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Xiaoling 9.3 1 **~ Table of Contents:**
Xiaoling 1.1 2
Xiaoling 1.3 3 {{toc/}}
Xiaoling 8.1 5
Xiaoling 9.4 7 = 1.  Introduction =
Xiaoling 1.3 8
Xiaoling 9.3 9
Xiaoling 1.5 10 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 11 Gateways can connect to WPA/WPA2 networks
Xiaoling 1.5 12 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 13
Xiaoling 1.5 14 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 15 What does the user need to prepare: The gateway accesses the network normally(Please access the network through other means, such as a WAN port )
Xiaoling 1.5 16 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 17
Xiaoling 1.5 18 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 19 Connect to the gateway's Linux command line via SSH
Xiaoling 4.2 20
Xiaoling 1.5 22 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 23
Xiaoling 9.4 24 = 2.  Connect to the gateway's Linux command line =
Xiaoling 1.1 25
Xiaoling 9.4 26
Xiaoling 1.2 27 User can use Putty or CRT as connection tools and see usermanual's How to connect to the Linux command line via ssh
Xiaoling 1.1 28
Xiaoling 4.2 29
Xiaoling 9.4 30 == 2.1  Step 1: Install the luci package ==
Xiaoling 1.1 31
Xiaoling 9.4 32
Xiaoling 4.2 33 Please use the (% style="color:#037691" %)**opkg update;opkg install luci ~-~-force-overwrite**(%%) command to install luci package
Xiaoling 1.1 34
Xiaoling 1.4 35 (% class="box" %)
36 (((
Xiaoling 1.5 37 root@dragino-1e9674:~~# '''opkg update;opkg install luci ~-~-force-overwrite'''
Xiaoling 1.4 38 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/18.06.8/targets/ar71xx/generic/packages~/~/Packages.gz
39 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_core
40 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/base~/~/Packages.gz
41 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_base
42 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/Packages.gz
43 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_luci
44 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/packages~/~/Packages.gz
45 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_packages
46 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/routing~/~/Packages.gz
47 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_routing
48 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/telephony~/~/Packages.gz
49 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_telephony
50 Downloading http:~/~/www.dragino.com/downloads/downloads/LoRa_Gateway/DLOS8/Firmware/Packages/dragino~/~/Packages.gz
51 Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/dragino
52 Installing luci (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
53 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_all.ipk
54 Installing luci-lib-ip (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
55 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-lib-ip_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_mips_24kc.ipk
56 Installing luci-base (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
57 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-base_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_mips_24kc.ipk
58 Installing luci-mod-admin-full (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
59 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-mod-admin-full_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_mips_24kc.ipk
60 Installing luci-theme-bootstrap (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
61 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-theme-bootstrap_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_all.ipk
62 Installing luci-app-firewall (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
63 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-app-firewall_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_all.ipk
64 Installing luci-proto-ppp (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
65 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-proto-ppp_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_all.ipk
66 Installing luci-proto-ipv6 (git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1) to root...
67 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/luci~/~/luci-proto-ipv6_git-20.356.64372-1259bb1-1_all.ipk
68 Configuring luci-lib-ip.
69 Configuring luci-theme-bootstrap.
70 uci: Entry not found
71 uci: Parse error (too many arguments) at line 22, byte 43
72 Configuring luci-app-firewall.
73 Configuring luci-proto-ppp.
74 Configuring luci-base.
75 Configuring luci-mod-admin-full.
76 uci: Entry not found
77 uci: Parse error (too many arguments) at line 22, byte 43
78 Configuring luci-proto-ipv6.
79 Configuring luci.
80 root@dragino-1e9674:~~#
81 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 82
Xiaoling 4.2 83
Xiaoling 1.1 84
Xiaoling 9.4 85 == 2.2  Step 2: Install the wpad package ==
Xiaoling 4.2 88 Please use the (% style="color:#037691" %)**opkg remove wpad-mini;opkg install wpad**(%%) command to wpad package
Xiaoling 1.1 89
Xiaoling 1.4 90 (% class="box" %)
91 (((
Xiaoling 1.5 92 root@dragino-1e9674:~~# opkg remove wpad-mini;opkg install wpad
Xiaoling 1.4 93 Removing package wpad-mini from root...
94 Installing wpad (2018-05-21-62566bc2-8) to root...
95 Downloading https:~/~/downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-18.06/mips_24kc/base~/~/wpad_2018-05-21-62566bc2-8_mips_24kc.ipk
96 Configuring wpad.
97 root@dragino-1e9674:~~# reboot
98 root@dragino-1e9674:~~#
99 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 100
Xiaoling 4.2 101
Xiaoling 9.4 102 = 3.  Connect to the Enterprise network =
Xiaoling 1.1 103
Xiaoling 9.4 105 == 3.1  Step 1: Enter the luci Web and wireless page ==
Xiaoling 1.2 108 User can use the IP address of the gateway(as followed by /luci to enter the luci page
Xiaoling 1.1 109
Xiaoling 4.2 110 as (% style="color:#037691" %)**** or **adress IP:8000/cgi-bin/luci**
Xiaoling 1.2 111
Xiaoling 1.6 112 (((
Xiaoling 4.2 113 [[image:image-20220527171215-1.png]]
Xiaoling 1.6 114 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 115
116 Enter luci page
Xiaoling 4.2 118
Xiaoling 1.2 119
Xiaoling 9.4 120 == 3.2  Step 2: Select the connection to Enterprise network ==
Xiaoling 9.5 122
Xiaoling 1.2 123 User can enable the WIFI client and edit it with the WPA2-EAP model.
Xiaoling 1.6 125 (((
Xiaoling 4.2 126 [[image:image-20220527171240-2.png]]
Xiaoling 1.6 127 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 128
129 Select wireless page
Xiaoling 1.7 131
Xiaoling 9.4 132
Xiaoling 1.6 133 (((
Xiaoling 7.1 134 [[image:image-20220527171310-3.png]]
Xiaoling 1.6 135 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 136
137 Enable&edit
Xiaoling 7.1 139
Xiaoling 8.1 140
Xiaoling 1.6 141 (((
Xiaoling 7.1 142 [[image:image-20220527171352-4.png]]
Xiaoling 1.6 143 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 144
145 Edit luci WPA2-EAP network
Xiaoling 9.4 147
Xiaoling 1.4 148 (% style="color:red" %)
Xiaoling 9.4 149 **Note :If user's enterprise network no certificate required,user only input the username and passwd to Save&Apply.**
151 (% style="color:red" %)
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