From version < 82.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2022/11/08 17:24
To version < 116.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2023/05/04 10:18
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -11,23 +11,30 @@
11 11  
12 12  {{toc/}}
13 13  
14 -= **1. Introduction** =
15 15  
16 16  
17 -== **1.1 What is LG01-V2** ==
18 18  
19 19  
18 +
19 += **1. Introduction** =
20 +
21 +== **1.1 What is LG01v2** ==
22 +
23 +
20 20  (((
21 21  (((
22 -The LG01-V2 is an (% style="color:green" %)**open-source single channel LoRa Gateway**(%%). It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via (% style="color:green" %)**WiFi , Ethernet or Cellular Network**(%%) (via Optional 4G module). The LoRa wireless allows users to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data rates.
26 +The LG01v2 is an (% style="color:green" %)**open-source single channel LoRa Gateway**(%%). It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via (% style="color:green" %)**WiFi , Ethernet or Cellular Network**(%%) (via Optional 4G module). The LoRa wireless allows users to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data rates.
27 +
28 +LG01v2 is specially design for (% style="color:green" %)**peer to peer LoRa**(%%) protocol instead of LoRaWAN protocol. The LG01v2 use single channel LoRa module to minimize the deployment cost for a private p2p LoRa wireless network.
23 23  )))
24 24  
25 25  (((
26 -LG01-V2 supports (% style="color:green" %)**remote management**(%%). System Integrator can easy to remote monitor the gateway and maintain it.
32 +LG01v2 uses Open Source Linux system. User can modify the Linux part and develop customize software base on it. It has (% style="color:green" %)**1.2Ghz Quad-Core CPU**(%%) , (% style="color:green" %)**4GB eMMC storage**(%%) and (% style="color:green" %)**512MB RAM**(%%) for most application.
33 +
34 +LG01v2 supports (% style="color:green" %)**remote management**(%%). System Integrator can easy to remote monitor the gateway and maintain it.
27 27  )))
28 28  
29 29  
30 -
31 31  == **1.2 Specifications** ==
32 32  
33 33  
... ... @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
56 56  * Remote Management
57 57  * Auto-provisioning for batch deployment and management
58 58  * LoRa Gateway
59 -* Built-in (% style="color:#037691" %)//**The Things Network**//(%%) local LoRaWAN server
60 60  * Built-in  (% style="color:#037691" %)//**Node-Red**// (%%)local Application server
61 61  
62 62  == **1.4 Block Diagram** ==
... ... @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@
84 84  (% style="color:blue" %)//**➢ WIFI LED**//(%%)//: This LED shows the WIFI interface connection status.//
85 85  
86 86  
87 -
88 88  == **1.6 Button Intruction** ==
89 89  
90 90  
... ... @@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
101 101   //**LED status: ** ETH LED will SOLID BULE Until the restore is finished.//
102 102  
103 103  
104 -
105 105  = **2. Quick Start** =
106 106  
107 107  
... ... @@ -112,13 +112,12 @@
112 112  
113 113  == **2.1 Connects to the network and accesses the gateway Web UI** ==
114 114  
119 +=== **2.1.1 connect the network.** ===
115 115  
116 -== **2.1.1 connect the network.** ==
117 117  
122 +==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 1**(%%):  Connect via Ethernet with DHCP IP from the router ====
118 118  
119 -=== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 1**(%%):  Connect via Ethernet with DHCP IP from the router ===
120 120  
121 -
122 122  Connect the LG01-V2 Ethernet port to your router and LG01-V2 can obtain an IP address from your router. In the router's management portal, you should be able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the LG01-V2.
123 123  
124 124  You can also use this IP to connect.
... ... @@ -126,10 +126,38 @@
126 126  
127 127  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622100129-1.png?width=1263&height=332&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622100129-1.png"]]
128 128  
132 +==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 2**(%%):  Connect via LG01v2 Fallback IP ====
129 129  
130 -=== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 2**(%%):  Connect via WiFi with DHCP IP from the router ===
134 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230107084650-2.png?width=839&height=310&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230107084650-2.png" height="284" width="769"]]
131 131  
132 132  
137 +**Steps to connect via fallback IP:**
138 +
139 +~1. Connect the PC's Ethernet port to LG01v2's WAN port
140 +
141 +2. Configure PC's Ethernet port has IP: and Netmask:
142 +
143 +Settings ~-~-> Network & Internet ~-~-> Ethernet ~-~-> Change advanced sharing options ~-~-> Double-click"Ethernet" ~-~-> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
144 +
145 +
146 +As in the below photo:
147 +
148 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230413172038-1.png?width=1243&height=732&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230413172038-1.png" height="624" width="1059"]]
149 +
150 +
151 +Configure computer Ethernet port steps video: **[[fallback ip.mp4>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/fallback%20ip.mp4?rev=1.1]]**
152 +
153 +If you still can't access the LG01v2 fallback ip, follow this connection to debug :**[[Trouble Shooting>>http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LG01v2/#H10.1A0FallbackIPdoesnotwork2Chowcanuserscheck]]**
154 +
155 +3. In the PC, use IP address to access the LG01v2 via Web or Console.
156 +
157 +[[image:image-20230504095502-2.png||height="545" width="1065"]]
158 +
159 +
160 +
161 +==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 3**(%%):  Connect via WiFi with DHCP IP from the router ====
162 +
163 +
133 133  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622100542-2.png?width=1256&height=369&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622100542-2.png"]]
134 134  
135 135  
... ... @@ -145,11 +145,31 @@
145 145  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622102847-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622102847-7.png"]]
146 146  
147 147  
179 +=== 2.1.2 Access Configure Web UI ===
148 148  
181 +**Web Interface**
182 +
183 +Open a browser on the PC and type the LPS8-V2 ip address (depends on your connect method)
184 +
185 +
186 +[[(% style="background-color:yellow" %)**//http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS //**>>http://IP_ADDRESS]](%%) or (% style="background-color:yellow" %)//**[[http:~~/~~/>>]]**//(Fallback IP)
187 +
188 +You will see the login interface of LPS8-V2 as shown below.
189 +
190 +The account details for Web Login are:
191 +
192 +(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**User Name: root**
193 +
194 +(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**Password:   dragino**
195 +
196 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230106153501-1.png?width=894&height=367&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230106153501-1.png"]]
197 +
198 +
149 149  = **3. Web Configure Pages** =
150 150  
151 151  == **3.1 Home** ==
152 152  
203 +
153 153  //Shows the system running status~://
154 154  
155 155  [[image:image-20221104155612-1.png||height="497" width="942"]]
... ... @@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
157 157  
158 158  == **3.2 Network Settings** ==
159 159  
160 -
161 161  === **3.2.1 Network ~-~-> WiFi** ===
162 162  
163 163  
... ... @@ -164,7 +164,6 @@
164 164  [[image:image-20221104155654-2.png||height="319" width="813"]]
165 165  
166 166  
167 -
168 168  === **3.4.2 Network ~-~-> System Status** ===
169 169  
170 170  
... ... @@ -171,7 +171,6 @@
171 171  [[image:image-20221104155724-3.png||height="679" width="861"]]
172 172  
173 173  
174 -
175 175  === **3.4.3 Network ~-~-> Firewall** ===
176 176  
177 177  
... ... @@ -178,10 +178,8 @@
178 178  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220616115351-6.png?width=661&height=244&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220616115351-6.png"]]
179 179  
180 180  
181 -
182 182  == **3.5 System** ==
183 183  
184 -
185 185  === **3.5.1  System ~-~-> System Overview** ===
186 186  
187 187  
... ... @@ -190,7 +190,6 @@
190 190  [[image:image-20221104155907-4.png]]
191 191  
192 192  
193 -
194 194  === **3.5.2 System ~-~-> Backup/Restore** ===
195 195  
196 196  
... ... @@ -211,15 +211,13 @@
211 211   **Path**: System ~-~-> Built-in Server
212 212  
213 213  
214 -**Troubleshooting:**
259 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Troubleshooting**
215 215  
216 -
217 217  **~ 1. URL does not jump properly**
218 218  
219 219   For the Node-Red, you can use the local IP address and the port is 1880 to access it.
220 220  
221 221  
222 -
223 223  == **4.1 Application Server ~-~- Node-Red** ==
224 224  
225 225  
... ... @@ -234,10 +234,21 @@
234 234  
235 235  = **5. How to configure the Lora Gateway** =
236 236  
280 +== **5.1 Configure and Debug LoRa wireless of LG01v2** ==
237 237  
238 -== **5.1 Access the Lora configuration page** ==
239 239  
283 +First, the user needs to access the Linux console of LG01v2 via ssh
240 240  
285 +IP address:  IP address of LG01v2
286 +
287 +Port:         22
288 +
289 +User Name:      (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**root**
290 +
291 +Password:         (% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**dragino**(%%) (default)
292 +
293 +[[image:image-20230504100722-3.png||height="228" width="908"]]
294 +
241 241  Users can access the Lora configuration page by running the following command, then select the option **''serial port setup"**:
242 242  
243 243  (% class="box infomessage" %)
... ... @@ -258,7 +258,9 @@
258 258  )))
259 259  
260 260  
261 -(% style="color:red" %)**Note: Enter the corresponding letter to change the configuration, like A,B,C**(%%)
315 +(% style="color:red" %)**Note: Enter the corresponding letter to change the configuration, like A,B,C**
316 +
317 +
262 262  (% style="color:red" %)[[image:image-20221029174703-3.png]]
263 263  
264 264  
... ... @@ -267,40 +267,128 @@
267 267  
268 268  (% class="box infomessage" %)
269 269  (((
270 -AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency
271 -AT+GROUPMOD=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX group
272 -AT+BW=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Bandwidth
273 -AT+SF=12,12  ~-~--> TX and RX Spreading Factor
274 -AT+POWER=14  ~-~--> TX Power Range
326 +**AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency
327 +AT+GROUPMOD=0,0  ~-~-->  TX and RX group
328 +AT+BW=0,0  ~-~-->  TX and RX Bandwidth
329 +AT+SF=12,12  ~-~-->  TX and RX Spreading Factor
330 +AT+POWER=14  ~-~-->  TX Power Range
331 +AT+CRC=1,1  ~-~-->  TX and RX CRC Type
332 +AT+HEADER=0,0  ~-~-->  TX and RX Header Type
333 +AT+CR=1,1  ~-~-->  TX and RX Coding Rate
334 +AT+IQ=0,0  ~-~-->  TX and RX InvertIQ
335 +AT+PREAMBLE=8,8  ~-~-->  TX and RX Preamble Length
336 +AT+SYNCWORD=0  ~-~-->  Syncword(0: private,1: public)
337 +AT+RXMOD=65535,0  ~-~-->  Rx Timeout and Reply mode
338 +AT+RXDAFORM=1**                              
339 +)))
340 +
341 +
342 +== **5.2 Example: LG01v2** ==
343 +
344 +=== **5.2.1 Introduce for the example:** ===
345 +
346 +
347 +[[image:image-20221104102736-3.png||height="282" width="723"]]
348 +
349 +
350 +In this example, there are two devices:
351 +
352 +* **LA66 Shield + UNO + DHT11**: The UNO will get the temperature and humidity and broadcast the value via LoRa protocol.
353 +* **LG01v2** : LG01v2 is set to listening the LoRa Channel which LA66 is broadcasting. When LG01v2 get the data from LA66, LG01v2 will plot the data in built-in IoT server.
354 +
355 +=== **5.2.2 Set Up LA66 Shield + UNO** ===
356 +
357 +
358 +==== **Set up LA66 Module** ====
359 +
360 +
361 +LA66 Module is loaded with the firmware **[[LA66 Peer-to-Peer firmware>>http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/Instruction%20for%20LA66%20Peer%20to%20Peer%20firmware/]] **and user can use AT Command to set up LA66 with below parameters:
362 +
363 +(((
364 +(% style="color:red" %)**LA66 Shield as Sender: **
365 +
366 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
367 +(((
368 +**LA66 Shield configuration:**
369 +
370 +AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency set: 868100000
371 +AT+BW=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Bandwidth set: 125kHz
372 +AT+SF=12,12  ~-~--> TX and RX Spreading Factor set: SF12
373 +AT+POWER=14  ~-~--> TX Power Range set: 14dBm
275 275  AT+CRC=1,1  ~-~--> TX and RX CRC Type
276 276  AT+HEADER=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Header Type
277 277  AT+CR=1,1  ~-~--> TX and RX Coding Rate
278 278  AT+IQ=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX InvertIQ
279 -AT+PREAMBLE=8,8  ~-~--> TX and RX Preamble Length
378 +AT+PREAMBLE=8,8  ~-~--> TX and RX Preamble Length set: 8
280 280  AT+SYNCWORD=0  ~-~-->  Syncword**(0: private,1: public)**
281 -AT+RXMOD=65535,0  ~-~-->  Rx Timeout and Reply mode
282 -AT+RXDAFORM=1                              
380 +AT+RXMOD=6,0  ~-~-->  Rx Timeout and Reply mode
283 283  )))
382 +)))
284 284  
285 285  
286 -== **5.2 Example: LG01**-**V2 Peer-to-Peer** ==
287 287  
386 +==== **Set up Arduino UNO** ====
288 288  
289 -[[image:image-20221104102736-3.png||height="282" width="723"]]
388 +(% id="cke_bm_1033249S" style="display:none" %)** **
290 290  
390 +**Hardware Connection**
291 291  
292 -The user can run the AT command to set the LG01-V2 RX window always open as a Receiver, the LA66 Shield uses **AT+SEND=1,hello world,2,3** to simulate sending data,
392 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
393 +(((
394 +**The DHT11 sensor connects to the LA66 Shield:**
293 293  
294 -**Prerequisites: **The configuration of LG01-V2 and  LA66 Shield must match, users can use **AT+CFG** to check all configurations.
396 +**VCC  <~-~--> 3.3V (Red line)**
397 +**DATA <~-~--> PIN8 (Purple line)**
398 +**GND  <~-~--> GND (White line)**
399 +)))
295 295  
401 +[[image:image-20221108170731-5.png||height="588" width="441"]]
296 296  
297 -(% style="color:red; font-weight:bold" %)**LG01-V**(% style="color:red" %)**2 as Receiver: (configured as AT+RXMOD=65535,2)**
298 298  
299 299  
300 -**LG01-V2 configuration:**
405 +===== **1. Open Arduino IDE** =====
301 301  
407 +
408 +[[image:image-20221108172149-6.png||height="650" width="542"]]
409 +
410 +
411 +
412 +===== **2. Open project** =====
413 +
414 +
415 +Users can download Arduino files from this link: [[attach:Log-Temperature-Sensor-and-send-data-to-Node-red.ino||target="_blank"]]
416 +
417 +Then click Compile and Upload to LA66 Shield,
418 +
419 +[[image:image-20221108172432-7.png]]
420 +
421 +
422 +
423 +===== **3. Open the Serial Monitor to check the LA66 Shield data** =====
424 +
425 +
426 +The UNO will now reads the temperature and humidity data from the sensor and broadcast it via LoRa wireless,
427 +
428 +[[image:image-20221108174840-8.png||height="731" width="671"]]
429 +
430 +
431 +
432 +Sending out data as below.
433 +
434 +[[image:image-20221108175113-9.png||height="556" width="998"]]
435 +
436 +
437 +=== **5.2.3 Set Up LG01v2** ===
438 +
439 +
440 +Configure LG01v2 LoRa channel parameters so it can get data from LA66 Shield
441 +
442 +(% style="color:red; font-weight:bold" %)**LG01v**(% style="color:red" %)**2 as Receiver: (configured as AT+RXMOD=65535,2)**
443 +
302 302  (% class="box infomessage" %)
303 303  (((
446 +**LG01-V2 configuration:**
447 +
304 304  AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency set: 868100000
305 305  AT+BW=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Bandwidth set: 125kHz
306 306  AT+SF=12,12  ~-~--> TX and RX Spreading Factor set: SF12
... ... @@ -310,36 +310,53 @@
310 310  AT+CR=1,1  ~-~--> TX and RX Coding Rate
311 311  AT+IQ=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX InvertIQ
312 312  AT+PREAMBLE=8,8  ~-~--> TX and RX Preamble Length set: 8
313 -AT+SYNCWORD=0  ~-~-->  Syncword**(0: private,1: public), **the corresponding Lora shield syncword is 0x12
314 -AT+RXMOD=65535,0  ~-~-->  Rx Timeout and Reply mode, RX window always open
315 -AT+RXDAFORM=1    
457 +AT+SYNCWORD=0  ~-~-->  Syncword**(0: private,1: public)**
458 +AT+RXMOD=65535,2  ~-~-->  Rx Timeout and Reply mode, RX window always open**(0:No ACK, 1:Reply mode, 2:Send an ACK once got a message from another device. ACK Content is 0x00 FF )**
316 316  )))
317 317  
318 -[[image:image-20221102140053-4.png]]
319 319  
462 +=== **5.2.4 Test result** ===
320 320  
321 -(% style="color:red" %)**LA66 Shield as Sender: (AT+SEND=1,hello world,2,3)**
322 322  
323 -[[image:1667456058832-484.png||height="291" width="353"]]
465 +After the above configuration is complete, users can send test simulation data to check whether the configuration is correct, In LA66 sheild serial console send:(% style="color:red" %)**(AT+SEND=1,hello world,2,3).**
466 +)))
324 324  
468 +When LG01v2 replies with ACK when it receives a packet sent by LA66 sheild.
325 325  
326 -Instruction for Peer-to-Peer firmware:[[ **Instruction **>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20LoRaWAN%20End%20Nodes/LA66%20LoRaWAN%20Shield%20User%20Manual/Instruction%20for%20LA66%20Peer%20to%20Peer%20firmware/]]
327 -)))
470 +[[image:image-20221108164413-2.png]]
328 328  
329 329  
330 -Users can import this example in node-red: **[[attach:serial USB.json||target="_blank"]]**
331 331  
332 -[[image:image-20221104100520-2.png||height="605" width="1150"]]
474 +In the real-time log of LG01v2:
333 333  
476 +[[image:image-20221108170314-3.png]]
334 334  
335 -= (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)**6. How users can access LG01**(%%)**-V​​​​​​​(% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)2 using serial USB(%%)** =
336 336  
479 +=== **5.2.5 Plot data chart in LG01v2** ===
337 337  
338 -(% style="color:blue" %)**USB TTL to LG01-V2  Connection:**
339 339  
482 +User can plot the temperature and humidity chat via LG01v2 built-in IoT server.
340 340  
341 -Port 1 of the UART on the LG01-V2 is GND
484 +User can import this example in Node-Red: [[attach:Log-Temperature-Sensor-and-send-data-to-Node-red.json||target="_blank"]]
342 342  
486 +[[image:image-20221108180334-10.png||height="651" width="1141"]]
487 +
488 +
489 +The temperature and humidity chart is displayed in the built-in node-red UI
490 +
491 +**Browser input: (% style="background-color:yellow" %)__//http:~/~/<local-IPV4-address>//__(%%)**
492 +
493 +[[image:image-20221108180458-11.png||height="402" width="1137"]]
494 +
495 +
496 += (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)**6. How users can access LG01**(%%)**v(% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)2 using serial USB(%%)** =
497 +
498 +
499 +(% style="color:blue" %)**USB TTL to LG01v2  Connection:**
500 +
501 +
502 +Port 1 of the UART on the LG01v2 is GND
503 +
343 343  (% class="box infomessage" %)
344 344  (((
345 345  **TXD  <~-~--> UART RXD (Gray line)**
... ... @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
350 350  )))
351 351  
352 352  
353 -**LG01-V2 UART connection photo**
514 +**LG01v2 UART connection photo**
354 354  
355 355  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804163015-1.png?width=466&height=621&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804163015-1.png"]]
356 356  
... ... @@ -361,23 +361,29 @@
361 361  
362 362  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804164928-3.png?width=332&height=320&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804164928-3.png"]]
363 363  
525 +
364 364  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804164747-2.png?width=594&height=622&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804164747-2.png"]]
365 365  
366 366  
367 -= **7. FAQ** =
529 += **7. OTA System Update** =
368 368  
369 369  
370 -== **7.1 How does LG01-V2 communicate with Lora shield (LoRa.h)** ==
532 +LG01v2 supports system auto update via OTA, please see **[[this URL>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/OTA%20Update/]]** for the detail of this feature.
371 371  
372 372  
373 -This example describes how to use LG01-V2, LoRa Shield to set up a LoRa network
535 += **8. FAQ** =
374 374  
537 +== **8.1 How does LG01v2 communicate with Lora shield (LoRa.h)** ==
538 +
539 +
540 +This example describes how to use LG01v2, LoRa Shield to set up a LoRa network,
541 +
375 375  [[image:image-20221103152238-8.png||height="251" width="654"]]
376 376  
377 377  
378 -(% style="color:red" %)**Prerequisites: The configurations of LG01-V2 and Lora shield must match**
545 +(% style="color:red" %)**Prerequisites: The configurations of LG01v2 and Lora shield must match**
379 379  
380 -**LG01-V2 configuration:**
547 +**LG01v2 configuration:**
381 381  
382 382  (% class="box infomessage" %)
383 383  (((
... ... @@ -395,6 +395,8 @@
395 395  AT+RXDAFORM=1    
396 396  )))
397 397  
565 +
566 +
398 398  **Lora shield configuration:**
399 399  
400 400  Lora Shield example: [[attach:LoRa_Shield_Sketch_For_MQTT.ino||target="_blank"]] , [[attach:arduino-LoRa-master.zip||target="_blank"]]
... ... @@ -402,20 +402,90 @@
402 402  [[image:image-20221101161318-2.png]]
403 403  
404 404  
405 -**Test LG01-V2 to receive Lora Shield data:**
406 406  
575 +**Test LG01v2 to receive Lora Shield data:**
576 +
407 407  [[image:image-20221101161951-3.png]]
408 408  
409 409  
410 -**Test the LG01-V​​​​​​​2 to send data:**
411 411  
581 +**Test the LG01v2 to send data:**
582 +
412 412  [[image:image-20221101162527-4.png]]
413 413  
414 414  
415 -= (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)**8. Supports**(%%) =
586 +== **8.2 How does LG01v2 communicate with Heltec LoRa Node** ==
416 416  
417 417  
589 +This example describes how to use LG01v2 and Heltec LoRa Node to set up a LoRa network,
590 +
591 +[[image:image-20221112161111-2.png||height="258" width="692"]]
592 +
593 +(% style="color:red" %)**Prerequisites: The configurations of LG01v2 and Lora shield must match**
594 +
595 +
596 +**LG01v2 configuration:**
597 +
598 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
418 418  (((
600 +AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency set: 868100000
601 +AT+BW=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Bandwidth set: 125kHz
602 +AT+SF=12,12  ~-~--> TX and RX Spreading Factor set: SF12
603 +AT+POWER=14  ~-~--> TX Power Range
604 +AT+CRC=1,1  ~-~--> TX and RX CRC Type
605 +AT+HEADER=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Header Type
606 +AT+CR=1,1  ~-~--> TX and RX Coding Rate
607 +AT+IQ=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX InvertIQ
608 +AT+PREAMBLE=8,8  ~-~--> TX and RX Preamble Length set: 8
609 +AT+SYNCWORD=0  ~-~-->  Syncword**(0: private,1: public), **the corresponding Lora shield syncword is 0x12
610 +AT+RXMOD=65535,0  ~-~-->  Rx Timeout and Reply mode,RX window always open
611 +AT+RXDAFORM=1  ~-~--> RX data format**(0: Hex ,1: String)**
612 +)))
613 +
614 +
615 +After we upload the sketch to Heltec LoRa Node, we can see below output from Arduino.
616 +
617 +Lora Shield example: [[attach:LoRa_send_trial.ino||target="_blank"]]
618 +
619 +[[image:image-20221112162733-3.png||height="524" width="927"]]
620 +
621 +
622 +And we can see the logread of gateway as below, means the packet arrive gateway:
623 +
624 +[[image:image-20221112163119-4.png||height="808" width="560"]]
625 +
626 +
627 += **9. OTA System Update** =
628 +
629 +LG01v2 supports system auto update via OTA, please see **[[this URL>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/OTA%20Update/]]** for the detail of this feature.
630 +
631 +
632 += **10. Trouble Shooting** =
633 +
634 +== 10.1  Fallback IP does not work, how can users check ==
635 +
636 +When the computer has completed the above fallback IP configuration,the LG01v2 Web UI is still not accessible via fallback IP.
637 +
638 +
639 +**1.Check whether the configuration is correct**
640 +
641 +Run the CMD command to ipconfig and ping
642 +
643 +If this fails, the user needs to reconfigure.
644 +
645 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230413170224-3.png?width=707&height=433&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230413170224-3.png"]]
646 +
647 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230413170246-4.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20230413170246-4.png"]]
648 +
649 +**2. Check whether the firewall is disabled**
650 +
651 +If the firewall is not down, this will affect access to the gateway.
652 +
653 +
654 += (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)**11. Supports**(%%) =
655 +
656 +
657 +(((
419 419  **//If you are experiencing issues and can't solve them, you can send mail to [[support@dragino.com>>mailto:support@dragino.com]].//**
420 420  )))
421 421  
... ... @@ -423,29 +423,24 @@
423 423  **//With your question as detailed as possible. We will reply and help you in the shortest.//**
424 424  
425 425  
665 += **12. Reference** =
426 426  
427 -= **9. Reference** =
428 428  
668 +* Install Tago Core: Refer **Install Tago Core in LG01v2** in[[ Instruction>>doc:Main.Tago\.IO.WebHome]].
669 +* [[Advance OS Reference Guide for L>>doc:Main.Armbian OS instruction.WebHome]]G01v2.
429 429  
430 -* Install Tago Core: Refer **Install Tago Core in LPS8v2** in[[ Instruction>>doc:Main.Tago\.IO.WebHome]].
431 -* [[Advance OS Reference Guide for LPS8v2>>doc:Main.Armbian OS instruction.WebHome]].
432 -
433 433  
434 434  )))
435 435  
436 -= **10. Order Info** =
674 += **13. Order Info** =
437 437  
438 438  
439 -(% style="color:#0000ff" %)**LPS8v2-XXX-YYY**
677 +(% style="color:#0000ff" %)**LG01v2-XXX-YYY**
440 440  
441 441  (% style="color:#0000ff" %)**XXX**(% style="color:black" %): Frequency Band
442 442  
443 -* (% style="color:red" %)**AS923**(%%): LoRaWAN AS923 band
444 -* (% style="color:red" %)**AU915**(%%): LoRaWAN AU915 band
445 -* (% style="color:red" %)**EU868**(%%): LoRaWAN EU868 band
446 -* (% style="color:red" %)**KR920**(%%): LoRaWAN KR920 band
447 -* (% style="color:red" %)**US915**(%%): LoRaWAN US915 band
448 -* (% style="color:red" %)**IN865**(%%):  LoRaWAN IN865 band
681 +* (% style="color:red" %)**868**(%%): For frequency : 863 ~~ 870Mhz
682 +* (% style="color:red" %)**915**(%%): For frequency : 902 ~~ 928Mhz
449 449  
450 450  (% style="color:#0000ff" %)**YYY**(% style="color:black" %): 4G Cellular Option
451 451  
... ... @@ -457,10 +457,9 @@
457 457  More info about valid bands, please see [[EC25-E product page>>url:https://www.quectel.com/product/ec25.htm]].
458 458  
459 459  
694 += **14. Manufacturer Info** =
460 460  
461 -= **10. Manufacturer Info** =
462 462  
463 -
464 464  **Shenzhen Dragino Technology Development co. LTD**
465 465  
466 466  Room 202, Block B, BCT Incubation Bases (BaoChengTai),  No.8 CaiYunRoad
... ... @@ -468,10 +468,9 @@
468 468  LongCheng Street, LongGang District ; Shenzhen 518116,China
469 469  
470 470  
704 += **15. FCC Warning** =
471 471  
472 -= **11. FCC Warning** =
473 473  
474 -
475 475  (((
476 476  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
477 477  )))
... ... @@ -501,7 +501,6 @@
501 501  (((
502 502  The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
503 503  
736 +
504 504  
505 505  )))
506 -
507 -~)~)~)
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +3.4 KB
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,124 @@
1 +#include "LoRaWan_APP.h"
2 +#include "Arduino.h"
3 +
4 +
5 +#define RF_FREQUENCY 868100000 // Hz
6 +
7 +#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 5 // dBm
8 +
9 +#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 0 // [0: 125 kHz,
10 + // 1: 250 kHz,
11 + // 2: 500 kHz,
12 + // 3: Reserved]
13 +#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR 12 // [SF7..SF12]
14 +#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
15 + // 2: 4/6,
16 + // 3: 4/7,
17 + // 4: 4/8]
18 +#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
19 +#define LORA_SYMBOL_TIMEOUT 0 // Symbols
20 +#define LORA_FIX_LENGTH_PAYLOAD_ON false
21 +#define LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON false
22 +
23 +
24 +#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE 1000
25 +#define BUFFER_SIZE 30 // Define the payload size here
26 +
27 +float tem,hum;
28 +char tem_1[8]={"\0"},hum_1[8]={"\0"};
29 +char *node_id = "<GW01>"; //From LG01 via web Local Channel settings on MQTT.Please refer <> dataformat in here.
30 +
31 +char txpacket[BUFFER_SIZE];
32 +char rxpacket[BUFFER_SIZE];
33 +
34 +double txNumber;
35 +
36 +bool lora_idle=true;
37 +
38 +static RadioEvents_t RadioEvents;
39 +void OnTxDone( void );
40 +void OnTxTimeout( void );
41 +
42 +void dhtTem()
43 +{
44 + tem = random(15,40);
45 + hum = random(40,80);
46 + Serial.println(F("The temperature and humidity:"));
47 + Serial.print("[");
48 + Serial.print(tem);
49 + Serial.print("℃");
50 + Serial.print(",");
51 + Serial.print(hum);
52 + Serial.print("%");
53 + Serial.print("]");
54 + Serial.println("");
55 +}
56 +
57 +void dhtWrite()
58 +{
59 + char data[50] = "\0";
60 + for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
61 + {
62 + data[i] = node_id[i];
63 + }
64 +
65 + dtostrf(tem,0,1,tem_1);
66 + dtostrf(hum,0,1,hum_1);
67 +
68 + strcat(data,"tem_a=");
69 + strcat(data,tem_1);
70 + strcat(data,"&hum_a=");
71 + strcat(data,hum_1);
72 + strcpy((char *)txpacket,data);
73 +
74 + Serial.println((char *)txpacket);
75 +}
76 +
77 +void setup() {
78 + Serial.begin(115200);
79 + Mcu.begin();
80 +
81 + txNumber=0;
82 +
83 + RadioEvents.TxDone = OnTxDone;
84 + RadioEvents.TxTimeout = OnTxTimeout;
85 +
86 + Radio.Init( &RadioEvents );
87 + Radio.SetChannel( RF_FREQUENCY );
91 + true, 0, 0, LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON, 3000 );
92 + }
93 +
94 +
95 +
96 +void loop()
97 +{
98 + if(lora_idle == true)
99 + {
100 + delay(5000);
101 + txNumber += 0.01;
102 + Serial.println(txNumber);
103 +
104 + dhtTem();
105 + dhtWrite();
106 + Radio.Send( (uint8_t *)txpacket, strlen(txpacket) ); //send the package out
107 + lora_idle = false;
108 + }
109 + Radio.IrqProcess( );
110 +}
111 +
112 +void OnTxDone( void )
113 +{
114 + Serial.println("TX done......");
115 + lora_idle = true;
116 +}
117 +
118 +void OnTxTimeout( void )
119 +{
120 + Radio.Sleep( );
121 + Serial.println("TX Timeout......");
122 + lora_idle = true;
123 +}
124 +
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +10.3 KB
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,443 @@
1 +[
2 + {
3 + "id": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
4 + "type": "tab",
5 + "label": "serial USB",
6 + "disabled": false,
7 + "info": "",
8 + "env": []
9 + },
10 + {
11 + "id": "4a97eeb54bf57a6d",
12 + "type": "serial in",
13 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
14 + "name": "",
15 + "serial": "bb1c0e81fd51fa9e",
16 + "x": 210,
17 + "y": 60,
18 + "wires": [
19 + [
20 + "d2493fb9752dbcab",
21 + "d183c255973c979e"
22 + ]
23 + ]
24 + },
25 + {
26 + "id": "12f1eeb8049675c1",
27 + "type": "inject",
28 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
29 + "name": "AT+SEND=1,hello world,0,3",
30 + "props": [
31 + {
32 + "p": "payload"
33 + }
34 + ],
35 + "repeat": "",
36 + "crontab": "",
37 + "once": false,
38 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
39 + "topic": "",
40 + "payload": "AT+SEND=1,hello world,0,3",
41 + "payloadType": "str",
42 + "x": 220,
43 + "y": 260,
44 + "wires": [
45 + [
46 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
47 + ]
48 + ]
49 + },
50 + {
51 + "id": "a5d2f5df63a2148e",
52 + "type": "serial out",
53 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
54 + "name": "",
55 + "serial": "bb1c0e81fd51fa9e",
56 + "x": 540,
57 + "y": 260,
58 + "wires": []
59 + },
60 + {
61 + "id": "dc04c04a0bc0e5db",
62 + "type": "inject",
63 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
64 + "name": "",
65 + "props": [
66 + {
67 + "p": "payload"
68 + }
69 + ],
70 + "repeat": "",
71 + "crontab": "",
72 + "once": false,
73 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
74 + "topic": "",
75 + "payload": "ATZ",
76 + "payloadType": "str",
77 + "x": 290,
78 + "y": 320,
79 + "wires": [
80 + [
81 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
82 + ]
83 + ]
84 + },
85 + {
86 + "id": "3de96a220e28e8f0",
87 + "type": "inject",
88 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
89 + "name": "AT+FRE",
90 + "props": [
91 + {
92 + "p": "payload"
93 + }
94 + ],
95 + "repeat": "",
96 + "crontab": "",
97 + "once": false,
98 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
99 + "topic": "",
100 + "payload": "AT+FRE=868.100,868.100",
101 + "payloadType": "str",
102 + "x": 280,
103 + "y": 380,
104 + "wires": [
105 + [
106 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
107 + ]
108 + ]
109 + },
110 + {
111 + "id": "638725a47a1e4365",
112 + "type": "inject",
113 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
114 + "name": "AT+BW",
115 + "props": [
116 + {
117 + "p": "payload"
118 + }
119 + ],
120 + "repeat": "",
121 + "crontab": "",
122 + "once": false,
123 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
124 + "topic": "",
125 + "payload": "AT+BW=0,0",
126 + "payloadType": "str",
127 + "x": 290,
128 + "y": 440,
129 + "wires": [
130 + [
131 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
132 + ]
133 + ]
134 + },
135 + {
136 + "id": "85ba9868d1f3e82c",
137 + "type": "inject",
138 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
139 + "name": "AT+SF",
140 + "props": [
141 + {
142 + "p": "payload"
143 + }
144 + ],
145 + "repeat": "",
146 + "crontab": "",
147 + "once": false,
148 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
149 + "topic": "",
150 + "payload": "AT+SF=12,12",
151 + "payloadType": "str",
152 + "x": 290,
153 + "y": 500,
154 + "wires": [
155 + [
156 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
157 + ]
158 + ]
159 + },
160 + {
161 + "id": "144b2749013ffe57",
162 + "type": "inject",
163 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
164 + "name": "AT+RXMOD",
165 + "props": [
166 + {
167 + "p": "payload"
168 + }
169 + ],
170 + "repeat": "",
171 + "crontab": "",
172 + "once": false,
173 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
174 + "topic": "",
175 + "payload": "AT+RXMOD=65535,2",
176 + "payloadType": "str",
177 + "x": 270,
178 + "y": 560,
179 + "wires": [
180 + [
181 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
182 + ]
183 + ]
184 + },
185 + {
186 + "id": "bfb2e9df89dc5e2f",
187 + "type": "inject",
188 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
189 + "name": "AT+SYNCWORD",
190 + "props": [
191 + {
192 + "p": "payload"
193 + }
194 + ],
195 + "repeat": "",
196 + "crontab": "",
197 + "once": false,
198 + "onceDelay": 0.1,
199 + "topic": "",
200 + "payload": "AT+SYNCWORD=0",
201 + "payloadType": "str",
202 + "x": 260,
203 + "y": 620,
204 + "wires": [
205 + [
206 + "a5d2f5df63a2148e"
207 + ]
208 + ]
209 + },
210 + {
211 + "id": "d2493fb9752dbcab",
212 + "type": "function",
213 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
214 + "name": "function 1",
215 + "func": "var data = msg.payload\nif (data.substring(0, 4) == \"Data\") {\n if (data.substring(6, 12) == \"(HEX:)\") {\n var temp = data.substring(13, 15) + data.substring(16, 18)\n var hum = data.substring(19, 21) + data.substring(22, 24)\n var temp1 = parseInt(temp, 16) / 100\n var hum1 = parseInt(hum, 16) / 10\n var a1 = { payload: temp1 }, a2 = { payload: hum1 }\n }\n if (data.substring(6, 15) == \"(String:)\") {\n var temp = data.substring(20, 24)\n var hum = data.substring(29, 34)\n a1 = { payload: temp }, a2 = { payload: hum }\n }\n}\nif (data.substring(0, 4) == \"Rssi\") {\n var rssi = data.substring(6)\n var a3 = { payload: rssi }\n}\nreturn [a1, a2, a3];",
216 + "outputs": 3,
217 + "noerr": 0,
218 + "initialize": "",
219 + "finalize": "",
220 + "libs": [],
221 + "x": 420,
222 + "y": 60,
223 + "wires": [
224 + [
225 + "c17d94be4317ae6c"
226 + ],
227 + [
228 + "20c5b1c7f42fa6bb"
229 + ],
230 + [
231 + "39a8462f3d748eef"
232 + ]
233 + ]
234 + },
235 + {
236 + "id": "39a8462f3d748eef",
237 + "type": "ui_chart",
238 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
239 + "name": "",
240 + "group": "ef41b39771110fa5",
241 + "order": 1,
242 + "width": 0,
243 + "height": 0,
244 + "label": "RSSI",
245 + "chartType": "line",
246 + "legend": "false",
247 + "xformat": "dd HH:mm",
248 + "interpolate": "linear",
249 + "nodata": "",
250 + "dot": true,
251 + "ymin": "",
252 + "ymax": "",
253 + "removeOlder": 1,
254 + "removeOlderPoints": "",
255 + "removeOlderUnit": "3600",
256 + "cutout": 0,
257 + "useOneColor": false,
258 + "useUTC": false,
259 + "colors": [
260 + "#1f77b4",
261 + "#aec7e8",
262 + "#ff7f0e",
263 + "#2ca02c",
264 + "#98df8a",
265 + "#d62728",
266 + "#ff9896",
267 + "#9467bd",
268 + "#c5b0d5"
269 + ],
270 + "outputs": 1,
271 + "useDifferentColor": false,
272 + "className": "",
273 + "x": 670,
274 + "y": 180,
275 + "wires": [
276 + []
277 + ]
278 + },
279 + {
280 + "id": "c17d94be4317ae6c",
281 + "type": "ui_chart",
282 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
283 + "name": "",
284 + "group": "7e1d1c102cf74e6b",
285 + "order": 1,
286 + "width": 0,
287 + "height": 0,
288 + "label": "Temperature",
289 + "chartType": "line",
290 + "legend": "false",
291 + "xformat": "HH:mm:ss",
292 + "interpolate": "linear",
293 + "nodata": "",
294 + "dot": true,
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296 + "ymax": "",
297 + "removeOlder": 1,
298 + "removeOlderPoints": "",
299 + "removeOlderUnit": "3600",
300 + "cutout": 0,
301 + "useOneColor": false,
302 + "useUTC": false,
303 + "colors": [
304 + "#1f77b4",
305 + "#aec7e8",
306 + "#ff7f0e",
307 + "#2ca02c",
308 + "#98df8a",
309 + "#d62728",
310 + "#ff9896",
311 + "#9467bd",
312 + "#c5b0d5"
313 + ],
314 + "outputs": 1,
315 + "useDifferentColor": false,
316 + "className": "",
317 + "x": 690,
318 + "y": 100,
319 + "wires": [
320 + []
321 + ]
322 + },
323 + {
324 + "id": "20c5b1c7f42fa6bb",
325 + "type": "ui_chart",
326 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
327 + "name": "",
328 + "group": "3f5d139f158d7c1c",
329 + "order": 2,
330 + "width": 0,
331 + "height": 0,
332 + "label": "Humidity",
333 + "chartType": "line",
334 + "legend": "false",
335 + "xformat": "HH:mm:ss",
336 + "interpolate": "linear",
337 + "nodata": "",
338 + "dot": true,
339 + "ymin": "",
340 + "ymax": "",
341 + "removeOlder": 1,
342 + "removeOlderPoints": "",
343 + "removeOlderUnit": "3600",
344 + "cutout": 0,
345 + "useOneColor": false,
346 + "useUTC": false,
347 + "colors": [
348 + "#1f77b4",
349 + "#aec7e8",
350 + "#ff7f0e",
351 + "#2ca02c",
352 + "#98df8a",
353 + "#d62728",
354 + "#ff9896",
355 + "#9467bd",
356 + "#c5b0d5"
357 + ],
358 + "outputs": 1,
359 + "useDifferentColor": false,
360 + "className": "",
361 + "x": 680,
362 + "y": 140,
363 + "wires": [
364 + []
365 + ]
366 + },
367 + {
368 + "id": "d183c255973c979e",
369 + "type": "debug",
370 + "z": "0a211e08511c4bdd",
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