Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

This page list the default frequency band for Dragino End Devices. The frequency bands are base on TTN Frequency Bands. User can modify upgrade firmware to support different frequency band or use AT Command to change the sub band in some frequency bands.

2. OTAA Join Behaviour

Since 005 LoRaWAN stack: One device boot or reset, it will

Since 005 LoRaWAN Stack:

3. Default Frequency Bands

3.1 AS923

3.1.1 Notice for AS923 Frequency Bands

Since RP002-1.0.1LoRaWAN Regional Parameters, AS923 include three different default settings for different countries: AS923-1, AS923-2 and AS923-3.

AS923-1 use the same default uplink frequency as previous AS923 firmware. AS923-2 and AS923-3 are new with different default uplink frequency. User need to know exactly the frequency bands from the LoRaWAN server and choose the right firmware version for the end node.

3.1.2 AS920-923 & AS923-925 : AS923-1 (AS923)

3.1.3 AS923-2

3.1.4 AS923-3

3.1.5 AS923-4

3.2 AU915-928(AU915)

Before Dragino DLS-005 LoRaWAN Stack , Default use CHE=2

There is a issue if the end node is fixed at sub-band2. The sensor won't be able to register to other sub-band and can only works for the LoRaWAN server use sub-band2 , such as TTN. To solve this, user need to use a USB-TTL adapter to connect to the end node to manually set the sub-band which is very inconvinient.

So since Since Dragino DLS-005 LoRaWAN Stack, To make sure the end node supports all sub band by default. In the OTAA Join process, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join.

After Join success, the end node will switch to the correct sub band by:

3.3 CN470-510 (CN470)

Used in China, Default use CHE=1

3.4 EU863-870 (EU868)

OTAA RX2DR is set to DR0, SF12BW125 since 2021,Mar for Dragino Devices.

3.5 IN865-867 (IN865)

Gateway has below eight channels in IN865 bands.

3.6 KZ865

3.7 KR920-923 (KR920)

3.8 MA869

       Country: Morroco

3.9 US902-928 (US915)

Used in USA, Canada and South America.

3.9.1 Before Dragino DLS-005 LoRaWAN Stack.

Default use CHE=2, Subband 2

3.9.2 Latest firmware, Since Dragino DLS-005 LoRaWAN Stack

There is an issue if the end node is fixed at sub-band2. The sensor won't be able to register to other sub-band and can only work for the LoRaWAN server use sub-band2 , such as TTN. To solve this, the user needs to use a USB-TTL adapter to connect to the end node to manually set the sub-band which is very inconvenient.

So since Since Dragino DLS-005 LoRaWAN Stack, we have improved this, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join. In this case, the end node can support LoRaWAN servers with different subbands. To make sure the end node will only transmit the proper sub-band after OTAA Joined successfully, the end node will:

4. Frequency Bands for different server

5. Subband Related questiones in US915, AU915, CN470 bands.

Frequency band US915, AU915 and CN470 supports totally 72 frequency in 8 sub-bands, Normally Gateway only support 8 channels ( one subband). So how does the gateway and end nodes work in such frequency?

5.1 Set Subband in Gateway.

5.2 Set Subband in End Node

Reference: How it affects the OTAA Join when end node is set to support all subbands?