From version < 148.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2024/04/19 15:46
To version < 154.1
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2025/02/07 08:57
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -320,6 +320,9 @@
320 320  )))
321 321  
322 322  
323 +When cellular fails to connect or has problems, users can refer to this link to Trouble Shooting:**[[How to Trouble Shooting if Cellular connection fails>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Notes%20for%20cellular%20network%20connection/#H2.1ForLPS8N2FDLOS8N2FLG308N]]**
324 +
325 +
323 323  == 3.5  Check Internet connection ==
324 324  
325 325  
... ... @@ -639,7 +639,7 @@
639 639  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/DLOS8N/WebHome/image-20220916114346-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220916114346-7.png" height="359" width="876"]]
640 640  
641 641  
642 -== 5.3  LoRaWAN Settings ==
645 +== (% data-sider-select-id="82a87698-9674-4d38-bd25-98bcb08551b2" %)5.3  LoRaWAN Settings(%%) ==
643 643  
644 644  === 5.3.1  LoRaWAN ~-~-> LoRaWAN ===
645 645  
... ... @@ -757,6 +757,7 @@
757 757  (% data-sider-select-id="262b1aeb-7601-4231-ba98-63f35bcd6775" %)**Note *: For LG308N which doesn't have the cellular module, this page will shows Cellular not detected.**
758 758  
759 759  
763 +When cellular fails to connect or has problems, users can refer to this link to Trouble Shooting:**[[How to Trouble Shooting if Cellular connection fails>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Notes%20for%20cellular%20network%20connection/#H2.1ForLPS8N2FDLOS8N2FLG308N]]**
760 760  
761 761  == (% data-sider-select-id="c723b2da-a166-48cd-ab9e-3632fd95e945" %)5.6  System(%%) ==
762 762  
... ... @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@
839 839  [[http:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LG308N/Firmware/Application_Note/&file=Auto-update-feature.pdf>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Application_Note/&file=Auto-update-feature.pdf]]
840 840  
841 841  
842 -R-SSH is for remote access device and management, introduction for how to use: **[[Remote Access Gateway>>doc:Main.Monitor & Remote Access Gateway.WebHome]]**
846 +R-SSH is for remote access device and management, introduction for how to use: **[[Remote Access Gateway>>https://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Monitor%20%26%20Remote%20Access%20Gateway/#H3.A0RSSHIntroduction]]**
843 843  
844 844  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/DLOS8N/WebHome/image-20220916140017-16.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220916140017-16.png" height="593" width="872"]]
845 845  
... ... @@ -958,15 +958,40 @@
958 958  
959 959  = 6.  More features =
960 960  
961 -== 6.1 Packet Filtering ==
962 962  
966 +== (% data-sider-select-id="2ef025e3-4214-4b1c-bb01-ee03e1db2bc2" %)6.1 NTP Service/Time Synchronization(%%) ==
963 963  
968 +The gateway time sync service is provided by ntpd
969 +
970 +=== 1). Modify the NTP server address: ===
971 +
972 +(% class="box" %)
973 +(((
974 +~#~##Linux command
975 +
976 +uci set system.ntp.server='0.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'  #Required
977 +
978 +uci add_list system.ntp.server='1.openwrt.pool.ntp.org' #Optional
979 +
980 +uci add_list system.ntp.server='2.openwrt.pool.ntp.org' #Optional
981 +
982 +uci add_list system.ntp.server='3.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'  #Optional
983 +
984 +uci commit system #Required
985 +)))
986 +
987 +**Note: If the NTP server is a Windows host, it may cause the time synchronization to fail, **
988 +
989 +
990 +== (% data-sider-select-id="060d238c-36fc-4453-b667-8dca3129ae44" %)6.2 Packet Filtering(%%) ==
991 +
992 +
964 964  Drop unwanted packets.
965 965  
966 966  See: [[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Filter%20unwanted%20LoRaWAN%20packets/>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Filter%20unwanted%20LoRaWAN%20packets/]]
967 967  
968 968  
969 -== 6.2 Remote Access ==
998 +== (% data-sider-select-id="8f1b89cd-d9d7-4d17-b064-f4615093f894" %)6.3 Remote Access(%%) ==
970 970  
971 971  
972 972  Remote Access Devices for management.
... ... @@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
974 974  Instruction: [[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Monitor%20%26%20Remote%20Access%20Gateway/?Remote%20Access>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Monitor%20%26%20Remote%20Access%20Gateway/?Remote%20Access]]
975 975  
976 976  
977 -== 6.3 How to decode ABP LoRaWAN node ==
1006 +== (% data-sider-select-id="ef830314-529b-4dc8-8ec6-29545522bf2e" %)6.4 How to decode ABP LoRaWAN node(%%) ==
978 978  
979 979  
980 980  Decode ABP:
... ... @@ -982,7 +982,7 @@
982 982  [[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Communicate%20with%20ABP%20End%20Node%20without%20LoRaWAN%20Network%20Server%20~~-~~--%20LG308/>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Communicate%20with%20ABP%20End%20Node%20without%20LoRaWAN%20Network%20Server%20---%20LG308/]]
983 983  
984 984  
985 -== 6.4 How to set data to MQTT broker ==
1014 +== (% data-sider-select-id="304cacb4-477c-454f-90ec-649ffbe028fd" %)6.5 How to set data to MQTT broker(%%) ==
986 986  
987 987  
988 988  Only support ABP LoRaWAN End Node
... ... @@ -990,7 +990,7 @@
990 990  Instruction: [[http:~~/~~/wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/MQTT%20Forward%20Instruction/>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/MQTT%20Forward%20Instruction/]]
991 991  
992 992  
993 -== 6.5 How the gateway connects to Chirpstack v3/v4 via gateway-bridge ==
1022 +== (% data-sider-select-id="af36f615-2cec-4e1d-991d-436d8a56567d" %)6.6 How the gateway connects to Chirpstack v3/v4 via gateway-bridge(%%) ==
994 994  
995 995  
996 996  **For Chirpstack v3 Gateway-bridge**:
... ... @@ -1016,9 +1016,145 @@
1016 1016  After updating the Chirpstack gateway-bridge firmware, there is no need to re-download and install the Chirpstack gateway-bridge package
1017 1017  
1018 1018  
1019 -== 6.6  How to extend the gateway size of memory with USB device (SD/TF card, USB flash drive). ==
1048 +(% data-sider-select-id="eb4b3bf2-9e33-4650-b4d6-1bc049896baa" %)
1049 +== (% data-sider-select-id="e5ea7147-f618-4c9a-b8f9-e108ee76b9da" %)6.7  (% data-sider-select-id="1ae6690c-7910-44d5-999b-cd3b05be575f" %)How does the gateway connect to (% data-sider-select-id="e5ea7147-f618-4c9a-b8f9-e108ee76b9da" %)Chirpstack(% data-sider-select-id="1ae6690c-7910-44d5-999b-cd3b05be575f" %) via MQTT Forwarder(%%) ==
1020 1020  
1021 1021  
1052 +(% data-sider-select-id="33f2a7a8-cb1a-4c53-bd5b-716d3cc3d74f" %)
1053 +ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder is a MQTT packet forwarder for LoRa gateways. By default it forwards packets in Protobuf binary format, optionally it can be configured to use JSON encoding for debugging. In contrast to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, this component must always be installed on the gateway.
1054 +
1055 +
1056 +(% data-sider-select-id="73a14e4a-5128-4f13-8207-7837c412ff54" %)
1057 +=== 6.7.1 Configure Packet Forwarder ===
1058 +
1059 +
1060 +In the Dragino web-interface, you must configure the Packet Forwarder such that it forwards to localhost on port 1700.
1061 +
1062 +(% data-sider-select-id="2972d256-3078-403f-9e33-3740a5869405" %)
1063 +By default, the web-interface can be accessed by entering the following URL in your browser: (% data-sider-select-id="a9e64ab2-7a80-4174-b834-dba4904e3c85" %)**https:~/~/GATEWAY-IP-ADDRESS:8000**(%%) (replace GATEWAY-IP-ADDRESS by the actual IP address of your gateway). The default credentials are (% data-sider-select-id="16f9bbed-ffd7-4881-9cd1-33332f063857" %)**root / dragino**(%%).
1064 +
1065 +* In the **LoRaWAN** menu, click **LoRaWAN ~-~- Semtech UDP**
1066 +* Configure the following settings:
1067 +** **Service Provider:** //Custom / Private LoRaWAN//
1068 +** **Server Address:** //localhost//
1069 +** **Uplink Port:** //1700//
1070 +** **Downlink Port:** //1700//
1071 +* Click **Save&Apply**
1072 +
1073 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LPS8N%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Gateway%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20240518114149-2.png?width=876&height=683&rev=1.1||alt="image-20240518114149-2.png"]]
1074 +
1075 +
1076 +(% data-sider-select-id="7ada6cd9-b472-473e-b709-31db23947a9c" %)
1077 +=== 6.7.2 Install ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder ===
1078 +
1079 +
1080 +(% data-sider-select-id="cd761ad9-41f8-4cc3-8dc8-cf25ebe79e69" %)
1081 +(% data-sider-select-id="74577a45-a26e-4ab8-b56c-2ba79220e6c6" %)**SSH login**
1082 +
1083 +(% data-sider-select-id="f4b22a8a-3b87-4cc7-b4ed-451fdd8aa9a7" %)
1084 +First user must login into the gateway using SSH,user can refer to the link to access the Linux console via SSH to the gateway: **[[SSH Access for Linux console>>http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LG308N%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Gateway%20User%20Manual/#H7.A0LinuxSystem||data-sider-select-id="27b6862a-68e4-4f69-a5b2-b33d8a06a09c"]]**
1085 +
1086 +
1087 +(% data-sider-select-id="e9c9429f-f7c4-4eb3-b3f4-99553fe741b0" %)
1088 +(% data-sider-select-id="83ee7071-3524-45ba-99b2-9f3472815cd8" %)**Download IPK**
1089 +
1090 +Use the following commands to download the latest version of the chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder package:
1091 +
1092 +(% class="box infomessage" data-sider-select-id="b970d0e5-64ca-47c8-8c9c-6261200a719f" %)
1093 +(((
1094 +cd /tmp
1095 +wget https:~/~/artifacts.chirpstack.io/downloads/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder/vendor/dragino/mips_24kc/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder_4.3.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipk
1096 +)))
1097 +
1098 +
1099 +(% data-sider-select-id="27190188-ef2a-4d53-8b94-c4653b69b266" %)
1100 +(% data-sider-select-id="3fe3ef50-33b9-4c6b-b228-7364e01382f3" %)**Install IPK**
1101 +
1102 +Use the opkg package-manager to install the downloaded package. Example:
1103 +
1104 +(% class="box infomessage" data-sider-select-id="86f1197c-5aaf-4a1b-a21f-09266a2805e7" %)
1105 +(((
1106 +opkg install chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder_4.3.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipk
1107 +)))
1108 +
1109 +
1110 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LPS8N%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Gateway%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20240518134824-5.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20240518134824-5.png"]]
1111 +
1112 +(% data-sider-select-id="e8065348-1a8e-45a9-bb73-171b9322d2b2" %)
1113 +(% data-sider-select-id="e9401e38-e30d-4c39-94fa-927c9a40e151" %)**Configuration**
1114 +
1115 +(% data-sider-select-id="2a70737e-070b-4a83-a474-2fef1076a006" %)
1116 +To connect the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder to your MQTT broker, you must update the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder configuration file.
1117 +
1118 +(% data-sider-select-id="be45c14f-1537-457e-9c9b-3fec22c024ac" %)
1119 +This file is located at: (% data-sider-select-id="b010c8b8-6367-49bf-9c2e-3ee0b8a6ef0e" %)**/etc/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder.toml**
1120 +
1121 +
1122 +(% data-sider-select-id="be45c14f-1537-457e-9c9b-3fec22c024ac" %)
1123 +(% data-sider-select-id="fab61fd5-2c9f-4b72-9b65-457dca26cbd0" %)**ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder Setting:**
1124 +
1125 +(% class="box" data-sider-select-id="be45c14f-1537-457e-9c9b-3fec22c024ac" %)
1126 +(((
1127 +topic_prefix  ~-~->  This corresponds to the frequency of the ChirpStack server
1128 +
1129 +server  ~-~->  Fill in the ChirpStack server address, Example: tcp:~/~/
1130 +)))
1131 +
1132 +(% data-sider-select-id="be45c14f-1537-457e-9c9b-3fec22c024ac" %)
1133 +username,password,ca_cert,tls_cert,tls_key parameters should be set as required.
1134 +
1135 +
1136 +Use commands to modify configuration files:
1137 +
1138 +(% class="box infomessage" data-sider-select-id="b84cf72d-69e4-441c-a8fb-bd21a500d223" %)
1139 +(((
1140 +vim /etc/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder.toml
1141 +)))
1142 +
1143 +
1144 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LPS8N%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Gateway%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20240518141059-6.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20240518141059-6.png"]]
1145 +
1146 +(% data-sider-select-id="3312b6d5-334c-43ae-8cd9-2f73989940e2" %)
1147 +(% data-sider-select-id="2b334f7c-35d3-4771-8b17-5760685430ac" %)**(Re)start and stop commands**
1148 +
1149 +(% data-sider-select-id="b8175b05-70b1-4251-97a1-8c0b2644e4d4" %)
1150 +Use the following commands to (re)start and stop the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder service:
1151 +
1152 +(% class="box infomessage" data-sider-select-id="fc0e9684-3620-4f52-8045-9f6b7dd083e3" %)
1153 +(((
1154 +# start
1155 +
1156 +(% data-sider-select-id="5a644c5c-1ca5-4680-877e-c6aecd21f9de" %)
1157 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder start
1158 +
1159 +# stop
1160 +
1161 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder stop
1162 +
1163 +# restart
1164 +
1165 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder restart
1166 +)))
1167 +
1168 +(% data-sider-select-id="bd72b54d-7316-46eb-8f1e-008a17aa6e9e" %)
1169 +(% data-sider-select-id="fcef88f4-ef44-4459-9154-6cd154c5b298" %)**Check result**
1170 +
1171 +(% data-sider-select-id="bd72b54d-7316-46eb-8f1e-008a17aa6e9e" %)
1172 +Use "(% data-sider-select-id="494c67e8-3e62-45ee-8464-e2bb33057003" %)** **(%%)​​​​​(% data-sider-select-id="494c67e8-3e62-45ee-8464-e2bb33057003" style="background-color:yellow" %)**logread -f **(%%)" to check the operation of ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder.
1173 +
1174 +(% data-sider-select-id="bd72b54d-7316-46eb-8f1e-008a17aa6e9e" %)
1175 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LPS8N%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Gateway%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20240518142300-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20240518142300-7.png"]]
1176 +
1177 +
1178 +(% data-sider-select-id="a4ab5ddc-dbfe-4c41-ac6e-6159b517d02f" %)
1179 +Go back to the Chirpstack server to check whether the gateway is (% data-sider-select-id="0689bd86-c7a8-4831-b064-d1c4ed6241e5" %)**"online"**(%%) and whether the packets are displayed normally.
1180 +
1181 +
1182 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LPS8N%20-%20LoRaWAN%20Gateway%20User%20Manual/WebHome/image-20240518143050-8.png?width=1170&height=702&rev=1.1||alt="image-20240518143050-8.png"]]
1183 +
1184 +== (% data-sider-select-id="07a93540-35ce-4d6d-b77f-89e13682dd60" %)6.8  How to extend the gateway size of memory with USB device (SD/TF card, USB flash drive).(%%) ==
1185 +
1186 +
1022 1022  USB card reader plugged into the USB port of the gateway
1023 1023  
1024 1024  Access the gateway Linux Command Line
... ... @@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@
1049 1049  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/DLOS8N/WebHome/image-20230425173831-3.png?width=833&height=105&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230425173831-3.png"]]
1050 1050  
1051 1051  
1052 -== 6.7  More instructions ==
1217 +== (% data-sider-select-id="7ef57ac2-68e7-4fa6-bb6b-54f622bb6131" %)6.9  More instructions(%%) ==
1053 1053  
1054 1054  
1055 1055  [[LoRaWAN Gateway Instruction>>doc:Main.WebHome]](LoRaWAN Gateway)
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