Changes for page Cellular network connection details and tips
Last modified by Kilight Cao on 2024/12/31 16:38
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. Xiaoling1 +XWiki.Edwin - Content
... ... @@ -482,37 +482,45 @@ 482 482 483 483 = 7. How to reduce data traffic = 484 484 485 -== 7.1 ReduceStatusUplinkInterval==485 +== 7.1 How the gateway will consume data traffic == 486 486 487 +Below list the place where the data traffic will use. 487 487 488 -**The gateways will use the data traffic below two places.** 489 +* Valid uplink data to LoRaWAN server or IoT server. ( We can't reduce this as they are the data we want) 490 +* Invalid uplink sensor data to LoRaWAN serevr. ( See Filter unwanted packets) 491 +* LoRaWAN Status push or polling data to LoRaWAN server . ( We can reduce this part , see below for discussion) 492 +* System Keep Alive data. ( To ensure the system is more robust, can be disabled) 493 +* Auto update ( Software auto update, can be disabled) 489 489 490 490 491 -~1. There is the data traffic from LoRa package Forward which were the gateway status package and sensor end node uplink/downlink. 496 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 497 +=== 7.1.1 LoRaWAN Status push or polling data to LoRaWAN server === 492 492 493 - For this case,by default, thegatewaywill uplink self-statustotheLoRaWAN server perhe30s.theuserscan adjusttheinterval time.499 +When gateway connect to LoRaWAN server via LoRaWAN protocol, besides the sensor data uplink/downlink. gateway will still need to: 494 494 501 +* Uplink self-status to the LoRaWAN server every 30s. the users can adjust **Keep Alive Period** as below 502 +* Check LoRaWAN server status every 5 seconds to see if there is valid downlink command to sensors. We don't provide WEB UI option to modify this time, because the modify of this settings will lead to fail on OTAA Join and Downlink commands. 503 + 495 495 [[image:image-20220527155108-13.png]] 496 496 497 497 507 +=== 7.1.2 System Keep Alive data === 498 498 499 - 2.There is thedatatrafficfromthe gatewaycheck self-network status.bydefault,thegateway will checkthenetworkper15s.509 +System Keep Alive Data is used to check gateway-network status and fix possible issue. Gateway will check every 15 seconds and generate traffic. 500 500 501 - Forthiscase,We havemonitored theloss ofdata traffic,which is theloss of2M data traffic per day.the users can adjustthetimefollowing screenshots.511 +Base on 15 seconds per check, the data traffic is about 2M data traffic per day. Users can adjust **Keepalive Interval** as below. 502 502 503 -[[image:image-20220527155 358-16.png]]513 +[[image:image-20220527155229-15.png]] 504 504 505 -System General interface 506 506 516 +=== 7.1.3 Auto update === 507 507 508 - [[image:image-20220527155229-15.png]]518 +Gateway will check for update every day for new configure or software. User can disable them by below method. 509 509 510 -Keepalive script interval time settings 511 511 521 +=== 7.1.4 Filter unwanted packets === 512 512 513 -== 7.2 Filter unwanted packets == 514 514 515 - 516 516 See [[How to filter unwanted packets>>doc:Main.Filter unwanted LoRaWAN packets.WebHome]] 517 517 518 518