From version < 109.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2023/02/15 08:49
To version < 143.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2023/10/14 09:28
Change comment: Uploaded new attachment "image-20231014092843-1.png", version {1}



Page properties
... ... @@ -16,26 +16,26 @@
16 16  
17 17  
18 18  
19 -= **1. Introduction** =
19 += 1. Introduction =
20 20  
21 -== **1.1 What is LG01v2** ==
21 +== 1.1 What is LG01v2 ==
22 22  
23 23  
24 24  (((
25 25  (((
26 -The LG01v2 is an (% style="color:green" %)**open-source single channel LoRa Gateway**(%%). It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via (% style="color:green" %)**WiFi , Ethernet or Cellular Network**(%%) (via Optional 4G module). The LoRa wireless allows users to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data rates.
26 +The LG01v2 is an (% style="color:blue" %)**open-source single channel LoRa Gateway**(%%). It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via (% style="color:blue" %)**WiFi , Ethernet or Cellular Network**(%%) (via Optional 4G module). The LoRa wireless allows users to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data rates.
27 27  
28 -LG01v2 is specially design for (% style="color:green" %)**peer to peer LoRa**(%%) protocol instead of LoRaWAN protocol. The LG01v2 use single channel LoRa module to minimize the deployment cost for a private p2p LoRa wireless network.
28 +LG01v2 is specially design for (% style="color:blue" %)**peer to peer LoRa**(%%) protocol instead of LoRaWAN protocol. The LG01v2 use single channel LoRa module to minimize the deployment cost for a private p2p LoRa wireless network.
29 29  )))
30 30  
31 31  (((
32 -LG01v2 uses Open Source Linux system. User can modify the Linux part and develop customize software base on it. It has (% style="color:green" %)**1.2Ghz Quad-Core CPU**(%%) , (% style="color:green" %)**4GB eMMC storage**(%%) and (% style="color:green" %)**512MB RAM**(%%) for most application.
32 +LG01v2 uses Open Source Linux system. User can modify the Linux part and develop customize software base on it. It has (% style="color:blue" %)**1.2Ghz Quad-Core CPU**(%%) , (% style="color:blue" %)**4GB eMMC storage**(%%) and (% style="color:blue" %)**512MB RAM**(%%) for most application.
33 33  
34 -LG01v2 supports (% style="color:green" %)**remote management**(%%). System Integrator can easy to remote monitor the gateway and maintain it.
34 +LG01v2 supports (% style="color:blue" %)**remote management**(%%). System Integrator can easy to remote monitor the gateway and maintain it.
35 35  )))
36 36  
37 37  
38 -== **1.2 Specifications** ==
38 +== 1.2 Specifications ==
39 39  
40 40  
41 41  (% style="color:#037691" %)**Hardware System:**
... ... @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
55 55  * Storage Temperature: -20 ~~ 65°C
56 56  * Power Input: 5V, 2A, DC
57 57  
58 -== **1.3 Features** ==
58 +== 1.3 Features ==
59 59  
60 60  
61 61  * Open Source Debian system
... ... @@ -65,48 +65,48 @@
65 65  * LoRa Gateway
66 66  * Built-in  (% style="color:#037691" %)//**Node-Red**// (%%)local Application server
67 67  
68 -== **1.4 Block Diagram** ==
68 +== 1.4 Block Diagram ==
69 69  
70 70  
71 71  
72 -== **1.5 LED Indicators** ==
72 +== 1.5 LED Indicators ==
73 73  
74 74  
75 75  LG01-V2 has totally four LEDs, They are:
76 76  
77 77  
78 -(% style="color:blue" %)//**➢ Power LED**//(%%)//: This RED LED will be solid if the device is properly powered//
78 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ Power LED**(%%): This RED LED will be solid if the device is properly powered
79 79  
80 -(% style="color:blue" %)//**➢ ETH LED**//(%%)//:  This RGB LED will blink GREEN when the ETH port is connecting//
80 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ ETH LED**(%%):  This RGB LED will blink GREEN when the ETH port is connecting
81 81  
82 -(% style="color:blue" %)//**➢ SYS LED**//(%%)//:  This RGB LED will show different colors in different states~://
82 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ SYS LED**(%%):  This RGB LED will show different colors in different states:
83 83  
84 -// ✓ **SOLID GREEN:** The device is alive with a LoRaWAN server connection.//
84 + ✓ **SOLID GREEN:** The device is alive with a LoRaWAN server connection.
85 85  
86 -// ✓ **BLINKING GREEN:** a) Device has internet connection but no LoRaWAN Connection. or b) Device is in booting stage, in this stage, it will BLINKING GREEN for several seconds and then with BLINKING GREEN together//
86 + ✓ **BLINKING GREEN:** a) Device has internet connection but no LoRaWAN Connection. or b) Device is in booting stage, in this stage, it will BLINKING GREEN for several seconds and then with BLINKING GREEN together
87 87  
88 -// ✓** SOLID RED:** Device doesn't have an Internet connection.//
88 + ✓** SOLID RED:** Device doesn't have an Internet connection.
89 89  
90 -(% style="color:blue" %)//**➢ WIFI LED**//(%%)//: This LED shows the WIFI interface connection status.//
90 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ WIFI LED**(%%): This LED shows the WIFI interface connection status.
91 91  
92 92  
93 -== **1.6 Button Intruction** ==
93 +== 1.6 Button Intruction ==
94 94  
95 95  
96 96  LG01-V2 has a black toggle button, which is:
97 97  
98 98  
99 -(% style="color:blue" %)**// //Long press 4-5s  : **(%%)the gateway will reload the Network and Initialize wifi configuration
99 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ Long press 4-5s  : **(%%)the gateway will reload the Network and Initialize wifi configuration
100 100  
101 - // **LED status: ** ETH LED will BLINKIND BULE Until the reload is finished.//
101 + **LED status: ** ETH LED will BLINKIND BULE Until the reload is finished.
102 102  
103 103  
104 -(% style="color:blue" %)//**➢ **//**Long press more than 10s:**(%%)**    **//the gateway will restore the factory settings.//
104 +(% style="color:blue" %)**➢ Long press more than 10s:**(%%)**    **the gateway will restore the factory settings.
105 105  
106 - //**LED status: ** ETH LED will SOLID BULE Until the restore is finished.//
106 + **LED status: ** ETH LED will SOLID BULE Until the restore is finished.
107 107  
108 108  
109 -= **2. Quick Start** =
109 += 2. Quick Start =
110 110  
111 111  
112 112  The LG01-V2 supports network access via Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection and runs without a network.
... ... @@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
114 114  In most cases, the first thing you need to do is make the LG01-v2 accessible to the network.
115 115  
116 116  
117 -== **2.1 Connects to the network and accesses the gateway Web UI** ==
117 +== 2.1 Access and Configure LG01-v2 ==
118 118  
119 -== **2.1.1 connect the network.** ==
119 +=== 2.1.1 Find IP address of LG01-v2 ===
120 120  
121 121  
122 -=== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 1**(%%):  Connect via Ethernet with DHCP IP from the router ===
122 +==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 1**(%%):  Connect via Ethernet with DHCP IP from the router ====
123 123  
124 124  
125 125  Connect the LG01-V2 Ethernet port to your router and LG01-V2 can obtain an IP address from your router. In the router's management portal, you should be able to find what IP address the router has assigned to the LG01-V2.
... ... @@ -129,10 +129,38 @@
129 129  
130 130  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622100129-1.png?width=1263&height=332&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622100129-1.png"]]
131 131  
132 +==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 2**(%%):  Connect via LG01v2 Fallback IP ====
132 132  
133 -=== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 2**(%%):  Connect via WiFi with DHCP IP from the router ===
134 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230107084650-2.png?width=839&height=310&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230107084650-2.png" height="284" width="769"]]
134 134  
135 135  
137 +**Steps to connect via fallback IP:**
138 +
139 +~1. Connect the PC's Ethernet port to LG01v2's WAN port
140 +
141 +2. Configure PC's Ethernet port has IP: and Netmask:
142 +
143 +**Settings ~-~-> Network & Internet ~-~-> Ethernet ~-~-> Change advanced sharing options ~-~-> Double-click"Ethernet" ~-~-> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)**
144 +
145 +
146 +As in the below photo:
147 +
148 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230413172038-1.png?width=1243&height=732&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230413172038-1.png" height="624" width="1059"]]
149 +
150 +
151 +Configure computer Ethernet port steps video: **[[fallback ip.mp4>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/fallback%20ip.mp4?rev=1.1]]**
152 +
153 +If you still can't access the LG01v2 fallback ip, follow this connection to debug : **[[Trouble Shooting>>http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/LG01v2/#H10.1A0FallbackIPdoesnotwork2Chowcanuserscheck]]**
154 +
155 +3. In the PC, use IP address to access the LG01v2 via Web or Console.
156 +
157 +[[image:image-20230506115438-13.png||height="554" width="1047"]]
158 +
159 +
160 +
161 +==== (% style="color:blue" %)**Method 3**(%%):  Connect via WiFi with DHCP IP from the router ====
162 +
163 +
136 136  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622100542-2.png?width=1256&height=369&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622100542-2.png"]]
137 137  
138 138  
... ... @@ -139,68 +139,111 @@
139 139  Fill in the WiFi information by checking the box and clicking (% style="color:red" %)**Save&Apply**
140 140  
141 141  
142 -[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622102702-6.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622102702-6.png"]]
170 +[[image:image-20230506113332-2.png]]
143 143  
144 144  
145 145  **Wi-Fi configuration successful**
146 146  
147 147  
148 -[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220622102847-7.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20220622102847-7.png"]]
176 +[[image:image-20230506113432-3.png||height="397" width="855"]]
149 149  
150 150  
151 -= **3. Web Configure Pages** =
179 +=== 2.1.2 Access Configure Web UI ===
152 152  
153 -== **3.1 Home** ==
154 154  
182 +**Web Interface**
155 155  
156 -//Shows the system running status~://
184 +Open a browser on the PC and type the LG01v2 ip address (depends on your connect method)
157 157  
158 -[[image:image-20221104155612-1.png||height="497" width="942"]]
159 159  
187 +[[(% style="background-color:yellow" %)**//http:~~/~~/IP_ADDRESS //**>>http://IP_ADDRESS]](%%) or (% style="background-color:yellow" %)//**[[http:~~/~~/>>]]**//(Fallback IP)
160 160  
161 -== **3.2 Network Settings** ==
189 +You will see the login interface of LG01v2 as shown below.
162 162  
163 -=== **3.2.1 Network ~-~-> WiFi** ===
191 +The account details for Web Login are:
164 164  
193 +(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**User Name: root**
165 165  
166 -[[image:image-20221104155654-2.png||height="319" width="813"]]
195 +(% style="color:#4f81bd" %)**Password:   dragino**
167 167  
197 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230106153501-1.png?width=894&height=367&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230106153501-1.png"]]
168 168  
169 -=== **3.4.2 Network ~-~-> System Status** ===
170 170  
200 += 3. Web Configure Pages =
171 171  
172 -[[image:image-20221104155724-3.png||height="679" width="861"]]
202 +== 3.1 Home ==
173 173  
174 174  
175 -=== **3.4.3 Network ~-~-> Firewall** ===
205 +Shows the system running status:
176 176  
207 +[[image:image-20230506113531-4.png||height="430" width="818"]]
177 177  
178 -[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220616115351-6.png?width=661&height=244&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220616115351-6.png"]]
179 179  
210 +== 3.2 Network Settings ==
180 180  
181 -== **3.5 System** ==
212 +=== 3.2.1 Network ~-~-> WiFi ===
182 182  
183 -=== **3.5.1  System ~-~-> System Overview** ===
184 184  
215 +[[image:image-20230506113602-5.png]]
185 185  
217 +
218 +=== 3.4.2 Network ~-~-> System Status ===
219 +
220 +
221 +[[image:image-20230506113623-6.png||height="511" width="672"]]
222 +
223 +
224 +== 3.5 System ==
225 +
226 +=== 3.5.1  System ~-~-> System Overview ===
227 +
228 +
186 186  Shows the system info:
187 187  
188 -[[image:image-20221104155907-4.png]]
231 +[[image:image-20230506113705-7.png]]
189 189  
190 190  
191 -=== **3.5.2 System ~-~-> Backup/Restore** ===
234 +=== 3.5.2 System ~-~-> Backup/Restore ===
192 192  
193 193  
194 -[[image:image-20221104155928-5.png||height="334" width="880"]]
237 +[[image:image-20230506113722-8.png||height="254" width="797"]]
195 195  
196 196  
197 -= (% id="cke_bm_1978S" style="display:none" %)** **(%%)**4. Build in Server** =
240 +=== 3.5.3 System ~-~-> System General ===
198 198  
199 199  
243 +In the **System-> System General** interface, Users can customize the configuration System Password and set Timezone.
244 +
245 +In addition, Users can customize the FallBack IP address.
246 +
247 +[[image:image-20230506113813-10.png||height="659" width="749"]]
248 +
249 +
250 +=== 3.5.4 System ~-~-> Remoteit ===
251 +
252 +
253 +In the **System-> Remoteit** interface, users can configure the gateway to be accessed remotely via Remote.it.
254 +
255 +the users can refer to this link to configure them: **[[Monitor & Remote Access Gateway>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Monitor%20%26%20Remote%20Access%20Gateway/?Remote%20Access#H2.1A0RemoteAccessviaRemote.it.]]**
256 +
257 +[[image:image-20230506113831-11.png||height="567" width="748"]]
258 +
259 +
260 +=== 3.5.5 System ~-~-> Package Management ===
261 +
262 +
263 +In the **System ~-~-> Package Management** interface, Users can check the current version of Core Packages.
264 +
265 +[[image:image-20230506114127-12.png||height="803" width="762"]]
266 +
267 +
268 += (% id="cke_bm_1978S" style="display:none" %) (%%)4. Build in Server =
269 +
270 +
200 200  The default factory version of LG01-V2 is installed with the built-in Applicant server: (% style="color:blue" %)**Node-Red**
201 201  
202 202  
203 -[[image:image-20221104155949-6.png||height="315" width="1023"]]
274 +[[image:image-20230506113737-9.png]]
204 204  
205 205  
206 206  (% style="color:red" %)**Note:**
... ... @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
215 215   For the Node-Red, you can use the local IP address and the port is 1880 to access it.
216 216  
217 217  
218 -== **4.1 Application Server ~-~- Node-Red** ==
289 +== 4.1 Application Server ~-~- Node-Red ==
219 219  
220 220  
221 221  You can access the gateway's built-in AS server of (% style="color:blue" %)**Node-Red **(%%)via the URL((% style="background-color:yellow" %)__**//http:~/~/<hostname>:1880 or http:~/~/<local-IPV4-address>//**__(%%)) in your browser.
... ... @@ -227,11 +227,24 @@
227 227  [[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220725172124-3.png?width=843&height=610&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220725172124-3.png"]]
228 228  
229 229  
230 -= **5. How to configure the Lora Gateway** =
301 += 5. How to configure the Lora Gateway =
231 231  
232 -== **5.1 Configure and Debug LoRa wireless of LG01v2** ==
303 +== 5.1 Configure and Debug LoRa wireless of LG01v2 ==
233 233  
234 234  
306 +First, the user needs to access the Linux console of LG01v2 via ssh
307 +
308 +**IP address:  (% style="color:blue" %)IP address of LG01v2(%%)**
309 +
310 +**Port:  (% style="color:blue" %)22(%%)**
311 +
312 +**User Name:   (% style="color:blue" %)root(%%)**
313 +
314 +**Password:  (% style="color:blue" %)dragino(default)(%%)**
315 +
316 +[[image:image-20230504100722-3.png||height="228" width="908"]]
317 +
318 +
235 235  Users can access the Lora configuration page by running the following command, then select the option **''serial port setup"**:
236 236  
237 237  (% class="box infomessage" %)
... ... @@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
279 279  )))
280 280  
281 281  
282 -== **5.2 Example: LG01v2** ==
366 +== 5.2 Example: LG01v2 ==
283 283  
284 -=== **5.2.1 Introduce for the example:** ===
368 +=== 5.2.1 Introduce for the example: ===
285 285  
286 286  
287 287  [[image:image-20221104102736-3.png||height="282" width="723"]]
... ... @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
292 292  * **LA66 Shield + UNO + DHT11**: The UNO will get the temperature and humidity and broadcast the value via LoRa protocol.
293 293  * **LG01v2** : LG01v2 is set to listening the LoRa Channel which LA66 is broadcasting. When LG01v2 get the data from LA66, LG01v2 will plot the data in built-in IoT server.
294 294  
295 -=== **5.2.2 Set Up LA66 Shield + UNO** ===
379 +=== 5.2.2 Set Up LA66 Shield + UNO ===
296 296  
297 297  
298 298  ==== **Set up LA66 Module** ====
... ... @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
374 374  [[image:image-20221108175113-9.png||height="556" width="998"]]
375 375  
376 376  
377 -=== **5.2.3 Set Up LG01v2** ===
461 +=== 5.2.3 Set Up LG01v2 ===
378 378  
379 379  
380 380  Configure LG01v2 LoRa channel parameters so it can get data from LA66 Shield
... ... @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
399 399  )))
400 400  
401 401  
402 -=== **5.2.4 Test result** ===
486 +=== 5.2.4 Test result ===
403 403  
404 404  
405 405  After the above configuration is complete, users can send test simulation data to check whether the configuration is correct, In LA66 sheild serial console send:(% style="color:red" %)**(AT+SEND=1,hello world,2,3).**
... ... @@ -416,12 +416,12 @@
416 416  [[image:image-20221108170314-3.png]]
417 417  
418 418  
419 -=== **5.2.5 Plot data chart in LG01v2** ===
503 +=== 5.2.5 Plot data chart in LG01v2 ===
420 420  
421 421  
422 422  User can plot the temperature and humidity chat via LG01v2 built-in IoT server.
423 423  
424 -User can import this example in Node-Red: [[attach:Log-Temperature-Sensor-and-send-data-to-node-red.json||target="_blank"]]
508 +User can import this example in Node-Red: [[attach:Log-Temperature-Sensor-and-send-data-to-Node-red.json||target="_blank"]]
425 425  
426 426  [[image:image-20221108180334-10.png||height="651" width="1141"]]
427 427  
... ... @@ -433,48 +433,16 @@
433 433  [[image:image-20221108180458-11.png||height="402" width="1137"]]
434 434  
435 435  
436 -= (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)**6. How users can access LG01**(%%)**v(% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)2 using serial USB(%%)** =
437 437  
521 += 6. OTA System Update =
438 438  
439 -(% style="color:blue" %)**USB TTL to LG01v2  Connection:**
440 440  
441 -
442 -Port 1 of the UART on the LG01v2 is GND
443 -
444 -(% class="box infomessage" %)
445 -(((
446 -**TXD  <~-~--> UART RXD (Gray line)**
447 -
448 -**RXD  <~-~--> UART TXD (White line)**
449 -
450 -**GND <~-~--> GND (Black line)**
451 -)))
452 -
453 -
454 -**LG01v2 UART connection photo**
455 -
456 -[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804163015-1.png?width=466&height=621&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804163015-1.png"]]
457 -
458 -
459 -
460 -In the PC, you can use the serial port tool(such as [[putty>>url:http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~~sgtatham/putty/download.html]] in Windows), you need to set the serial baud rate to (% style="color:blue" %)**115200**(%%) to access the serial console for LG01v2. LG01v2 will output system info once power on as below:
461 -
462 -
463 -[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804164928-3.png?width=332&height=320&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804164928-3.png"]]
464 -
465 -
466 -[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20220804164747-2.png?width=594&height=622&rev=1.1||alt="image-20220804164747-2.png"]]
467 -
468 -
469 -= **7. OTA System Update** =
470 -
471 -
472 472  LG01v2 supports system auto update via OTA, please see **[[this URL>>url:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/OTA%20Update/]]** for the detail of this feature.
473 473  
474 474  
475 -= **8. FAQ** =
527 += 7. FAQ =
476 476  
477 -== **8.1 How does LG01v2 communicate with Lora shield (LoRa.h)** ==
529 +== 7.1 How does LG01v2 communicate with Lora shield (LoRa.h) ==
478 478  
479 479  
480 480  This example describes how to use LG01v2, LoRa Shield to set up a LoRa network,
... ... @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
523 523  [[image:image-20221101162527-4.png]]
524 524  
525 525  
526 -== **8.2 How does LG01v2 communicate with Heltec LoRa Node** ==
578 +== 7.2 How does LG01v2 communicate with Heltec LoRa Node ==
527 527  
528 528  
529 529  This example describes how to use LG01v2 and Heltec LoRa Node to set up a LoRa network,
... ... @@ -564,27 +564,120 @@
564 564  [[image:image-20221112163119-4.png||height="808" width="560"]]
565 565  
566 566  
567 -= (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)**9. Supports**(%%) =
619 +== 7.3 How does LG01v2 communicate with LoRaWAN node ==
568 568  
569 569  
622 +This example describes how to use LG01v2 and LSN50 to set up a  network,
623 +
624 +In this case, users need to set LSN50 to work in ABP mode and transmit in only one frequency.
625 +
626 +Assume we have a LG01v2 working in the frequency 868100000 now, below is the steps.
627 +
628 +
629 +**Step1: **Configure the LG01v2
630 +
631 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
570 570  (((
571 -**//If you are experiencing issues and can't solve them, you can send mail to [[support@dragino.com>>mailto:support@dragino.com]].//**
633 +AT+FRE=868.100,868.100  ~-~--> TX and RX frequency set: 868100000
634 +AT+BW=0,0  ~-~--> TX and RX Bandwidth set: 125kHz
635 +AT+SF=12,12  ~-~--> TX and RX Spreading Factor set: SF12
636 +AT+SYNCWORD=1  ~-~-->  Syncword**(0: private,1: public), **the corresponding Lora shield syncword is 0x12
572 572  )))
573 573  
639 +**Step2:  **Run AT commands to make the LSN50 work in Single frequency and ABP mode. Below are the AT commands:
640 +
641 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
574 574  (((
575 -**//With your question as detailed as possible. We will reply and help you in the shortest.//**
643 +AT+FDR  ~-~--> Reset Parameters to Factory Default, Keys Reserve
644 +AT+NJM=0  ~-~-->  Set to ABP mode
645 +AT+ADR=0  ~-~-->  Set the Adaptive Data Rate Off
646 +AT+DR=0  ~-~--> Set Data Rate (Set AT+DR=3 for 915 band)
647 +AT+TDC=300000  ~-~-->  Set transmit interval to 5 minutes
648 +AT+CHS=868100000  ~-~--> Set transmit frequency to 868.1Mhz
649 +AT+DADDR=FFFFF111  ~-~--> Set Device Address to 26 01 1A F1
650 +ATZ  ~-~--> Reset MCU
651 +)))
576 576  
653 +**Step3:  **Check result
577 577  
578 -= **10. Reference** =
579 579  
580 580  
657 +User can plot the temperature and humidity chat via LG01v2 built-in IoT server.
658 +
659 +User can import this example in Node-Red: [[attach:LG01v2_LSN50v2_S31.json||target="_blank"]]
660 +
661 +
662 +First the user needs to fill in the NwkSkey and AppSkey in the LoraWan Packet Decrypter node.
663 +
664 +[[image:image-20230620103535-2.png||height="591" width="1138"]]
665 +
666 +[[image:image-20230620103153-1.png||height="610" width="1141"]]
667 +
668 +
669 +The data will be displayed in the built-in node-red UI
670 +
671 +**Browser input: (% style="background-color:yellow" %)__//http:~/~/<local-IPV4-address>//__(%%)**
672 +
673 +[[image:image-20230620103923-3.png||height="476" width="1138"]]
674 +
675 +
676 +== 7.4 How can users factory reset LG01v2 ==
677 +
678 +
679 +Users can download the image of LG01v2 from this link:[[dragino-lg01v2-1.7-0210>>https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g0si61lcrvdjyto4ma951/dragino-lg01v2-1.7-0210.zip?rlkey=t03oqo493r2p7ign488rs2jsv&dl=0]]
680 +
681 +
682 +Then follow the steps in the link below to restore factory Settings to LG01v2:
683 +
684 +[[How to flash a new image(OS) to the gateway>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Armbian%20OS%20instruction/#H2.3A0Howtoflashanewimage28OS29tothegateway28LPS8V229]]
685 +
686 +
687 += 8. Trouble Shooting =
688 +
689 +== 8.1  Fallback IP does not work, how can users check ==
690 +
691 +
692 +When the computer has completed the above fallback IP configuration,the LG01v2 Web UI is still not accessible via fallback IP.
693 +
694 +
695 +**1.Check whether the configuration is correct**
696 +
697 +Run the CMD command to ipconfig and ping
698 +
699 +If this fails, the user needs to reconfigure.
700 +
701 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230413170224-3.png?width=707&height=433&rev=1.1||alt="image-20230413170224-3.png"]]
702 +
703 +[[image:http://wiki.dragino.com/xwiki/bin/download/Main/User%20Manual%20for%20All%20Gateway%20models/HP0C/WebHome/image-20230413170246-4.png?rev=1.1||alt="image-20230413170246-4.png"]]
704 +
705 +
706 +**2. Check whether the firewall is disabled**
707 +
708 +If the firewall is not down, this will affect access to the gateway.
709 +
710 +
711 += (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:29px" %)9. Supports(%%) =
712 +
713 +
714 +(((
715 +If you are experiencing issues and can't solve them, you can send mail to [[support@dragino.com>>mailto:support@dragino.com]].
716 +)))
717 +
718 +(((
719 +With your question as detailed as possible. We will reply and help you in the shortest.
720 +
721 +
722 += 10. Reference =
723 +
724 +
581 581  * Install Tago Core: Refer **Install Tago Core in LG01v2** in[[ Instruction>>doc:Main.Tago\.IO.WebHome]].
726 +
582 582  * [[Advance OS Reference Guide for L>>doc:Main.Armbian OS instruction.WebHome]]G01v2.
583 583  
584 584  
585 585  )))
586 586  
587 -= **11. Order Info** =
732 += 11. Order Info =
588 588  
589 589  
590 590  (% style="color:#0000ff" %)**LG01v2-XXX-YYY**
... ... @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@
596 596  
597 597  (% style="color:#0000ff" %)**YYY**(% style="color:black" %): 4G Cellular Option
598 598  
599 -* (% style="color:red" %)**E**(%%):  EMEA, Korea, Thailand, India.
600 -* (% style="color:red" %)**A**(%%):  North America/ Rogers/AT&T/T-Mobile.
601 -* (% style="color:red" %)**AU**(%%): Latin America, New Zeland, Taiwan
602 -* (% style="color:red" %)**J**(%%):  Japan, DOCOMO/SoftBank/ KDDI
744 +* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-E**(% style="color:black" %):  EMEA, Korea, Thailand, India
745 +* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-AFX**(% style="color:black" %): America: Verizon, AT&T(FirstNet), U.S.Cellular; Canada: Telus
746 +* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-AUX**(% style="color:black" %): Latin America, New Zeland, Taiwan
747 +* (% style="color:red" %)**EC25-J**(% style="color:black" %):  Japan, DOCOMO, SoftBankKDDI
603 603  
604 604  More info about valid bands, please see [[EC25-E product page>>url:https://www.quectel.com/product/ec25.htm]].
605 605  
606 606  
607 -= **12. Manufacturer Info** =
752 += 12. Manufacturer Info =
608 608  
609 609  
610 610  **Shenzhen Dragino Technology Development co. LTD**
... ... @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
614 614  LongCheng Street, LongGang District ; Shenzhen 518116,China
615 615  
616 616  
617 -= **13. FCC Warning** =
762 += 13. FCC Warning =
618 618  
619 619  
620 620  (((
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +16.5 KB
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,587 @@
1 +[
2 + {
3 + "id": "5e07f5eeeb2a969b",
4 + "type": "tab",
5 + "label": "流程 1",
6 + "disabled": false,
7 + "info": "",
8 + "env": []
9 + },
10 + {
11 + "id": "9c26fa2f19e2b556",
12 + "type": "function",
13 + "z": "5e07f5eeeb2a969b",
14 + "name": "hex to base64",
15 + "func": "var input = msg.payload;\nvar base64 = Buffer.from(input, 'hex').toString('base64');\nmsg.payload = base64;\nreturn msg;",
16 + "outputs": 1,
17 + "noerr": 0,
18 + "initialize": "",
19 + "finalize": "",
20 + "libs": [],
21 + "x": 220,
22 + "y": 160,
23 + "wires": [
24 + [
25 + "075bc9172a4c6570",
26 + "3601a98894805fbe"
27 + ]
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30 + {
31 + "id": "ee0480c81e66d657",
32 + "type": "function",
33 + "z": "5e07f5eeeb2a969b",
34 + "name": "function 4",
35 + "func": "var bytes = msg.payload[\"uplink_message\"]\nvar data = msg.payload[\"out\"]\nvar mode = (parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16) & 0x7C) >> 2;\nif (mode != 2)\n{\nvar bat = (parseInt(data.substring(0,4),16)&0x3FFF)/1000;\nvar TempC1 = (parseFloat(parseInt(data.substring(4, 8),16)/10).toFixed(2));\nvar ADC_CH0V = (parseInt(data.substring(8, 12), 16) ) / 1000;\nvar Digital_IStatus = (parseInt((data.substring(8, 12),16) & 0x02))?\"H\":\"L\"; \n\nif (mode != 6) {\n\n var EXTI_Trigger = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16) & 0x01))? \"TRUE\" : \"FALSE\";\n\n var Door_status = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16) & 0x80))? \"CLOSE\" : \"OPEN\";\n\n}\n}\nif (mode == 0) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"IIC\";\n\n if ((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16)) == 0){\n\n var Illum = (parseInt(data.substring(8, 12), 16));\n\n }\n\n else {\n\n var TempC_SHT = parseFloat(((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16)) / 10).toFixed(2));\n\n var Hum_SHT = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n }\n \n}\n\nelse if (mode == 1) {\n\n var Work_mode = \" Distance\";\n\n var Distance_cm = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n if (((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16))) != 65535){\n\n var Distance_signal_strength = parseFloat(((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16))).toFixed(0));\n\n }\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 2) {\n\n var Work_mode = \" 3ADC\";\n\n var BatV = (parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16)) / 10;\n\n var ADC_CH0V = ((parseInt(data.substring(0, 4), 16))) / 1000;\n\n var ADC_CH1V = ((parseInt(data.substring(4, 8), 16))) / 1000;\n\n var ADC_CH4V = ((parseInt(data.substring(8, 12), 16))) / 1000;\n\n var Digital_IStatus = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16)) & 0x02) ? \"H\" : \"L\";\n\n var EXTI_Trigger = ((parseInt(data.substring(12, 14), 16)) & 0x01) ? \"TRUE\" : \"FALSE\";\n\n var Door_status = ((parseInt(data.substring(13, 14), 16)) & 0x80) ? \"CLOSE\" : \"OPEN\";\n\n if ((parseInt(data.substring(18, 22), 16) === 0)) {\n\n var Illum = ((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16)));\n\n }\n\n else {\n\n var TempC_SHT = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16))) / 10).toFixed(2));\n\n var Hum_SHT = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(18, 24), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n }\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 3) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"3DS18B20\";\n\n var TempC2 = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16))) / 10).toFixed(2));\n\n var TempC3 = parseFloat((((parseInt(data.substring(18, 24), 16))) / 10).toFixed(1));\n\n\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 4) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"Weight\";\n\n var Weight = ((parseInt(data.substring(14, 18), 16)));\n\n}\n\nelse if (mode == 5) {\n\n var Work_mode = \"Count\";\n\n var Count = ((parseInt(data.substring(14, 22), 16)));\n\n}\n\n\n\nvar b = { payload: bat }, c = { payload: TempC1 }, d = { payload: ADC_CH0V }, e = { payload: Digital_IStatus }, f = { payload: EXTI_Trigger }, g = { payload: Door_status }, j = { payload: TempC_SHT }, s = { payload: Hum_SHT }, k = { payload: Work_mode };\nreturn [b,c,d,e,f,g,j,k,s];",
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393 + "#1f77b4",
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400 + "#9467bd",
401 + "#c5b0d5"
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