From version < 31.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2022/11/01 16:07
To version < 32.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2022/11/01 16:09
Change comment: Uploaded new attachment "LoRa_Shield_Sketch_For_MQTT.ino", version {1}



... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +XWiki.Kilight
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1 +2.9 KB
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,118 @@
1 +#include <SPI.h>
2 +#include <LoRa.h>
3 +
4 +// This is the LoRa Node side sketch for the MQTT example: http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=MQTT_Forward_Instruction#Example_to_communicate_to_a_simple_MQTT_server
5 +
6 +float tem,hum;
7 +char tem_1[8]={"\0"},hum_1[8]={"\0"};
8 +char *node_id = "<4567>"; //From LG01 via web Local Channel settings on MQTT.Please refer <> dataformat in here.
9 +uint8_t datasend[36];
10 +unsigned int count = 1;
11 +unsigned long new_time,old_time=0;
12 +
13 +void setup()
14 +{
15 + Serial.begin(9600);
16 + while (!Serial);
17 + Serial.println(F("Start MQTT Example"));
18 + if (!LoRa.begin(868100000)) //868000000 is frequency
19 + {
20 + Serial.println("Starting LoRa failed!");
21 + while (1);
22 + }
23 + // Setup Spreading Factor (6 ~ 12)
24 + LoRa.setSpreadingFactor(12);
25 +
26 + // Setup BandWidth, option: 7800,10400,15600,20800,31250,41700,62500,125000,250000,500000
27 + //Lower BandWidth for longer distance.
28 + LoRa.setSignalBandwidth(125000);
29 +
30 + // Setup Coding Rate:5(4/5),6(4/6),7(4/7),8(4/8)
31 + LoRa.setCodingRate4(5);
32 + LoRa.setSyncWord(0x12);
33 + void disableCrc();
34 + LoRa.disableInvertIQ();
35 + LoRa.explicitHeaderMode();
36 + Serial.println("LoRa init succeeded.");
37 + LoRa.onReceive(onReceive);
38 + LoRa.receive();
39 +}
40 +
41 +void dhtTem()
42 +{
43 + tem = random(15,40);
44 + hum = random(40,80);
45 + Serial.println(F("The temperature and humidity:"));
46 + Serial.print("[");
47 + Serial.print(tem);
48 + Serial.print("℃");
49 + Serial.print(",");
50 + Serial.print(hum);
51 + Serial.print("%");
52 + Serial.print("]");
53 + Serial.println("");
54 +}
55 +void dhtWrite()
56 +{
57 + char data[50] = "\0";
58 + //for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
59 + //{
60 + // data[i] = node_id[i];
61 + //}
62 +
63 + dtostrf(tem,0,1,tem_1);
64 + dtostrf(hum,0,1,hum_1);
65 +
66 + // Serial.println(tem_1);
67 + strcat(data,"tem=");
68 + strcat(data,tem_1);
69 + strcat(data,"&hum=");
70 + strcat(data,hum_1);
71 + strcpy((char *)datasend,data);
72 +
73 + //Serial.println((char *)datasend);
74 + //Serial.println(sizeof datasend);
75 +
76 +}
77 +
78 +
79 +void SendData()
80 +{
81 + LoRa.beginPacket();
82 + LoRa.print((char *)datasend);
83 + LoRa.endPacket();
84 + Serial.println("Packet Sent");
85 +}
86 +
87 +
88 +
89 +void loop()
90 +{
91 + new_time=millis();
92 + if (new_time - old_time >= 30000 || old_time == 0)
93 + {
94 + old_time = new_time;
95 + Serial.print("########### ");
96 + Serial.print("COUNT=");
97 + Serial.print(count);
98 + Serial.println(" ###########");
99 + count++;
100 + dhtTem();
101 + dhtWrite();
102 + SendData();
103 + LoRa.receive();
104 + }
105 +}
106 +
107 +void onReceive(int packetSize) {
108 +
109 + // received a packet
110 + Serial.print("Received packet : ");
111 +
112 + // read packet
113 + for (int i = 0; i < packetSize; i++) {
114 + Serial.print((char)LoRa.read());
115 + }
116 + Serial.print("\n\r");
117 +}
118 +
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