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Xiaoling 1.2 1 = Introduction =
Xiaoling 1.1 2
Xiaoling 1.2 3 Since firmware** lgw-5.4.1609393379 (build Thu Dec 31 13:42:59 CST 2020)** , the dragino gateway support Auto-Provision feature.
Xiaoling 1.1 4
Xiaoling 1.2 5 Auto-Provision feature is used to batch config gateways. It can be used for below cases:
Xiaoling 1.1 6
Xiaoling 1.2 7 * Upload configure files to new gateway, without access to the gateway.
8 * Execute scripts on gateway, without access to the gateway.
9 * Auto change configure or execute commands on gateways remotely.
Xiaoling 1.1 10
Xiaoling 1.2 11 The document for the Auto-Provisioning is here: [[http:~~/~~/www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LG308-LG301/Firmware/Application_Note/&file=Auto-update-feature.pdf>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LG308-LG301/Firmware/Application_Note/&file=Auto-update-feature.pdf]]
Xiaoling 1.1 12
Xiaoling 1.2 13 And Video Instruction is here: [[https:~~/~~/www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDC2eRUkDss>>url:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDC2eRUkDss]]
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