From version < 148.2 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2023/12/15 10:28
To version < 134.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2023/06/07 17:39
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.Xiaoling
1 +XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
7 7  
8 8  )))
9 9  
10 -**Table of Contents:**
10 +**Table of Contents**
11 11  
12 12  {{toc/}}
13 13  
... ... @@ -25,9 +25,7 @@
25 25  (((
26 26  The LG01v2 is an (% style="color:blue" %)**open-source single channel LoRa Gateway**(%%). It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via (% style="color:blue" %)**WiFi , Ethernet or Cellular Network**(%%) (via Optional 4G module). The LoRa wireless allows users to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data rates.
27 27  
28 -LG01v2 is specially designed for (% style="color:blue" %)**peer-to-peer LoRa**(%%) protocol instead of LoRaWAN protocol. The LG01v2 uses a single-channel LoRa module to minimize the deployment cost for a private p2p LoRa wireless network.
29 -
30 -(% style="color:red" %)**Note: The LG01v2 can't register and connect to the LoRaWAN server(Such as The Things NetWork, AWS, or Chirpstack..)**
28 +LG01v2 is specially design for (% style="color:blue" %)**peer to peer LoRa**(%%) protocol instead of LoRaWAN protocol. The LG01v2 use single channel LoRa module to minimize the deployment cost for a private p2p LoRa wireless network.
31 31  )))
32 32  
33 33  (((
... ... @@ -77,15 +77,21 @@
77 77  LG01-V2 has totally four LEDs, They are:
78 78  
79 79  
80 -(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ Power LED**[[image:image-20231014092959-4.png]](%%): This RED LED will be solid if the device is properly powered
78 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ Power LED**(%%): This RED LED will be solid if the device is properly powered
81 81  
82 -(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ ETH LED**[[image:image-20231014092934-2.png]](%%):  This RGB LED will blink GREEN when the ETH port is connecting
80 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ ETH LED**(%%):  This RGB LED will blink GREEN when the ETH port is connecting
83 83  
84 -(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ SYS LED**[[image:image-20231014092954-3.png]](%%):  Undefined yet
82 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ SYS LED**(%%):  This RGB LED will show different colors in different states:
85 85  
86 -(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ WIFI LED**[[image:image-20231014092843-1.png]](%%): This LED shows the WIFI interface connection status.
84 + **SOLID GREEN:** The device is alive with a LoRaWAN server connection.
87 87  
86 + ✓ **BLINKING GREEN:** a) Device has internet connection but no LoRaWAN Connection. or b) Device is in booting stage, in this stage, it will BLINKING GREEN for several seconds and then with BLINKING GREEN together
88 88  
88 + ✓** SOLID RED:** Device doesn't have an Internet connection.
89 +
90 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ WIFI LED**(%%): This LED shows the WIFI interface connection status.
91 +
92 +
89 89  == 1.6 Button Intruction ==
90 90  
91 91  
... ... @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
112 112  
113 113  == 2.1 Access and Configure LG01-v2 ==
114 114  
119 +
115 115  === 2.1.1 Find IP address of LG01-v2 ===
116 116  
117 117  
... ... @@ -513,16 +513,48 @@
513 513  [[image:image-20221108180458-11.png||height="402" width="1137"]]
514 514  
515 515  
521 += (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)6. How users can access LG01(%%)v(% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)2 using serial USB(%%) =
516 516  
517 -= 6. OTA System Update =
518 518  
524 +(% style="color:blue" %)**USB TTL to LG01v2  Connection:**
519 519  
526 +
527 +Port 1 of the UART on the LG01v2 is GND
528 +
529 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
530 +(((
531 +**TXD  <~-~--> UART RXD (Gray line)**
532 +
533 +**RXD  <~-~--> UART TXD (White line)**
534 +
535 +**GND <~-~--> GND (Black line)**
536 +)))
537 +
538 +
539 +**LG01v2 UART connection photo**
540 +
541 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804163015-1.png?width=466&height=621&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804163015-1.png"]]
542 +
543 +
544 +
545 +In the PC, you can use the serial port tool(such as [[putty>>url:http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~~sgtatham/putty/download.html]] in Windows), you need to set the serial baud rate to (% style="color:blue" %)**115200**(%%) to access the serial console for LG01v2. LG01v2 will output system info once power on as below:
546 +
547 +
548 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804164928-3.png?width=332&height=320&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804164928-3.png"]]
549 +
550 +
551 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804164747-2.png?width=594&height=622&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804164747-2.png"]]
552 +
553 +
554 += 7. OTA System Update =
555 +
556 +
520 520  LG01v2 supports system auto update via OTA, please see **[[this URL>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/OTA%20Update/]]** for the detail of this feature.
521 521  
522 522  
523 -= 7. FAQ =
560 += 8. FAQ =
524 524  
525 -== 7.1 How does LG01v2 communicate with Lora shield (LoRa.h) ==
562 +== 8.1 How does LG01v2 communicate with Lora shield (LoRa.h) ==
526 526  
527 527  
528 528  This example describes how to use LG01v2, LoRa Shield to set up a LoRa network,
... ... @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
571 571  [[image:image-20221101162527-4.png]]
572 572  
573 573  
574 -== 7.2 How does LG01v2 communicate with Heltec LoRa Node ==
611 +== 8.2 How does LG01v2 communicate with Heltec LoRa Node ==
575 575  
576 576  
577 577  This example describes how to use LG01v2 and Heltec LoRa Node to set up a LoRa network,
... ... @@ -612,79 +612,11 @@
612 612  [[image:image-20221112163119-4.png||height="808" width="560"]]
613 613  
614 614  
615 -== 7.3 How does LG01v2 communicate with LoRaWAN node ==
652 += 9. Trouble Shooting =
616 616  
654 +== 9.1  Fallback IP does not work, how can users check ==
617 617  
618 -This example describes how to use LG01v2 and LSN50 to set up a  network,
619 619  
620 -In this case, users need to set LSN50 to work in ABP mode and transmit in only one frequency.
621 -
622 -Assume we have a LG01v2 working in the frequency 868100000 now, below is the steps.
623 -
624 -
625 -**Step1: **Configure the LG01v2
626 -
627 -(% class="box infomessage" %)
628 -(((
629 -AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency set: 868100000
630 -AT+BW=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Bandwidth set: 125kHz
631 -AT+SF=12,12  ~-~--> TX and RX Spreading Factor set: SF12
632 -AT+SYNCWORD=1  ~-~-->  Syncword**(0: private,1: public), **the corresponding Lora shield syncword is 0x12
633 -)))
634 -
635 -**Step2:  **Run AT commands to make the LSN50 work in Single frequency and ABP mode. Below are the AT commands:
636 -
637 -(% class="box infomessage" %)
638 -(((
639 -AT+FDR  ~-~--> Reset Parameters to Factory Default, Keys Reserve
640 -AT+NJM=0  ~-~-->  Set to ABP mode
641 -AT+ADR=0  ~-~-->  Set the Adaptive Data Rate Off
642 -AT+DR=0  ~-~--> Set Data Rate (Set AT+DR=3 for 915 band)
643 -AT+TDC=300000  ~-~-->  Set transmit interval to 5 minutes
644 -AT+CHS=868100000  ~-~--> Set transmit frequency to 868.1Mhz
645 -AT+DADDR=FFFFF111  ~-~--> Set Device Address to 26 01 1A F1
646 -ATZ  ~-~--> Reset MCU
647 -)))
648 -
649 -**Step3:  **Check result
650 -
651 -
652 -
653 -User can plot the temperature and humidity chat via LG01v2 built-in IoT server.
654 -
655 -User can import this example in Node-Red: [[attach:LG01v2_LSN50v2_S31.json||target="_blank"]]
656 -
657 -
658 -First the user needs to fill in the NwkSkey and AppSkey in the LoraWan Packet Decrypter node.
659 -
660 -[[image:image-20230620103535-2.png||height="591" width="1138"]]
661 -
662 -[[image:image-20230620103153-1.png||height="610" width="1141"]]
663 -
664 -
665 -The data will be displayed in the built-in node-red UI
666 -
667 -**Browser input: (% style="background-color:yellow" %)__//http:~/~/<local-IPV4-address>//__(%%)**
668 -
669 -[[image:image-20230620103923-3.png||height="476" width="1138"]]
670 -
671 -
672 -== 7.4 How can users factory reset LG01v2 ==
673 -
674 -
675 -Users can download the image of LG01v2 from this link:[[dragino-lg01v2-1.7-0210>>https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g0si61lcrvdjyto4ma951/dragino-lg01v2-1.7-0210.zip?rlkey=t03oqo493r2p7ign488rs2jsv&dl=0]]
676 -
677 -
678 -Then follow the steps in the link below to restore factory Settings to LG01v2:
679 -
680 -[[How to flash a new image(OS) to the gateway>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Armbian%20OS%20instruction/#H2.3A0Howtoflashanewimage28OS29tothegateway28LPS8V229]]
681 -
682 -
683 -= 8. Trouble Shooting =
684 -
685 -== 8.1  Fallback IP does not work, how can users check ==
686 -
687 -
688 688  When the computer has completed the above fallback IP configuration,the LG01v2 Web UI is still not accessible via fallback IP.
689 689  
690 690  
... ... @@ -704,7 +704,7 @@
704 704  If the firewall is not down, this will affect access to the gateway.
705 705  
706 706  
707 -= (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)9. Supports(%%) =
676 += (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)10. Supports(%%) =
708 708  
709 709  
710 710  (((
... ... @@ -715,17 +715,16 @@
715 715  With your question as detailed as possible. We will reply and help you in the shortest.
716 716  
717 717  
718 -= 10. Reference =
687 += 11. Reference =
719 719  
720 720  
721 721  * Install Tago Core: Refer **Install Tago Core in LG01v2** in[[ Instruction>>doc:Main.Tago\.IO.WebHome]].
722 -
723 723  * [[Advance OS Reference Guide for L>>doc:Main.Armbian OS instruction.WebHome]]G01v2.
724 724  
725 725  
726 726  )))
727 727  
728 -= 11. Order Info =
696 += 12. Order Info =
729 729  
730 730  
731 731  (% style="color:#0000ff" %)**LG01v2-XXX-YYY**
... ... @@ -737,15 +737,15 @@
737 737  
738 738  (% style="color:#0000ff" %)**YYY**(% style="color:black" %): 4G Cellular Option
739 739  
740 -* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-E**(% style="color:black" %):  EMEA, Korea, Thailand, India
741 -* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-AFX**(% style="color:black" %): America: Verizon, AT&T(FirstNet), U.S.Cellular; Canada: Telus
742 -* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-AUX**(% style="color:black" %): Latin America, New Zeland, Taiwan
743 -* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-J**(% style="color:black" %):  Japan, DOCOMO, SoftBankKDDI
708 +* (% style="color:red" %)**E**(%%):  EMEA, Korea, Thailand, India.
709 +* (% style="color:red" %)**A**(%%):  North America/ Rogers/AT&T/T-Mobile.
710 +* (% style="color:red" %)**AU**(%%): Latin America, New Zeland, Taiwan
711 +* (% style="color:red" %)**J**(%%):  Japan, DOCOMO/SoftBank/ KDDI
744 744  
745 745  More info about valid bands, please see [[EC25-E product page>>url:https://www.quectel.com/product/ec25.htm]].
746 746  
747 747  
748 -= 12. Manufacturer Info =
716 += 13. Manufacturer Info =
749 749  
750 750  
751 751  **Shenzhen Dragino Technology Development co. LTD**
... ... @@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
755 755  LongCheng Street, LongGang District ; Shenzhen 518116,China
756 756  
757 757  
758 -= 13. FCC Warning =
726 += 14. FCC Warning =
759 759  
760 760  
761 761  (((
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -16.5 KB
... ... @@ -1,587 +1,0 @@
1 -[
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4 - "type": "tab",
5 - "label": "流程 1",
6 - "disabled": false,
7 - "info": "",
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10 - {
11 - "id": "9c26fa2f19e2b556",
12 - "type": "function",
13 - "z": "5e07f5eeeb2a969b",
14 - "name": "hex to base64",
15 - "func": "var input = msg.payload;\nvar base64 = Buffer.from(input, 'hex').toString('base64');\nmsg.payload = base64;\nreturn msg;",
16 - "outputs": 1,
17 - "noerr": 0,
18 - "initialize": "",
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33 - "z": "5e07f5eeeb2a969b",
34 - "name": "function 4",
35 - "func": "var bytes = msg.payload[\"uplink_message\"]\nvar data = msg.payload[\"out\"]\nvar mode = (parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16) & 0x7C) >> 2;\nif (mode != 2)\n{\nvar bat = (parseInt(data.substring(0,4),16)&0x3FFF)/1000;\nvar TempC1 = (parseFloat(parseInt(data.substring(4, 8),16)/10).toFixed(2));\nvar ADC_CH0V = (parseInt(data.substring(8, 12), 16) ) / 1000;\nvar Digital_IStatus = (parseInt((data.substring(8, 12),16) & 0x02))?\"H\":\"L\"; \n\nif (mode != 6) {\n\n var EXTI_Trigger = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16) & 0x01))? \"TRUE\" : \"FALSE\";\n\n var Door_status = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16) & 0x80))? \"CLOSE\" : \"OPEN\";\n\n}\n}\nif (mode == 0) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"IIC\";\n\n if ((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16)) == 0){\n\n var Illum = (parseInt(data.substring(8, 12), 16));\n\n }\n\n else {\n\n var TempC_SHT = parseFloat(((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16)) / 10).toFixed(2));\n\n var Hum_SHT = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n }\n \n}\n\nelse if (mode == 1) {\n\n var Work_mode = \" Distance\";\n\n var Distance_cm = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n if (((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16))) != 65535){\n\n var Distance_signal_strength = parseFloat(((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16))).toFixed(0));\n\n }\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 2) {\n\n var Work_mode = \" 3ADC\";\n\n var BatV = (parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16)) / 10;\n\n var ADC_CH0V = ((parseInt(data.substring(0, 4), 16))) / 1000;\n\n var ADC_CH1V = ((parseInt(data.substring(4, 8), 16))) / 1000;\n\n var ADC_CH4V = ((parseInt(data.substring(8, 12), 16))) / 1000;\n\n var Digital_IStatus = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16)) & 0x02) ? \"H\" : \"L\";\n\n var EXTI_Trigger = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16)) & 0x01) ? \"TRUE\" : \"FALSE\";\n\n var Door_status = ((parseInt(data.substring(13, 14), 16)) & 0x80) ? \"CLOSE\" : \"OPEN\";\n\n if ((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16) === 0)) {\n\n var Illum = ((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16)));\n\n }\n\n else {\n\n var TempC_SHT = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16))) / 10).toFixed(2));\n\n var Hum_SHT = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(18, 24), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n }\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 3) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"3DS18B20\";\n\n var TempC2 = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16))) / 10).toFixed(2));\n\n var TempC3 = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(18, 24), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 4) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"Weight\";\n\n var Weight = ((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16)));\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 5) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"Count\";\n\n var Count = ((parseInt(data.substring(14, 22), 16)));\n\n}\n\n\n\nvar b = { payload: bat }, c = { payload: TempC1 }, d = { payload: ADC_CH0V }, e = { payload: Digital_IStatus }, f = { payload: EXTI_Trigger }, g = { payload: Door_status }, j = { payload: TempC_SHT }, s = { payload: Hum_SHT }, k = { payload: Work_mode };\nreturn [b,c,d,e,f,g,j,k,s];",
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96 - }
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