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Xiaoling 108.4 1 **~ Table of Contents:**
Xiaoling 1.2 2
Xiaoling 1.1 3 {{toc/}}
Xiaoling 86.4 5
Xiaoling 108.4 8 = 1.  Introduction =
Xiaoling 1.1 9
Xiaoling 108.4 10
Kilight Cao 53.1 11 (% style="color:black" %)The ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server stack provides open-source components for LoRaWAN networks And the Chirpstack supports the users in building a private LoRaWAN Server. For more info please refer to this [[link>>url:https://www.chirpstack.io/]]
Xiaoling 1.1 12
Xiaoling 1.5 13 (((
Kilight Cao 51.1 14 (% style="color:black" %)The dragino gateway can connect the ChirpStack server via Semtech UDP or Semtech Basic Station.
Xiaoling 108.4 15
Xiaoling 1.5 17 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 18
Xiaoling 108.4 19 (% style="color:blue" %)**Prerequisite:**
Xiaoling 1.1 20
Xiaoling 108.4 21 **1) Have a Chirstack Server.**
Xiaoling 1.1 22
Xiaoling 54.2 23 [[image:image-20220525100058-1.png]]
Xiaoling 1.1 24
Xiaoling 1.2 25 ChirpStack home page
Xiaoling 1.1 26
Xiaoling 54.2 27
Xiaoling 1.1 28
Xiaoling 108.4 29 **2) Gateway model support**
Xiaoling 1.2 31 (% class="box" %)
32 (((
Xiaoling 1.5 33 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 34 Semtech UDP : **All Model**
Xiaoling 108.4 35 Basic Station : [[LIG16>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/171-lig16.html]], [[LG308>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/140-lg308.html]], [[DLOS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/160-dlos8.html]] [[LPS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/148-lps8.html]]
36 (% style="color:red" %)**Note** (%%): the firmware needs >[[lgw~~-~~-build-v5.4.1640315898>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Release/]]  if use the Bais station
Xiaoling 1.2 37 )))
Xiaoling 1.5 38 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 39
Xiaoling 86.5 40
Xiaoling 108.4 42 = 2.  Semtech UDP =
Xiaoling 1.1 43
Xiaoling 108.4 44 == 2.1  Step 1. Add the Network-servers ==
Xiaoling 1.1 45
Xiaoling 108.4 46
Xiaoling 1.2 47 The network-Servers address varies depending on the ChirpStack server setup environment
Xiaoling 1.1 48
Xiaoling 1.3 49 (% class="box" %)
50 (((
Xiaoling 108.5 51 Windows       ~-~->  Network-server server *  :  localhost:8000
52 Linux  ~-~->  Network-server server *  :  chirpstack-network-server:8000
Xiaoling 1.3 53 )))
Xiaoling 1.1 54
Xiaoling 108.4 55
Xiaoling 108.6 56 (% style="color:red" %)**If the user cannot add network-Servers, re-check the ChirpStack code or the server building process.**
Xiaoling 1.1 57
Xiaoling 108.4 58
Xiaoling 87.2 59 [[image:image-20220531171609-1.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 60
61 Add the Network-servers
Xiaoling 84.2 63
Xiaoling 108.4 64
Xiaoling 108.6 65 == 2.2  Step 2. Create Gateway-profiles ==
Xiaoling 1.2 66
Xiaoling 108.6 67
Xiaoling 88.2 68 [[image:image-20220531171651-2.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 69
70 Create Gateway-profiles
Xiaoling 84.2 72
Xiaoling 1.2 73
Xiaoling 108.6 74 == 2.3  Step 3. Create Service-profiles ==
Xiaoling 89.2 77 [[image:image-20220531171809-3.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 78
79 Create Service-profiles
Xiaoling 89.3 81
Xiaoling 1.2 82 In Step 3. Create Service-profiles, the above parameters can be set. If necessary, you can set them by yourself. This is only an example.
Xiaoling 1.4 84 (% style="color:red" %)**Note : Before add the gateway, the user needs to complete the preceding three steps.**
Xiaoling 1.2 85
Xiaoling 84.2 86 If the user has completed the preceding steps, proceed to the next step.(% style="display:none" %)
Xiaoling 1.2 87
Xiaoling 84.2 88
Xiaoling 108.6 89
Xiaoling 108.7 90 == 2.4  Step 4. Add the gateway ==
Xiaoling 1.2 91
Xiaoling 108.7 92
Xiaoling 1.2 93 The example gateway id is: a840411e96744150
Xiaoling 1.5 95 (((
Xiaoling 1.4 96 (% style="color:red" %)**Note : The Gateway EUI and server addresses must match the ChirpStack configuration.**
Xiaoling 108.7 97
Xiaoling 1.5 99 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 100
Xiaoling 90.2 101 [[image:image-20220531171923-4.png]](% style="display:none" %)
Xiaoling 1.2 102
103 Add the gateway
Xiaoling 108.7 105
Xiaoling 91.2 107 [[image:image-20220531172031-5.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 108
109 Configure the gateway
Xiaoling 84.2 111
Xiaoling 1.2 112
Xiaoling 108.8 113 == 2.5  Step 5. Checking gateway Status ==
Xiaoling 92.2 116 [[image:image-20220531172158-6.png]](% style="display:none" %)
Xiaoling 1.2 117
Xiaoling 84.2 118
Xiaoling 108.8 119
Xiaoling 1.2 120 gateway Status
Xiaoling 93.2 122 [[image:image-20220531172304-7.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 123
124 gateway Status
Xiaoling 86.6 126
Xiaoling 108.8 127
Xiaoling 108.9 128 = 3.  Gateway Registration for Basics Station =
Xiaoling 1.2 129
Xiaoling 108.9 130 == 3.1  Introduction ==
Kilight Cao 9.1 131
Xiaoling 108.8 132
Kilight Cao 9.1 133 The [[Semtech Basic Station>>url:https://doc.sm.tc/station/]] backend implements the [[LNS protocol>>url:https://doc.sm.tc/station/tcproto.html]]. It exposes a WebSocket handler to which Basic Station powered gateways can connect.
135 ChirpStack Open-Source LoRaWAN® Network Server needs to set up a configuration that can use Semtech BasicStation.
Xiaoling 108.8 138 (% style="color:blue" %)**Below list the support products and Requirements:**
Kilight Cao 9.1 140 1. LoRaWAN Gateway model: [[LIG16>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/171-lig16.html]], [[LG308>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/140-lg308.html]], [[DLOS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/160-dlos8.html]] ,[[LPS8>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora-lorawan-gateway/item/148-lps8.html]]
141 1. Firmware version since :[[lgw~~-~~-build-v5.4.1651822913>>url:https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_Gateway/LPS8/Firmware/Test_Firmware/lgw--build-v5.4.1651822913-20220506-1543/]]
Xiaoling 108.8 143 (% style="color:blue" %)**How to set up chirpStack Basic Station**
Kilight Cao 9.1 145 Users can check out the ChirpStack Basic Station [[link>>https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/backends/basic-station/]] and [[forum>>https://forum.chirpstack.io/search?q=basic%20station]]
Xiaoling 108.8 148 (% style="color:blue" %)**What do you need to prepare**
Kilight Cao 9.1 150 A gateway that can access the internet normally
Xiaoling 86.7 152
Xiaoling 108.9 153 == 3.2  Add Gateway ==
Kilight Cao 9.1 154
Xiaoling 108.9 155
Xiaoling 20.2 156 [[image:image-20220524164205-10.png]]
Kilight Cao 9.1 157
Xiaoling 86.8 158
Xiaoling 108.9 159 == 3.3  Access the gateway GUI ==
Kilight Cao 9.1 160
Xiaoling 108.9 161
Kilight Cao 9.1 162 Access the gateway GUI interface of LoRaWAN~-~->LoRaWAN ~-~- Basic Station
Xiaoling 20.2 164 [[image:image-20220524164319-11.png]]
Kilight Cao 9.1 165
Xiaoling 108.9 166
Kilight Cao 9.1 167 User need to Choose the ChirpStack/Senet ~-~- Basic Station , input Server URI and Upload the TLS Certificate
169 (% class="box" %)
170 (((
171 Service Provider  ~-~->  Choose the ChirpStack/Senet ~-~- Basic Station
173 LNS URI  ~-~->  Enter the LNS URI address, For example : wss:~/~/xxxx.chirpstack.com:433 or ws:~/~/xxxx.chirpstack.com:3001
175 LNS TLS trust  ~-~->  Upload the TLS Certificate
176 )))
178 (% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
Xiaoling 20.2 179 [[image:image-20220524164341-12.png]]
Kilight Cao 9.1 180
Xiaoling 86.9 181
Xiaoling 108.9 182 == 3.4  Start Station ==
Kilight Cao 9.1 183
Xiaoling 108.9 184
Xiaoling 108.14 185 When the user has finished the configuration, Please click **Sace&Apply** to start station to connect ChirpStack.
Kilight Cao 9.1 186
Xiaoling 86.10 187
Xiaoling 108.9 188 == 3.5  Successful Connection ==
Kilight Cao 9.1 189
Xiaoling 108.9 190
Kilight Cao 9.1 191 If user completes the above steps, which will see live date in the ChirpStack.
Xiaoling 23.2 193 [[image:image-20220524164448-13.png]]
Kilight Cao 9.1 194
Xiaoling 86.11 195
Xiaoling 108.9 196 == 3.6  Trouble Shooting ==
Kilight Cao 9.1 199 User can check the station log in the logread/system log page.
Xiaoling 95.2 201 [[image:image-20220531172837-8.png]]
Kilight Cao 9.1 202
Xiaoling 86.13 203
Kilight Cao 9.1 204 and recode the station log in the system/Recode log page.
Xiaoling 95.2 206 [[image:image-20220531172857-9.png]]
Kilight Cao 9.1 207
Xiaoling 86.12 208
Kilight Cao 124.1 209 = 4. How the gateway connects to Chirpstack v4 via gateway-bridge =
Xiaoling 108.9 210
Xiaoling 1.2 211
Kilight Cao 124.1 212 === 4.1 Configure Packet Forwarder ===
Xiaoling 1.2 213
Kilight Cao 124.1 214 In the Dragino gateway web interface, you need to configure the Packet Forwarder so that it forwards its data to the port. localhost:1700 or
Xiaoling 121.2 215
Kilight Cao 124.1 216 * In the **LoRaWAN** menu, click on **LoRaWAN ~-~- Semtech UDP**
217 * Make sure the following settings are set:
218 ** **Service Provider:** //~-~-Custom/Private LoRaWAN~-~-//
219 ** **LoRaWAN Server Address:** //localhost or
220 ** **Server port for upstream:** //1700//
221 ** **Server port for downstream:** //1700//
223 Click **Save & Apply**.
225 [[image:image-20221222114220-2.png||height="748" width="931"]]
228 4.2
230 [[image:image-20221222113302-1.png]]
232 = 5.  Downlink =
234 == 5.1 Convert HEX to Base64 ==
Edwin Chen 111.1 237 (% style="color:red" %)**Note: Chirpstack uses base64 to downlink, the end node user manual provides HEX format of the downlink commands. So user needs to convert the HEX to Base64.**
Xiaoling 108.9 238
Xiaoling 121.2 239 **[[Online HEX to Base64 Converter>>https://base64.guru/converter/encode/hex]]:**
Edwin Chen 111.1 240
241 [[image:image-20221010193350-1.png]]
Xiaoling 121.2 245 **[[Online Base64 to Hex converter>>https://base64.guru/converter/decode/hex]]**
Edwin Chen 111.1 247 [[image:image-20221010193621-2.png]]
Kilight Cao 124.1 250 == 5.2  Chirpstack Downlink Note ==
Edwin Chen 111.1 251
Xiaoling 108.2 253 [[image:image-20220601102543-2.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 254
Xiaoling 121.2 255 **Convert the data to Base64**
Xiaoling 1.2 256
Xiaoling 121.2 257 (% style="display:none" %) (%%)
Xiaoling 86.14 258
Xiaoling 1.2 259
Xiaoling 121.2 260 [[image:image-20220531173236-10.png||height="597" width="1215"]]
Xiaoling 1.2 261
Xiaoling 121.2 262 **Check ChripStack downlink DataRate**
Xiaoling 86.15 263
Xiaoling 121.2 264
Xiaoling 65.2 266 [[image:image-20220525101326-11.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 267
Xiaoling 121.2 268 **Make sure the RX2DR is the same in the end node**
Xiaoling 1.2 269
Xiaoling 86.16 270
Kilight Cao 124.1 271 == 5.3  Loraserver Downlink Note ==
Xiaoling 108.9 272
Xiaoling 1.2 274 User can use MQTT to send downlink payload to ChirpStack to perform downstream to LoRaWAN End
Xiaoling 1.5 276 (((
Xiaoling 108.9 277 **Below is examples:**
Xiaoling 1.5 278 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 279
Xiaoling 1.4 280 (% class="box" %)
281 (((
282 Connect to your server via MQTT:
283 MQTT Client ID: Any   
284 Protocol:mqtt/tcp   Server IP:loraserver_ip:1883
Xiaoling 1.2 285 User name: User name Password: password
Xiaoling 1.4 286 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 287
Xiaoling 97.2 288 [[image:image-20220531173419-11.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 289
Xiaoling 1.5 290 (((
Xiaoling 121.2 291 **MQTT Connect to ChirpStack**
Xiaoling 86.17 292
Xiaoling 108.9 293
Xiaoling 86.17 294
Xiaoling 1.5 295 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 296
Xiaoling 1.5 297 (((
Xiaoling 108.9 298 **After connect**
Xiaoling 1.5 299 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 300
Xiaoling 1.4 301 (% class="box" %)
302 (((
303 Subscribe : Format:application/ID/device/ Device EUI/rx
Xiaoling 1.2 304 Example: application/7/device/00aedb3da649cb23/rx
Xiaoling 1.4 305 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 306
Xiaoling 1.4 307 (% class="box" %)
308 (((
309 Publish:
Xiaoling 1.2 310 Format: Top: application/ID/device/ Device EUI/tx
311 Payload: {"confirmed":true or false,"fPort":XX,"data":"xxxx"}
312 Example: Top: application/7/device/00aedb3da649cb23/tx
313 Payload: {"confirmed":true,"fPort":2,"data":"AwEB"}
Xiaoling 1.4 314 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 315
Xiaoling 98.2 316 [[image:image-20220531173519-12.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 317
Xiaoling 121.2 318 **MQTT Connect to ChirpStack**
Xiaoling 1.2 319
Xiaoling 86.18 320
Xiaoling 121.2 321 **If we want to send downstream hex 030101 to end node, the BASE64 payload is AwEB**
Xiaoling 1.2 322
Xiaoling 100.2 323 [[image:image-20220531173658-14.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 324
Xiaoling 108.9 325
Xiaoling 1.5 326 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 327 Downlink payload encode javescript code: 可以在网站上运行以下Javsscript代码:
Xiaoling 1.5 328 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 329
Xiaoling 1.4 330 (% class="box" %)
331 (((
332 function sha1_to_base64(sha1)
Xiaoling 1.2 333 {
334 var digits="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
335 var base64_rep = "";
336 var cnt = 0;
337 var bit_arr = 0;
338 var bit_num = 0;
Xiaoling 1.5 339 \\ for(var n = 0; n < sha1.length; ++n)
Xiaoling 1.2 340 {
341 if(sha1[n] >= 'A' && sha1[n] <= 'Z')
342 {
Jean-Philippe Gagné 121.1 343 ascv = sha1.charCodeAt( n ) - 55;
Xiaoling 1.2 344 }
345 else if(sha1[n] >= 'a' && sha1[n] <= 'z')
346 {
Jean-Philippe Gagné 121.1 347 ascv = sha1.charCodeAt( n ) - 87;
Xiaoling 1.2 348 }
349 else
350 {
Jean-Philippe Gagné 121.1 351 ascv = sha1.charCodeAt( n ) - 48;
Xiaoling 1.2 352 }
Xiaoling 1.5 353 \\ bit_arr = (bit_arr << 4) | ascv;
Xiaoling 1.2 354 bit_num += 4;
355 if(bit_num >= 6)
356 {
Xiaoling 1.4 357 bit_num -= 6;        
Xiaoling 1.2 358 base64_rep += digits[bit_arr >>> bit_num];
Xiaoling 1.4 359 bit_arr &= ~~(-1 << bit_num);
Xiaoling 1.2 360 }
361 }
Xiaoling 1.5 362 \\ if(bit_num > 0)
Xiaoling 1.2 363 {
364 bit_arr <<= 6 - bit_num;
365 base64_rep += digits[bit_arr];
366 }
Xiaoling 1.5 367 \\ var padding = base64_rep.length % 4;   
368 \\ if(padding > 0)
Xiaoling 1.2 369 {
370 for(var n = 0; n < 4 - padding; ++n)
371 {
372 base64_rep += "=";
373 }
374 }
375 return base64_rep;
376 }
Xiaoling 1.5 377 \\console.log(sha1_to_base64("data"));
378 \\data is downlink payload required by end node.
Xiaoling 1.4 379 e.g console.log(sha1_to_base64("030101"));
380 ​result: AwEB     
Xiaoling 1.2 381 AwEB is the 0x030101's base 64 Encode.
Xiaoling 1.5 382 \\​e.g console.log(sha1_to_base64("030000"));
Xiaoling 1.4 383 ​result: AwAA     
384 AwAA is 0x030000's base 64 Encode.
385 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 386
Xiaoling 86.21 387
Xiaoling 1.2 388
Xiaoling 108.9 389 == 4.3  Add the decode function in Chirpstack for the payload ==
Xiaoling 1.2 392 User enters the payload code according to the steps.
Xiaoling 121.2 394 [[image:image-20220531173754-15.png||height="474" width="1334"]]
Xiaoling 1.2 395
Xiaoling 102.2 397 [[image:image-20220531173856-16.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 398
Xiaoling 102.2 399
Xiaoling 106.2 400 [[image:image-20220531174120-20.png]]
Xiaoling 84.2 401
Xiaoling 105.2 402 [[image:image-20220531174046-19.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 403
Xiaoling 86.22 404
Kilight Cao 124.1 405 = 6.  Multiply Uplink in ChirpStack =
Xiaoling 108.9 406
Xiaoling 1.4 408 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 409 nbtrans field is the value to determine the re-transmission time for unconfirmed uplink data.
Xiaoling 1.4 410 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 411
Xiaoling 1.4 412 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 413 ChirpStack will auto adjust nbtrans according to uplink rssi. [[link to source>>url:https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-network-server/blob/master/internal/adr/adr.go]]
Xiaoling 108.9 414
Xiaoling 1.4 416 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 417
Xiaoling 121.2 418 [[image:image-20220526091912-7.png||height="241" width="1336"]]
Xiaoling 1.2 419
Xiaoling 108.9 420
Xiaoling 1.5 421 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 422 nbtrans is a field of ADR message, in unconfirm mode, it tells end node how many time it needs to transmit for every frame.
Xiaoling 108.9 423
Xiaoling 1.5 425 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 426
Xiaoling 76.2 427 [[image:image-20220525104359-21.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 428
Xiaoling 1.4 429 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 430 Above behaviour will cause the platform shows below two cases of error:
Xiaoling 108.9 431
Xiaoling 1.4 433 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 434
Xiaoling 1.4 435 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 436 Error of duplicate Frame Counter
Xiaoling 1.4 437 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 438
Xiaoling 76.2 439 [[image:image-20220525104437-22.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 440
Xiaoling 86.23 441
Xiaoling 108.9 442
Xiaoling 121.2 443 **Duplicate transmission in short time**
Xiaoling 1.2 444
Xiaoling 121.2 445 [[image:image-20220601102430-1.png||height="598" width="1319"]]
Xiaoling 1.2 446
Xiaoling 86.24 447
Xiaoling 1.2 448
Kilight Cao 124.1 449 == 6.1  Solution ==
Xiaoling 108.9 450
Xiaoling 1.2 452 This example uses the Windows version as a template, other versions can refer to this. Similiar reference: [[https:~~/~~/confluence.alitecs.de/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=79790102#content/view/79790102>>url:https://confluence.alitecs.de/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=79790102#content/view/79790102]]
Xiaoling 108.9 454
Xiaoling 1.5 455 (((
Xiaoling 108.11 456 (% style="color:blue" %)**1.  Install the GO compilation environment: Download the corresponding version of the Go compiler at [[https:~~/~~/go.dev/dl/>>url:https://go.dev/dl/]] and install it.**
Xiaoling 108.9 457
Xiaoling 1.5 459 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 460
Xiaoling 79.2 461 [[image:image-20220525104532-24.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 462
Xiaoling 86.25 463
Xiaoling 108.9 464 **installation path:**
Xiaoling 1.2 465
Xiaoling 79.2 466 [[image:image-20220525104554-25.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 467
Xiaoling 86.25 468
Xiaoling 108.9 469
Xiaoling 1.5 470 (((
Xiaoling 108.11 471 (% style="color:blue" %)**2.  Environment variable settings:**
Xiaoling 1.5 472 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 473
Xiaoling 1.5 474 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 475 1) Open Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables and add a "new" system variable:
Xiaoling 1.5 476 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 477
Xiaoling 1.5 478 (((
Xiaoling 108.9 479 2) Set the variable name GOROOT and the variable value C:\Go\ (installation directory)
Xiaoling 1.5 480 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 481
Xiaoling 43.2 482 [[image:image-20220524165433-33.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 483
Xiaoling 86.26 484
Xiaoling 108.9 485 3) Modify the system variable Path and add C:\Go\bin\:
Xiaoling 1.2 486
Xiaoling 43.2 487 [[image:image-20220524165452-34.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 488
Xiaoling 106.3 489
Xiaoling 1.2 490 User variable setting file generation directory: D:\go:
Xiaoling 43.2 492 [[image:image-20220524165517-35.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 493
Xiaoling 86.27 494
Xiaoling 1.2 495
Xiaoling 108.11 496 (% style="color:blue" %)**3.  Modify the ADR configuration file according to your own needs, adr.setting.go is an example of the ADR configuration file.**
Xiaoling 108.9 497
Xiaoling 1.2 498 The name of the plugin: Example ADR plugin:
Xiaoling 48.2 500 [[image:image-20220524165540-36.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 501
502 Set Nbtrans: Nbtrans=1 (Nbtrans is the number of retransmissions, if it is 1, no retransmission, it is recommended to be 1). To enable it, you need to uncomment.
Xiaoling 48.2 504 [[image:image-20220524165557-37.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 505
Xiaoling 86.28 506
Xiaoling 1.2 507
Xiaoling 108.11 508 (% style="color:blue" %)**4.  Compile the ADR configuration file and generate the exe file.**
Xiaoling 108.9 509
Xiaoling 1.2 510 1) Create a folder named adr-setting
512 2) Open the adr-setting folder
514 3) Put adr.setting.go in this folder.
516 4) Open the computer cmd and run the following commands in sequencecd adr-setting
518 go mod init adr-setting
520 go get github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-network-server/v3/adr
522 go get github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin
524 go get adr-setting
526 go build
528 5) Finally generate this file:
Xiaoling 48.2 530 [[image:image-20220524165623-38.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 531
Xiaoling 86.29 532
Xiaoling 1.2 533
Xiaoling 108.11 534 (% style="color:blue" %)**5.  Add the plugin and run the plugin.**
Xiaoling 108.9 535
Xiaoling 1.5 536 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 537 The exe file generated in the previous step is placed in the same root directory as chirpstack-network-server.toml, and the ADR plugin is added to the toml file. The location of the addition is as follows:
Xiaoling 1.5 538 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 539
Xiaoling 48.2 540 [[image:image-20220524165641-39.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 541
Xiaoling 1.4 542 (((
Xiaoling 1.5 543 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 544 For example: adr_plugins=[“adr-setting”]
Xiaoling 1.4 545 )))
Xiaoling 1.5 546 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 547
Xiaoling 1.4 548 * (((
Xiaoling 1.5 549 (((
Xiaoling 1.4 550 Adding a single plugin format is adr_plugins=["filename"]
551 )))
Xiaoling 1.5 552 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 553
Xiaoling 1.4 554 * (((
Xiaoling 1.5 555 (((
Xiaoling 1.4 556 Adding multiple plugins The format is adr_plugins=["file name 1", "file name 2",...]
557 )))
Xiaoling 1.5 558 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 559
Xiaoling 1.4 560 (((
Xiaoling 1.5 561 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 562 Finally, re-run chirpstack-network-server.exe, and then select the plugin you just compiled in Device-profiles,
Xiaoling 1.4 563 )))
Xiaoling 1.5 564 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 565
Xiaoling 79.2 566 [[image:image-20220525104647-26.png]]
Xiaoling 1.2 567
568 Finish.
Xiaoling 86.30 570
Kilight Cao 124.1 571 = 7.  How to store/get all data traffic for a specific sensor, including raw payload, and uplink/ downlink history. =
Xiaoling 108.9 572
Xiaoling 1.2 573
Xiaoye 115.1 574 All data is published to the MQTT topics. if you want to store/get the data, you would have to create an MQTT handler and store the data yourself.
Xiaoling 1.2 575
Xiaoye 115.1 576 This example will be shown how to store/get all the data in two ways:
Xiaoling 108.9 577
Xiaoye 115.1 578 **//1). Chirpstack ~-~-> Node-red//**
Xiaoye 117.1 581 [[image:image-20221012184501-1.png]]
Xiaoye 115.1 582
Xiaoling 121.2 583
Xiaoye 120.1 584 Use MQTT in Nore-red to subscribe to topics published by the chirpstack-application and then continuously write to a file
Xiaoye 115.1 585
586 [[image:image-20221012174220-2.png]]
Xiaoye 120.1 589 [[image:image-20221012184655-3.png||height="395" width="1049"]]
Xiaoling 121.2 592 **Each message is continuously logged to a specified file**
Xiaoye 115.1 593
594 [[image:image-20221012174352-3.png]]
597 **//2). MQTT  Sub//**
599 If you don't want to store the information via node-red, you can get the output via the subscribe command.
602 **If connecting from the same machine, you can use the following command to receive data:**
604 (% class="box infomessage" %)
Xiaoling 1.4 605 (((
Xiaoye 115.1 606 mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "application/#" -v
607 )))
610 **Different host**
612 (% class="box infomessage" %)
613 (((
614 mosquitto_sub -h IPADDRESS -p 8883 ~-~-insecure ~-~-cafile ca.pem ~-~-cert cert.pem ~-~-key key.pem -t "application/#" -v
615 )))
617 [[image:image-20221012173639-1.png]]
Kilight Cao 124.1 620 = 8.  Trouble Shooting =
Xiaoye 115.1 621
Kilight Cao 124.1 622 == 8.1  MIC Mismatch or MIC Failed ==
Xiaoye 115.1 623
625 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 626 When the device is registered or the device is working normally, the problem of MIC mismatch and MIC failed occurs.
Xiaoling 1.4 627 )))
Xiaoling 1.2 628
Xiaoling 1.4 629 (((
Xiaoling 1.2 630 Under normal circumstances, users need to change the APPKEY to solve this problem.
Xiaoling 1.4 631 )))
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