pre-build OS from Dragino to setup and easy touse the module by Web UI. Orinstall the raw lorawandriver in the exist OS.42 + very wide range of distances. 42 42 ))) 43 43 44 44 ((( 46 + 47 +))) 48 +))) 49 + 45 45 ((( 51 +((( 52 + The PG1302 is design to use with Raspberry Pi to build smart metering fixed networks and Internet of Things applications with up to 5000 nodes per km2 in moderately 53 +))) 54 + 55 +((( 56 + interfered environment. 57 +))) 58 + 59 +((( 46 46 47 47 ))) 48 48 ))) 49 49 64 +((( 65 +((( 66 + PG1302 is fully compatible with RPi3/4, users can use the pre-build OS from Dragino to set up and easy to use the module by Web UI. Or install the raw lorawan driver 67 +))) 68 + 69 +((( 70 + in the exist OS. 71 +))) 72 +))) 73 + 74 +((( 75 +((( 76 + 77 +))) 78 +))) 79 + 50 50 ==== 1.2 Features ==== 51 51 52 52 * Base on Semtech SX1302 solution ... ... @@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ 70 70 71 71 ==== 1.5 LEDs ==== 72 72 73 - 103 + TX: Blink when transmit a packet 74 74 75 - 105 + RX: Blink when receive a packet 76 76 77 - 107 + Config: Always ON 78 78 79 79 80 80 ==== 1.6 Power Consumption ==== 81 81 82 - 112 + TBD 83 83 84 84 85 85 ==== 1.7 Applications ==== ... ... @@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ 95 95 96 96 ==== 2.1 System structure ==== 97 97 98 - 128 + This example is an example to show how to set up the PG1302 + RPi as a LoRaWAN gateway to use with [[TheThingsNetwork>>url:]](TTN) LoRaWAN server. 99 99 100 - 130 + Set up method for other server are similar. 101 101 102 102 (% style="text-align:center" %) 103 103 [[image:1651743698677-436.png||height="457" width="686"]] ... ... @@ -144,16 +144,20 @@ 144 144 ==== 4.3 Access the Linux console ==== 145 145 146 146 ((( 147 - Connect the RPI Ethernet port to your router, RPi will obtain an IP address from your router. In the router’s management portal, you should be 148 -))) 149 - 150 150 ((( 151 - able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the RPI. You can use this IP to connect the WEB UI or SSH access of RPI. 178 + Connect the RPI Ethernet port to your router, RPi will obtain an IP address from your router. In the router’s 179 + 180 + management portal, you should be able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the RPI. You can 181 + 182 + use this IP to connect the WEB UI or SSH access of RPI. 152 152 ))) 153 153 154 154 ((( 155 - Make sure your PC and the RPI is in the same network, then use a SSH tool (such as [[putty>>url:]]) to access it. Below are screenshots 186 + Make sure your PC and the RPI is in the same network, then use a SSH tool (such as [[putty>>url:]]) to access it. 187 + 188 + Below are screenshots 156 156 ))) 190 +))) 157 157 158 158 159 159 (% style="text-align:center" %) ... ... @@ -182,15 +182,14 @@ 182 182 183 183 ===== 4.4.1 Home page ===== 184 184 185 - 219 + Open a browser on the PC and type the RPI ip address 186 186 187 - [[http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS** **>>url:http://192.168.1.xx/]] (If the IP is assigned by uplink router) 221 + [[http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS** **>>url:http://192.168.1.xx/]] (If the IP is assigned by uplink router) 188 188 223 + You will see the login interface of RPI as shown below. 189 189 190 - Youwillseethelogininterfaceof RPI as shown below.225 + The account details for Web Login are: 191 191 192 - The account details for Web Login are: 193 - 194 194 **~ User Name: root** 195 195 196 196 **~ Password: dragino** ... ... @@ -201,12 +201,13 @@ 201 201 202 202 ===== 4.4.2 LoRa Page ===== 203 203 204 - protocol, and user can customize the band* as well.237 + This page shows the LoRa Radio Settings. There are a set of default frequency band according to LoRaWAN 205 205 239 + protocol, and user can customize the band* as well. 240 + 206 206 (% style="text-align:center" %) 207 207 [[image:1651744554845-970.png||height="328" width="621"]] 208 208 209 - 210 210 Different PG1302 hardware version can support different frequency range: 211 211 212 212 ➢ 868: valid frequency: 863Mhz ~~ 870Mhz. for bands EU868, RU864, IN865 or KZ865. ... ... @@ -213,7 +213,6 @@ 213 213 214 214 ➢ 915: valid frequency: 902Mhz ~~ 928Mhz. for bands US915, AU915, AS923 or KR920 215 215 216 - 217 217 After user choose the frequency plan, he can see the actually frequency in used by checking the 218 218 219 219 page LogRead ~-~-> LoRa Log ... ... @@ -231,24 +231,21 @@ 231 231 (% style="text-align:center" %) 232 232 [[image:1651744767914-283.png||height="352" width="621"]] 233 233 267 + Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN. 234 234 269 + [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]] 235 235 236 - Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN. 237 237 238 - [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 239 - 240 - 241 241 ====== Basic Station ====== 242 242 243 243 (% style="text-align:center" %) 244 244 [[image:1651744890629-683.png||height="380" width="621"]] 245 245 277 + Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN. 246 246 247 - Note *: SeethisnstructionforhowtofigureTTN.279 + [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 248 248 249 - [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 250 250 251 - 252 252 ===== 4.4.4 LogRead ===== 253 253 254 254 ====== LoRa Log ====== ... ... @@ -256,13 +256,12 @@ 256 256 (% style="text-align:center" %) 257 257 [[image:1651744955955-452.png||height="571" width="621"]] 258 258 289 + Show the frequency for LoRa Radio and traffics. 259 259 260 - Show the frequency for LoRa Radio and traffics. 261 261 262 - 263 263 ====== System Log ====== 264 264 265 - 294 + Show system log. 266 266 267 267 (% style="text-align:center" %) 268 268 [[image:1651745003470-264.png||height="477" width="621"]] ... ... @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ 281 281 282 282 ==== 5.1 OS requirement ==== 283 283 284 - 313 + RPI in this example is RPI model 4B with fresh Raspbian OS install. 285 285 286 286 pi@raspberrypi:~~$ cat /etc/os-release 287 287 ... ... @@ -306,18 +306,17 @@ 306 306 307 307 ==== 5.2 Get Gateway ID in Raspberry and input this in TTN v3. ==== 308 308 309 - 338 + In RPI, run below command to get a Gateway ID 310 310 311 - 340 + (% class="mark" %)ifconfig eth0 312 312 313 313 (% style="text-align:center" %) 314 314 [[image:1651745210205-512.png||height="130" width="621"]] 315 315 345 + We got the ether (eth0 MAC) address is b8:27:eb:49:62:bc). Add ffff at the end and remove “:” to get the gateway ID: b827ebxxxxbcffff. 316 316 317 - We got theether(eth0MAC) address is b8:27:eb:49:62:bc).Add ffffat theend andremove“:”togetthetewayID: b827ebxxxxbcffff. Inputthis toTTN v3.347 + Input this to TTN v3. Make sure to select legacy packet forwarder. 318 318 319 - Make sure to select legacy packet forwarder. 320 - 321 321 (% style="text-align:center" %) 322 322 [[image:1651745267862-321.png||height="526" width="621"]] 323 323 ... ... @@ -381,20 +381,32 @@ 381 381 382 382 ===== 5.2.2 Config Gateway ID, Frequency Band and Server address ===== 383 383 384 - After installation, user can find the configuration file in** /etc/lora/ **Replace the gateway ID we got above to the **gateway_ID** in file **local_conf.json** 412 +((( 413 + After installation, user can find the configuration file in** /etc/lora/ **Replace the gateway ID we got above to the 414 +))) 385 385 386 - The default LoRaWAN server points to localhost, user need to put the correct server address to the server_address field in file **local_conf.json**, like below. 416 +((( 417 +**~ gateway_ID** in file **local_conf.json** 418 +))) 387 387 420 +((( 421 + The default LoRaWAN server points to localhost, user need to put the correct server address to the 422 +))) 423 + 424 +((( 425 + server_address field in file **local_conf.json**, like below. 426 +))) 427 + 388 388 (% style="text-align:center" %) 389 389 [[image:1651745709709-887.png||height="820" width="621"]] 390 390 391 391 392 - 432 + User can find the TTN v3 server address from: 393 393 394 - 434 + [[Server Addresses ~| The Things Stack for LoRaWAN (>>url:]] 395 395 396 396 397 - 437 + And the default frequency band is US915 in **global_conf.json** file. 398 398 399 399 (% style="text-align:center" %) 400 400 [[image:1651745838008-820.png||height="650" width="621"]] ... ... @@ -425,43 +425,39 @@ 425 425 426 426 ===== 5.2.3 Check result ===== 427 427 428 - 468 + Run below command to restart the dragino_fwd: 429 429 430 430 sudo systemctl stop draginofwd 431 431 432 432 sudo systemctl start draginofwd 433 433 434 - 474 + debug check the ruing status of fwd: 435 435 436 - sudo systemctl status draginofwd 476 + sudo systemctl status draginofwd 437 437 438 438 (% style="text-align:center" %) 439 439 [[image:1651746045057-414.png]] 440 440 441 441 442 - 482 + The dragino_fwd will start with the new gateway ID and TTN v3 should show the connection ok: 443 443 444 444 (% style="text-align:center" %) 445 445 [[image:1651746078253-168.png||height="372" width="621"]] 446 446 447 447 488 + We can check dragino_fwd running states in RPi by running: 448 448 449 - We canheckdragino_fwdrunning states in RPi by running:490 + //**sudo journalctl -u draginofwd -f**// 450 450 451 - //**sudo journalctl -u draginofwd -f**// 452 - 453 453 (% style="text-align:center" %) 454 454 [[image:1651746111963-838.png]] 455 455 495 + If there are LoRaWAN nodes transmits nearby, we can see the traffic in TTN v3 –> Gateway ~-~-> Live data 456 456 457 - 458 - If there are LoRaWAN nodes transmits nearby, we can see the traffic in TTN v3 –> Gateway ~-~-> Live data 459 - 460 460 (% style="text-align:center" %) 461 461 [[image:1651746139304-966.png||height="326" width="621"]] 462 462 463 463 464 - 465 465 ===== 5.2.4 Commands to handle service ===== 466 466 467 467 * **Stop** dragino_fwd service: sudo systemctl stop draginofwd ... ... @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ 472 472 473 473 === 6. Order Info === 474 474 475 - Part Number: 511 + Part Number: **PG1302-XX** Or Part Number: **PG1302-PI-XX **(Include RPi converter board for RPI 3/4) 476 476 477 477 **~ XX:** 478 478