From version < 1.19 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/05/12 16:20
To version < 2.2 >
edited by Xiaoling
on 2022/05/12 16:32
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
19 19  * LIG16
20 20  * MS14 series if installed with the same firmware. (in this case, the MQTT forward will work , but no LoRa support)
21 21  
22 -
23 23  = 2. Firmware Change Log for MQTT feature =
24 24  
25 25  (((
... ... @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
29 29  * LG02_LG08-5.3.1580178039
30 30  ** Initiate version
31 31  
32 -
33 33  = 3. MQTT forward operating principle =
34 34  
35 35  == 3.1 Network Structure ==
... ... @@ -139,8 +139,7 @@
139 139  root@dragino-1ec39c:~~# mosquitto_pub ~-~-help
140 140  mosquitto_pub is a simple mqtt client that will publish a message on a single topic and exit.
141 141  mosquitto_pub version 1.6.4 running on libmosquitto 1.6.4.
142 -
143 -Usage: mosquitto_pub {[-h host] [-p port] [-u username] [-P password] -t topic | -L URL}
140 +\\Usage: mosquitto_pub {[-h host] [-p port] [-u username] [-P password] -t topic | -L URL}
144 144   {-f file | -l | -n | -m message}
145 145   [-c] [-k keepalive] [-q qos] [-r] [~-~-repeat N] [~-~-repeat-delay time]
146 146   [-A bind_address]
... ... @@ -158,8 +158,7 @@
158 158   [~-~-property command identifier value]
159 159   [-D command identifier value]
160 160   mosquitto_pub ~-~-help
161 -
162 --A : bind the outgoing socket to this host/ip address. Use to control which interface
158 +\\-A : bind the outgoing socket to this host/ip address. Use to control which interface
163 163   the client communicates over.
164 164  -d : enable debug messages.
165 165  -D : Define MQTT v5 properties. See the documentation for more details.
... ... @@ -215,8 +215,7 @@
215 215  ~-~-proxy : SOCKS5 proxy URL of the form:
216 216   socks5h:~/~/[username[:password]@]hostname[:port]
217 217   Only "none" and "username" authentication is supported.
218 -
219 -See https:~/~/mosquitto.org/ for more information.
214 +\\See https:~/~/mosquitto.org/ for more information.
220 220  )))
221 221  
222 222  
... ... @@ -227,38 +227,31 @@
227 227  (% class="box" %)
228 228  (((
229 229  # Call MQTT Publish command
230 -
231 -# 1. Case with User, Password and Client ID present  (e.g. Azure)
225 +\\# 1. Case with User, Password and Client ID present  (e.g. Azure)
232 232  if [ ! -z "$pass" ] && [ ! -z "$user" ] && [ ! -z "$clientID" ]; then
233 233  case="1" 
234 234  mosquitto_pub $D -h $server -p $port -q $pub_qos -i $clientID -t $pub_topic -u $user -P "$pass" $C $cafile $PUB_FLAG "$mqtt_data"
235 -
236 -# 2. Case with Certificate, Key and ClientID present (e.g. AWS)
229 +\\# 2. Case with Certificate, Key and ClientID present (e.g. AWS)
237 237  elif [ ! -z "$certfile" ] && [ ! -z "$key" ] && [ ! -z "$clientID" ]; then
238 238  case="2" 
239 239  mosquitto_pub $D -h $server -p $port -q $pub_qos -i $clientID -t $pub_topic ~-~-cert $cert ~-~-key $key $C $cafile $PUB_FLAG "$mqtt_data"
240 -
241 -# 3. Case with no User, Certificate or ClientID present
233 +\\# 3. Case with no User, Certificate or ClientID present
242 242  elif [ -z "$user" ] && [ -z "$certfile" ] && [ -z "$clientID" ]; then
243 243  case="3" 
244 244  mosquitto_pub $D -h $server -p $port -q $pub_qos -t $pub_topic $PUB_FLAG "$mqtt_data"
245 -
246 -# 4. Case with no User, Certificate, but with ClientID present
237 +\\# 4. Case with no User, Certificate, but with ClientID present
247 247  elif [ -z "$user" ] && [ -z "$certfile" ] && [ ! -z "$clientID" ]; then
248 248  case="4" 
249 249  mosquitto_pub $D -h $server -p $port -q $pub_qos -i $clientID -t $pub_topic $PUB_FLAG "$mqtt_data"
250 -
251 -# 5. Case with User and ClientID present, but no Password and no Certificate present
241 +\\# 5. Case with User and ClientID present, but no Password and no Certificate present
252 252  elif [ -z "$pass" ] && [ -z "$certfile" ] && [ ! -z "$user" ] && [ ! -z "$clientID" ]; then
253 253  case="5" 
254 254  mosquitto_pub $D -h $server -p $port -q $pub_qos -i $clientID -t $pub_topic -u $user $PUB_FLAG "$mqtt_data"
255 -
256 -# 6. Case with User and Password present, but no ClientID and no Certificate present
245 +\\# 6. Case with User and Password present, but no ClientID and no Certificate present
257 257  elif [ ! -z "$user" ] && [ ! -z "$pass" ] && [ -z "$clientID" ] && [ -z "$certfile" ]; then
258 258  case="6" 
259 259  mosquitto_pub $D -h $server -p $port -q $pub_qos  -t $pub_topic -u $user -P "$pass" $PUB_FLAG "$mqtt_data"
260 -
261 -# 0. Else - invalid parameters, just log
249 +\\# 0. Else - invalid parameters, just log
262 262  else
263 263  case="Invalid parameters" 
264 264  logger "[IoT.MQTT]:Invalid Parameters - mosquitto_pub not called."
... ... @@ -383,7 +383,9 @@
383 383  )))
384 384  
385 385  
374 +(((
386 386  Below is a simulation to put this data to active the MQTT publish.
376 +)))
387 387  
388 388  [[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/3/30/MQTT_Command_11.png/600px-MQTT_Command_11.png||height="308" width="600"]]
389 389  
... ... @@ -426,13 +426,21 @@
426 426  
427 427  === 4.5.1 Use LoRa Raw protocol for communication ~-~- For LG01/LG02 ===
428 428  
419 +(((
429 429  We can use [[LoRa Shield>>url:http://www.dragino.com/products/lora/item/102-lora-shield.html]] to send LoRa Raw data to Gateway and receive data from gateway.
421 +)))
430 430  
423 +(((
431 431  The example Sketch for LoRa Shield +Arduino is here: [[LoRa_Shield_Sketch_For_MQTT>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoraShield/]]
425 +)))
432 432  
427 +(((
433 433  And this link is the required library: [[arduino-LoRa-master>>url:http://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=LoraShield/]]. Unzip this library and put in Arduino library location.
429 +)))
434 434  
431 +(((
435 435  What does the Arduino Sketch do? The Arduino Sketch will:
433 +)))
436 436  
437 437  * Upstream: Keep sending a LoRa Message every minutes with this payload : <4567>tem=xx&hum=yy (Where xx and yy are temperature and humidity value generated randomly).
438 438  * Downstream: Listening broadcast message from gateway, and print it in console.
... ... @@ -456,25 +456,31 @@
456 456  
457 457  === 4.5.2 Use LoRaWAN Protocol for communication ~-~- For LG308/LPS8/DLOS8 ===
458 458  
459 -Since firmware LG02_LG08~-~-build-v5.3.1585192026-20200326-1109, Dragino LoRaWAN gateways support the communication to LoRaWAN ABP end node locally without the need of LoRaWAN server. This feature allow us to integrate MQTT in the gateway to support LoRaWAN to MQTT forwarding or visa verse.
457 +(((
458 +Since firmware (% class="mark" %)**LG02_LG08~-~-build-v5.3.1585192026-20200326-1109,**(%%) Dragino LoRaWAN gateways support the communication to LoRaWAN (% class="mark" %)**ABP end node**(%%) locally without the need of LoRaWAN server. This feature allow us to integrate MQTT in the gateway to support LoRaWAN to MQTT forwarding or visa verse.
459 +)))
460 460  
461 -When use test this feature, please use the version higher then : LG02_LG08~-~-build-v5.4.1593400722-20200629-1120, in this version, the upload format is changed and readable, which is easier for integration.
461 +(((
462 +When use test this feature, please use the version higher then : (% class="mark" %)**LG02_LG08~-~-build-v5.4.1593400722-20200629-1120**(%%), in this version, the upload format is changed and readable, which is easier for integration.
463 +(% class="mark" %)**Video Instruction**(%%):[[https:~~/~~/youtu.be/qJTY441-t90>>url:https://youtu.be/qJTY441-t90]]
464 +)))
462 462  
466 +(((
467 +**Step 1**: Refer [[Communicate with ABP End Node>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/Communication_with_ABP_End_Node]] to know how to set up LG308 to work with LoRaWAN End node.
468 +)))
463 463  
470 +(((
471 +**Step 2**: Make sure your Radio settings match the End Node settings.
472 +)))
464 464  
465 -Video Instruction:[[https:~~/~~/youtu.be/qJTY441-t90>>url:https://youtu.be/qJTY441-t90]]
466 -
467 -
468 -Step 1: Refer [[Communicate with ABP End Node>>url:https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php/Communication_with_ABP_End_Node]] to know how to set up LG308 to work with LoRaWAN End node.
469 -
470 -Step 2: Make sure your Radio settings match the End Node settings.
471 -
472 472  [[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/f/f7/LG308_MQTT_5.png/600px-LG308_MQTT_5.png||height="387" width="600"]]
473 473  
474 474  Use Same Frequency Band as End Node
475 475  
476 476  
477 -Step 3: Set up publish format and MQTT channel. The LG308 will store the Data from End node in HEX format in the file. And we need to config the format to META
479 +(((
480 +**Step 3**: Set up publish format and MQTT channel. The LG308 will store the Data from End node in HEX format in the file. And we need to config the format to META
481 +)))
478 478  
479 479  [[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/8/8d/LG308_MQTT_3.png/600px-LG308_MQTT_3.png||height="385" width="600"]]
480 480  
... ... @@ -531,7 +531,6 @@
531 531  )))|=(% style="width: 242px;" %)(((
532 532  [[image:https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/3/3b/Lewei50.png/200px-Lewei50.png||alt="Lewei50.png" height="65" width="223"]]
533 533  
534 -(% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
535 535  == ==
536 536  
537 537  == [[乐联网平台>>url:https://www.lewei50.com/]] ==
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