From version < 114.1 >
edited by Xiaoye
on 2022/10/12 17:43
To version < 115.1 >
edited by Xiaoye
on 2022/10/12 17:46
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -212,7 +212,6 @@
212 212  
213 213  = 4.  Downlink =
214 214  
215 -(% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
216 216  == 4.1 Convert HEX to Base64 ==
217 217  
218 218  (% style="color:red" %)**Note: Chirpstack uses base64 to downlink, the end node user manual provides HEX format of the downlink commands. So user needs to convert the HEX to Base64.**
... ... @@ -548,13 +548,57 @@
548 548  Finish.
549 549  
550 550  
550 += **6. How to store/get all data traffic for a specific sensor, including raw payload, and uplink/ downlink history. ** =
551 551  
552 -= 6.  Trouble Shooting =
553 553  
554 -== 6.1  MIC Mismatch or MIC Failed ==
553 +All data is published to the MQTT topics. if you want to store/get the data, you would have to create an MQTT handler and store the data yourself.
555 555  
555 +This example will be shown how to store/get all the data in two ways:
556 556  
557 +**//1). Chirpstack ~-~-> Node-red//**
558 +
559 +[[image:https://github.com/chirpstack/node-red-contrib-chirpstack/blob/master/example_flow.png?raw=true||alt="example_flow.png"]]
560 +
561 +
562 +Use MQTT in Nore-red to subscribe to topics published by chirpstack-application and then continuously write to a file
563 +
564 +[[image:image-20221012174220-2.png]]
565 +
566 +
567 +Each message is continuously logged to a specified file
568 +
569 +[[image:image-20221012174352-3.png]]
570 +
571 +
572 +**//2). MQTT  Sub//**
573 +
574 +If you don't want to store the information via node-red, you can get the output via the subscribe command.
575 +
576 +
577 +**If connecting from the same machine, you can use the following command to receive data:**
578 +
579 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
557 557  (((
581 +mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "application/#" -v
582 +)))
583 +
584 +
585 +**Different host**
586 +
587 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
588 +(((
589 +mosquitto_sub -h IPADDRESS -p 8883 ~-~-insecure ~-~-cafile ca.pem ~-~-cert cert.pem ~-~-key key.pem -t "application/#" -v
590 +)))
591 +
592 +[[image:image-20221012173639-1.png]]
593 +
594 +
595 += 7.  Trouble Shooting =
596 +
597 +== 7.1  MIC Mismatch or MIC Failed ==
598 +
599 +
600 +(((
558 558  When the device is registered or the device is working normally, the problem of MIC mismatch and MIC failed occurs.
559 559  )))
560 560  
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