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Edwin Chen 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
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Xiaoling 11.2 5 = **1. Monitor Gateway** =
Edwin Chen 1.1 6
Xiaoling 11.2 7 == **1.1 Introduction** ==
Edwin Chen 1.1 8
9 This introduction shows how to use a script to monitor the gateway. The video link for this instruction is: [[https:~~/~~/youtu.be/8PieIwfSF_g>>url:https://youtu.be/8PieIwfSF_g]]
Xiaoling 9.2 11 [[image:image-20220531144606-1.png]]
Edwin Chen 1.1 12
Xiaoling 8.3 13
Xiaoling 11.2 14 == **1.2 Steps** ==
Edwin Chen 1.1 15
16 * Create account in ThingsSpeak and creat channel.
17 * Download script from dragino site and move it to properly directory
19 (% class="box infomessage" %)
20 (((
21 root@dragino-1baf44:~~# wget [[http:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/customized_script/monitor_gateway.sh>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/customized_script/monitor_gateway.sh]]
22 Downloading '[[http:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/customized_script/monitor_gateway.sh'>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/customized_script/monitor_gateway.sh']]
23 Connecting to
24 Writing to 'monitor_gateway.sh'
25 monitor_gateway.sh   100% |~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**|  1860   0:00:00 ETA
26 Download completed (1860 bytes)
27 root@dragino-1baf44:~~# chmod +x monitor_gateway.sh;mv monitor_gateway.sh /usr/bin/
28 root@dragino-1baf44:~~#
29 root@dragino-1baf44:~~#
30 )))
32 * change the script monitor_gateway.sh with properly users setting:
34 (% class="box infomessage" %)
35 (((
36 USER='xxxxx'             # user name in your thinkspeak ~-~-> Profile
37 PASS='xxxxx'     #MQTT_API_KEY in your thinkspeak ~-~-> Profile
38 CHAN_ID='xxxx'    #Channel ID   of the channel for this gateway
39 CHAN_KEY='xxxxx'   #Channel Write API  of the channel for this gateway
40 )))
42 * run **/usr/bin/monitor_gateway.sh** to test if upload is good.
44 * Add monitor_gateway.sh to cron work **/etc/crontabs/root** to make this script runs perdiocally, below is an example to update every 20 minutes
46 (% class="box infomessage" %)
47 (((
Edwin Chen 7.1 48 # For details see man 4 crontabs
Edwin Chen 1.1 49 # Example of job definition:
50 # .~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- minute (0 - 59)
51 # | .~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-- hour (0 - 23)
52 # | | .~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- day of month (1 - 31)
53 # | | | .~-~-~-~-~-~-- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
54 # | | | | .~-~-~-~- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
55 # | | | | |
56 # * * * * * user-name command to be executed
57 #*/10 * * * *  checklog
58 ~* 23 * * *  /etc/init.d/auto_update start
Edwin Chen 2.1 59 */20 * * * *  /usr/bin/monitor_gateway.sh     
Edwin Chen 1.1 60 )))
62 * Reboot device.
Xiaoling 8.2 65
Xiaoling 11.2 66 == **1.3 Monitor Public IP** ==
Xiaoling 8.2 67
Edwin Chen 1.1 68 The monitor_gateway.sh has been updated to upload the public ip of the device as well.
70 User can find the public ip in field7, the chart is not able to show the complete public ip, user can check that in the export.
Xiaoling 10.2 72 [[image:image-20220531145559-2.png]]
Edwin Chen 1.1 73
74 Find Public IP
Xiaoling 11.2 78 = **2. Remote Access** =
Edwin Chen 1.1 79
Xiaoling 11.2 80 == **2.1 Remote Access via Remote.it.** ==
Edwin Chen 1.1 81
82 Remote.it for remote access is available in the latest Dragino firmware for gateway. For security concern, the remote.it only available base on end user demand.
84 Important Notice:
86 * Remote.it access will give full control of your device to remote support.
87 * The Remote.it allow Dragino Support to remote access to the device, If user want to access himself, it need to sign up for an remote.it account.
89 For how to use remoteit, please see : [[Remoteit user instruction for Dragino Gateway>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/&file=Dragino-Remoteit_User_Manual.pdf]].
Xiaoling 11.2 92 == **2.2 RSSH Introduction** ==
Edwin Chen 1.1 93
Edwin Chen 2.1 94 Reverse SSH for remote access is available in the latest Dragino firmware for gateway. For security concern, the RSSH only available base on end user demand.
Edwin Chen 1.1 95
Edwin Chen 2.1 96 Important Notice:
Edwin Chen 1.1 97
Edwin Chen 2.2 98 (% class="box warningmessage" %)
Edwin Chen 2.1 99 (((
100 RSSH access will give full control of your device to remote support. Please remove sensitivity info before perform this
101 This RSSH allow Dragino Support to remote access to the device, If user want to access himself, he need to set up the RSSH server himself.
102 )))
104 Below gateway support reverse SSH access:
Edwin Chen 4.1 106 * Firmware Version > lgw~-~-build-v5.4.1618196981-20210412-1111 [[Firmware Download>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Release/]]
Edwin Chen 2.1 107 * LG01N, OLG01N (Note: LG01-P LG01-S doesn't support)
108 * LG02, OLG02
109 * LG308, DLOS8
110 * LPS8
111 * LIG16
112 * MS14 series if installed with the same firmware.
Edwin Chen 1.1 114
Xiaoling 9.5 115
Xiaoling 11.2 116 === **2.2.1 End User Guide to use SSH access** ===
Xiaoling 9.5 117
Edwin Chen 4.1 118 Go to this the Reverse SSH page as below:
Edwin Chen 1.1 119
Xiaoling 11.2 120 [[image:image-20220531150151-3.png]]
Edwin Chen 1.1 121
Edwin Chen 4.1 122 Get the RSSH configure page
Edwin Chen 1.1 123
Edwin Chen 4.1 124 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/7/78/RSSH_Menu3.png/500px-RSSH_Menu3.png~|~|height="313" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:RSSH_Menu3.png]]
Edwin Chen 1.1 125
Edwin Chen 4.1 126 Connection OK.
128 * **Login ID**: Input sshuser
129 * **Host Address**: Input support.dragino.com
130 * **Host Port** : Please email to support @ dragino.com to get a valid host port.
131 * **Connect at Startup** : Choose to enable connect once the device is powered.
132 * **Network Keys**; Click the Generate keys to generate the keys and download / mail it to Dragino support so Dragino can prepare the remote access to
134 After doing above, please download and mail the public keys to Dragino support and wait for our mail for the valid host port. Input the valid host port got from our support and click connect so we can remote access to your gateway.
Edwin Chen 5.1 136
Xiaoling 9.8 137 === **2.2.2 Set Up RSSH Server** ===
Edwin Chen 5.1 138
Edwin Chen 5.2 139 Advance administrator can config a SSH server to provide support their end user themselves., Steps as below
Edwin Chen 5.1 140
Xiaoling 9.8 142 ==== ** Step 1:Download the SSH service code** ====
Xiaoling 9.7 143
Edwin Chen 5.1 144 1).git clone [[https:~~/~~/github.com/dragino/rssh-server.git>>url:https://github.com/dragino/rssh-server.git]] rssh-server
Edwin Chen 5.2 146 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/d/d0/Git_clone.png/500px-Git_clone.png~|~|height="89" width="555"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Git_clone.png]]
Edwin Chen 5.1 147
148 2).cd rssh-server; sudo make ~-~--> to Generate the execute file:rssh_serv
Edwin Chen 5.2 150 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/e/e3/Generate_the_execute_file.png/500px-Generate_the_execute_file.png~|~|height="114" width="554"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Generate_the_execute_file.png]]
Edwin Chen 5.1 151
153 **Debug** :
155 {{{ if you git fail. --> sudo: git: command not found.
156 please install git. --> yum install git -y or apt-get install git -y.
Edwin Chen 7.1 157 if you make error 127,it lack of gcc.
Edwin Chen 5.1 158 please install gcc. -->yum install gcc.
159 }}}
161 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/d/d7/Lack_of_gcc.png~|~|height="174" width="434"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Lack_of_gcc.png]]
164 {{{ if you make a fatal error : sqlite3.h,it lack of sqlite3.
165 please insatell sqlite3.
166 }}}
168 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/9/93/Lack_of_sqlite3.png/500px-Lack_of_sqlite3.png~|~|height="137" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Lack_of_sqlite3.png]]
Edwin Chen 5.2 171 **How to install Sqlit3**
Edwin Chen 5.1 172
Edwin Chen 5.2 173 (% class="box infomessage" %)
174 (((
175 Step1:Download the SQLit3 installation package
176 sudo wget
177 Step2:tar the SQLit3 installation package
Edwin Chen 5.1 178 sudo tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3350300.tar.gz
Edwin Chen 5.2 179 Step3:Generate the makefile
Edwin Chen 5.1 180 cd sqlite-autoconf-3350300/;./configure
Edwin Chen 5.2 181 Step4:Compile makefile
Edwin Chen 5.1 182 sudo make
Edwin Chen 5.2 183 Step5:Install makefile
Edwin Chen 5.1 184 sudo make install
Edwin Chen 5.2 185 Check:
186 cd /usr/local/bin;ls -al                             ~-~->    Check to see if there is a file for sqlite3
187 cd sqlite-autoconf-3350300/;./sqlite3 test.db        ~-~->    Test whether the sqlite3 was installed successfully
188 debug:
Edwin Chen 5.1 189 If you get the imformation that is SQLite header and source version mismatch, when you execute./sqlite3 test.db.
190 Please execute the command /sbin/ldconfig.
191 After that execute the command ./sqlite3 test.db again.
Edwin Chen 5.2 192 )))
194 ===== =====
Xiaoling 9.9 196 ==== ** Step 2 :Install and run the RSS service** ====
Edwin Chen 5.2 197
198 1):install database for /var/rsshdb.sqlite3 and Server development port for 3721(The default is 3721)
200 user must enter the root account and run the following commands
202 (% class="box infomessage" %)
203 (((
204 $ ./create_sqlite3_db.sh
205 $ ./rssh_serv -p  3721 2>&1 &
206 $ ps -ef | grep rssh_serv check 3721 port
207 )))
209 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/c/cb/Intall_database_and_server_development_port.png/500px-Intall_database_and_server_development_port.png~|~|height="70" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Intall_database_and_server_development_port.png]]
212 **Debug:**
214 {{{ Check /var/rsshdb.sqlite3 --> ls /var/rsshdb.sqlite3
215 Check ls /var/rsshdb.sqlite3 --> sudo chmod 777 rssh_serv
Edwin Chen 5.1 216 }}}
Edwin Chen 5.2 218 {{{ if fail to open dpvlry or to bind to it
219 please kill rssh_serv,and run ./rssh_serv -p 3721 2>&1 & again
220 }}}
Edwin Chen 5.1 221
Edwin Chen 5.2 222 ===== =====
224 ===== =====
Xiaoling 9.9 226 ==== ** Step 3 :Create a minimal SSH user (reverse SSH proxy for the gateway)** ====
Edwin Chen 5.2 227
228 (% class="box infomessage" %)
229 (((
230 1):sudo useradd XXXXX (custom user name)
231 2):sudo passwd xxxxxx
232 3):cp /bin/bash /bin/rbash
233 4):sudo nano /etc/passwd ~-~-> Change /bin/bash to /bin/rbash
234 5):sudo nano /home/xxxxx/.bashrc **empty it,and input export PATH=$HOME/bin**
235 6):sudo nano /home/xxxxx/.bash_profile **empty it,and input export PATH=$HOME/bin**
236 )))
238 **Now user "XXXXX" is the user with limited permissions of the current system**
Edwin Chen 7.1 240
Xiaoling 9.9 241 ==== ** Step4:Create an authorization key file** ====
Edwin Chen 7.1 242
243 1):sudo mkdir /home/xxxxx/.ssh; sudo touch /home/xxxxx/.ssh/authorizedkey
245 **Debug:**
247 {{{ check: sudo ls /home/xxxxx/.ssh/authorizedkey}}}
Xiaoling 9.9 251 === **2.3 How does user get the gateway to connect to a user's private server** ===
Edwin Chen 5.2 252
Xiaoling 9.9 254 ==== **2.3.1 Step1: Come back the gateway web UI to get the gateway Public key** ====
Edwin Chen 5.2 256 1)in the system ~-~-> Remote Mgmt/span>
258 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/8/8f/Remote_Mgmt.png/500px-Remote_Mgmt.png~|~|height="367" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Remote_Mgmt.png]]
Xiaoling 9.9 261 ==== **2.3.2 Step2: Authorization server** ====
Edwin Chen 5.2 262
Edwin Chen 7.1 263 Input the Gateway Publickey into user's private server "/home/XXXXX/.ssh/authorized_keys" file.
Edwin Chen 5.2 264
265 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/4/49/Publickey.png/500px-Publickey.png~|~|height="81" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Publickey.png]]
Xiaoling 9.9 268 ===== **2.3.3 Step3: Connect private server** =====
Edwin Chen 5.2 269
Edwin Chen 7.1 270 This is same as connect Dragino Support Server but just change the server address to customize server address.
Edwin Chen 5.2 271
272 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/0/04/Gateway_web_UI.png/500px-Gateway_web_UI.png~|~|height="389" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Gateway_web_UI.png]]
Xiaoling 9.9 276 ===== **2.3.4 Step 4 :Check Connection** =====
Edwin Chen 5.2 277
278 Rssh Host connection Ok
280 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/6/6f/Rssh_Host_connection_Ok.png/500px-Rssh_Host_connection_Ok.png~|~|height="225" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Rssh_Host_connection_Ok.png]]
Edwin Chen 7.1 283 User can use common ps | grep ssh to check it in the gateway.
Edwin Chen 5.2 284
285 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/a/ad/Check_the_gateway.png/500px-Check_the_gateway.png~|~|height="47" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Check_the_gateway.png]]
Xiaoling 9.9 288 ==== **2.3.5 Step5:Access the gateway from customized server** ====
Edwin Chen 5.2 289
Edwin Chen 7.1 290 Check what gateways link to server.
Edwin Chen 5.2 291
Edwin Chen 7.1 292 $ ./connect-gw.sh -l
Edwin Chen 5.2 293
Edwin Chen 7.1 294 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/e/ee/Check_gateway_link_server.png/500px-Check_gateway_link_server.png~|~|height="157" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Check_gateway_link_server.png]]
Edwin Chen 5.2 295
Edwin Chen 7.1 298 Access the gateway
Edwin Chen 5.2 299
Edwin Chen 7.1 300 $ ./connect-gw.sh <GWID>
Edwin Chen 5.2 301
302 [[~[~[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/b/b7/Reverse_ssh_access_the_gateway1.png/500px-Reverse_ssh_access_the_gateway1.png~|~|height="230" width="500"~]~]>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/File:Reverse_ssh_access_the_gateway1.png]]
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