Changes for page End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command
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... ... @@ -1,32 +1,1112 @@ 1 -{{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}} 1 + **Contents:** 2 + 2 2 {{toc/}} 3 -{{/box}} 4 4 5 -= Paragraph 1 = 6 6 7 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 8 8 9 -= =Sub-paragraph==7 += 1. Introduction = 10 10 11 - Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consectetur adipiscingelit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboreet dolore magnaaliqua. Ut enim adminim veniam, quis nostrudxercitationullamco laborisnisiut aliquipex ea commodo consequat.Duis aute irure dolorin reprehenderitin voluptatevelit essecillum dolore eufugiatnullapariatur. Excepteur sintoccaecat cupidatatnon proident,suntin culpaqui officia deseruntmollitanim idest laborum.9 +Dragino LoRaWAN End Node support two types of AT Commands and Downlink Commands: 12 12 13 -== Sub-paragraph == 11 +* **Common Commands:** They should be available for each sensor, such as: change uplink interval, reset device. 12 +* **Sensor Related Commands:** Only for special sensor, such as control relay, poll RS485 device. 14 14 15 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 14 +((( 15 +**This page shows the common commands since Dragino LoRaWAN stack DR-LWS-005. Make sure the end node support stack higher than DR-LWS-005 before checking this page.** 16 + 17 +))) 16 16 17 -= ==Sub-subparagraph===19 += 2. How to use AT Commands or Downlink command = 18 18 19 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 21 +* For AT Command , See Devices User Manual for Device. The user manual can be found in each product page of [[Dragino Official Website>>url:]] 22 +* For LoRaWAN Downlink: The gateway transfer downlink command in HEX format. This page shows the HEX format downlink code for each command. but some servers use base64 as downlink code. Below are reference for how to use downlink command: 23 +** Use HEX format to send a downlink: [[TTN v3>>Notes for TTN]] 24 +** Use Base64 format to send a downlink: [[Chirpstack>>Notes for ChirpStack]] 25 +** See use note for more serves [[Servers Note>>doc:Main.WebHome]](IoT LoRaWAN Server) 20 20 21 21 22 -= Paragraph 2 = 23 23 24 - Loremipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod temporincididuntut labore etdoloremagna aliqua. Ut enim adminim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquipexea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit involuptatevelit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteursintoccaecat cupidatatnonproident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.29 += 3. Support End Node and firmware version = 25 25 26 -== Sub-paragraph == 31 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:966px" %) 32 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 963px;" %)((( 33 +Dragino STM32 base hardware Firmware / LoRaWAN stack list 34 +))) 35 +|(% style="width:187px" %)((( 36 +**Model** 37 +)))|(% style="width:330px" %)((( 38 +**Description** 39 +)))|(% style="width:445px" %)((( 40 +**Firmware Version <~-~-> Stack Version** 41 +))) 42 +|(% style="width:187px" %)((( 43 +[[LSN50-v1>>url:]], [[LSN50-V2>>url:]], 44 +)))|(% style="width:330px" %)((( 45 +Open Source Generic LoRaWAN Sensor Node 46 +)))|(% style="width:445px" %)((( 47 +((( 48 +LSN50 v1.6.0 <~-~-> DR-LWS-003; 49 +))) 27 27 28 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 51 +((( 52 +((( 53 +LSN50 v1.7.0 <~-~-> DR-LWS-005; ~-~-> Support since this version 54 +))) 55 +))) 56 +))) 57 +|(% style="width:187px" %)((( 58 +[[LGT92>>url:]], 59 +)))|(% style="width:330px" %)((( 60 +LoRaWAN GPS Tracker 61 +)))|(% style="width:445px" %)((( 62 +((( 63 +LGT92 v1.6.3 <~-~-> DR-LWS-003; 64 +))) 29 29 30 -== Sub-paragraph == 66 +((( 67 +((( 68 +LGT92 v1.6.4 <~-~-> DR-LWS-005;~-~-> Support since this version 69 +))) 70 +))) 71 +))) 72 +|(% style="width:187px" %)((( 73 +[[LBT1>>url:]], 74 +)))|(% style="width:330px" %)((( 75 +LoRaWAN BLE Indoor Tracker 76 +)))|(% style="width:445px" %)((( 77 +LBT1 v1.0 <~-~-> DR-LWS-005; 78 +))) 79 +|(% style="width:187px" %)((( 80 +[[RS485-LN>>url:]], 81 +)))|(% style="width:330px" %)((( 82 +LoRaWAN RS485 Modbus Converter 83 +)))|(% style="width:445px" %)((( 84 +RS485-LN v1.3 <~-~-> DR-LWS-005; 85 +))) 86 +|(% style="width:187px" %)((( 87 +[[LHT65>>url:]], 88 +)))|(% style="width:330px" %)((( 89 +LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor 90 +)))|(% style="width:445px" %)((( 91 +((( 92 +LHT65 v1.7 <~-~-> DR-LWS-003; 93 +))) 31 31 32 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 95 +((( 96 +((( 97 +LHT65 v1.8.0 <~-~-> DR-LWS-005;~-~-> Support since this version 98 +))) 99 +))) 100 +))) 101 + 102 + 103 + 104 += 4. System Management Commands = 105 + 106 +== 4.1 Change Uplink Interval == 107 + 108 +Feature: Change LoRaWAN End Node Transmit Interval. 109 + 110 +(% class="box infomessage" %) 111 +((( 112 +**AT Command: AT+TDC** 113 +))) 114 + 115 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:727.222px" %) 116 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 724px;" %)AT+TDC 117 +|(% style="width:165px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:227px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:329px" %)**Response** 118 +|(% style="width:165px" %)AT+TDC=?|(% style="width:227px" %)Show current transmit Interval|(% style="width:329px" %)30000((( 119 +OK 120 + 121 +the interval is 30000ms = 30s 122 +))) 123 +|(% style="width:165px" %)AT+TDC=60000|(% style="width:227px" %)Set Transmit Interval|(% style="width:329px" %)OK((( 124 +Set transmit interval to 60000ms = 60 seconds 125 +))) 126 + 127 +{{info}} 128 +**Downlink Command: 0x01** 129 +{{/info}} 130 + 131 +((( 132 +Format: Command Code (0x01) followed by 3 bytes time value. 133 +))) 134 + 135 +((( 136 +If the downlink payload=0100003C, it means set the END Node’s Transmit Interval to 0x00003C=60(S), while type code is 01. 137 +))) 138 + 139 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload:** 0100001E** ~/~/ Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 30 seconds 140 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload:** 0100003C** ~/~/ Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 60 seconds 141 + 142 + 143 + 144 +== 4.2 Reboot End Node == 145 + 146 +Feature: Reboot End Node to perform a new OTAA or ABP Join. 147 + 148 +{{info}} 149 +**AT Command: ATZ** 150 +{{/info}} 151 + 152 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:727.222px" %) 153 +|=(% colspan="3" %)ATZ: Trig a reset of the MCU 154 +|**Command Example**|**Function**|**Response** 155 +|ATZ|Reset MCU|((( 156 +Device reset and show booting info 157 + 158 +LSN50 Device/LoRa ST Module 159 + 160 +Image Version: XX 161 + 162 +Frequency Band: XX 163 + 164 +DevEui= XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 165 + 166 +<followed by the Tx and Rx information> 167 +))) 168 + 169 +{{info}} 170 +**Downlink Command: 0x04** 171 +{{/info}} 172 + 173 +((( 174 +Format: Command Code (0x04) followed by FF. 175 +))) 176 + 177 +((( 178 +If the downlink payload=**04FF**, the end node will reboot. 179 + 180 + 181 +))) 182 + 183 +== 4.3 Reset to factory Default == 184 + 185 +Feature: Reset the parameters to Factory Default, factory default value depends on the firmware settings, the OTAA and ABP keys will reserve after this command. 186 + 187 +{{info}} 188 +**AT Command: AT+FDR** 189 +{{/info}} 190 + 191 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:831.222px" %) 192 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 828px;" %)Reset to factory default 193 +|(% style="width:181px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:181px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:465px" %)**Response** 194 +|(% style="width:181px" %)AT+FDR|(% style="width:181px" %)Reset to factory default|(% style="width:465px" %)((( 195 +Device reset to factory default parameters and show booting info 196 + 197 +LSN50 Device/LoRa ST Module 198 + 199 +Image Version: XX 200 + 201 +Frequency Band: XX 202 + 203 +DevEui= XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 204 + 205 +Please set the parameters or reset Device to apply change 206 +))) 207 + 208 +{{info}} 209 +**Downlink Command: 0x04** 210 +{{/info}} 211 + 212 +((( 213 +Format: Command Code (0x04) followed by FE. 214 +))) 215 + 216 +((( 217 +If the downlink payload=**04FE**, Reset Parameters to Factory Default, Keys Reserve. 218 +))) 219 + 220 + 221 +== 4.4 Show Firmware Version == 222 + 223 +Feature: Show firmware version. No downlink command yet. 224 + 225 +{{info}} 226 +**AT Command: AT+VER** 227 +{{/info}} 228 + 229 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:586px" %) 230 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 583px;" %)AT+VER: Image Version and Frequency Band 231 +|(% style="width:170px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:300px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:113px" %)**Response** 232 +|(% style="width:170px" %)AT+VER=?|(% style="width:300px" %)Show Image version and Frequency Band|(% style="width:113px" %)((( 233 +1.3 EU868 234 + 235 +OK 236 +))) 237 + 238 +{{info}} 239 +**Downlink Command: 0x26 (Valid in 006 stack)** 240 +{{/info}} 241 + 242 +((( 243 +Downlink Format: 0x26 244 +))) 245 + 246 +((( 247 +Device will reply with firmware version info, device info. frequency band info. detail please check device user manual. Total 5 bytes Example: If device is of firmware version 1.1.0 Upload: xx ~-~- yy ~-~- zz ~-~- 110 total 5 bytes 248 +))) 249 + 250 +((( 251 +**xx: Software Type:** 252 +))) 253 + 254 +* 0x00 01: LGT92 Version 255 +* 0x00 02: LBT1 256 +* 0x00 03: LSE01/LDDS75/LDDS20/LSPH01/LLMS01/LSNPK01 257 + 258 +((( 259 +**yy: Frequency Band:** 260 +))) 261 + 262 +* 0x01: EU868 263 +* 0x02: US915 264 +* 0x03: IN865 265 +* 0x04: AU915 266 +* 0x05: KZ865 267 +* 0x06: RU864 268 +* 0x07: AS923 269 +* 0x08: AS923-1 270 +* 0x09: AS923-2 271 +* 0xa0: AS923-3 272 + 273 +((( 274 +**zz: Subband** 275 +))) 276 + 277 +firmware version: v1.1.0 ~-~-> 110 278 + 279 + 280 +== 4.5 Show System Configure == 281 + 282 +Feature: Show All configure. No downlink command yet. 283 + 284 +{{info}} 285 +**AT Command: AT+CFG** 286 +{{/info}} 287 + 288 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:599.222px" %) 289 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 596px;" %)AT+CFG: Print all configurations 290 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:154px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:280px" %)**Response** 291 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+CFG|(% style="width:154px" %)Show all configures|(% style="width:280px" %)((( 292 +AT+DEUI = XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 293 + 294 +AT+DADDR=XXXXXXXX 295 + 296 +………. 297 + 298 +AT+RX2WTO=X 299 + 300 +AT+CHS=868100000 301 + 302 +OK 303 +))) 304 + 305 += 5. Keys, IDs and EUIs management = 306 + 307 +== 5.1 Application EUI == 308 + 309 +Feature: Get or Set the Application EUI. 310 + 311 +{{info}} 312 +**AT Command: AT+APPEUI** 313 +{{/info}} 314 + 315 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:686.222px" %) 316 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 683px;" %)AT+APPEUI 317 +|(% style="width:305px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:186px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:191px" %)**Response** 318 +|(% style="width:305px" %)AT+APPEUI=?|(% style="width:186px" %)Get the Application EUI|(% style="width:191px" %)00 b3 d5 00 00 00 00 00((( 319 +OK 320 +))) 321 +|(% style="width:305px" %)AT+APPEUI=00 b3 d5 7e f0 00 4d 34|(% style="width:186px" %)Set the Application EUI|(% style="width:191px" %)OK 322 + 323 +== 5.2 Application Key == 324 + 325 +Feature: Get or Set the Application Key. 326 + 327 +{{info}} 328 +**AT Command: AT+APPKEY** 329 +{{/info}} 330 + 331 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:976.222px" %) 332 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 973px;" %)AT+APPKEY 333 +|(% style="width:441px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:180px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:350px" %)**Response** 334 +|(% style="width:441px" %)AT+APPKEY=?|(% style="width:180px" %)Get the Application Key|(% style="width:350px" %)00 35 55 55 22 23 55 53 43 24 23 42 34 35 35 35((( 335 +OK 336 +))) 337 +|(% style="width:441px" %)AT+APPKEY=00 35 55 55 22 23 55 53 43 24 23 42 34 35 35 35|(% style="width:180px" %)Set the Application Key|(% style="width:350px" %)OK 338 + 339 +== 5.3 Application Session Key == 340 + 341 +Feature: Get or Set the Application Session Key. 342 + 343 +{{info}} 344 +**AT Command: AT+APPSKEY** 345 +{{/info}} 346 + 347 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:1040.22px" %) 348 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 1037px;" %)AT+APPSKEY 349 +|(% style="width:451px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:231px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:354px" %)**Response** 350 +|(% style="width:451px" %)AT+APPSKEY=?|(% style="width:231px" %)Get the Application Session Key|(% style="width:354px" %)00 7d dc 73 33 d3 eb 9e 14 38 d5 a4 3e 62 5b e2((( 351 +OK 352 +))) 353 +|(% style="width:451px" %)AT+APPSKEY=00 7d dc 73 33 d3 eb 9e 14 38 d5 a4 3e 62 5b e2|(% style="width:231px" %)Set the Application Session Key|(% style="width:354px" %)(While Error in format, return AT_PARAM_ERROR)((( 354 +OK 355 +))) 356 + 357 +== 5.4 Device Address == 358 + 359 +Feature: Get or Set the Device Address. 360 + 361 +{{info}} 362 +**AT Command: AT+DADDR** 363 +{{/info}} 364 + 365 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:795.222px" %) 366 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 792px;" %)AT+DADDR 367 +|(% style="width:192px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:241px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:359px" %)**Response** 368 +|(% style="width:192px" %)AT+DADDR=?|(% style="width:241px" %)Get the Application Session Key.|(% style="width:359px" %)(While Error in format, return AT_PARAM_ERROR)((( 369 +A8 40 41 FF 370 + 371 +OK 372 +))) 373 +|(% style="width:192px" %)AT+DADDR=A8 40 41 FF|(% style="width:241px" %)Set the Application Session Key.|(% style="width:359px" %)OK 374 + 375 +== 5.5 Device EUI == 376 + 377 +Feature: Get or Set the Device EUI. 378 + 379 +{{info}} 380 +**AT Command: AT+DEUI** 381 +{{/info}} 382 + 383 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:1035.22px" %) 384 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 1032px;" %)AT+DEUI 385 +|(% style="width:250px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:147px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:634px" %)**Response** 386 +|(% style="width:250px" %)AT+DEUI=?|(% style="width:147px" %)Get the Device EUI.|(% style="width:634px" %)00 44 34 22 33 45 55 55((( 387 +OK 388 +))) 389 +|(% style="width:250px" %)AT+DEUI=A8 40 41 FF FF 12 34 56|(% style="width:147px" %)Set the Device EUI.|(% style="width:634px" %)(System will write new value to Device EUI,While Error in format, return AT_PARAM_ERROR)((( 390 +OK 391 +))) 392 + 393 +== 5.6 Network ID == 394 + 395 +Feature: Get or Set the Network ID.(You can enter this command change only after successful network connection) 396 + 397 +{{info}} 398 +**AT Command: AT+NWKID** 399 +{{/info}} 400 + 401 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:448.222px" %) 402 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 445px;" %)AT+NWKID 403 +|(% style="width:191px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:153px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:101px" %)**Response** 404 +|(% style="width:191px" %)AT+NWKID=?|(% style="width:153px" %)Get the Network ID.|(% style="width:101px" %)a8 40 41 ff((( 405 +OK 406 +))) 407 +|(% style="width:191px" %)AT+NWKID=A8 40 41 FF|(% style="width:153px" %)Set the Network ID.|(% style="width:101px" %)OK 408 + 409 +== 5.7 Network Session Key == 410 + 411 +Feature: Get or Set the Network Session Key 412 + 413 +{{info}} 414 +**AT Command: AT+NWKSKEY** 415 +{{/info}} 416 + 417 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:1017.22px" %) 418 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 1014px;" %)AT+NWKSKEY 419 +|(% style="width:455px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:215px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:343px" %)**Response** 420 +|(% style="width:455px" %)AT+NWKSKEY=?|(% style="width:215px" %)Get the Network Session Key.|(% style="width:343px" %)00 4f 19 25 52 ce 97 09 d7 fa 84 71 db 51 02 92((( 421 +OK 422 +))) 423 +|(% style="width:455px" %)AT+NWKSKEY=A8 40 41 FF FF 12 34 56 00 01 02 04 05 06 06 07|(% style="width:215px" %)Set the Network Session Key.|(% style="width:343px" %)OK 424 + 425 += 6. Joining and sending date on LoRaWAN network = 426 + 427 +== 6.1 Confirm Mode == 428 + 429 +Feature: Get or Set the confirmation mode (0-1). 430 + 431 +{{info}} 432 +**AT Command: AT+CFM** 433 +{{/info}} 434 + 435 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:710.222px" %) 436 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 707px;" %)AT+CFM 437 +|(% style="width:155px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:205px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:346px" %)**Response** 438 +|(% style="width:155px" %)AT+CFM=?|(% style="width:205px" %)Get the confirmation mode|(% style="width:346px" %)0((( 439 +OK 440 +))) 441 +|(% style="width:155px" %)AT+CFM=1|(% style="width:205px" %)Set the confirmation mode|(% style="width:346px" %)OK 442 +|(% style="width:155px" %)AT+CFM=2|(% style="width:205px" %)Set the confirmation mode|(% style="width:346px" %)While Error in format, return AT_PARAM_ERROR 443 + 444 +Downlink Command: 0x05 445 + 446 +Format: Command Code (0x05) followed by 2 bytes mode value. 447 + 448 +If the downlink payload=0501, it means set end node to use confirm mode, while type code is 05. 449 + 450 +* Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0501 ~/~/ Set AT+CFM=1 451 +* Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0500 ~/~/ Set AT+CFM=0 452 + 453 +== 6.2 Confirm Status == 454 + 455 +Feature: Get confirmation status of the last AT+SEND (0-1). 456 + 457 +{{info}} 458 +**AT Command: AT+CFS** 459 +{{/info}} 460 + 461 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:534.222px" %) 462 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 531px;" %)AT+CFS 463 +|(% style="width:156px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:193px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:178px" %)**Response** 464 +|(% style="width:156px" %)AT+CFS=?|(% style="width:193px" %)Get confirmation status|(% style="width:178px" %)0((( 465 +OK 466 +))) 467 + 468 +== 6.3 Join LoRa® Network == 469 + 470 +Feature: Join network. 471 + 472 +{{info}} 473 +**AT Command: AT+JOIN** 474 +{{/info}} 475 + 476 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:647.222px" %) 477 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 644px;" %)AT+JOIN 478 +|(% style="width:163px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:147px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:334px" %)**Response** 479 +|(% style="width:163px" %)AT+JOIN ?|(% style="width:147px" %)Get imformation.|(% style="width:334px" %)AT+JOIN: Join network((( 480 +OK 481 + 482 +While Error in format, return AT_BUSY_ERROR 483 +))) 484 + 485 +== 6.4 LoRa® Network Join Mode == 486 + 487 +Feature: Get or Set the Network Join Mode. (0: ABP, 1: OTAA). 488 + 489 +{{info}} 490 +**AT Command: AT+NJM** 491 +{{/info}} 492 + 493 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:753.222px" %) 494 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 750px;" %)AT+NJM 495 +|(% style="width:162px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:227px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:361px" %)**Response** 496 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+NJM=?|(% style="width:227px" %)Get the Network Join Mode|(% style="width:361px" %)1((( 497 +OK 498 +))) 499 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+NJM=0|(% style="width:227px" %)Set the Network Join Mode|(% style="width:361px" %)OK 500 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+NJM=2|(% style="width:227px" %)Set the Network Join Mode|(% style="width:361px" %)While Error in format, return AT_PARAM_ERROR 501 + 502 +{{info}} 503 +**Downlink Command: 0x20** 504 +{{/info}} 505 + 506 +Format: Command Code (0x20) followed by 1 bytes mode value. 507 + 508 +If the downlink payload=2000, it means set the Network Join Mode, while type code is 20. 509 + 510 +* **Example 1: **Downlink Payload: **2000** ~/~/ Set AT+NJM=O 511 +* **Example 2:** Downlink Payload: **2001** ~/~/ Set AT+NJM=1 512 + 513 +== 6.5 LoRa® Network Join Status == 514 + 515 +Feature: LoRa® Network Join Status. 516 + 517 +{{info}} 518 +**AT Command: AT+NJS** 519 +{{/info}} 520 + 521 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:498.222px" %) 522 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 495px;" %)AT+NJS 523 +|(% style="width:169px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:164px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:161px" %)**Response** 524 +|(% style="width:169px" %)AT+NJS=?|(% style="width:164px" %)Get the join status.|(% style="width:161px" %)0((( 525 +OK 526 +))) 527 + 528 +== 6.6 Print Last Received Data in Raw Format == 529 + 530 +Feature: Print Last Received Data in Raw Format<port:data>. 531 + 532 +{{info}} 533 +**AT Command: AT+RECV** 534 +{{/info}} 535 + 536 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:587.222px" %) 537 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 584px;" %)AT+RECV 538 +|(% style="width:161px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:272px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:150px" %)**Response** 539 +|(% style="width:161px" %)AT+RECV=?|(% style="width:272px" %)print last received data in raw format.|(% style="width:150px" %)0:((( 540 +OK 541 +))) 542 + 543 +== 6.7 Print Last Received Data in Binary Format == 544 + 545 +Feature: Print Last Received Data in Binary Format<port:data>. 546 + 547 +{{info}} 548 +**AT Command: AT+RECVB** 549 +{{/info}} 550 + 551 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:793.222px" %) 552 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 790px;" %)AT+RECVB 553 +|(% style="width:173px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:497px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:120px" %)**Response** 554 +|(% style="width:173px" %)AT+RECVB=?|(% style="width:497px" %)print last received data in binary format (with hexadecimal values).|(% style="width:120px" %)2: 0010((( 555 +OK 556 +))) 557 + 558 +== 6.8 Send Text Data == 559 + 560 +Feature: Send Text Data<port:data>. 561 + 562 +{{info}} 563 +**AT Command: AT+SEND** 564 +{{/info}} 565 + 566 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:991.222px" %) 567 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 988px;" %)AT+SEND 568 +|(% style="width:201px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:340px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:446px" %)**Response** 569 +|(% style="width:201px" %)AT+SEND=12:hello world|(% style="width:340px" %)Send text data along with the application port.|(% style="width:446px" %)OK((( 570 +While Error in format, return 571 + 572 +AT_BUSY_ERROR/AT_BUSY_ERROR/AT_NO_NETWORK_JOINED 573 + 574 + 575 +))) 576 + 577 +== 6.9 Send Hexadecimal Data == 578 + 579 +Feature: Send hexadecimal data along with the application port. 580 + 581 +{{info}} 582 +**AT Command: AT+SENDB** 583 +{{/info}} 584 + 585 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:1120.22px" %) 586 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 1117px;" %)AT+SENDB 587 +|(% style="width:257px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:406px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:453px" %)**Response** 588 +|(% style="width:257px" %)AT+SENDB=12:abcdef0123456789|(% style="width:406px" %)Send hexadecimal data along with the application port.|(% style="width:453px" %)OK 589 +|(% style="width:257px" %)AT+SENDB=abcdef0123456789|(% style="width:406px" %)Send hexadecimal data along with the application port.|(% style="width:453px" %)While Error in format, return((( 590 +AT_PARAM_ERROR AT_BUSY_ERROR/AT_NO_NETWORK_JOINED 591 + 592 + 593 +))) 594 + 595 += 7. LoRaWAN network management = 596 + 597 +== 7.1 Adaptive Data Rate == 598 + 599 +Feature: Get or Set the Adaptive Data Rate setting. (0: off, 1: on). 600 + 601 +{{info}} 602 +**AT Command: AT+ADR** 603 +{{/info}} 604 + 605 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:683.222px" %) 606 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 680px;" %)AT+ADR 607 +|(% style="width:162px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:266px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:250px" %)**Response** 608 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+ADR=?|(% style="width:266px" %)Get the Adaptive Data Rate setting.|(% style="width:250px" %)1((( 609 +OK 610 +))) 611 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+ADR=0|(% style="width:266px" %)Set the Adaptive Data Rate setting.|(% style="width:250px" %)OK 612 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+ADR=2|(% style="width:266px" %)Set the Adaptive Data Rate setting.|(% style="width:250px" %)While Error in format, return((( 613 +AT_PARAM_ERROR 614 +))) 615 + 616 +{{info}} 617 +**Downlink Command: 0x22** 618 +{{/info}} 619 + 620 + 621 +If the downlink payload=2201, it means setting the adaptive data rate to 1, while type code is 22. 622 + 623 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **2201** ~/~/ Set AT+ADR=1. 624 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: **2200FFFF** ~/~/ Set AT+ADR=0. 625 + 626 +== 7.2 LoRa® Class == 627 + 628 +Feature: Get or Set the Device Class(Currently only support class A, class C). 629 + 630 +{{info}} 631 +**AT Command:AT+CLASS** 632 +{{/info}} 633 + 634 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:507.222px" %) 635 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 504px;" %)AT+CLASS 636 +|(% style="width:163px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:166px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:175px" %)**Response** 637 +|(% style="width:163px" %)AT+CLASS=?|(% style="width:166px" %)Get the Device Class.|(% style="width:175px" %)A((( 638 +OK 639 +))) 640 +|(% style="width:163px" %)AT+CLASS=C|(% style="width:166px" %)Set the Device Class.|(% style="width:175px" %)OK((( 641 + 642 +))) 643 + 644 +== 7.3 Duty Cycle Setting == 645 + 646 +Feature: Get or Set the ETSI Duty Cycle setting - 0=disable, 1=enable - Only for testing. 647 + 648 +{{info}} 649 +**AT Command:AT+DCS** 650 +{{/info}} 651 + 652 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:515.222px" %) 653 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 512px;" %)AT+DCS 654 +|(% style="width:165px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:239px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:107px" %)**Response** 655 +|(% style="width:165px" %)AT+DCS=?|(% style="width:239px" %)Get the ETSI Duty Cycle setting.|(% style="width:107px" %)1((( 656 +OK 657 +))) 658 +|(% style="width:165px" %)AT+DCS=1|(% style="width:239px" %)Set the ETSI Duty Cycle setting.|(% style="width:107px" %)OK((( 659 + 660 +))) 661 + 662 +== 7.4 Data Rate == 663 + 664 +Feature: Get or Set the Data Rate. (0-7 corresponding to DR_X) . Note: while set Data Rate, please use set Adptive Data Rate, ADR=0 first. otherwise device will response to server's ADR command and change the DR to the setting from server 665 + 666 +{{info}} 667 +**AT Command: AT+DR** 668 +{{/info}} 669 + 670 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:466.222px" %) 671 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 463px;" %)AT+DR 672 +|(% style="width:156px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:167px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:140px" %)**Response** 673 +|(% style="width:156px" %)AT+DR=?|(% style="width:167px" %)Get the Data Rate.|(% style="width:140px" %)5((( 674 +OK 675 +))) 676 +|(% style="width:156px" %)AT+DR=2|(% style="width:167px" %)Set the Data Rate.|(% style="width:140px" %)OK((( 677 + 678 +))) 679 + 680 +{{info}} 681 +**Downlink Command: 0x2200aaFF** 682 +{{/info}} 683 + 684 + 685 +If the downlink payload=220001FF, it means setting the data rate to 1, while type code is 22 00 aa FF. 686 + 687 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **220001FF** ~/~/ Set AT+DR=1. 688 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: **220000FF** ~/~/ Set AT+DR=0. 689 + 690 +== 7.5 Frame Counter Downlink == 691 + 692 +Feature: Get or Set the Frame Counter Downlink. 693 + 694 +{{info}} 695 +**AT Command:AT+FCD** 696 +{{/info}} 697 + 698 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:693.222px" %) 699 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 690px;" %)AT+FCD 700 +|(% style="width:162px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:258px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:269px" %)**Response** 701 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+FCD=?|(% style="width:258px" %)Get the Frame Counter Downlink.|(% style="width:269px" %)0((( 702 +OK 703 +))) 704 +|(% style="width:162px" %)AT+FCD=10|(% style="width:258px" %)Set the Frame Counter Downlink.|(% style="width:269px" %)(System will write new value to FCD)((( 705 +OK 706 + 707 + 708 +))) 709 + 710 +== 7.6 Frame Counter Uplink == 711 + 712 +Feature: Get or Set the Frame Counter Uplink. 713 + 714 +{{info}} 715 +**AT Command:AT+FCU** 716 +{{/info}} 717 + 718 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:534.222px" %) 719 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 531px;" %)AT+FCU 720 +|(% style="width:177px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:239px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:113px" %)**Response** 721 +|(% style="width:177px" %)AT+FCU=?|(% style="width:239px" %)Get the Frame Counter Uplink.|(% style="width:113px" %)0((( 722 +OK 723 +))) 724 +|(% style="width:177px" %)AT+FCU=10|(% style="width:239px" %)Set the Frame Counter Uplink.|(% style="width:113px" %)OK((( 725 + 726 +))) 727 + 728 +== 7.7 Join Accept Delay1 == 729 + 730 +Feature: Get or Set the Join Accept Delay between the end of the Tx and the Join Rx Window 1 in ms. 731 + 732 +{{info}} 733 +**AT Command:AT+JN1DL** 734 +{{/info}} 735 + 736 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:537.222px" %) 737 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 534px;" %)AT+JN1DL 738 +|(% style="width:164px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:229px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:140px" %)**Response** 739 +|(% style="width:164px" %)AT+JN1DL=?|(% style="width:229px" %)Get the Join Accept Delay.|(% style="width:140px" %)5000((( 740 +OK 741 +))) 742 +|(% style="width:164px" %)AT+JN1DL=10000|(% style="width:229px" %)Set the Join Accept Delay.|(% style="width:140px" %)OK((( 743 + 744 +))) 745 + 746 +== 7.8 Join Accept Delay2 == 747 + 748 +Feature: Get or Set the Join Accept Delay between the end of the Tx and the Join Rx Window 2 in ms. 749 + 750 +{{info}} 751 +**AT Command:AT+JN2DL** 752 +{{/info}} 753 + 754 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:538.222px" %) 755 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 535px;" %)AT+JN2DL 756 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:228px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:146px" %)**Response** 757 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+JN2DL=?|(% style="width:228px" %)Get the Join Accept Delay.|(% style="width:146px" %)6000((( 758 +OK 759 +))) 760 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+JN2DL=20000|(% style="width:228px" %)Set the Join Accept Delay.|(% style="width:146px" %)OK((( 761 + 762 +))) 763 + 764 +== 7.9 Public Network Mode == 765 + 766 +Feature: Get or Set the public network mode. (0: off, 1: on) 767 + 768 +{{info}} 769 +**AT Command:AT+PNM** 770 +{{/info}} 771 + 772 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:667.222px" %) 773 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 664px;" %)AT+PNM 774 +|(% style="width:166px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:225px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:272px" %)**Response** 775 +|(% style="width:166px" %)AT+PNM=?|(% style="width:225px" %)Get the public network mode.|(% style="width:272px" %)1((( 776 +OK 777 +))) 778 +|(% style="width:166px" %)AT+PNM=1|(% style="width:225px" %)Set the public network mode.|(% style="width:272px" %)(System will write new value to PNM)((( 779 +OK 780 + 781 + 782 +))) 783 + 784 +== 7.10 Receive Delay1 == 785 + 786 +Feature: Get or Set the delay between the end of the Tx and the Rx Window 1 in ms 787 + 788 +{{info}} 789 +**AT Command:AT+RX1DL** 790 +{{/info}} 791 + 792 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:408.222px" %) 793 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 405px;" %)AT+RX1DL 794 +|(% style="width:155px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:128px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:122px" %)**Response** 795 +|(% style="width:155px" %)AT+RX1DL=?|(% style="width:128px" %)Get the delay.|(% style="width:122px" %)1000((( 796 +OK 797 +))) 798 +|(% style="width:155px" %)AT+RX1DL=1500|(% style="width:128px" %)Set the delay.|(% style="width:122px" %)OK((( 799 + 800 +))) 801 + 802 +== 7.11 Receive Delay2 == 803 + 804 +Feature: Get or Set the delay between the end of the Tx and the Rx Window 2 in ms 805 + 806 +{{info}} 807 +**AT Command:AT+RX2DL** 808 +{{/info}} 809 + 810 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:481.222px" %) 811 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 478px;" %)AT+RX2DL 812 +|(% style="width:175px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:152px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:150px" %)**Response** 813 +|(% style="width:175px" %)AT+RX2DL=?|(% style="width:152px" %)Get the delay.|(% style="width:150px" %)2000((( 814 +OK 815 +))) 816 +|(% style="width:175px" %)AT+RX2DL=2500|(% style="width:152px" %)Set the delay.|(% style="width:150px" %)OK((( 817 + 818 +))) 819 + 820 +== 7.12 Rx2 Window Data Rate == 821 + 822 +Feature: Get or Set the Rx2 window data rate (0-7 corresponding to DR_X) 823 + 824 +{{info}} 825 +**AT Command:AT+RX2DR** 826 +{{/info}} 827 + 828 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:525.222px" %) 829 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 522px;" %)AT+RX2DR 830 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:232px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:130px" %)**Response** 831 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+RX2DR=?|(% style="width:232px" %)Get the Rx2 window data rate.|(% style="width:130px" %)2((( 832 +OK 833 +))) 834 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+RX2DR=6|(% style="width:232px" %)Set the Rx2 window data rate.|(% style="width:130px" %)OK((( 835 + 836 +))) 837 + 838 +== 7.13 Rx2 Window Frequency == 839 + 840 +Feature: Get or Set the Rx2 window frequency 841 + 842 +{{info}} 843 +**AT Command:AT+RX2FQ** 844 +{{/info}} 845 + 846 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:587.222px" %) 847 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 584px;" %)AT+RX2FQ 848 +|(% style="width:183px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:240px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:160px" %)**Response** 849 +|(% style="width:183px" %)AT+RX2FQ=?|(% style="width:240px" %)Get the Rx2 window frequency.|(% style="width:160px" %)434665000((( 850 +OK 851 +))) 852 +|(% style="width:183px" %)AT+RX2FQ=434665000|(% style="width:240px" %)Set the Rx2 window frequency.|(% style="width:160px" %)OK((( 853 + 854 +))) 855 + 856 +== 7.14 Transmit Power == 857 + 858 +Feature: Get or Set the Transmit Power(0-5, MAX:0, MIN:5, according to LoRaWAN Spec, or 40=10dB, 41 = 11dB, …, 50 = 20dB which is out of LoRaWAN spec. ) 859 + 860 +{{info}} 861 +**AT Command:AT+TXP** 862 +{{/info}} 863 + 864 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:465.222px" %) 865 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 462px;" %)AT+TXP 866 +|(% style="width:161px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:189px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:112px" %)**Response** 867 +|(% style="width:161px" %)AT+TXP=?|(% style="width:189px" %)Get the Transmit Power.|(% style="width:112px" %)0((( 868 +OK 869 +))) 870 +|(% style="width:161px" %)AT+TXP=1|(% style="width:189px" %)Set the Transmit Power.|(% style="width:112px" %)OK((( 871 + 872 +))) 873 + 874 +Downlink Payload. The 4th byte of 0x22 downlink. 875 + 876 +If the downlink payload=22000100, it means setting the TXP to 0. 877 + 878 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **22000102** ~/~/ Set AT+TXP=2. 879 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: **220000FF** ~/~/ Set AT+TXP=0. 880 + 881 +== 7.15 RSSI of the Last Received Packet == 882 + 883 +Feature: Get or Set the Rx2 window frequency 884 + 885 +{{info}} 886 +**AT Command:AT+RSSI** 887 +{{/info}} 888 + 889 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:557.222px" %) 890 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 554px;" %)AT+RSSI 891 +|(% style="width:164px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:289px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:100px" %)**Response** 892 +|(% style="width:164px" %)AT+RSSI=?|(% style="width:289px" %)Get the RSSI of the last received packet.|(% style="width:100px" %)0((( 893 +OK 894 +))) 895 + 896 +== 7.16 SNR of the Last Received Packet == 897 + 898 +Feature: Get the SNR of the last received packet 899 + 900 +{{info}} 901 +**AT Command:AT+SNR** 902 +{{/info}} 903 + 904 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:571.222px" %) 905 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 568px;" %)AT+SNR 906 +|(% style="width:164px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:290px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:113px" %)**Response** 907 +|(% style="width:164px" %)AT+SNR=?|(% style="width:290px" %)Get the RSSI of the last received packet.|(% style="width:113px" %)0((( 908 +OK 909 +))) 910 + 911 +== 7.17 Application Port == 912 + 913 +Feature: Get or set the application port. 914 + 915 +{{info}} 916 +**AT Command: AT+PORT** 917 +{{/info}} 918 + 919 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:500.222px" %) 920 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 497px;" %)AT+PORT 921 +|(% style="width:157px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:204px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:135px" %)**Response** 922 +|(% style="width:157px" %)AT+PORT=?|(% style="width:204px" %)Get the application port|(% style="width:135px" %)21((( 923 +OK 924 +))) 925 +|(% style="width:157px" %)AT+PORT=21|(% style="width:204px" %)Set the application port|(% style="width:135px" %)OK 926 + 927 +{{info}} 928 +**Downlink Command: 0x23** 929 +{{/info}} 930 + 931 +Format: Command Code (0x23) followed by 1 bytes port value. 932 + 933 +If the downlink payload=2301, it means set the application port to 1, while type code is 23. 934 + 935 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **2301** ~/~/ set the application port to 1 936 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload:** 2305** ~/~/ set the application port to 5 937 + 938 +== 7.18 Single Channel Mode == 939 + 940 +Feature:Get or Set Frequency (Unit: Hz) for Single Channel Mode. 941 + 942 +{{info}} 943 +**AT Command: AT+CHS** 944 +{{/info}} 945 + 946 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:603.222px" %) 947 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 600px;" %)AT+CHS 948 +|(% style="width:182px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:295px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:122px" %)**Response** 949 +|(% style="width:182px" %)AT+CHS=?|(% style="width:295px" %)Get Frequency for Single Channel Mode|(% style="width:122px" %)0((( 950 +OK 951 +))) 952 +|(% style="width:182px" %)AT+CHS=868100000|(% style="width:295px" %)Set Frequency for Single Channel Mode|(% style="width:122px" %)OK 953 + 954 +== 7.19 Eight Channel Mode == 955 + 956 +Feature: Get or Set eight channels mode,Only for US915,AU915,CN470. 957 + 958 +{{info}} 959 +**AT Command: AT+CHE** 960 +{{/info}} 961 + 962 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:710.222px" %) 963 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 707px;" %)AT+CHE 964 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:198px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:349px" %)**Response** 965 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+CHE=?|(% style="width:198px" %)Get eight channels mode|(% style="width:349px" %)1((( 966 +902.3 902.5 902.7 902.9 903.1 903.3 903.5 903.7 967 + 968 +OK 969 +))) 970 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+CHE=1|(% style="width:198px" %)Set eight channels mode|(% style="width:349px" %)OK 971 + 972 +{{info}} 973 +**Downlink Command: 0x24** 974 +{{/info}} 975 + 976 +Format: Command Code (0x24) followed by 1 bytes channel value. 977 + 978 +If the downlink payload=2401, it means set channel mode to 1, while type code is 24. 979 + 980 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: 2401 ~/~/ set channel mode to 1 981 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: 2405 ~/~/ set channel mode to 5 982 + 983 +== 7.20 Get or Set RXwindows1 timeout == 984 + 985 +Feature:Get or Set the number of symbols to detect and timeout from RXwindow1(0 to 255). 986 + 987 +{{info}} 988 +**AT Command: AT+RX1WTO** 989 +{{/info}} 990 + 991 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:460.222px" %) 992 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 457px;" %)AT+ RX1WTO 993 +|(% style="width:163px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:201px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:93px" %)**Response** 994 +|(% style="width:163px" %)AT+RX1WTO=?|(% style="width:201px" %)Get RXwindows1 timeout|(% style="width:93px" %)14((( 995 +OK 996 +))) 997 +|(% style="width:163px" %)AT+RX1WTO=60|(% style="width:201px" %)Set RXwindows1 timeout|(% style="width:93px" %)OK 998 + 999 +((( 1000 +**AT+RX1TWO** is theRxSingle timeout value of receive window 1. If it is not set, then the queriedvalue is the default value. If it is set, then the queried value is the setvalue. AT+RX2TWO is thesame as above. The definitionof RxSingle timeout is as described in the following paragraph. 1001 +))) 1002 + 1003 +[[image:image-20220526162535-1.png]] 1004 + 1005 +((( 1006 +Increasing thisvalue is equal to extending the time that the receiving window is opened, butthe corresponding power consumption will also increase. Properly increasingthis value can increase the success rate of the downlink. 1007 + 1008 + 1009 +))) 1010 + 1011 +== 7.21 Get or Set RXwindows2 timeout == 1012 + 1013 +Feature:Get or Set the number of symbols to detect and timeout from RXwindow2(0 to 255). 1014 + 1015 +{{info}} 1016 +**AT Command: AT+RX2WTO** 1017 +{{/info}} 1018 + 1019 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:497.222px" %) 1020 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 494px;" %)AT+ RX2WTO 1021 +|(% style="width:190px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:199px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:104px" %)**Response** 1022 +|(% style="width:190px" %)AT+RX2WTO=?|(% style="width:199px" %)Get RXwindows2 timeout|(% style="width:104px" %)7((( 1023 +OK 1024 +))) 1025 +|(% style="width:190px" %)AT+RX2WTO=20|(% style="width:199px" %)Set RXwindows2 timeout|(% style="width:104px" %)OK 1026 + 1027 +== 7.22 Setting up uplinkdwelltime (as923, au915) == 1028 + 1029 +Feature: Get or Set uplinkdwelltime 1030 + 1031 +{{info}} 1032 +**AT Command: AT+DWELLT** 1033 +{{/info}} 1034 + 1035 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:497.222px" %) 1036 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 494px;" %)AT+DWELLT 1037 +|(% style="width:183px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:179px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:131px" %)**Response** 1038 +|(% style="width:183px" %)AT+DWELLT=?|(% style="width:179px" %)Get uplinkdwelltime|(% style="width:131px" %)1((( 1039 +OK 1040 +))) 1041 +|(% style="width:183px" %)AT+DWELLT=0|(% style="width:179px" %)Set uplinkdwelltime|(% style="width:131px" %)OK 1042 + 1043 +{{info}} 1044 +**Downlink Command: 0x25** 1045 +{{/info}} 1046 + 1047 +Format: Command Code (0x25) followed by 1 bytes state value. 1048 + 1049 +If the downlink payload=2501, it means set uplinkdwelltime to 1, while type code is 25. 1050 + 1051 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **2501** ~/~/ set uplinkdwelltime to 1 1052 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: **2500** ~/~/ set uplinkdwelltime to 0 1053 + 1054 +== 7.23 Set Packet Receiving Response Level == 1055 + 1056 +Feature: Get or Set packet receiving response level. This feature is used to set compatible with different LoRaWAN servers. If RPL doesn;t match , user will see strange message in the server portal. 1057 + 1058 +RPL value: 1059 + 1060 +* **AT+RPL=0:** Device won't immediately reply any downlink commands from platform. 1061 +* **AT+RPL=1:** Device will immediately reply message to Unconfirmed Data Down. Payload is 0x00. 1062 +* **AT+RPL=2:** Device will immediately reply message to Confirmed Data Down. Payload is 0x00 and requied response header for this command. 1063 +* **AT+RPL=3:** Device will immediately reply message to MAC Command. Payload is 0x00 and requied response header for this command. 1064 +* **AT+RPL=4: **Device will immediately reply message to Confirmed Data Down & MAC Command. Payload is 0x00 and requied response header for these two commands. 1065 + 1066 +Case Analyes: 1067 + 1068 +* For Class A devices, AT+RPL=0 is ok. that is defaut settings in software. 1069 +* For Class C devices used in ChirpStack, need to set AT+RPL=4 because Chirpstack require immedietely reply message to MAC Command. 1070 +* For Class C devices used in TTI, need to set AT+RPL=4 because TTI require immediately reply message to Confirmed Data Down & MAC Command. 1071 + 1072 +{{info}} 1073 +**AT Command: AT+RPL** 1074 +{{/info}} 1075 + 1076 +(% border="1" style="background-color:#ffffcc; color:green; width:536.222px" %) 1077 +|=(% colspan="3" style="width: 533px;" %)AT+RPL 1078 +|(% style="width:160px" %)**Command Example**|(% style="width:263px" %)**Function**|(% style="width:109px" %)**Response** 1079 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+RPL=?|(% style="width:263px" %)Get packet receiving response level|(% style="width:109px" %)1((( 1080 +OK 1081 +))) 1082 +|(% style="width:160px" %)AT+RPL=0|(% style="width:263px" %)Set packet receiving response level|(% style="width:109px" %)OK 1083 + 1084 +{{info}} 1085 +**Downlink Command: 0x21** 1086 +{{/info}} 1087 + 1088 +Format: Command Code (0x21) followed by 1 bytes level value. 1089 + 1090 +If the downlink payload=2101, it means set packet receiving response level to 1, while type code is 21. 1091 + 1092 +* **Example 1**: Downlink Payload: **2101** ~/~/ set packet receiving response level to 1 1093 +* **Example 2**: Downlink Payload: **2102** ~/~/ set packet receiving response level to 2 1094 + 1095 += 8. AT Commands Combination = 1096 + 1097 +== 8.1 Set a fix RX2DR for downlink window == 1098 + 1099 +* **AT+ADR=0 **~-~-> Disable ADR first 1100 +* **AT+RX2DR=xxxx** ~-~-> Set xxxx to your wanted DataRate 1101 + 1102 +== 8.2 Use Downlink Command to set a fix uplink DR == 1103 + 1104 +{{info}} 1105 +**Downlink Command: 0x22000500** 1106 +{{/info}} 1107 + 1108 +Same as: 1109 + 1110 +* AT+ADR=0 [[Reference>>||anchor="H7.1AdaptiveDataRate"]] 1111 +* AT+DR=5 [[Reference>>||anchor="H7.4DataRate"]] 1112 +* AT+TXP=0 [[Reference>>||anchor="H7.14TransmitPower"]]
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