From version < 113.1 >
edited by Xiaoye
on 2022/10/12 17:42
To version < 140.1 >
edited by Kilight Cao
on 2023/05/27 11:57
Change comment: Uploaded new attachment "image-20230527115750-1.png", version {1}



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.Xiaoye
1 +XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
38 38  )))
39 39  
40 40  
41 -
42 42  = 2.  Semtech UDP =
43 43  
44 44  == 2.1  Step 1. Add the Network-servers ==
... ... @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
61 61  Add the Network-servers
62 62  
63 63  
64 -
65 65  == 2.2  Step 2. Create Gateway-profiles ==
66 66  
67 67  
... ... @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
70 70  Create Gateway-profiles
71 71  
72 72  
73 -
74 74  == 2.3  Step 3. Create Service-profiles ==
75 75  
76 76  
... ... @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@
86 86  If the user has completed the preceding steps, proceed to the next step.(% style="display:none" %)
87 87  
88 88  
89 -
90 90  == 2.4  Step 4. Add the gateway ==
91 91  
92 92  
... ... @@ -109,7 +109,6 @@
109 109  Configure the gateway
110 110  
111 111  
112 -
113 113  == 2.5  Step 5. Checking gateway Status ==
114 114  
115 115  
... ... @@ -124,10 +124,8 @@
124 124  gateway Status
125 125  
126 126  
127 -
128 128  = 3.  Gateway Registration for Basics Station =
129 129  
130 -
131 131  == 3.1  Introduction ==
132 132  
133 133  
... ... @@ -151,7 +151,6 @@
151 151  A gateway that can access the internet normally
152 152  
153 153  
154 -
155 155  == 3.2  Add Gateway ==
156 156  
157 157  
... ... @@ -195,7 +195,6 @@
195 195  [[image:image-20220524164448-13.png]]
196 196  
197 197  
198 -
199 199  == 3.6  Trouble Shooting ==
200 200  
201 201  
... ... @@ -209,47 +209,261 @@
209 209  [[image:image-20220531172857-9.png]]
210 210  
211 211  
203 += 4.  How the gateway connects to Chirpstack v3 via gateway-bridge =
212 212  
213 -= 4.  Downlink =
214 214  
215 -(% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
216 -== 4.1 Convert HEX to Base64 ==
206 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Below list the support products and Requirements:**
217 217  
208 +1. LoRaWAN Gateway model: [[LIG16>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/171-lig16.html]], [[LG308>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/140-lg308.html]], [[DLOS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/160-dlos8.html]] ,[[LPS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/148-lps8.html]],[[LPS8N>>url:https://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/200-lps8n.html]],[[LG308N>>url:https://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/229-lg308n.html]],[[DLOS8N>>url:https://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/225-dlos8n.html]]
209 +1. Firmware version since: [[Chirpstack-Bridge-V3.14.6>>https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Release/Chirpstack-gateway-bridge/Chirpstack-Bridge-V3.14.6-Bridge--build-v5.4.1679487778-20230322-2024/]]
210 +
211 +(% style="color:blue" %)**How to set up chirpStack Gateway-bridge**
212 +
213 +Users can check out the ChirpStack gateway-bridge v3 [[link>>https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/gateway/dragino/]]
214 +
215 +
216 +(% style="color:blue" %)**What do you need to prepare**
217 +
218 +A gateway that can access the internet normally
219 +
220 +
221 +The following example does not have configuration certificates:
222 +
223 +
224 +== 4.1  Configure Packet Forwarder ==
225 +
226 +
227 +In the Dragino gateway web interface, you need to configure the Packet Forwarder so that it forwards its data to the port. localhost:1700 or
228 +
229 +* In the (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN** (%%)menu, click on (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN ~-~- Semtech UDP**
230 +
231 +* Make sure the following settings are set:
232 +** **Service Provider:** //~-~-Custom/Private LoRaWAN~-~-//
233 +** **LoRaWAN Server Address:** //localhost or
234 +** **Server port for upstream:** //1700//
235 +** **Server port for downstream:** //1700//
236 +
237 + Click (% style="color:blue" %)**Save & Apply**.
238 +
239 +[[image:image-20221222114220-2.png||height="748" width="931"]]
240 +
241 +
242 +== 4.2  Configuring gateway frequency ==
243 +
244 +
245 +(% style="color:red" %)**Note: Gateway frequencies must match**
246 +
247 +[[image:image-20221222134830-3.png||height="408" width="923"]]
248 +
249 +
250 +== 4.3  Generate and modify the gateway-bridge configuration file ==
251 +
252 +
253 +**1)Generate the gateway-bridge configuration file**
254 +
255 +By default, the configuration file is not up-to-date,so the user needs to rebuild the gateway-bridge configuration file.
256 +
257 +Users need to access the command line of the gateway through SSH,Then type the following command:
258 +
259 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
260 +(((
261 +**/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge configfile > /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml **
262 +)))
263 +
264 +
265 +**2)modify the gateway-bridge configuration file**
266 +
267 +The user needs to modify the server address in line 252 in the configuration file
268 +
269 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
270 +(((
271 +**vim /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml **
272 +)))
273 +
274 +[[image:image-20230415165254-1.png||height="583" width="956"]]
275 +
276 +
277 +== 4.4  Debug ==
278 +
279 +
280 +After the above configuration is completed, the user can enter the command to debug the gateway-bridge connection
281 +
282 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
283 +(((
284 +**/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge ~-~-config /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml**
285 +)))
286 +
287 +If the gateway-bridge connection is normal, the debug log displays **"connected to mqtt broker"**.
288 +
289 +[[image:image-20230415170404-2.png]]
290 +
291 +
292 +If the debug log shows "**connection error**", check that the server port or server is correct
293 +
294 +[[image:image-20230415170854-3.png]]
295 +
296 +
297 +More information can be found on the **[[ChirpStack website>>https://www.chirpstack.io/docs/]]**or **[[Forum>>url:https://forum.chirpstack.io/]]**
298 +
299 +
300 +== 4.5  (Re)start and stop gateway-bridge ==
301 +
302 +
303 +Use the following commands to (re)start and stop the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge Service:
304 +
305 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
306 +(((
307 +**# start**
308 +
309 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge start
310 +
311 +**# stop**
312 +
313 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge stop
314 +
315 +**# restart**
316 +
317 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge restart
318 +)))
319 +
320 +
321 += 5.  How the gateway connects to Chirpstack v4 via gateway-bridge =
322 +
323 +
324 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Below list the support products and Requirements:**
325 +
326 +1. LoRaWAN Gateway model: [[LIG16>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/171-lig16.html]], [[LG308>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/140-lg308.html]], [[DLOS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/160-dlos8.html]] ,[[LPS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/148-lps8.html]],[[LPS8N>>url:https://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/200-lps8n.html]],[[LG308N>>url:https://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/229-lg308n.html]],[[DLOS8N>>url:https://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/225-dlos8n.html]]
327 +1. Firmware version since: [[Chirpstack-Bridge-V4>>https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Release/Chirpstack-gateway-bridge/Chirpstack-Bridge-V4--build-v5.4.1670655072-20221210-1452/]]
328 +
329 +(% style="color:blue" %)**How to set up chirpStack Gateway-bridge**
330 +
331 +Users can check out the ChirpStack gateway-bridge v4 [[link>>https://www.chirpstack.io/docs/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/install/dragino.html]]
332 +
333 +
334 +(% style="color:blue" %)**What do you need to prepare**
335 +
336 +A gateway that can access the internet normally
337 +
338 +
339 +== 5.1  Configure Packet Forwarder ==
340 +
341 +
342 +In the Dragino gateway web interface, you need to configure the Packet Forwarder so that it forwards its data to the port. localhost:1700 or
343 +
344 +* In the (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN**(%%) menu, click on (% style="color:blue" %)**LoRaWAN ~-~- Semtech UDP**
345 +
346 +* Make sure the following settings are set:
347 +** **Service Provider:** //~-~-Custom/Private LoRaWAN~-~-//
348 +** **LoRaWAN Server Address:** //localhost or
349 +** **Server port for upstream:** //1700//
350 +** **Server port for downstream:** //1700//
351 +
352 + Click (% style="color:blue" %)**Save & Apply**.
353 +
354 +[[image:image-20221222114220-2.png||height="748" width="931"]]
355 +
356 +
357 +== 5.2  Configuring gateway frequency ==
358 +
359 +
360 +(% style="color:red" %)**Note: Gateway frequencies must match**
361 +
362 +[[image:image-20221222134830-3.png||height="408" width="923"]]
363 +
364 +
365 +== 5.3  Modify the gateway-bridge configuration file ==
366 +
367 +
368 +Run the gateway command line command to modify the gateway-bridge configuration file:
369 +
370 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
371 +(((
372 +**root@dragino-1d27d4:~~#  vim /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml **
373 +)))
374 +
375 +[[image:image-20221222113302-1.png]]
376 +
377 +
378 +[[image:image-20221222140203-4.png||height="875" width="806"]]
379 +
380 +[[image:image-20221230094246-1.png||height="768" width="783"]]
381 +
382 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" id="H" %)
383 +After the modification, run the following command: **/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge restart**
384 +
385 +
386 +== 5.4  (Re)start and stop gateway-bridge ==
387 +
388 +
389 +Use the following commands to (re)start and stop the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge Service:
390 +
391 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
392 +(((
393 +**# start**
394 +
395 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge start
396 +
397 +**# stop**
398 +
399 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge stop
400 +
401 +**# restart**
402 +
403 +/etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge restart
404 +)))
405 +
406 +
407 +== 5.5  Successful Connection ==
408 +
409 +
410 +[[image:image-20221222141754-5.png||height="488" width="1150"]]
411 +
412 +
413 +[[image:image-20221222141830-6.png||height="582" width="1153"]]
414 +
415 +
416 += 6.  Downlink =
417 +
418 +== 6.1  Convert HEX to Base64 ==
419 +
420 +
218 218  (% style="color:red" %)**Note: Chirpstack uses base64 to downlink, the end node user manual provides HEX format of the downlink commands. So user needs to convert the HEX to Base64.**
219 219  
220 -[[Online HEX to Base64 Converter>>https://base64.guru/converter/encode/hex]]:
423 +**[[Online HEX to Base64 Converter>>https://base64.guru/converter/encode/hex]]:**
221 221  
222 222  [[image:image-20221010193350-1.png]]
223 223  
224 224  
225 -[[Online Base64 to Hex converter>>https://base64.guru/converter/decode/hex]]
226 226  
429 +**[[Online Base64 to Hex converter>>https://base64.guru/converter/decode/hex]]**
430 +
227 227  [[image:image-20221010193621-2.png]]
228 228  
229 229  
434 +== 6.2  Chirpstack Downlink Note ==
230 230  
231 -== 4.2  Chirpstack Downlink Note ==
232 232  
233 -
234 234  [[image:image-20220601102543-2.png]]
235 235  
236 -Convert the data to Base64
439 +**Convert the data to Base64**
237 237  
441 +(% style="display:none" %) (%%)
238 238  
239 -[[image:image-20220531173236-10.png]]
240 240  
241 -Check ChripStack downlink DataRate
444 +[[image:image-20220531173236-10.png||height="597" width="1215"]]
242 242  
446 +**Check ChripStack downlink DataRate**
243 243  
244 -[[image:image-20220525101326-11.png]]
245 245  
246 -Make sure the RX2DR is the same in the end node
247 247  
450 +[[image:image-20220525101326-11.png]]
248 248  
452 +**Make sure the RX2DR is the same in the end node**
249 249  
250 -== 4.3  Loraserver Downlink Note ==
251 251  
455 +== 6.3  Loraserver Downlink Note ==
252 252  
457 +
253 253  User can use MQTT to send downlink payload to ChirpStack to perform downstream to LoRaWAN End
254 254  
255 255  (((
... ... @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
267 267  [[image:image-20220531173419-11.png]]
268 268  
269 269  (((
270 -MQTT Connect to ChirpStack
475 +**MQTT Connect to ChirpStack**
271 271  
272 272  
273 273  
... ... @@ -294,10 +294,10 @@
294 294  
295 295  [[image:image-20220531173519-12.png]]
296 296  
297 -MQTT Connect to ChirpStack
502 +**MQTT Connect to ChirpStack**
298 298  
299 299  
300 -If we want to send downstream hex 030101 to end node, the BASE64 payload is AwEB
505 +**If we want to send downstream hex 030101 to end node, the BASE64 payload is AwEB**
301 301  
302 302  [[image:image-20220531173658-14.png]]
303 303  
... ... @@ -319,15 +319,15 @@
319 319   {
320 320   if(sha1[n] >= 'A' && sha1[n] <= 'Z')
321 321   {
322 - ascv = sha1.charCodeAt(n) - 55;
527 + ascv = sha1.charCodeAt( n ) - 55;
323 323   }
324 324   else if(sha1[n] >= 'a' && sha1[n] <= 'z')
325 325   {
326 - ascv = sha1.charCodeAt(n) - 87;
531 + ascv = sha1.charCodeAt( n ) - 87;
327 327   }
328 328   else
329 329   {
330 - ascv = sha1.charCodeAt(n) - 48;
535 + ascv = sha1.charCodeAt( n ) - 48;
331 331   }
332 332  \\ bit_arr = (bit_arr << 4) | ascv;
333 333   bit_num += 4;
... ... @@ -364,13 +364,12 @@
364 364  )))
365 365  
366 366  
572 +== 6.3  Add the decode function in Chirpstack for the payload ==
367 367  
368 -== 4.3  Add the decode function in Chirpstack for the payload ==
369 369  
370 -
371 371  User enters the payload code according to the steps.
372 372  
373 -[[image:image-20220531173754-15.png]]
577 +[[image:image-20220531173754-15.png||height="474" width="1334"]]
374 374  
375 375  
376 376  [[image:image-20220531173856-16.png]]
... ... @@ -381,10 +381,9 @@
381 381  [[image:image-20220531174046-19.png]]
382 382  
383 383  
588 += 7.  Multiply Uplink in ChirpStack =
384 384  
385 -= 5.  Multiply Uplink in ChirpStack =
386 386  
387 -
388 388  (((
389 389  nbtrans field is the value to determine the re-transmission time for unconfirmed uplink data.
390 390  )))
... ... @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
395 395  
396 396  )))
397 397  
398 -[[image:image-20220526091912-7.png]]
601 +[[image:image-20220526091912-7.png||height="241" width="1336"]]
399 399  
400 400  
401 401  (((
... ... @@ -420,15 +420,14 @@
420 420  
421 421  
422 422  
423 -Duplicate transmission in short time
626 +**Duplicate transmission in short time**
424 424  
425 -[[image:image-20220601102430-1.png]]
628 +[[image:image-20220601102430-1.png||height="598" width="1319"]]
426 426  
427 427  
631 +== 7.1  Solution ==
428 428  
429 -== 5.1  Solution ==
430 430  
431 -
432 432  This example uses the Windows version as a template, other versions can refer to this. Similiar reference: [[https:~~/~~/confluence.alitecs.de/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=79790102#content/view/79790102>>url:https://confluence.alitecs.de/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=79790102#content/view/79790102]]
433 433  
434 434  
... ... @@ -548,16 +548,66 @@
548 548  Finish.
549 549  
550 550  
753 += 8.  How to store/get all data traffic for a specific sensor, including raw payload, and uplink/ downlink history. =
551 551  
552 -= 6.  Trouble Shooting =
553 553  
554 -== 6.1  MIC Mismatch or MIC Failed ==
756 +All data is published to the MQTT topics. if you want to store/get the data, you would have to create an MQTT handler and store the data yourself.
555 555  
758 +This example will be shown how to store/get all the data in two ways:
556 556  
760 +(% style="color:blue" %)**//1). Chirpstack ~-~-> Node-red//**
761 +
762 +
763 +[[image:image-20221012184501-1.png]]
764 +
765 +
766 +Use MQTT in Nore-red to subscribe to topics published by the chirpstack-application and then continuously write to a file
767 +
768 +[[image:image-20221012174220-2.png]]
769 +
770 +
771 +[[image:image-20221012184655-3.png||height="395" width="1049"]]
772 +
773 +
774 +**Each message is continuously logged to a specified file**
775 +
776 +[[image:image-20221012174352-3.png]]
777 +
778 +
779 +(% style="color:blue" %)**//2). MQTT  Sub//**
780 +
781 +If you don't want to store the information via node-red, you can get the output via the subscribe command.
782 +
783 +
784 +**If connecting from the same machine, you can use the following command to receive data:**
785 +
786 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
557 557  (((
788 +**mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "application/#" -v**
789 +)))
790 +
791 +
792 +(% style="color:blue" %)**Different host**
793 +
794 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
795 +(((
796 +**mosquitto_sub -h IPADDRESS -p 8883 ~-~-insecure ~-~-cafile ca.pem ~-~-cert cert.pem ~-~-key key.pem -t "application/#" -v**
797 +)))
798 +
799 +[[image:image-20221012173639-1.png]]
800 +
801 +
802 += 9.  Trouble Shooting =
803 +
804 +== 9.1  MIC Mismatch or MIC Failed ==
805 +
806 +
807 +(((
558 558  When the device is registered or the device is working normally, the problem of MIC mismatch and MIC failed occurs.
559 559  )))
560 560  
561 561  (((
562 562  Under normal circumstances, users need to change the APPKEY to solve this problem.
813 +
814 +
563 563  )))
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +XWiki.Kilight
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
1 +18.9 KB
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,721 @@
1 +[
2 + {
3 + "id": "0f8b93c6ce9ba9bd",
4 + "type": "tab",
5 + "label": "流程 1",
6 + "disabled": false,
7 + "info": "",
8 + "env": []
9 + },
10 + {
11 + "id": "11ea7050721f9df5",
12 + "type": "mqtt in",
13 + "z": "0f8b93c6ce9ba9bd",
14 + "name": "LHT65N",
15 + "topic": "application/43b0fd94-75be-4a80-a78c-c9381fe23b05/device/a84041c8b1824695/event/up",
16 + "qos": "0",
17 + "datatype": "auto-detect",
18 + "broker": "862a790de52f4ea4",
19 + "nl": false,
20 + "rap": true,
21 + "rh": 0,
22 + "inputs": 0,
23 + "x": 100,
24 + "y": 140,
25 + "wires": [
26 + [
27 + "034db5cd68129249",
28 + "6e4c3938ccd21838",
29 + "d20a25c0a12cad04",
30 + "38136d7454e138e5",
31 + "239852361ed7c91d"
32 + ]
33 + ]
34 + },
35 + {
36 + "id": "6e4c3938ccd21838",
37 + "type": "debug",
38 + "z": "0f8b93c6ce9ba9bd",
39 + "name": "",
40 + "active": true,
41 + "tosidebar": true,
42 + "console": false,
43 + "tostatus": false,
44 + "complete": "false",
45 + "statusVal": "",
46 + "statusType": "auto",
47 + "x": 490,
48 + "y": 140,
49 + "wires": []
50 + },
51 + {
52 + "id": "034db5cd68129249",
53 + "type": "function",
54 + "z": "0f8b93c6ce9ba9bd",
55 + "name": "",
56 + "func": "var data = msg.payload[\"deviceInfo\"]\nvar decode = msg.payload[\"object\"]\nif (decode[\"Ext_sensor\"] == \"Temperature Sensor\"){\nvar f_port = msg.payload[\"fPort\"]\nvar f_cnt = msg.payload[\"fCnt\"]\nvar data2 = decode\nvar bat =data2[\"BatV\"]\nvar bat_status=data2[\"Bat_status\"]\nvar ext_sensor=data2[\"Ext_sensor\"]\nvar hum_SHT=data2[\"Hum_SHT\"]\nif (\"TempC_DS\" in data2){\n var tempC_DS=data2[\"TempC_DS\"]\n}\nelse {\ntempC_DS=data2[\"TempC_TMP117\"]\n}\nvar tempC_SHT=data2[\"TempC_SHT\"]\nvar a1={payload:f_port},a2={payload:f_cnt},a3={payload:bat},a4={payload:bat_status},a5={payload:ext_sensor},\n a6={payload:hum_SHT},a7={payload:tempC_DS},a8={payload:tempC_SHT}\nreturn [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8];\n}",
57 + "outputs": 9,
58 + "noerr": 0,
59 + "initialize": "",
60 + "finalize": "",
61 + "libs": [],
62 + "x": 470,
63 + "y": 260,
64 + "wires": [
65 + [
66 + "054041c1f8ad740a"
67 + ],
68 + [
69 + "11286fbcb9419c65"
70 + ],
71 + [
72 + "6f74bac1ba605862"
73 + ],
74 + [
75 + "c9f618cca24db5e1"
76 + ],
77 + [
78 + "7f2fc42c4bcc6ff9"
79 + ],
80 + [
81 + "980646824d0c5239"
82 + ],
83 + [
84 + "a2ed445e50c952ea"
85 + ],
86 + [
87 + "13394b6f113fe555"
88 + ],
89 + []
90 + ]
91 + },
92 + {
93 + "id": "054041c1f8ad740a",
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