From version < 38.22 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/05/31 09:07
To version < 46.1 >
edited by Edwin Chen
on 2022/06/10 20:37
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.Xiaoling
1 +XWiki.Edwin
... ... @@ -97,8 +97,6 @@
97 97  )))
98 98  )))
99 99  
100 -
101 -
102 102  = 4. System Management Commands =
103 103  
104 104  == 4.1 Change Uplink Interval ==
... ... @@ -137,8 +137,6 @@
137 137  * **Example 1**: Downlink Payload:** 0100001E** ~/~/ Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 30 seconds
138 138  * **Example 2**: Downlink Payload:** 0100003C** ~/~/ Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 60 seconds
139 139  
140 -
141 -
142 142  == 4.2 Reboot End Node ==
143 143  
144 144  Feature: Reboot End Node to perform a new OTAA or ABP Join.
... ... @@ -424,6 +424,8 @@
424 424  
425 425  == 6.1 Confirm Mode ==
426 426  
423 +=== AT+CFM command before DR-LWS007 software stack ===
424 +
427 427  Feature: Get or Set the confirmation mode (0-1).
428 428  
429 429  {{info}}
... ... @@ -448,6 +448,56 @@
448 448  * Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0501 ~/~/ Set AT+CFM=1
449 449  * Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0500 ~/~/ Set AT+CFM=0
450 450  
449 +
450 +=== AT+CFM command since DR-LWS007 software stack ===
451 +
452 +{{info}}
453 +**AT Command: AT+CFM**
454 +{{/info}}
455 +
456 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:710.222px" %)
457 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 707px;" %)AT+CFM
458 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:198px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:349px" %)**Response**
459 +|(% style="width:160px" %)(((
460 +AT+CFM=1,0,0
461 +
462 +value1
463 +)))|(% style="width:198px" %)confirmed uplink|(% style="width:349px" %)(((
464 +1
465 +
466 +OK
467 +)))
468 +|(% style="width:160px" %)(((
469 +AT+CFM=0,?,0
470 +
471 +value2
472 +)))|(% style="width:198px" %)set max retry , range: 0 ~~ 7|(% style="width:349px" %)(((
473 +0~~7
474 +
475 +OK
476 +)))
477 +|(% style="width:160px" %)(((
478 +AT+CFM=0,0,1
479 +
480 +value3
481 +)))|(% style="width:198px" %)uplink fcnt increase by 1 for each retry|(% style="width:349px" %)(((
482 +1
483 +
484 +OK
485 +)))
486 +
487 +{{info}}
488 +**Downlink Command: 0x05**
489 +{{/info}}
490 +
491 +Format: Command Code (0x05) followed by 2 bytes mode value.
492 +
493 +If the downlink payload=05010101, it means set end node to use confirm mode, while type code is 05.
494 +
495 +* Example 1: Downlink Payload: 05010101 ~/~/ Set AT+CFM=1,1,1
496 +* Example 2: Downlink Payload: 05000700 ~/~/ Set AT+CFM=0,7,0
497 +
498 +
451 451  == 6.2 Confirm Status ==
452 452  
453 453  Feature: Get confirmation status of the last AT+SEND (0-1).
... ... @@ -1090,6 +1090,101 @@
1090 1090  * **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **2101** ~/~/ set packet receiving response level to 1
1091 1091  * **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: **2102** ~/~/ set packet receiving response level to 2
1092 1092  
1141 +
1142 +== 7.24 Controls NBTrans in unconfirmed uplink mode(LWS007 NBTrans:Set retransmission packets) ==
1143 +
1144 +{{info}}
1145 +**AT Command: AT+SETMAXNBTRANS **
1146 +{{/info}}
1147 +
1148 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:536.222px" %)
1149 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 533px;" %)AT+**SETMAXNBTRANS**
1150 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:263px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:109px" %)**Response**
1151 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**AT+SETMAXNBTRANS=1,0**|(% style="width:263px" %)Value1: set the maximum NBTrans.|(% style="width:109px" %)1(((
1152 +OK
1153 +)))
1154 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**AT+SETMAXNBTRANS=?,1**|(% style="width:263px" %)value2: 0: uplink fcnt doesn't change for each NBTrans; 1: uplink fcnt increase by 1 for each NBTrans.|(% style="width:109px" %)(((
1155 +1
1156 +
1157 +OK
1158 +)))
1159 +
1160 +{{info}}
1161 +**Downlink Command: 0x33**
1162 +{{/info}}
1163 +
1164 +Format: Command Code (0x33) followed by 2 bytes mode value.
1165 +
1166 +If the downlink payload=330100, it means set end node to use confirm mode, while type code is 33.
1167 +
1168 +* Example 1: Downlink Payload: 330100 ~/~/ Set AT+SETMAXNBTRANS=1,0
1169 +* Example 2: Downlink Payload: 330201 ~/~/ Set AT+SETMAXNBTRANS=2,1
1170 +
1171 +== 7.25 Device offline rejoining (LWS007) ==
1172 +
1173 +{{info}}
1174 +**AT Command: AT+DDETECT**
1175 +{{/info}}
1176 +
1177 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:710.222px" %)
1178 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 707px;" %)AT+**DDETECT**
1179 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:198px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:349px" %)**Response**
1180 +|(% style="width:160px" %)(((
1181 +AT+DDETECT=1,1440,2880
1182 +
1183 +value1
1184 +)))|(% style="width:198px" %)Enable online detect|(% style="width:349px" %)(((
1185 +1
1186 +
1187 +OK
1188 +)))
1189 +|(% style="width:160px" %)(((
1190 +AT+DDETECT=1,?,2880
1191 +
1192 +value2
1193 +)))|(% style="width:198px" %)Online detection packet sending time|(% style="width:349px" %)(((
1194 +
1195 +
1196 +OK
1197 +)))
1198 +|(% style="width:160px" %)(((
1199 +AT+DDETECT=1,1440,?
1200 +
1201 +value3
1202 +)))|(% style="width:198px" %)Process rejoin|(% style="width:349px" %)(((
1203 +
1204 +
1205 +OK
1206 +)))
1207 +
1208 +{{info}}
1209 +**Downlink Command: 0x33**
1210 +{{/info}}
1211 +
1212 +Format: Command Code (0x32) followed by 2 bytes mode value.
1213 +
1214 +If the downlink payload=320105A00B40, it means set end node to use confirm mode, while type code is 33.
1215 +
1216 +* Example 1: Downlink Payload: 320105A00B40 ~/~/ Set AT+DDETECT=1,1440,2880
1217 +
1218 +== 7.26 Request the server to send an ACK ==
1219 +
1220 +{{info}}
1221 +**AT Command: AT+PNACKMD**
1222 +{{/info}}
1223 +
1224 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:536.222px" %)
1225 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 533px;" %)**AT+PNACKMD**
1226 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:263px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:109px" %)**Response**
1227 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**AT+PNACKMD=1**|(% style="width:263px" %)If the node uploads the ACK as confirm, it will request the server to send an ACK. If the server ack is not received, the node will upload the packets that have not received the ACK the next time it receives the ACK|(% style="width:109px" %)1(((
1228 +OK
1229 +)))
1230 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**AT+PNACKMD=0**|(% style="width:263px" %)off request the server to send an ACK|(% style="width:109px" %)(((
1231 +0
1232 +
1233 +OK
1234 +)))
1235 +
1093 1093  = 8. AT Commands Combination =
1094 1094  
1095 1095  == 8.1 Set a fix RX2DR for downlink window ==
... ... @@ -1108,3 +1108,4 @@
1108 1108  * AT+ADR=0  [[Reference>>||anchor="H7.1AdaptiveDataRate"]]
1109 1109  * AT+DR=5  [[Reference>>||anchor="H7.4DataRate"]]
1110 1110  * AT+TXP=0  [[Reference>>||anchor="H7.14TransmitPower"]]
1254 +~)~)~)
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