Lorawan-server by Petr Gotthard

Version 25.1 by Kilight Cao on 2022/05/27 11:34


1. Introduction

This is an Open Source LoRaWAN server from https://github.com/gotthardp/lorawan-server.

2. Support Devices

All current LoRaWAN gateway can support the connection to this LoRaWAN server. Some gateway models have this lorawan server built-in by default. They are:

  • HP0A
  • HP0C
  • LPS8v2

If for some reason, if the above model doesn't have this lorawan server in it. Users can install them manually.

2.1 Install lorawan server in Armbian System:

Check if you have the Armbian system.

Run command:

   uname -a
   cat /etc/debian_version 


Install lorawan server

Run command:


At this point, lorawan-server is installed

2.1 How do start lorawan-Server

Setting the automatic startup and start/stop lorawan-server via systemctl

If users want the server to start automatically after system reboot, run the command:

   systemctl enable lorawan-server

start/stop lorawan-server via systemctl:

   systemctl start lorawan-server
   systemctl stop lorawan-server


By default, the server listens on HTTP port 8080 and expects "admin" as both username and password. Users can access it via a web browser by entering the URL, where is the IP or the hostname of your server.  http://ip_address:8080

3. Configure Gateway

3.1 Register Gateway





lorawan-server set up

4. Configure Sensors

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