Changes for page LoRaWAN Communication Debug
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... ... @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 -= 1.Join processpagecheck=7 += 1.(% style="display:none" %) (%%) OTAA Join Process Debug = 8 8 9 + 9 9 These pages are useful to check what is wrong on the Join process. Below shows the four steps that we can check the Join Process. 10 10 \\**If user has checked below steps and still can't solve the problem, please send us (support @ the sceenshots for each step to check. They include:** 11 11 ... ... @@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 -(% style="color:blue" %)**3. Gateway Livedatain LoRaWAN Server**47 +(% style="color:blue" %)**3. Gateway Traffic Page in LoRaWAN Server** 47 47 48 -* Doesthegatewayreal-timedatacontain informationabout JoinRequest? If not, check the internet connection and gateway LoRaWAN serverSettings.49 +* If the Join Request packet arrive the gateway traffic in server? If not, check the internet connection and gateway LoRaWAN server settings. 49 49 50 -* Doesthe server send back a Join Accept for the Join Request?If not, checkthatthe key from the device matchesthe key you put intothe server, or try to choose a different server route for thatend device.51 +* If the server send back a Join Accept for the Join Request? if not, check if the keys from the device match the keys you put in the server, or try to choose a different server route for this end device. 51 51 52 52 * If the Join Accept message are in correct frequency? If you set the server to use US915 band, and your end node and gateway is EU868, you will see the Join Accept message are in US915 band so no possible to Join success. 53 53 54 54 [[image:image-20220526163633-3.png]] 55 55 56 -The Traffic for the End node in the server, use TTN as example .57 +The Traffic for the End node in the server, use TTN as example 57 57 58 58 59 59 ... ... @@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ 61 61 62 62 * If this data page shows the Join Request message from the end node? If not, most properly you have wrong settings in the keys. Keys in the server doesn't match the keys in End Node. 63 63 64 -[[image:image-202 40123150720-1.png||height="459" width="1182"]]65 +[[image:image-20220526163704-4.png]] 65 65 66 66 The data for the end device set in server 67 67 68 68 69 -[[image:image-202 40123150943-2.png||height="556" width="1179"]]70 +[[image:image-20220526163732-5.png]] 70 70 71 -Check if OTAA Keys match the keys in device .72 +Check if OTAA Keys match the keys in device 72 72 73 73 74 74 = 2. Notice of US915/CN470/AU915 Frequency band = ... ... @@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ 75 75 76 76 77 77 ((( 78 -If user has problem to work with LoRaWANserver in band US915/AU915/CN470, he can check:79 +If user has problem to work with lorawan server in band US915/AU915/CN470, he can check: 79 79 ))) 80 80 81 81 * ((( 82 -What **sub-band** the server support? 83 +What **sub-band** the server support ? 83 83 ))) 84 84 * ((( 85 -What is the **sub-band** the gateway support? 86 +What is the **sub-band** the gateway support ? 86 86 ))) 87 87 * ((( 88 -What is the **sub-band** the end node is using? 89 +What is the **sub-band** the end node is using ? 89 89 ))) 90 90 91 91 ((( ... ... @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ 97 97 ))) 98 98 99 99 ((( 100 -In LoRaWAN protocol, the frequency bands US915, AU915, CN470 each includes at least 72 frequencies. Many gateways support only 8 or 16 frequencies, and server might support 8 frequency only. In this case, the OTAA join time and uplink schedule is long and unpredictable while the end node is hopping in 72 frequencies, because the end node will send data in many frequency that the gateway or server doesn 't support.101 +In LoRaWAN protocol, the frequency bands US915, AU915, CN470 each includes at least 72 frequencies. Many gateways support only 8 or 16 frequencies, and server might support 8 frequency only. In this case, the OTAA join time and uplink schedule is long and unpredictable while the end node is hopping in 72 frequencies, because the end node will send data in many frequency that the gateway or server doesn,t support. 101 101 ))) 102 102 103 103 ((( ... ... @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ 105 105 ))) 106 106 107 107 ((( 108 -Here are the fre quency tables for these bands as reference:109 +Here are the freuqency tables for these bands as reference: 109 109 ))) 110 110 111 111 [[image:image-20220526163801-6.png]] ... ... @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ 130 130 If we look at the [[TTN network server frequency plan>>url:]], we can see the US915 frequency band use the channel 8~~15.So the End Node must work at the same frequency in US915 8~~15 channels for TTN server. 131 131 ))) 132 132 133 -[[image:image-202 40123151225-3.png||height="434" width="902"]]134 +[[image:image-20220526164052-9.png]] 134 134 135 135 ((( 136 136 TTN FREQUENCY PLAN ... ... @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ 144 144 145 145 (% style="display:none" %) (%%) 146 146 147 -= 3. Why Isee data lost/isnotperiodically uplink?Even the signal strength is good =148 += 3. Why i see data lost/unperiocially uplink data? Even the signal strength is good = 148 148 149 149 150 150 In this case, we can check if the frequency band matches in End Node, Gateway and LoRaWAN server. A typical case is using US915 in ChirpStack server as below: ... ... @@ -178,11 +178,9 @@ 178 178 179 179 ((( 180 180 To solve this, disable the Frame Counter Check will solve this issue , or reset the frame counter in the device page. 181 - 182 -[[image:image-20240123161737-4.png||height="395" width="763"]] 183 183 ))) 184 184 185 -[[image:image-202 40123161853-6.png||height="599" width="771"]]184 +[[image:image-20220526164508-10.png]] 186 186 187 187 Disable Frame Counter Check in ABP Mode 188 188 ... ... @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ 195 195 LoRaWAN End node will open two receive windows to receive the downstream data. If the downstream packets arrive the end node at these receive windows, the end node will be able to get this packet and process it. 196 196 197 197 ((( 198 -Depends on Class A or Class C, the receive windows will be a little difference .197 +Depends on Class A or Class C, the receive windows will be a little difference, 199 199 ))) 200 200 201 201 [[image:image-20220531161828-1.png]] ... ... @@ -215,8 +215,6 @@ 215 215 216 216 * This packet must match the DataRate of RX1(RX1DR) or RX2 (RX2DR). (% style="color:red" %)**This is the common fail point, because different lorawan server might use different RX2DR and they don't info End Node via ADR message so cause the mismatch. If this happen, user need to change the RX2DR to the right value in end node. In OTAA, LoRaWAN Server will send the RX2DR setting in Join Accept message so the end node will auto adjust. but ABP uplink doesn't support this auto change.** 217 217 218 -== == 219 - 220 220 == 5.2 See Debug Info == 221 221 222 222 ... ... @@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ 229 229 ))) 230 230 231 231 ((( 232 -Configure a down linkto the end device229 +Configure a downstream to the end device 233 233 ))) 234 234 235 -[[image:image-202 40123163307-7.png||height="330" width="1125"]]232 +[[image:image-20220526164623-12.png]] 236 236 237 237 ((( 238 238 Set a downstream in TTN and see it is sent ... ... @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ 407 407 ))) 408 408 409 409 410 -= 8. Why Isee uplink 0x00 periodically on the LHT65 v1.8 firmware =407 += 8. Why i see uplink 0x00 periodcally on the LHT65 v1.8 firmware = 411 411 412 412 413 413 Since firmware v1.8, LHT65 will send MAC command to request time, in the case if DR only support max 11 bytes, this MAC command will be bundled to a separate uplink payload with 0x00. ... ... @@ -556,24 +556,24 @@ 556 556 = 13. Why it takes longer time for OTAA joined in US915/CN470/AU915 band? = 557 557 558 558 559 -In US915, AU915 or CN470 frequency band, there are 8 sub -bands, totally 72 channels. and LoRaWAN server normally use only one sub-band, for example Sub-band 2 in TTN. The gateway also configured to Sub-band 2 and cover eight channels in this sub-band. If the end node transfer data in Sub-band 2, it will reach to gateway and to the LoRaWAN server. If the end node transfer packets in other sub-bands, for example sub-band 1, the packet won't arrive both gateway or LoRaWAN server.556 +In US915, AU915 or CN470 frequency band, there are 8 subbands, totally 72 channels. and LoRaWAN server normally use only one sub-band, for example Subband 2 in TTN. The gateway also configured to Subband 2 and cover eight channels in this subband. If the end node transfer data in Subband 2, it will reach to gateway and to the LoRaWAN server. If the end node transfer packets in other subbands, for example subband 1, the packet won't arrive both gateway or LoRaWAN server. 560 560 561 561 562 -In Dragino Sensors old version firmware (before early 2022), the sub -band is fixed the sub-band to 2 , but this cause a problem, the end node is hard to use in other subband and need program. So the new logic is as below:559 +In Dragino Sensors old version firmware (before early 2022), the subband is fixed the subband to 2 , but this cause a problem, the end node is hard to use in other subband and need program. So the new logic is as below: 563 563 564 -We have improved this, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join, in this case,in this case, the end node can support LoRaWAN servers with different sub-bands. To make sure the end node will only transmit the proper sub-band after OTAA Joined successfully, the end node will:561 +We have improved this, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join, In this case, In this case, the end node can support LoRaWAN servers with different subbands. To make sure the end node will only transmit the proper sub-band after OTAA Joined successfully, the end node will: 565 565 566 566 * ((( 567 -Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub -band.564 +Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that subband 568 568 ))) 569 569 * ((( 570 -Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn't include sub -band info in the OTAA Join Accept message (TTN v2 doesn't include).567 +Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn't include subband info in the OTAA Join Accept message ( TTN v2 doesn't include) 571 571 ))) 572 572 573 -This change will make the activation time a little longer but make sure the device can be used in any sub -band.570 +This change will make the activation time a littler longer but make sure the device can be used in any subband. 574 574 575 575 576 -Below is a photo to show why it takes longer time for OTAA Join. We can see in 72 channels mode, why it takes more time to join success. If users want to have faster OTAA Join success, he can change default CHE to the sub -band he uses.573 +Below is a photo to show why it takes longer time for OTAA Join. We can see in 72 channels mode, why it takes more time to join success. If users want to have faster OTAA Join success, he can change default CHE to the subband he use. 577 577 578 578 579 579 [[image:image-20221215223215-1.png||height="584" width="1280"]]
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