Last modified by Xiaoling on 2024/12/18 14:57

     Table of Contents:

1.  AVNET/IOTConnect

1.1  What is IoTConnect

IoTConnect is a secured, cloud-based enterprise IoT and AI platform. It simplifies the complex. It jumpstarts the development of IoT-enabled systems, turning real-time data into actionable value-driven insights. It enables making an informed decision quickly, consequently sparking innovation.

IoTConnect brings IoT hardware, software, applications, data analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities. It comes with a feature-rich tool kit that is easy to use and significantly reduces complexity, cost and time-to-market.

In this guide, you will learn how to connect a dragino gateway to the LNS solution provided by AVNET/IOTConnect.

1.2 Login or crate an account

Login or crate an accountto get started with IoTConnect and start using IoTConnect Console.

Once you have an account,get started by following steps for adding Gateway,Device and Intergrations.

1.3  List the support products and Requirements

LoRaWAN Gateway model: Existing Gateway

2. Configure Gateway connection to IoTConnect

Below list the support products and Requirements:

  1.  LoRaWAN Gateway model:   LIG16LG308DLOS8LPS8LPS8N,LG308N ,DLOS8N ,LPS8V2

What do you need to prepare?

A gateway that can access the internet normally.

For more information, please refer to the official IOTConnect documentation: Wireless Device – docs.iotconnect.io

Step 1. Log in IoTConnect

Log in to your dashboard at Avnet / IOTConnect login


Step 2. Create a template

To create a template for your organization:

  1. From the left navigation, mouseover the Devices module. In the middle and toward the down, select Templates.
  2. Along the top and toward the right, select Create Template.
  3. Enter data in the following fields:
    • Template Code: Enter a unique code for the template. Once entered, you cannot change.
    • Template Name: Enter a unique name for the template.
    • Authentication Type: We offer a X.509 authentication to secure online communications and verify the identity of individuals or devices on a network.
    • Device Message Version: Select the device message version. The platform displays the data type while editing a template based on a device message version.

       4. Click Save to create a template.



Attributes are device properties that you want a template’s devices to measure. It can be anything from temperature, humidity, luminosity, wattage, to CO2 concentration.


Step 3. Create a LoRaWAN Gateway

To create a LoRaWAN gatway device for your organization:

  1. From the left navigation, mouseover the Devices module. Click Wireless Device.
  2. Along the bottom center toward the left, select LoRaWAN gateway.
  3. Enter data in the following fields:


    • Gateway Name: Enter the display name for a Gateway device.
    • EUI Code: Provide the gateway EUI that you identified in the previous section.You can find it either on a sticker at the back of the device or in the Web UI > LoRaWAN--Basic station
    • Frequency Band: Choose a frequency band for the geographic region e.g. US915 for North America, EU868 for Europe.

Once you create and store gateway credentials, you will get the certificate file under the zip to onboard your gateway. Upload the following files to your gateway:

  • <gateway id>.cert.pem: Gateway device certificate file.
  • <gateway id>.private.key: Gateway device private key file.


     4. CUPS URI and LNS URI can be found on the Settings-->Key Vaylt interface

     5. Download Server Trust Certificates



​Step 4. Access the gateway GUI

To configure the gateway, access it via the Web UI. To learn how to do that, refer to the Quick Start Guide for each gateway.

Users need to fill in the LNS URI and upload the Certificate.


​Step 5. Configure Station

Users need to fill in the CUPS URI, LNS URI and upload the Certificate.

Note: The uploaded Private Key and Cert Pem cannot be displayed and the Service Provider does not have AVNET/IOTConnect, we will fix and add it in the next firmware release

Users can now use Amazon IoT Basic Station for testing.


Trouble Shooting

User can check the station log in the LogRead --> System Log page.


and recode the station log in the LogRead  -->  Recode Log page.


3.  Configure LoRaWAN node connection to IoTConnect

Following is an example for how to join the IoTConnect LoRaWAN Network.

The gateway is already set up to connect to the IoTConnect, so we now need to configure the IoTConnect server.

We take LHT65N as an example.

Create a device in Chirp Wireless with the OTAA keys from LHT65N.

Each LHT65N is shipped with a sticker with the default device EUI as below:


To create a LoRaWAN device for your organization:

  1. From the left navigation, mouseover the Devices module. Click Wireless Device.
  2. Along the top and toward the right, select Create Device.
  3. Enter data in the following fields:


  • Transmission type: Select for LoRaWAN.
  • Unique ID: Enter the unique ID of a device.
  • Display Name: Enter the display name for a device.
  • Device Profile Name: A descriptive name of your choice for this profile, e.g. “Workshop device profile of “.
  • DevEUI: Unique identifier assigned by the manufacturer.
  • AppEUI: Shared secret between device and the application.
  • AppKey: Uniquely identifies a join server (was renamed to JoinEUI in OTAA v.1.1).
  • Max EIRP: Please enter the default value 15.
  • Class Specification: Select your choice of Class A, Class B, Class C.
  • Gateway: Select the associate gateway.
  • Mac version: This parameter should specify the most recent version of LoRaWAN specification supported by your device. Unless device documentation states otherwise, please select 1.0.3.
  • Regional Parameters Version: Please select RP002-1.0.1, unless specified otherwise in your device documentation.
  • Device Manufacturer:Select your device OEM.
  • Entity: Select the entity for your device.
  • Template: Select the template for your device.
  • Notes: You can add required notes for a device.

When the lorawan node successfully connects to IoTConnect, the user can check in the Live Data interface


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