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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. Xiaoye1 +XWiki.Kilight - Content
... ... @@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ 51 51 * //Make sure to Power Off when you insert the SIM card and power on the device. The device doesn't support auto-detect SIM card on power on// 52 52 * //Make sure you have the correct direction to insert the SIM card. Every device has an example photo in the manual for the direction.// 53 53 54 - 55 55 (% class="box" %) 56 56 ((( 57 57 //root@dragino-1dadd8:~~# **comgt -d /dev/ttyUSB3** ... ... @@ -75,12 +75,11 @@ 75 75 (% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 76 76 [[image:image-20220525141016-3.png||height="524" width="502"]] 77 77 78 -(% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 79 79 == == 80 80 81 81 == 2.3 Check dialing info == 82 82 83 -//run "logread -f" in gateway CLI。// 81 +//run "**logread -f**" in gateway CLI。// 84 84 85 85 (% class="box" %) 86 86 ((( ... ... @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ 180 180 ((( 181 181 182 182 183 -**//Enter the minicom command, then select the option ''serial p rot setup.//**181 +**//Enter the minicom command, then select the option ''serial port setup".//** 184 184 ))) 185 185 186 186 (% class="box infomessage" %) ... ... @@ -196,25 +196,20 @@ 196 196 (% class="box infomessage" %) 197 197 ((( 198 198 **Serial Device :** (% style="color:#037691" %)**/dev/ttyModemAT** 199 -))) 200 200 201 -(% class="box infomessage" %) 202 -((( 203 203 **Bps/Par/Bits :(% style="color:#037691" %) 9600 8N1(%%)** 204 204 ))) 205 205 206 206 207 - (% style="color:#037691" %)//**Note: Enter the corresponding letter to change the configuration, like A,B,C**//202 +//**Note: Enter the corresponding letter to change the configuration, like A,B,C**// 208 208 209 209 [[image:||height="164" width="400"]] 210 210 211 -Configuring USB Ports 212 212 207 +//Enter AT+GSN in the serial port to view the IMEI// 213 213 214 - EnterAT+GSNintheserialportto view the IMEI209 +For example :** (% style="color:#037691" %)860548042566627(%%)** 215 215 216 -For example:** (% style="color:#037691" %)860548042566627(%%)** 217 - 218 218 (% class="box infomessage" %) 219 219 ((( 220 220 ((( ... ... @@ -224,82 +224,83 @@ 224 224 225 225 [[image:||height="286" width="400"]] 226 226 227 - EntertheATcommand220 += **5. How does the gateway connect to the network via a USB 4G Dongle** = 228 228 229 -= 5. Howdoes the gatewayconnectto the network via a USB 4G Dongle=222 +== **5.1 Introduction** == 230 230 231 - ==5.1 Introduction==224 +(% style="color:red" %)//**Prerequisite: Requires a USB 4G Dongle and a supported gateway firmware**// 232 232 233 -(% style="color:red" %)**Prerequisite: Requires a USB 4G Dongle and a supported gateway firmware** 234 - 235 235 ((( 236 -This introduces a setup and configured gateway for using a USB 3g/UMTS-modem for WAN connection. 227 +//This introduces a setup and configured gateway for using a USB 3g/UMTS-modem for WAN connection.// 237 237 ))) 238 238 239 239 ((( 240 -Many mode (and most **LTE**) usbmodems provide **qmi**, **mbim**, **ncm**, **rndis** protocol for connection instead of legacy **ppp** protocol, they are faster and better, overall recommended. For more information: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]231 +//Many modes (and most **LTE**) USB modems provide **qmi**, **mbim**, **ncm**, **rndis** protocol for connection instead of legacy **ppp** protocol, they are faster and better, overall recommended. For more information: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]// 241 241 ))) 242 242 243 243 ((( 244 -This is not beginner-friendly due to too many protocols. 235 +//This is not beginner-friendly due to too many protocols.// 245 245 ))) 246 246 247 -== 5.2 How to use the USB-Dongle at the gateway == 238 +== **5.2 How to use the USB-Dongle at the gateway** == 248 248 249 -Most of the products can be used on the gateway, but because their protocols are different, they are not used in the same way. 240 +//Most of the products can be used on the gateway, but because their protocols are different, they are not used in the same way.// 250 250 251 251 ((( 252 -For example, the Huawei-E3372/E8372 is using Hilink mode or NCM mode. 243 +//For example, the Huawei-E3372/E8372 is using Hilink mode or NCM mode.// 253 253 ))) 254 254 255 255 (% class="box" %) 256 256 ((( 257 257 Huawei-E3372/E8372 258 - Check (% style="color:#037691" %)**E3372**(% style="color:black" %) version to determine the mode. 249 + Check the (% style="color:#037691" %)**E3372**(% style="color:black" %) version to determine the mode. 259 259 The version numbers starting with 21 is NCM mode 260 260 The version numbers starting with 22 is Hilink mode 261 - The E8372 only ha veHilink mode262 -**~ **(% style="color:red" %)**Note:The e3372 in the vast majority of cases is Hilink mode** 252 + The E8372 only has Hilink mode 253 +**~ **(% style="color:red" %)**Note: The e3372 in the vast majority of cases is Hilink mode** 263 263 ))) 264 264 265 -== 5.3 Hilink mode == 256 +== **5.3 Hilink mode** == 266 266 267 -Gateway upgrade to the specified firmware:[[Hilink.mode~~-~~-build-v5.4.1625627505>>url:]] 258 +//Gateway upgrade to the specified firmware:[[Hilink.mode~~-~~-build-v5.4.1625627505>>url:]]// 268 268 269 -=== 5.3.1 1.Plugs into the device ===260 +=== **5.3.1 Plugs into the device** === 270 270 271 271 ((( 272 -USB-Dongle plugs into the gateway USB port 263 +//USB-Dongle plugs into the gateway USB port// 273 273 ))) 274 274 275 275 ((( 276 -Check the USB module via comman (% style="color:#037691" %)**lsusb** 267 +//Check the USB module via command (% style="color:#037691" %)**lsusb**// 277 277 ))) 278 278 279 279 ((( 280 -(% style="color:red" %)**Note ttodothat connect gateway command line via ssh.**271 +(% style="color:red" %)//**Note: Users need to that connect to the gateway command line via ssh.**// 281 281 ))) 282 282 283 283 [[image:||height="63" width="554"]] 284 284 285 - CheckingUSBPorts276 +=== 5.3.2 Detection of new network interfaces added === 286 286 287 - === 5.3.2 2.Detectionofnewnetworkinterfacesadded ===278 +//Command-line input: // 288 288 289 -Command line input: (% style="color:#037691" %)**ifconfig -a** 280 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 281 +((( 282 +((( 283 + root@dragino-1ef9ac:~~# ifconfig -a 284 +))) 285 +))) 290 290 291 291 [[image:||height="401" width="400"]] 292 292 293 - Checkthe network289 +//In the command, the output user can see that the new interface added is (% style="color:#037691" %)**eth2**// 294 294 295 - Inthecommand output user can see that the new interface added is (% style="color:#037691" %)**eth2**291 +//Usually, the user can see that the new interface added is (% style="color:#037691" %)**eth2** (% style="color:black" %)or (% style="color:#037691" %)**wwan0**// 296 296 297 - Usually,usercanseethat the new interfaceadded is (% style="color:#037691"%)**eth2**(% style="color:black"%)or (% style="color:#037691" %)**wwan0**293 +=== **5.3.3 Add the new interface to the network configuration.** === 298 298 299 - === 5.3.3 3.Add thenew interfaceto thenetworkconfiutation.===295 +//Enter the configuration from the command line~:// 300 300 301 -Enter the configuration from the command line: 302 - 303 303 (% class="box" %) 304 304 ((( 305 305 uci set network.lte=interface ... ... @@ -313,50 +313,44 @@ 313 313 314 314 [[~[~[image:|~|height="116" width="600"~]~]>>url:]] 315 315 316 -Configuration 310 +//Checking Network Configurations// 317 317 318 -C heckingNetworkConfigurations312 +//Command-line input: (% style="color:#037691" %)**ifconfig**// 319 319 320 -Command line input: (% style="color:#037691" %)**ifconfig** 321 - 322 322 [[~[~[image:|~|height="514" width="554"~]~]>>url:]] 323 323 324 - CheckingNetworkConfigurations316 +//Now, Gateway is configured to access the internet on the LTE network.// 325 325 326 - Now,Gatewayisconfiguredto accessthe internet on the Lte network.318 +== **5.4 NCM mode** == 327 327 328 -== 5. 4NCM mode ==320 +== **5.5 Troubleshooting** == 329 329 330 -== 5.5 T roubleshooting==322 +=== **5.5.1 The USB-Dongle interface cannot obtain the IP address.** === 331 331 332 - ===5.5.1TheUSB-Dongleinterfacecannot obtaintheIPaddress.===324 +//Please try this USB dongle to access the internet on your PC, to make sure this USB dongle can normally access the internet.// 333 333 334 - Pleasetrythis USB dongletoaccess the internet on your PC, to makesure this USBdongle cannormally accessthe internet.326 += **6. How to reduce data traffic** = 335 335 336 -= 6. Howtoreducedata traffic=328 +== **6.1 Introduce** == 337 337 338 - ==6.1Introduce==330 +//The gateways will use the data traffic below two places.// 339 339 340 -The gatewayswill usethe data traffic werebelowtwoplaces.332 +//1. There is the data traffic from LoRa package Forward which were the gateway status package and sensor end node uplink/downlink.// 341 341 342 - ~1. Thereisthe datatrafficfromLoRapackageForwardwhich werethegatewaystatuspackageandensorendnodeuplink/downlink.334 +//For this case, by default, the gateway will uplink self-status to the LoRaWAN server per the 30s. the users can adjust the interval time.// 343 343 344 -For this case, by default, the gateway will uplink self-status to the LoRaWAN server per the 30s. the users can adjust the interval time. 345 - 346 346 [[image:||height="282" width="600"]] 347 347 348 - LoRaintervaltime setting338 +//2. There is the data traffic from the gateway check self-network status. by default, the gateway will check the network per 15s.// 349 349 350 - 2.There isthe data default,thegatewaywill check theetwork per 15s.340 +//For this case, We have monitored the loss of data traffic, which is the loss of 2M data traffic per day. the users can adjust the interval time following screenshots.// 351 351 352 -For this case, We have monitored the loss of data traffic, which is the loss of 2M data traffic per day. the users can adjust the interval time following screenshots. 353 - 354 354 [[image:||height="319" width="600"]] 355 355 356 -Syst rm General344 +//System General interface// 357 357 358 358 [[image:||height="319" width="600"]] 359 359 360 -Keepalive script interval time settings 348 +//Keepalive script interval time settings// 361 361 362 362