Changes for page PG1302 -- LoRaWAN Concentrator User Manual
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... ... @@ -30,16 +30,19 @@ 30 30 ==== 1.1 What is PG1302 LoRaWAN Concentrator? ==== 31 31 32 32 ((( 33 -The PG1302 is a multi-channel high performance transmitter/receiver designed to simultaneously receive several LoRa packets using random spreading factors on random channels. Its goal is to enable robust connection between a central wireless data concentrator and a massive amount of wireless end-points spread over a very wide range of distances. 33 +((( 34 +((( 35 + The PG1302 is a multi-channel high performance transmitter/receiver designed to simultaneously receive several 34 34 ))) 35 35 36 36 ((( 37 - ThePG1302isdesign touse withRaspberry Pitobuild smart metering fixed networksandInternetofThings applicationswith up to5000nodesperkm2 in moderatelyinterfered environment.39 + LoRa packets using random spreading factors on random channels. Its goal is to enable robust connection between 38 38 ))) 39 39 40 40 ((( 41 - PG1302isfullycompatiblewith RPi3/4, userscanusehe pre-build OS from Draginotoset upandeasyto usethemodulebyWebUI. Orinstalltherawlorawandriver in the existOS.43 + a central wireless data concentrator and a massive amount of wireless end-points spread over a very wide range of distances. 42 42 ))) 45 +))) 43 43 44 44 ((( 45 45 ((( ... ... @@ -46,7 +46,44 @@ 46 46 47 47 ))) 48 48 ))) 52 +))) 49 49 54 +((( 55 +((( 56 +((( 57 + The PG1302 is design to use with Raspberry Pi to build smart metering fixed networks and Internet of Things 58 +))) 59 + 60 +((( 61 + applications with up to 5000 nodes per km2 in moderately interfered environment. 62 +))) 63 +))) 64 + 65 +((( 66 +((( 67 + 68 +))) 69 +))) 70 +))) 71 + 72 +((( 73 +((( 74 +((( 75 + PG1302 is fully compatible with RPi3/4, users can use the pre-build OS from Dragino to set up and easy to use the 76 +))) 77 + 78 +((( 79 + module by Web UI. Or install the raw lorawan driver in the exist OS. 80 +))) 81 +))) 82 +))) 83 + 84 +((( 85 +((( 86 + 87 +))) 88 +))) 89 + 50 50 ==== 1.2 Features ==== 51 51 52 52 * Base on Semtech SX1302 solution ... ... @@ -70,16 +70,22 @@ 70 70 71 71 ==== 1.5 LEDs ==== 72 72 73 - TX: Blink when transmit a packet 113 +((( 114 + TX: Blink when transmit a packet 115 +))) 74 74 75 - RX: Blink when receive a packet 117 +((( 118 + RX: Blink when receive a packet 119 +))) 76 76 77 - Config: Always ON 121 +((( 122 + Config: Always ON 123 +))) 78 78 79 79 80 80 ==== 1.6 Power Consumption ==== 81 81 82 - 128 + TBD 83 83 84 84 85 85 ==== 1.7 Applications ==== ... ... @@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ 95 95 96 96 ==== 2.1 System structure ==== 97 97 98 - 144 + This example is an example to show how to set up the PG1302 + RPi as a LoRaWAN gateway to use with [[TheThingsNetwork>>url:]](TTN) LoRaWAN server. 99 99 100 - 。146 + Set up method for other server are similar. 101 101 102 102 (% style="text-align:center" %) 103 103 [[image:1651743698677-436.png||height="457" width="686"]] ... ... @@ -143,10 +143,23 @@ 143 143 144 144 ==== 4.3 Access the Linux console ==== 145 145 146 -Connect the RPI Ethernet port to your router, RPi will obtain an IP address from your router. In the router’s management portal, you should be able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the RPI. You can use this IP to connect the WEB UI or SSH access of RPI. 192 +((( 193 +((( 194 + Connect the RPI Ethernet port to your router, RPi will obtain an IP address from your router. In the router’s 147 147 148 - MakesureyourPC andtheRPIisinthesamenetwork, thenuse aSSH tool (suchas[[putty>>url:]])toaccessit.Beloware screenshots196 + management portal, you should be able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the RPI. You can 149 149 198 + use this IP to connect the WEB UI or SSH access of RPI. 199 +))) 200 + 201 +((( 202 + Make sure your PC and the RPI is in the same network, then use a SSH tool (such as [[putty>>url:]]) to access it. 203 + 204 + Below are screenshots 205 +))) 206 +))) 207 + 208 + 150 150 (% style="text-align:center" %) 151 151 [[image:1651744193675-591.png||height="450" width="466"]] 152 152 ... ... @@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ 173 173 174 174 ===== 4.4.1 Home page ===== 175 175 176 - 235 + Open a browser on the PC and type the RPI ip address 177 177 178 - [[http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS** **>>url:http://192.168.1.xx/]] (If the IP is assigned by uplink router) 237 + [[http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS** **>>url:http://192.168.1.xx/]] (If the IP is assigned by uplink router) 179 179 239 + You will see the login interface of RPI as shown below. 180 180 181 - Youwillseethelogininterfaceof RPI as shown below.241 + The account details for Web Login are: 182 182 183 - The account details for Web Login are: 184 - 185 185 **~ User Name: root** 186 186 187 187 **~ Password: dragino** ... ... @@ -192,12 +192,13 @@ 192 192 193 193 ===== 4.4.2 LoRa Page ===== 194 194 195 - protocol, and user can customize the band* as well.253 + This page shows the LoRa Radio Settings. There are a set of default frequency band according to LoRaWAN 196 196 255 + protocol, and user can customize the band* as well. 256 + 197 197 (% style="text-align:center" %) 198 198 [[image:1651744554845-970.png||height="328" width="621"]] 199 199 200 - 201 201 Different PG1302 hardware version can support different frequency range: 202 202 203 203 ➢ 868: valid frequency: 863Mhz ~~ 870Mhz. for bands EU868, RU864, IN865 or KZ865. ... ... @@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ 204 204 205 205 ➢ 915: valid frequency: 902Mhz ~~ 928Mhz. for bands US915, AU915, AS923 or KR920 206 206 207 - 208 208 After user choose the frequency plan, he can see the actually frequency in used by checking the 209 209 210 210 page LogRead ~-~-> LoRa Log ... ... @@ -222,24 +222,21 @@ 222 222 (% style="text-align:center" %) 223 223 [[image:1651744767914-283.png||height="352" width="621"]] 224 224 283 + Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN. 225 225 285 + [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]] 226 226 227 - Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN. 228 228 229 - [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 230 - 231 - 232 232 ====== Basic Station ====== 233 233 234 234 (% style="text-align:center" %) 235 235 [[image:1651744890629-683.png||height="380" width="621"]] 236 236 293 + Note *: See this instruction for how to configure TTN. 237 237 238 - Note *: SeethisnstructionforhowtofigureTTN.295 + [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 239 239 240 - [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 241 241 242 - 243 243 ===== 4.4.4 LogRead ===== 244 244 245 245 ====== LoRa Log ====== ... ... @@ -247,13 +247,12 @@ 247 247 (% style="text-align:center" %) 248 248 [[image:1651744955955-452.png||height="571" width="621"]] 249 249 305 + Show the frequency for LoRa Radio and traffics. 250 250 251 - Show the frequency for LoRa Radio and traffics. 252 252 253 - 254 254 ====== System Log ====== 255 255 256 - 310 + Show system log. 257 257 258 258 (% style="text-align:center" %) 259 259 [[image:1651745003470-264.png||height="477" width="621"]] ... ... @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ 272 272 273 273 ==== 5.1 OS requirement ==== 274 274 275 - 329 + RPI in this example is RPI model 4B with fresh Raspbian OS install. 276 276 277 277 pi@raspberrypi:~~$ cat /etc/os-release 278 278 ... ... @@ -297,18 +297,17 @@ 297 297 298 298 ==== 5.2 Get Gateway ID in Raspberry and input this in TTN v3. ==== 299 299 300 - 354 + In RPI, run below command to get a Gateway ID 301 301 302 - 356 + (% class="mark" %)ifconfig eth0 303 303 304 304 (% style="text-align:center" %) 305 305 [[image:1651745210205-512.png||height="130" width="621"]] 306 306 361 + We got the ether (eth0 MAC) address is b8:27:eb:49:62:bc). Add ffff at the end and remove “:” to get the gateway ID: b827ebxxxxbcffff. 307 307 308 - We got theether(eth0MAC) address is b8:27:eb:49:62:bc).Add ffffat theend andremove“:”togetthetewayID: b827ebxxxxbcffff. Inputthis toTTN v3.363 + Input this to TTN v3. Make sure to select legacy packet forwarder. 309 309 310 - Make sure to select legacy packet forwarder. 311 - 312 312 (% style="text-align:center" %) 313 313 [[image:1651745267862-321.png||height="526" width="621"]] 314 314 ... ... @@ -372,20 +372,32 @@ 372 372 373 373 ===== 5.2.2 Config Gateway ID, Frequency Band and Server address ===== 374 374 375 - After installation, user can find the configuration file in** /etc/lora/ **Replace the gateway ID we got above to the **gateway_ID** in file **local_conf.json** 428 +((( 429 + After installation, user can find the configuration file in** /etc/lora/ **Replace the gateway ID we got above to the 430 +))) 376 376 377 - The default LoRaWAN server points to localhost, user need to put the correct server address to the server_address field in file **local_conf.json**, like below. 432 +((( 433 +**~ gateway_ID** in file **local_conf.json** 434 +))) 378 378 436 +((( 437 + The default LoRaWAN server points to localhost, user need to put the correct server address to the 438 +))) 439 + 440 +((( 441 + server_address field in file **local_conf.json**, like below. 442 +))) 443 + 379 379 (% style="text-align:center" %) 380 380 [[image:1651745709709-887.png||height="820" width="621"]] 381 381 382 382 383 - 448 + User can find the TTN v3 server address from: 384 384 385 - 450 + [[Server Addresses ~| The Things Stack for LoRaWAN (>>url:]] 386 386 387 387 388 - 453 + And the default frequency band is US915 in **global_conf.json** file. 389 389 390 390 (% style="text-align:center" %) 391 391 [[image:1651745838008-820.png||height="650" width="621"]] ... ... @@ -416,43 +416,39 @@ 416 416 417 417 ===== 5.2.3 Check result ===== 418 418 419 - 484 + Run below command to restart the dragino_fwd: 420 420 421 421 sudo systemctl stop draginofwd 422 422 423 423 sudo systemctl start draginofwd 424 424 425 - 490 + debug check the ruing status of fwd: 426 426 427 - sudo systemctl status draginofwd 492 + sudo systemctl status draginofwd 428 428 429 429 (% style="text-align:center" %) 430 430 [[image:1651746045057-414.png]] 431 431 432 432 433 - 498 + The dragino_fwd will start with the new gateway ID and TTN v3 should show the connection ok: 434 434 435 435 (% style="text-align:center" %) 436 436 [[image:1651746078253-168.png||height="372" width="621"]] 437 437 438 438 504 + We can check dragino_fwd running states in RPi by running: 439 439 440 - We canheckdragino_fwdrunning states in RPi by running:506 + //**sudo journalctl -u draginofwd -f**// 441 441 442 - //**sudo journalctl -u draginofwd -f**// 443 - 444 444 (% style="text-align:center" %) 445 445 [[image:1651746111963-838.png]] 446 446 511 + If there are LoRaWAN nodes transmits nearby, we can see the traffic in TTN v3 –> Gateway ~-~-> Live data 447 447 448 - 449 - If there are LoRaWAN nodes transmits nearby, we can see the traffic in TTN v3 –> Gateway ~-~-> Live data 450 - 451 451 (% style="text-align:center" %) 452 452 [[image:1651746139304-966.png||height="326" width="621"]] 453 453 454 454 455 - 456 456 ===== 5.2.4 Commands to handle service ===== 457 457 458 458 * **Stop** dragino_fwd service: sudo systemctl stop draginofwd ... ... @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ 463 463 464 464 === 6. Order Info === 465 465 466 - Part Number: 527 + Part Number: **PG1302-XX** Or Part Number: **PG1302-PI-XX **(Include RPi converter board for RPI 3/4) 467 467 468 468 **~ XX:** 469 469