Wiki source code of Compatible NB Provider

Version 3.2 by Xiaoling on 2022/05/30 08:46

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1 = Compatible NB Provider =
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6 Here list the tested info collected from Dragino Customer for NB IoT products. More compatible can see module vendor link:
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10 Module: BC95-G: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] Product:[[NBSN95>>url:]]
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13 (% border="1" style="width:738px" %)
14 |=(% style="width: 135px;" %)Country/Area|=(% style="width: 120px;" %)Operator|=(% style="width: 105px;" %)Band|=(% style="width: 157px;" %)NB Module BC95-G|=(% style="width: 140px;" %)NB Module BG96|=(% style="width: 77px;" %)Notice
15 |(% style="width:135px" %)China|(% style="width:120px" %)China Telecom|(% style="width:105px" %)B5 850Mhz|(% style="width:157px" %)Yes|(% style="width:140px" %)Yes|(% style="width:77px" %)
16 |(% style="width:135px" %)China|(% style="width:120px" %)China Unicom|(% style="width:105px" %)B8 900Mhz|(% style="width:157px" %)Yes|(% style="width:140px" %)Yes|(% style="width:77px" %)
17 |(% style="width:135px" %)China|(% style="width:120px" %)China Mobile|(% style="width:105px" %)B8 900Mhz|(% style="width:157px" %)Yes|(% style="width:140px" %)Yes|(% style="width:77px" %)
18 |(% style="width:135px" %)China HongKong|(% style="width:120px" %)China Mobile|(% style="width:105px" %)B3 1800Mhz|(% style="width:157px" %)Yes|(% style="width:140px" %)Yes|(% style="width:77px" %)
19 |(% style="width:135px" %)Slovenia|(% style="width:120px" %)A1 Mobile|(% style="width:105px" %)B3 1800Mhz|(% style="width:157px" %)Yes|(% style="width:140px" %) |(% style="width:77px" %)
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